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Monitoring the condition of natural resources in US national parks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The National Park Service has developed a long-term ecological monitoring program for 32 ecoregional networks containing more than 270 parks with significant natural resources. The monitoring program assists park managers in developing a broad-based understanding of the status and trends of park resources as a basis for making decisions and working with other agencies and the public for the long-term protection of park ecosystems. We found that the basic steps involved in planning and designing a long-term ecological monitoring program were the same for a range of ecological systems including coral reefs, deserts, arctic tundra, prairie grasslands, caves, and tropical rainforests. These steps involve (1) clearly defining goals and objectives, (2) compiling and summarizing existing information, (3) developing conceptual models, (4) prioritizing and selecting indicators, (5) developing an overall sampling design, (6) developing monitoring protocols, and (7) establishing data management, analysis, and reporting procedures. The broad-based, scientifically sound information obtained through this systems-based monitoring program will have multiple applications for management decision-making, research, education, and promoting public understanding of park resources. When combined with an effective education program, monitoring results can contribute not only to park issues, but also to larger quality-of-life issues that affect surrounding communities and can contribute significantly to the environmental health of the nation.  相似文献   

深入推进新时代生态环境质量综合分析工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态环境质量综合分析是生态环境监测业务流程的重要环节,直接反映生态环境监测服务支撑能力水平。回顾了生态环境质量综合分析的历史沿革与主要成绩,并分析了新时代面临的新形势,如生态系统理论的引领、生态环境考核的要求、信息公开的深化、信息化与大数据的发展等,提出需要在系统化、精细化、信息化和形象化等方向上不断强化,实现新时代生态环境质量综合分析服务生态环境管理和社会公众能力水平的新飞跃。  相似文献   

Following the implementation of the Pollution Prevention and Control (England and Wales) Regulations on 1st August 2000, health authorities (now Primary Care Trusts) became statutory consultees for permits issued to industry by the environmental regulators (the Environmental Agency, Local Authorities). The aims of this paper are to review the process of providing public health input in the light of its similarities to and differences from HIA and to identify the opportunities for both HIA and PPC to learn from each other's practice. We emphasise the challenges that are encountered by public health professionals who provide the public health input in the PPC. We use both our own experience of providing this input on behalf of health authorities and our expertise in HIA, environmental epidemiology and contaminated land.  相似文献   

The use of health impact assessment (HIA) has expanded rapidly and there are increasing demands for it to demonstrate its effectiveness. This paper presents a conceptual framework for evaluating HIA and describes its development through (i) a review of the literature, (ii) a review of work undertaken as part of a major HIA capacity building project and (iii) an in-depth study of seven completed HIAs. The framework emphasises context, process and impacts as key domains in understanding and evaluating the effectiveness of an HIA. This new framework builds upon the existing approaches to evaluating HIA and extends them to reflect the broad range of factors that comprise and influence the effectiveness of HIAs. It may be of use in evaluating completed HIAs and in planning HIAs that are yet to be undertaken.  相似文献   

水环境生物监测是环境监测的重要内容,它应重点说清环境胁迫的生物效应。简述了总量管理、流域管理、风险管理、生态管理等环境管理对水环境生物监测有迫切需求,应引入"生态系统健康"、"生物完整性"、"环境胁迫"、"全排水毒性"等现代环境生物监测的基本概念,建立水环境生物监测技术发展的理论基础,发展生物完整性、综合毒性等监测与评价核心技术;革新现行监测方法体系,建立包括QA/QC、快速方法等支持系统在内的现代水环境生物监测业务化方法体系;创新评价技术体系,建立水环境生态健康评价及综合毒性评价指标体系、基准及分级管理标准,确立水环境质量管理的生物学目标。  相似文献   

United States environmental regulations, intended to protect human health, generally fail to address major sources of pollutants that endanger human health. These sources are surprisingly close to us and within our control, such as consumer products and building materials that we use within our homes, workplaces, schools, and other indoor environments. Even though these indoor sources account for nearly 90% of our pollutant exposure, they are virtually unregulated by existing laws. Even pollutant levels found in typical homes, if found outdoors, would often violate federal environmental standards. This article examines the importance of human exposure as a way to understand and reduce effects of pollutants on human health. Results from exposure studies challenge traditional thinking about pollutant hazards, and reveal deficiencies in our patchwork of laws. And results from epidemiological studies, showing increases in exposure-related diseases, underscore the need for new protections. Because we cannot rely solely on regulations to protect us, and because health effects from exposures can develop insidiously, greater efforts are needed to reduce and prevent significant exposures before they occur. Recommendations include the development and use of safer alternatives to common products, public education on ways to reduce exposure, systematic monitoring of human exposure to pollutants, and a precautionary approach in decision-making.  相似文献   

As Antarctica's pivotal role in influencing global climate processes gains increasing attention so too does public and scientific interest in the general state of Antarctic ecosystem health as a function of multiple stressors, including contamination by anthropogenic chemicals. Persistent organic pollutant (POP) research internationally has sought to elucidate the impacts of an ever increasing diversity of POPs on the environment. The challenges of this research are compounded in the Antarctic context, by key gaps in historical data and our understanding of chemical behaviour in polar landscapes. In order to ensure maximum longevity and value of research outputs, efforts must be centred upon addressing these research gaps. Ultimately, Antarctic POP research will benefit from co-ordinated investment into spatially and temporally comprehensive research and monitoring efforts such as those responsible for the continued progress of this research field in the Arctic and other global regions.  相似文献   

