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The planktonic larval durations of a preliminary sample of one hundred species of wrasses from both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans were estimated with the use of the daily otolith-increment aging-technique. Larval durations were determined by counting the number of daily increments between the center of the otolith and the mark corresponding to settlement. The duration of the planktonic larval phase of wrasses appears to be extremely variable between species, ranging from 15 d in Diproctacanthus xanthurus to 121 d in a specimen of Thalassoma ballieui. Larval durations within species were also variable, especially in species with relatively long durations. Congeners tended to have similar larval durations and similar otolith-increment characteristics. Hawaiian and Eastern Pacific species had longer larval durations than their Caribbean or Western Pacific congeners. Similarly, Hawaiian populations had significantly longer larval durations than their Western Pacific conspecifics. The implications of these findings for biogeographical studies are discussed.  相似文献   

The social behavior and ecology of two wrasses common off the coast of Florida (USA), Halichoeres maculipinna and H. garnoti, were studied from late 1975 to mid-1977. Individuals were tagged by means of subcutaneous injection of colored dyes, and the behavior and movements of such tagged fish were noted for as long as 7 months. H. maculipinna appear to be harem-forming, with large and colorful dominant males vigorously defending year-round territories occupied by several subordinate, non-spawning males and several dozen initial-phase fish, most of which are females. The initial-phase fish roam in large, heterospecific feeding aggregates, with each herd remaining in a relatively small joint home range. In contrast, both large colorful and small initial-phase H. garnoti roam as individuals and maintain large, broadly overlapping home ranges. Spawning is apparently promiscuous. Differences in the social systems of the two species appear to reflect differences in their diets and the distribution of food for each on the reef. The behaviors of H. maculipinna and H. garnoti are also compared with those of other studied labrids, with respect to the roles of (1) subordinate males, (2) male-specific color patterns, and (3) factors affecting the success of primary males.  相似文献   

We tested whether vicariance or dispersal was the likely source of speciation in the genus Clepticus by evaluating the evolutionary timing of the effect of the mid-Atlantic barrier, which separates C. brasiliensis and C. africanus, and the Amazon barrier, which separates C. parrae and C brasiliensis. Genetic data from three mitochondrial genes and one nuclear gene were used. Mitochondrial genes separated Clepticus into three well supported clades corresponding to the three recognized allopatric morpho-species. All analyses provided consistent support for an initial separation (~9.68 to 1.86 mya; 4.84% sequence divergence) of the Caribbean and South Atlantic lineages, followed by a much more recent divergence (~ 0.60 to 0.12 mya; 0.3% sequence divergence) of the Brazilian and African sister morpho-species. Both these phylogenetic events occurred well after the formation of the two barriers that currently separate those three allopatric populations. The planktonic larval duration of these species (35–49 days) and coastal pelagic habits may have facilitated dispersal by this genus across those dispersal barriers after they formed.  相似文献   

The results of an analysis of 16 laboratory records of Torpedo marmorata Risso attacks are presented: when a fish swims near a T. marmorata at rest, the latter jumps and simultaneously immobilizes the prey by its electric organ discharge (EOD). A water stream is used to direct the paralysed prey beneath its disc before swallowing. The attack is made if the prey swims at short distance ( 4 cm); height and direction of the jump are related to the position of the prey. The EOD, interrupted during the jump, reappears when the prey moves under the disc of T. marmorata, and ceases before swallowing. The strength of the EOD is sufficient to break the vertebral column of the prey. The possible receptor organs involved in this behaviour are presumed to be lateral line organs and touch detectors: the former to localize the prey before the jump, the latter to detect it under the disc. Evolutionary convergence of the prey capture behaviour of Torpedo, Malapterurus, and Electrophorus is also discussed.Supported by Research Grant No. 659440 from the Direction de Recherches et Moyens d'Essais (D.R.M.E.) to Dr. T. Szabo.Dr. Bauer's stay in France was sponsored by a N.A.T.O. and a D.F.G. research fellowship.  相似文献   

