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Validation of the propensity for angry driving scale   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Problem: This study examined the validity of the Propensity for Angry Driving Scale (PADS; DePasquale, J. P., Geller, E. S., Clarke, S. W., and Littleton, L. C. (2001). Measuring road rage: Development of the Propensity for Angry Driving Scale. Journal of Safety Research, 32, 1–16) in predicting aggressive driving. Method: The PADS and the Driving Anger Scale (DAS; Deffenbacher, J. L., Oetting, E. R., and Lynch, R. S. (1994). Development of a driving anger scale. Psychological reports, 74, 83–91.) were administered to 232 college student volunteers with measures of aggressive and risky driving. Results: Convergent and discriminant validity of the PADS were supported through relationships among measures of similar constructs. The PADS significantly (p<.05) predicted moving tickets, minor accidents, aggressive driving, risky driving, and maladaptive driving anger expression, above and beyond gender, miles driven per week, and trait anger. Discussion: Findings suggest that the PADS is a useful predictor of aggressive driving and has some advantages over the DAS. Impact on Industry: The PADS is an effective predictor of aggressive driving that complements established measures like the DAS and provides researchers with another valuable tool for the assessment of aggressive driving.  相似文献   

电子设备机房的空调供冷量与普通办公室相差甚远 ,介绍了其计算方法和影响空调制冷设备实际制冷量的因素  相似文献   

Objective: Young driver studies have applied quasi-induced exposure (QIE) methods to assess relationships between demographic and behavioral factors and at-fault crash involvement, but QIE's primary assumption of representativeness has not yet been validated among young drivers. Determining whether nonresponsible young drivers in clean (i.e., only one driver is responsible) 2-vehicle crashes are reasonably representative of the general young driving population is an important step toward ensuring valid QIE use in young driver studies. We applied previously established validation methods to conduct the first study, to our knowledge, focused on validating the QIE representativeness assumption in a young driver population.

Methods: We utilized New Jersey's state crash and licensing databases (2008–2012) to examine the representativeness assumption among 17- to 20-year-old nonresponsible drivers involved in clean multivehicle crashes. It has been hypothesized that if not-at-fault drivers in clean 2-vehicle crashes are a true representation of the driving population, it would be expected that nonresponsible drivers in clean 3-or-more-vehicle crashes also represent this same driving population (Jiang and Lyles 2010 Jiang XG, Lyles RW. A review of the validity of the underlying assumptions of quasi-induced exposure. Accid Anal Prev. 2010;42:13521358.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Thus, we compared distributions of age, gender, and vehicle type among (1) nonresponsible young drivers in clean 2-vehicle crashes and (2) the first nonresponsible young driver in clean crashes involving 3 or more vehicles to (3) all other nonresponsible young drivers in clean crashes involving 3 or more vehicles. Distributions were compared using chi-square tests and conditional logistic regression; analyses were conducted for all young drivers and stratified by license status (intermediate vs. fully licensed drivers), crash location, and time of day of the crash.

Results: There were 41,323 nonresponsible drivers in clean 2-vehicle crashes and 6,464 nonresponsible drivers in clean 3-or-more-vehicle crashes. Overall, we found that the distributions of age, gender, and vehicle type were not statistically significantly different between the 3 groups; in each group, approximately one fourth of drivers were represented in each age from age 17 through 20, half were males, and approximately 80% were driving a car/station wagon/minivan. In general, conclusions held when we evaluated the assumption within intermediate and fully licensed young drivers separately and by crash location and time.