The goals of environmental legislation and associated regulations are to protect public health, natural resources, and ecosystems. In this context, monitoring programs should provide timely and relevant information so that the regulatory community can implement legislation in a cost-effective and efficient manner. The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) of 1974 attempts to ensure that public water systems (PWSs) supply safe water to its consumers. As is the case with many other federal environmental statutes, SDWA monitoring has been implemented in relatively uniform fashion across the United States. In this three part series, spatial and temporal patterns in water quality data are utilized to develop, compare, and evaluate the economic performance of alternative place-based monitoring approaches to current monitoring practice. Part II: Several factors affect the performance of monitoring strategies, including: measurable objectives, required precision in estimates, acceptable confidence levels of such estimates, available budget for sampling. In this paper, we develop place-based monitoring strategies based on extensive analysis of available historical water quality data (1960-1994) of 19 Iowa community water systems. These systems supply potable water to over 350,000 people. In the context of drinking water, the objective is to protect public health by utilizing monitoring resources to characterize contaminants that are detectable, and are close to exceeding health standards. A place-based monitoring strategy was developed in which contaminants were selected based on their historical occurrence, rather than their appearance on the SDWA contaminant list. In a subset of the water systems, the temporal frequency of monitoring for one ubiquitous contaminant, nitrate, was tailored to patterns in its historical occurrence and concentration. Three sampling allocation models (linear, quadratic, and cubic) based on historic patterns in peak occurrence were developed and evaluated. Random and fixed-interval sampling strategies within the context of such models were also developed and evaluated. Strategies were configured to incorporate a variety of options for frequency and number of samples (depending on budget and the desired precision in estimate of peak concentrations).  相似文献   

浅谈环境监测社会化的质量监管新思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了现阶段社会环境检测市场的发展现状及存在的问题,探讨了从环境检测上岗能力、专业技能再教育、从业履历和信用等方面对社会环境检测从业人员进行管理的必要性,提出在机构环境监测能力、检测人员结构流动性、仪器设备在用状态和更新频率、从事环境监测业务信用等方面建立评估机制,推动环境监测市场健康发展。  相似文献   

Divergent scientific and regulatory agency perspectives about contaminants in fish have lead to contradictory advice and confusing public messages about its consumption. The evidence for the protective effect of eating fish on cardiovascular outcomes is considered to be convincing. It has long been attributed to n-3 unsaturated long-chain fatty acids. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are compounds that are lipid soluble and accumulate in the aquatic food chain. Despite a considerable decrease in their levels in fish during the last two decades, there is still significant concern about potential negative health effects and an ongoing debate exists about what type of fish consumption advisories are most suitable. In this review our aim is twofold, namely to explore: (1) the underlying causes for the conflicting recommendations by discussing the strengths and limitations of risk assessment and epidemiological evidence; and (2), the role of risk management in formulating public dietary advisories. It is our view that the latter advice is most appropriately formulated in the context of risk management, of which both epidemiologic evidence and risk assessment are essential components.  相似文献   

If sustainable development of Canadian waters is to be achieved, a realistic and manageable framework is required for assessing cumulative effects. The objective of this paper is to describe an approach for aquatic cumulative effects assessment that was developed under the Northern Rivers Ecosystem Initiative. The approach is based on a review of existing monitoring practices in Canada and the presence of existing thresholds for aquatic ecosystem health assessments. It suggests that a sustainable framework is possible for cumulative effects assessment of Canadian waters that would result in integration of national indicators of aquatic health, integration of national initiatives (e.g., water quality index, environmental effects monitoring), and provide an avenue where long-term monitoring programs could be integrated with baseline and follow-up monitoring conducted under the environmental assessment process.  相似文献   

简述了环境保护新特征的系统诊断,指出面对环境保护呈现的新特征,环境监测管理及建设存在环境监测的各项技术、标准、规范、管理措施滞后于社会经济基本现代化的发展要求,体制机制滞后于环境保护的发展要求,服务能力滞后于公共服务的需求,质量管理滞后于严格的环境管理需求等问题。提出,应从传统的环境监测向资源环境承载力监测预警转变,从条块管理向垂直管理的体制转变,从监测信息相对封闭向监测信息主动公开转变,由单纯依靠自身监测向依靠各部门和全社会监测转变,从污染物总量监测为主向污染物总量,环境质量监测并重转变,从实验室质控为主向全过程质控转变,从以生态,环境为核心的环境监测向以人为本的环境监测转变。  相似文献   

核辐射突发事件的监测预警体系是环境突发公共事件应急管理体系的重要组成部分,对保障核与辐射安全具有重要的意义.介绍了江苏省核辐射突发事件的监测预警体系和辐射监测网络的建设现状,通过对国际辐射预警和监测技术的广泛调研,结合江苏省实际情况,分析应对核辐射突发事件的监测预警体系存在的问题和对策,提出了相应的建设规划和建议.  相似文献   