Summary The webs of Miagrammopes animotus have a simple structure and variable form. However, both the length of their lines and the total surface area of their capture threads are closely associated with spider size. These spiders' ability to deposit both linear and looped cribellar capture threads along a web's diverging capture lines plays an important role in establishing these relationships. Looped capture threads have the greater surface area and are more prominent in the webs of older spiders where they increase a web's surface area and enhance its ability to retain prey. The predicted performance of these webs is supported by comparisons of the stickiness of their threads and a survey of the prey their owners capture. Cribellar thread stickiness increases with spider size, and larger spiders capture prey that have greater masses.  相似文献   

Method for comparing the capture efficiency of benthic sampling devices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Traditional comparisons between the capture efficiency of sampling devices have generally looked at the absolute differences between devices. We recommend that the signal-to-noise ratio be used when comparing the capture efficiency of benthic sampling devices. Using the signal-to-noise ratio rather than the absolute difference has the advantages that the variance is taken into account when determining how important the difference is, the hypothesis and minimum detectable difference can be made identical for all taxa, it is independent of the units used for measurement, and the sample-size calculation is independent of the variance. This new technique is illustrated by comparing the capture efficiency of a 0.05 m2 van Veen grab and an airlift suction device, using samples taken from Heron and One Tree lagoons, Australia.  相似文献   

Gorgonians are passive suspension feeders, contributing significantly to the energy flow of littoral ecosystems. More than in active suspension feeders (such as bivalves, ascidians and sponges) their prey capture is affected by spatial and temporal prey distribution and water movement. Corallium rubrum is a characteristic gorgonian of Mediterranean sublittoral hard bottom communities. This study found a high variability in the annual cycle of prey capture rate, prey size and ingested biomass, compared to other Mediterranean gorgonians. Detrital particulate organic matter (POM) was found throughout the year in the polyp guts and constituted the main proportion of the diet (25–44%). Crustacean fragments and copepods (14–46%) accounted for the second major proportion, while invertebrate eggs (9–15%) and phytoplankton (8–11%) constituted the smallest part of the diet. To verify the importance of detrital POM in the energy input of this precious octocoral species, in situ experiments were carried out during the winter–spring period. The results confirm the importance of detrital POM as the main source of food for C. rubrum [0.13±0.04 μg C polyp−1 h−1 (mean±SD)]. This study also compares the prey capture rates of two colony size classes and two depth strata: Within the same patch, small colonies (<6 cm height) captured significantly more prey per polyp (0.038±0.09 prey polyp−1 h−1) than larger colonies (>10 cm high) (0.026±0.097 prey polyp−1 h−1) and showed a higher proportion of polyps containing prey (17% compared to 10%). Comparing colonies of similar size (<6 cm height) revealed that the colonies situated at 40 m depth captured significantly more prey (0.038±0.09 prey polyp−1 h−1) than the ones at 20 m (0.025±0.11 prey polyp−1 h−1). One pulse of copepods was recorded that constituted 16% of all captured prey during the 15-month period studied in one of the sampled populations. The data suggest that the variability of hydrodynamic processes may have a higher influence on the feeding rate than seasonal changes in the seston composition. The carbon ingestion combined with data on the density of the exploited population results in 0.4–9.6 mg C m−2 day−1. The grazing impact of current, heavily exploited and small-sized populations is comparable to that of larger Mediterranean gorgonians, suggesting that unexploited red coral populations may have a high impact compared with other passive suspension feeders.  相似文献   

K. Raskoff 《Marine Biology》2002,141(6):1099-1107
Narcomedusae are the most common group of medusae in the mesopelagic depths of Monterey Bay, California. Numerous capture events of various prey taxa were recorded in situ and analyzed using the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute's remotely operated vehicle "Ventana". In situ video analysis of the stomach contents of 82 Solmissus incisa and S. marshalli revealed 88 identifiable prey items. Most (88%) were gelatinous animals. Of these gelatinous prey, 60.3% were ctenophores, 20.5% were cnidarians, 12.8% were salps, 3.8% were chaetognaths, and 2.6% were polychaetes. Euphausiids accounted for 11.4% of the diet, but they were probably captured adventitiously, as the gut contents of ctenophore prey. The tentacle-first foraging behavior of the narcomedusae is an effective way to capture large, comparatively fast-moving prey, because the fluid disturbance caused by swimming is decoupled from the area of prey capture. This behavior contrasts with the prevailing models of feeding behavior in medusae. Stealth predation may be the dominant mode of capturing prey by medusae in the mesopelagic depths of the oceans.  相似文献   