Conclusions: It appears that the representativeness assumption holds among the population of young NJ drivers. We encourage young driver studies utilizing QIE methods to conduct internal validation studies to ensure appropriate application of these methods and we propose utilization of QIE methods to address broader foundational and applied questions in young driver safety.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: With many thousands of deaths still annually attributable to driving under the influence (DUI), it remains imperative that we continually address the problem of producing and sustaining effective countermeasures, and that we subject these efforts to empirical scrutiny. This article presents relevant findings from state-wide datasets. RESULTS: A formula generating a potentially useful metric for assessing aspects of the DUI prosecutorial chain is presented, focusing on the rate of proactive DUI arrests. While in need of cautious interpretation due to issues of inherent inaccuracies in large databases, small numbers of crashes and/or arrests in multiple jurisdictions, and the lack of replication in other states, the analyses show no relationship between the level of DUI arrest activity and DUI-related crashes. This finding brings into question the efficacy of the many millions of dollars devoted each year to targeted DUI enforcement, as it is currently being implemented. CONCLUSIONS: Results are discussed in terms of developing adequate disincentives to DUI so as to raise general deterrence via dramatic increases in proactive DUI enforcement and then engaging in pervasive and persistent social marketing of such efforts to maximize the perception that arrest and punishment for DUI is always imminent, that penalties will be swift, certain, and severe. It is echoed that accurate data need to be collected at all levels of the DUI arrest and prosecution process in every jurisdiction within a state, so as to facilitate the empirical assessment of countermeasure efficacy in reducing alcohol-related crashes. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: Given that this work needs to be replicated, the impact on the traffic safety industry is potentially huge. The present data indicate that law enforcement efforts to further abate DUI-related crashes are apparently ineffective, though likely necessary to maintain reductions achieved in the 80s and early 90s. Thus, to attain additional systematic reductions, a dramatic increase in enforcement will be necessary as will a diversification of abatement efforts, including an increase in aggressive social marketing tactics to positively impact our traffic safety culture by making DUI universally unacceptable (for a discussion of this latter issue and on the use of positive reinforcement to change driver behavior, see Dula & Geller, 2007).  相似文献   

Self reported driving behaviour in the occupational driving context has typically been measured through scales adapted from the general driving population (i.e., the Manchester Driver Behaviour Questionnaire, (DBQ), Reason et al., 1990). However, research suggests that occupational driving is influenced by unique factors operating within the workplace environment, and thus, a behavioural scale should reflect those behaviours prevalent and unique within the driving context. To overcome this limitation, Newnam et al. (2011) developed the Occupational Driver Behaviour Questionnaire ((ODBQ), Newnam et al., 2011) which utilises a relevant theoretical model to assess the impact of the broader workplace context on driving behaviour. Although the theoretical argument has been established, research is yet to examine whether the ODBQ or the DBQ is a more sensitive measure of the workplace context. As such, this paper identifies selected organisational factors (i.e., safety climate and role overload) as predictors of the DBQ and the ODBQ and compares the relative predictive value in both models. In undertaking this task, 248 occupational drivers were recruited from a community-oriented nursing population. As predicted, hierarchical regression analyses revealed that the organisational factors accounted for a significantly greater proportion of variance in the ODBQ than the DBQ. These findings offer a number of practical and theoretical applications for occupational driving practice and future research.  相似文献   

Introduction:The quasi-induced exposure (QIE) method has been widely implemented into traffic safety research. One of the key assumptions of QIE method is that not-at-fault drivers represent the driving population at the time of a crash. Recent studies have validated the QIE representative assumption using not-at-fault drivers from three-or-more vehicle crashes (excluding the first not-at-fault drivers; D3_other) as the reference group in single state crash databases. However, it is unclear if the QIE representativeness assumption is valid on a national scale and is a representative sample of driving population in the United States. The aims of this study were to assess the QIE representativeness assumption on a national scale and to evaluate if D3_other could serve as a representative sample of the U.S. driving population. Method: Using the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) and the National Occupant Protection Use Survey (NOPUS), distributions of driver gender, age, vehicle type, time, and roadway type among the not-at-fault drivers in clean two-vehicle crashes, the first not-at-fault drivers in three-or-more-vehicle crashes, and the remaining not-at-fault drivers in three-or-more vehicle crashes were compared to the driver population observed in NOPUS. Results: The results showed that with respect to driver gender, vehicle type, time, and roadway type, drivers among D3_other did not show statistical significant difference from NOPUS observations. The age distribution of D3_other driver was not practically different to NOPUS observations. Conclusions: Overall, we conclude that D3_other drivers in FARS represents the driving population at the time of the crash. Practical applications: Our study provides a solid foundation for future studies to utilize D3_other as the reference group to validate the QIE representativeness assumption and has potential to increase the generalizability of future FARS studies.  相似文献   

Objectives: The accuracy of self-reported driving exposure has questioned the validity of using self-reported mileage to inform research questions. Studies examining the accuracy of self-reported driving exposure compared to objective measures find low validity, with drivers overestimating and underestimating driving distance. The aims of the current study were to (1) examine the discrepancy between self-reported annual mileage and driving exposure the following year and (2) investigate whether these differences depended on age and annual mileage.