生物监测可以系统反映污染物对生物生长的影响及其在生物体内的转化和迁移,在水环境监测与生态健康管理中的重要性日益突出.伴随着工业化的快速发展,中国水环境污染问题依然严峻,工业废水治理和排放问题仍旧突出.为进一步保障工业废水出水及受纳水体水质安全,迫切需要在工业废水监测中引入生物监测技术.对传统微生物群落监测法、水生生物毒...  相似文献   

Implementing good practice social impact assessment (SIA) that meets international standards in countries in transition is problematic. We reflect on the challenges faced when undertaking SIA in the Russian Federation. These challenges restrict meaningful SIA processes from being undertaken and limit public participation and the effective community engagement of project-affected local people. Based on the self-reflexive professional experience of two Russian-based social practitioners, and their discursive interactions with two leading academics in environmental and social impact assessment, as well as on in-depth interviews with prominent Russian and international experts, we identified the key challenges that prevent effective SIA from being implemented in Russia: a lack of understanding of the international standards; discrepancy in the determination of the social area of influence between the national requirements and international standards; difficulties in combining national and international impact assessment processes; and a tendency by companies to restrict stakeholder engagement to the minimum. We hope that by having an awareness of these limitations, improvements to SIA practice in Russia and elsewhere will be made.  相似文献   

For the health and safety of the public, it is essential to measure spatiotemporal distribution of air pollution in a region and thus monitor air quality in a fine-grain manner. While most of the sensing-based commercial applications available until today have been using fixed environmental sensors, the use of personal devices such as smartphones, smartwatches, and other wearable devices has not been explored in depth. These kinds of devices have an advantage of being with the user continuously, thus providing an ability to generate accurate and well-distributed spatiotemporal air pollution data. In this paper, we review the studies (especially in the last decade) done by various researchers using different kinds of environmental sensors highlighting related techniques and issues. We also present important studies of measuring impact and emission of air pollution on human beings and also discuss models using which air pollution inhalation can be associated to humans by quantifying personal exposure with the use of human activity detection. The overarching aim of this review is to provide novel and key ideas that have the potential to drive pervasive and individual centric and yet accurate pollution monitoring techniques which can scale up to the future needs.  相似文献   

环境监测体制改革的若干思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了环境监测体制改革的必要性和现实条件,通过对现行的几种旨在提高环境监测能力的方法进行比较分析的基础上,提出了当前环境监测体制改革的基本思路和建立环境监测公共实验室的初步构想,为环境监测体制改革顺利推进提供了关键、可行的解决路径。  相似文献   

Environmental monitoring is essential for assessing the current state of the environment, measuring impacts of environmental pressures and providing evidence to government. Recent UK government announcements have indicated an increased role for 'Big Society' in monitoring. In this paper, we review available literature concerning the use of citizen science for monitoring, present examples of successful volunteer monitoring work and highlight important issues surrounding the use of volunteers. We argue that in order to ensure that environmental monitoring continues to be effective it is important to learn from examples where volunteers are currently used, acknowledging constraints and identifying potential approaches which will help to maximise both their engagement and data quality. Effective partnerships between environmental monitoring organisations and volunteers may thus aid the UK in developing robust coordinated monitoring systems that will be less vulnerable to funding variances.  相似文献   

Mercury contamination in fish is a serious public health concern that contrasts with other health benefits of eating fish. Like most US states, Illinois has monitored fish mercury contamination for decades to warn the public of mercury exposure risks by consuming fish. Has this monitoring program been effective in detecting public mercury exposure risks? I analyzed fish mercury contamination data from Illinois inland lakes (1974–1998; >?2,300 samples, 18 fish species, 149 lakes) and found that: (a) sampling and analyses have been severely limited since 1985; (b) sampling effort varied widely among lakes and species, and (c) trends and spatial patterns were confused by this variability. As a result of a severely limited and nonstrategic monitoring program, public mercury exposure risks via Illinois fish consumption remain unclear, despite much effort over many years. Illinois monitors fewer fish per angler than many US states, but is not alone in this regard. Illinois should resurrect and redesign its fish contaminant monitoring program to one that strategically and systematically assesses human mercury exposure risk. Other US states and nations may also benefit from similar retrospective examinations of monitoring programs intended to protect public health.  相似文献   

Assessing Biodiversity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Environmental assessment and monitoring is not limited to measuringquantities of some substances that threaten our existence. Atpresent the greatest challenge is not to gain another decimal pointin assaying a certain noxious chemical. As far as technical aspectsof monitoring are concerned, we witness a steady progress. Ourconceptual development is less tangible. At the same time it ismore urgent. We are directed to assess and monitor novelcharacteristics such as biodiversity and ecosystem health. They areconsidered to be the basis of modern, ecosystem management.Specialists in wildlife, fisheries, soil scientists, agronomists,and foresters are revising the established tenets of theirdisciplines to pursue maximum biodiversity. This could be done onlyif we know what biodiversity and ecosystem health are. This paperassesses the state of our knowledge of these concepts.  相似文献   

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