Aurelia aurita medusae are able to catch their prey with their entire body surface. Catch efficiency in medusae caught in Kiel harbour in May 1985 was found to be highest at the tentacles and lowest at the subumbrella. Surface structures of the medusa as well as the cnidom are described by SEM observations. Microbasic heterotrichous euryteles and atrichous isorhizas were found. Discharged nematocysts on the prey's skin indicate different functions of the two types. The villi in the gastral cavity show a characteristic morphological differentiation that consists of a ciliated distal and a basal area covered by vesicles. Four types of glandular cells were identified by TEM observations. Mucous cell types preferably occur in densely ciliated areas. The presence of serous cells is restricted to the basal region of the gastral villi and gastral cavity where the extracellular predigestion takes place. The time of food passage in young medusae of A. aurita decreases from 19 h at 4°C to 4 h at 22°C.  相似文献   

Animal structures come at material, energetic, time, and expression costs. Some orb-web spiders add three-dimensional barrier structures to their webs, but many do not. Predator protection is considered to be the principal benefit of adding these structures. Accordingly, it remains paradoxical why some orb-web spiders might construct the barriers while others do not. Here, we experimentally determined whether the barrier structure added to the horizontal orb web of the spider Cyrtophora moluccensis deters predators at the cost of reducing the amount of prey captured in the field. We conducted experiments by day and night to assess whether the effects vary with the time of day. We found that the three-dimensional barriers not only offered protection from predatory wasps by day but also enhanced the amount of prey captured by day and night. Moreover, the barrier structure appears particularly useful at catching moths, the largest and most energetically profitable prey that it encounters. We, therefore, concluded that reducing the energetic and time costs associated with producing and depositing extra silk threads is the principal reason why barrier structures are used intermittently among orb-web spiders.  相似文献   

I. Onofri 《Marine Biology》1987,95(1):153-155
In 1983 curred horns were detected in the rare Adriatic Sea fish Xyrichtys novacula (Linnaeus, 1758). Their dimensions and histological structures have been investigated. This observation, compared with previous occurrences, suggested the existence of heteromorphism within this species.  相似文献   

Wrasses are abundant reef fishes and the second most speciose marine fish family, yet little is known of their larval swimming abilities. In August 2010 at Moorea, Society Islands, we measured swimming ability (critical speed, Ucrit) of 80 settlement-stage larvae (11–17 mm) of 5 labrid species (Thalassoma quinquevittatum [n = 67], Novaculichthys taeniourus [n = 6], Coris aygula [n = 5], Halichoeres trimaculatus [n = 1] and H. hortulanus [n = 1]) and 33 new recruits of T. quinquevittatum. Median (mdn) larval Ucrit was 7.6–12.5 cm s−1. In T. quinquevittatum (n = 67), larvae of 12.5–14.5 mm swam faster (mdn 16.9 cm s−1) than smaller or larger larvae (mdn 3.9 and 3.2 cm s−1, respectively). Labrid larvae Ucrit is similar to that of other similar-sized tropical larvae, so labrids and species with comparable settlement sizes should have similar abilities to influence dispersal. Ucrit of T. quinquevittatum recruits decreased to 47–56% of larval Ucrit in 2 days, implying rapid physiological changes at settlement.  相似文献   