Methods: Two estimates of drivers’ self-reported annual mileage collected during vehicle installation (obtained via prestudy questionnaires) and approximated annual mileage driven (based upon Global Positioning System data) were acquired from 3,323 participants who participated in the Strategic Highway Research Program 2 (SHRP2) Naturalistic Driving Study.

Results: A Wilcoxon signed rank test showed that there was a significant difference between self-reported and annual driving exposure during participation in SHRP 2, with the majority of self-reported responses overestimating annual mileage the following year, irrespective of whether an ordinal or ratio variable was examined. Over 15% of participants provided self-reported responses with over 100% deviation, which were exclusive to participants underestimating annual mileage. Further, deviations in reporting differed between participants who had low, medium, and high exposure, as well as between participants in different age groups.

Conclusions: These findings indicate that although self-reported annual mileage is heavily relied on for research, such estimates of driving distance may be an overestimate of current or future mileage and can influence the validity of prior research that has utilized estimates of driving exposure.  相似文献   

The growing recognition of the problem presented by illicit vehicle operation by those whose license has been suspended for driving while intoxicated (DWI) has led to the increasing use of vehicle sanctions. These sanctions include vehicle impoundment and forfeiture, vehicle registration cancellation, and vehicle interlocks as penalties for DWI and driving while suspended (DWS). This article reviews the current information available on the use and effectiveness of vehicle sanctions for reducing offender recidivism. In the United States, 14 states have impoundment laws that are widely used as sanctions for both DWI and DWS, with the length of the impoundment increasing with the number of previous offenses. These laws have been shown to reduce recidivism while the vehicle is in custody and, to a lesser extent, even after the vehicle has been released. Vehicle impoundment is also widely used in Canada and New Zealand. Although a larger number of U.S. states have laws providing for vehicle forfeiture for DWI or DWS, this sanction tends to be limited to multiple offenders and therefore impacts fewer drivers. Cancellation of the vehicle registration and the confiscation of the vehicle plates are increasing in popularity because the vehicle tags are the property of the state, rather than the vehicle owner. Vehicle alcohol interlocks have proven to be an effective method for reducing DWI offender recidivism while they are on the car, but appear to produce only limited post-treatment behavior change. Interlocks are widely used in the United States and Canada and are beginning to be implemented in Europe and Australia. The issues that arise in implementing vehicle sanction programs are discussed and the actions taken by states to deal with them are described.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: An earlier study reported that electronic stability control (ESC) in passenger vehicles reduced single-vehicle crash involvement risk by 41% and single-vehicle fatal crash involvement risk by 56%. The purpose of the present study was to update these effectiveness estimates using an additional year of crash data and a larger set of vehicle models. METHODS: The amount of data increased by half, allowing for separate effectiveness estimates for cars and sport utility vehicles (SUVs) and a more detailed examination of multiple-vehicle crash types. Crash involvement rates per registered vehicle were compared for otherwise identical vehicle models with and without ESC. RESULTS: Based on all police-reported crashes in 10 states during three years, ESC reduced single-vehicle crash involvement risk by approximately 41%. Effects were significantly higher for SUVs than for cars. ESC reduced single-vehicle crash involvement risk by 49% for SUVs and 33% for cars. Based on all fatal crashes in the United States during four years, ESC was found to have reduced single-vehicle fatal crash involvement risk by 56%. Again, effectiveness estimates were higher for SUVs than for cars--59% for SUVs and 53% for cars, but these differences were not statistically significant. Multiple-vehicle fatal crash involvement risk was reduced by 32%-37% for SUVs and 25% for cars. CONCLUSIONS: The present study confirms the results of the earlier study. There are significant reductions in single-vehicle crash rates when passenger vehicles are equipped with ESC. In addition, ESC leads to reductions in severe multiple-vehicle crashes.  相似文献   

Barrier technology offers a way forward to control consequences of potential gas explosions. The potential of this technology was discussed in a previous paper. Here we describe the test to explore the potential application of the Micromist device as a soft suppressive barrier. The Micromist device is based on a proprietary hot-water technology, which allows the production and distribution of a very fine mist suitable for damping down the propagating flame. Towards the end of 1999, BP and the UK Health and Safety Executive jointly funded a test programme to investigate the performance of the Micromist device using the medium-scale test rig at the Christian Michelsen Research. Results of this test are described, and ways forward to be identified. A total of 20 tests were carried out and they showed the Micromist device to be able to arrest a developing gas explosion. In cases where the water droplet loading was not sufficient to arrest the flame, the severity of the gas explosions was much reduced. These tests represent an initial assessment of the technology but there are other elements of the system that still need to be addressed, for example, control and detection strategy. These tests specifically exclude the impact of detection and control on the performance of the Micromist device.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: As the number of older drivers grows, it is increasingly important to accurately identify at-risk drivers. This study tested clinical assessments predictive of real-time driving performance. METHOD: Selected assessment tools considered important in the identification of at-risk older drivers represented the domains of vision, cognition, motor performance, and driving knowledge. Participants were administered the battery of assessments followed by an on-road test. A univariate analysis was conducted to identify significant factors (<.05) to be included in a multivariate regression model. RESULTS: Assessments identified as independently associated with driving performance in the regression model included: FACTTM Contrast sensitivity slide-B, Rapid Pace Walk, UFOV rating, and MMSE total score. DISCUSSION: The domains of vision, cognitive, and motor performance were represented in the predictive model. SUMMARY: Due to the dynamic nature of the driving task, it is not likely that a single assessment tool will identify at risk drivers. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: By standardizing the selection of clinical assessments used in driving evaluations, practitioners should be able to provide services more efficiently, more objectively, and more accurately to identify at-risk drivers.  相似文献   

To be able to perform proper consequence modelling as a part of a risk assessment, it is essential to be able to model the physical processes well. Simplified tools for dispersion and explosion predictions are generally not very useful. CFD tools have the potential to model the relevant physics and predict well, but without proper user guidelines based on extensive validation work, very mixed prediction capability can be expected. In this article, recent dispersion validation effort for the CFD tool FLACS–HYDROGEN is presented. A range of different experiments is simulated, including low-momentum releases in a garage, subsonic jets in a garage with stratification effects and subsequent slow diffusion, low momentum and subsonic horizontal jets influenced by buoyancy, and free jets from high-pressure vessels. LH2 releases are also considered. Some of the simulations are performed as blind predictions.  相似文献   

IntroductionImpaired driving has resulted in numerous accidents, fatalities, and costly damage. One particularly concerning type of impairment is driver drowsiness. Despite advancements, modern vehicle safety systems remain ineffective at keeping drowsy drivers alert and aware of their state, even temporarily. Until recently the use of user-centric brain-computer interface (BCI) devices to capture electrophysiological data relating to driver drowsiness has been limited. Method: In this study, 25 participants drove on a simulated roadway under drowsy conditions. Results: Neither subjective nor electrophysiological measures differed between individuals who showed overt signs of drowsiness (prolonged eye closure) during the drive. However, the directionality and effect size estimates provided by the BCI device suggested the practicality and feasibility of its future implementation in vehicle safety systems. Practical applications: This research highlights opportunities for future BCI device research for use to assess the state of drowsy drivers in a real-world context.  相似文献   