The mechanism of prey capture in two syngnathid fishes, the lined seahorse Hippocampus erectus (Perry) and the dusky pipefish Syngnathus floridae (Jordan and Gilbert), is described based on anatomical observations and high-speed video recordings (200 and 400 images s−1) of feeding events by four seahorses and three pipefish. The fish were collected near Turkey Point, Florida, U.S.A., in January 1994 to March 1995. The dominant features of the morphology of these and many other syngnathiform fishes include extreme elongation of the suspensorium and neurocranium with a small mouth located at the anterior tip of the head. In the seahorse, a preparatory phase of prey capture consisted of slow ventral head flexion. This was followed by rapid elevation of the head and snout as the prey was drawn into the mouth by suction. Both H. erectus and S. floridae capture prey rapidly, with peak head excursions and mouth opening occurring within 5 to 7 ms of the onset of the strike. There was no upper jaw protrusion. In both species the time to recovery of the cranium and hyoid apparatus to resting positions was highly variable but took at least 500 ms. Manipulations of freshly dead specimens indicated a biomechanical linkage between head elevation and hyoid depression. However, the predictions of a previously proposed four-bar linkage model that couples hyoid depression to head elevation were not fully supported by kinematic data from one seahorse, suggesting that additional linkages act during the expansive phase of prey capture. These species exhibit the generalized kinematic pattern of prey capture in bony fishes, with head elevation, hyoid depression and mouth opening occurring almost simultaneously. The derived morphology results in a unique feeding behav‐ior, in which prey are captured during a sudden up-swing of the head, which brings the mouth to the prey. Suction is used to draw the prey into the buccal cavity. Received: 4 August 1996 / Accepted: 27 August 1996  相似文献   

A. S. Grutter 《Marine Biology》1999,135(3):545-552
The dynamics of infestation by parasitic juveniles of gnathiid isopods were investigated at Lizard Island in the summer of 1997/1998 to determine when, and at what rate, they infest fishes. Variation in gnathiid abundance on wild-caught fish (Hemigymnus melapterus) between dawn and sunset was examined, and unparasitized H. melapterus in cages were exposed to gnathiids in the field for 4 h (8 h for fish sampled at 06:00 h) at five different times of the day and night (10:00, 14:00, 18:00, 22:00, 06:00 hrs) on three reefs. To control for any potential effect of the cleaner-fish Labroides dimidiatus, which consumes large numbers of gnathiids each day, sampling was carried out on reefs from which all cleaner-fish had been removed. Gnathiid abundance decreased during the day. Standardized abundance per wild-caught fish was 1.9 times higher at dawn than at sunset. Gnathiids successfully infested fish in cages. Sixty-one percent of the fish in cages were infested with ≥1 gnathiids, with 51% of the fish having between 1 and 4 gnathiids after 4 h exposure. Gnathiids infested fish both day and night. The log10 (abundance +1) of gnathiids per caged fish varied significantly between time periods, with higher gnathiid numbers on fish sampled at 18:00, 22:00, and 06:00 hrs than on fish sampled at 10:00 and 14:00 hrs. In contrast to gnathiid abundance on wild-caught fish, the number of gnathiids on caged fish sampled at sunset was as high as that at dawn. The estimated mean (SE) cumulative number of gnathiids per caged fish [mean size = 13.7 cm (±0.25)] per day was 7.8 (1.1); this is similar to the estimated mean number of 7.3 gnathiids on similar-sized wild-caught fish at 6:00 hrs. The high infestation rate of gnathiids on caged fish in the late afternoon contrasted with the low numbers on wild-caught fish at this time, suggesting that factors other than infestation behaviour may be responsible for the low numbers of gnathiids on wild-caught fish in the afternoon. Received: 19 August 1998 / Accepted: 1 June 1999  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction and direct comparison of mitochondrial DNA sequences from a cytochrome b gene fragment were used to identify two morphologically distinct larval types ofXyrichtys, a genus of tropical wrasse (Pisces: Labridae). Both larval types were collected during ichthyoplankton surveys on the Middle Atlantic Bight shelf in the summer of 1988. DNA sequence comparisons indicated that both types were larvae ofXyrichtys novacula (Linnaeus). Back-calculated birthdate distributions for those larvae collected on the Middle Atlantic Bight shelf demonstrated that the two larval types formed two distinct cohorts indicating a biological difference. The two distinct larval types may be a consequence of an ecophenotypic effect, or they may represent offspring from genetically distinct populations. These results emphasize that important biological and oceanographic information can be gained through the use of the polymerase chain reaction and DNA sequencing for larval identificaiton.  相似文献   

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