IntroductionModern automobiles are going through a paradigm shift, where the driver may no longer be needed to drive the vehicle. As the self-driving vehicles are making their way to public roads the automakers have to ensure the naturalistic driving feel to gain drivers’ confidence and accelerate adoption rates.MethodThis paper filters and analyzes a subset of radar data collected from SHRP2 with focus on characterizing the naturalistic headway distance with respect to the vehicle speed.ResultsThe paper identifies naturalistic headway distance and compares it with the previous findings from the literature.ConclusionA clear relation between time headway and speed was confirmed and quantified. A significant difference exists among individual drivers which supports a need to further refine the analysis.Practical applicationsBy understanding the relationship between human driving and their surroundings, the naturalistic driving behavior can be quantified and used to increase the adoption rates of autonomous driving. Dangerous and safety-compromising driving can be identified as well in order to avoid its replication in the control algorithms.  相似文献   

为探索有条件自动驾驶对非驾驶相关任务的允准边界,基于实车驾驶模拟器,设计自动驾驶接管试验典型场景,招募30名被试者开展驾驶模拟试验;要求驾驶人执行3种分心形式的驾驶次任务,系统发出接管请求提示后,驾驶人接管车辆控制权以避免险情发生,并分析驾驶人接管反应时间、驾驶负荷以及驾驶绩效等相关数据.结果表明:驾驶次任务涉及的分心...  相似文献   

研制了一种适用于露天矿山温度高、粉尘大、振动大的司机室空调、通风和除尘的新型装置,研究了换热系统、新风供给器和循环风除尘除毒装置,室内温度、清新度和新鲜度优于规定指标,现场使用效果良好。  相似文献   

PROBLEM: The implementation of Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) programs has significantly improved the crash and fatality rates of novice teen drivers, but these rates remain unacceptably high. METHOD: A review of adolescent development research was undertaken to identify potential areas of improvement. RESULTS: Research support for GDL was found to be strong, particularly regarding early acquisition of expertise in driving safety (beyond driving skill), and to limitations that reduce opportunities for distraction. GDL regimes are highly variable, and no US jurisdictions have implemented optimal regimes. SUMMARY: Expanding and improving GDL to enhance acquisition of expertise and self-regulation are indicated for implementation and for applied research. Driver training that effectively incorporates safety goals along with driving skill is another target. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The insurance industry will benefit from further GDL enhancements. Benefits may accrue to improved driver training, improved simulation devices during training, and automated safety feedback instrumentation.  相似文献   

Introduction: As more states legalize medical/recreational marijuana use, it is important to determine if state motor-vehicle surveillance systems can effectively monitor and track driving under the influence (DUI) of marijuana. This study assessed Colorado's Department of Revenue motor-vehicle crash data system, Electronic Accident Reporting System (EARS), to monitor non-fatal crashes involving driving under the influence (DUI) of marijuana. Methods: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines on surveillance system evaluation were used to assess EARS' usefulness, flexibility, timeliness, simplicity, acceptability, and data quality. We assessed system components, interviewed key stakeholders, and analyzed completeness of Colorado statewide 2014 motor-vehicle crash records. Results: EARS contains timely and complete data, but does not effectively monitor non-fatal motor-vehicle crashes related to DUI of marijuana. Information on biological sample type collected from drivers and toxicology results were not recorded into EARS; however, EARS is a flexible system that can incorporate new data without increasing surveillance system burden. Conclusions: States, including Colorado, could consider standardization of drug testing and mandatory reporting policies for drivers involved in motor-vehicle crashes and proactively address the narrow window of time for sample collection to improve DUI of marijuana surveillance. Practical applications: The evaluation of state motor-vehicle crash systems' ability to capture crashes involving drug impaired driving (DUID) is a critical first step for identifying frequency and risk factors for crashes related to DUID.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to gather information on drug and alcohol use, the prevalence of drink and drug driving and attitudes to both in an undergraduate university cohort (n = 275). Further, the study aimed to contribute information to aid intervention program development by determining predictors of drink and drug driving behavior. The study examines both drug and alcohol use and the influence of attitudes toward driving while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. Results indicated that significant proportions of university students are engaging in the risk-taking behavior of driving under the influence of drugs (25%), alcohol (14%), or both (8%). The results suggest that attitudes toward driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs are a strong predictor of engaging in the behavior. Peer influence emerged as a major aspect of attitudes. The results of this study provide an important beginning to understanding drink and drug driving and the influence of attitudes in the university student body.  相似文献   

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