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从厚膜工艺产生的废料中回收金铂钯   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
厚膜工艺过程中的金基废料分别进行蒸发,燃烧和破碎,然后集中焙烧,焙渣用盐酸洗除可溶性杂质,用王水浸出金、铂、钯。用Na2SO3优先沉淀金、用锌粉共沉铂和钯。铂、钯混粉用硝酸分离钯。王水浸出后的残渣经湿法还原PdO后,再用王水提取残余的钯。金、伯、钯分离提纯后,再用于生产浆料,本工艺适用于含银少的金基废料的回收。  相似文献   

铂、钯蜂窝催化剂高温老化对甲醇深度氧化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究对铂、钯蜂窝催化剂及分别添加助化剂CeO_2或WO_3,并于500℃、700℃、900℃或1100℃下经受热老化4h后,考察催化剂比表面、晶相结构及其对甲醇深度氧化活性、产物分布及反应动力学网络变化的情况。实验证明,添加CeO_2后,降低了铂催化剂的耐高温性能,但对钯催化剂无明显影响。添加WO_3,降低了钯催化剂对甲醇的氧化活性。经X-线衍射分析证明,在1100℃高温下,WO_3与堇青石载体中的氧化镁和氧化钙发生强相互作用,生成了相应的钨酸盐。甲醇氧化反应动力学研究表明,甲醇在新鲜和高温热老化的铂催化剂上,反应动力学网络表示式是有区别的。  相似文献   

在细粉状的废马碳催化剂中加入熟石灰作为盛开粘结剂、助燃剂、捕集剂,经氧化焙烧有效富集了贵金属。熟石灰的助燃性是由于在OH^-的催化作用下,C与H2O产生水煤气絷2降低了碳的燃点。  相似文献   

在大量实验的基础上,建立了一种新的基于N1923萃取,用中子活化法同时测定地质样品中Os、Pt和Pd的放射化学分离流程。抗坏血酸可有效地控制OsO4的挥发丢失,N1923可将Os、Pt和Pd同时萃取收集,回收率可达90%以上。用Allelide陨石标准参考物(SRM)进行检验,测得的Os值(448~738ppb)与SRM值(400~770ppb)很一致。此外,用该法补充了Allende陨石和FishClay标准参考物中缺少的相应元素的丰度值。  相似文献   

本工作以高位阻叔胺萃取剂N34 18自盐酸溶液中对铂 (Ⅳ )的萃取进行了研究。对萃取时间、水相的酸度、水相的 pH值、萃取剂的浓度、稀释剂等影响因素进行了较全面的分析。用NaOH作为反萃剂对反萃率进行了研究。应用连续变换法、饱和法 ,斜率法确定了萃合物的组成 ,萃合物的组成为 1 4。  相似文献   

刘国范 《地球与环境》2003,31(4):95-101
在1∶500000区域化探扫面的基础上,结合景观地球化学特征,筛选出Hs 19号异常,进行1∶100000水系沉积物及1∶10000岩石测量,再经地质工程验证,最终圈定了清水泉铜金铂钯矿床。新疆阿尔金地区铜金铂钯贵金属找矿的实践证明,重视区域化探异常的筛选,进行系统的异常查证,选择最佳异常区进行地质追踪和工程揭露等,能有效缩短勘查周期及节省勘查资金。  相似文献   

用氯仿萃取分离法提纯4-氨基安替比林试剂,降低试剂空白吸光度.该法简单易行,效果较理想.  相似文献   

<正> 用聚醚型聚氨基甲酸脂泡沫塑料萃取铂(Ⅱ)和铂(Ⅳ),实验证明,硫氰酸盐、盐酸和溶液的 pH对此有影响。测得分配系数>10~4。不同阳离子的氯化物对萃取铂(Ⅱ)的影响的次序为 Li~+相似文献   

系统介绍了钯膜分离这种流程简洁、静音紧凑的氢气纯化技术和钯膜对氢气具有单一选择性分离原理所达到的安全、高效氢气分离提纯的有益效果。综述了钯基复合膜的制备方法并对比了不同制备方法之间的优缺点。重点分析了钯膜分离技术相比于低温蒸馏、变压吸附、深冷分离等常规氢气分离技术的优势。总结了钯膜反应器应用于原位重整制氢反应、催化加氢、脱氢反应等过程中,在推动反应热力学平衡、提高反应转化率等方面优于传统反应器的技术特征。  相似文献   

以废旧镍镉电池为原料,探索盐酸溶解废镍镉电池的溶解条件,并用ICP仪检测镍镉电池溶液中金属离子含量。研究了硫酸铵-锌试剂-Tween-80体系萃取分离金属离子Ni(Ⅱ),Cd(Ⅱ),Co(Ⅱ)的行为。实验表明:Ni(Ⅱ),Co(Ⅱ)在pH6-9范围内,与锌试剂形成的螯合物可被Tween-80相完全萃取,而Cd(Ⅱ)基本不被萃取。进而实现了镍镉电池溶液中的Ni(Ⅱ),Co(Ⅱ)离子与Cd(Ⅱ)离子的分离。  相似文献   

无定形铁氧化物结合态砷的迁移性和生物可利用性易受环境变化影响.分别以1 mol·L-1盐酸和0.2 mol·L-1草酸铵缓冲溶液为提取剂,以新制备和室温老化(3个月、6个月)的共沉淀态Fe(OH)3-As和Fe3O4-As为提取对象,研究提取时间、液固比、Fe/As摩尔比和室温老化对As提取效率的影响.结果表明,1 mol·L-1盐酸提取Fe(OH)3-As、Fe3O4-As共沉淀时液固比应分别为50、200左右,0.2 mol·L-1草酸铵缓冲溶液提取Fe(OH)3-As、Fe3O4-As共沉淀时需保证加入的草酸根与固相中Fe的摩尔比分别为4、2.5;盐酸和草酸铵缓冲溶液提取时间2 h即可.样品Fe/As摩尔比和室温老化对Fe(OH)3-As共沉淀的溶解提取影响不大,但对Fe3O4-As共沉淀的提取影响比较大,Fe/As摩尔比越大,Fe3O4-As共沉淀越不易被提取;老化时间越长,其中共沉淀的As越不易被溶解提取.值得注意的是:盐酸和草酸铵缓冲溶液提取过程中如果有不溶固相存在,会发生As的再吸附,使无定形铁氧化物共沉淀态砷的测定不准确.  相似文献   

介绍了利用废钯催化剂制备氯化钯的方法,研究了液碱浓度以及液碱用量对溶解过程中残留物含量的影响,以及王水浸出过程中硝酸残留量对钯回收率的影响。通过对影响因素的考察,确定最佳条件,钯的总回收率可达93%以上。  相似文献   

Fe203 particle catalysts were experimentally studied in the low temperature selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NO with NH3. The effects of reaction temperature, oxygen concentration, [NH3]/[NO] molar ratio and residence time on SCR activity were studied. It was found that Fe203 catalysts had high activity for the SCR of NO with NH3 in a broad temperature range of 150-270℃, and more than 95% NO conversion was obtained at 180℃ when the molar ratio [NH3]/[NO] = 1, the residence time was 0.48 seconds and 02 volume fraction was 3%. In addition, the effect of SO2 on SCR catalytic activity was also investigated at the temperature of 180℃. The results showed that deactivation of the Fe2O3 particles occurred due to the presence of SO2 and the NO conversion decreased from 99.2% to 58% in 240 min, since SO2 gradually decreased the catalytic activity of the catalysts. In addition, X-ray diffraction, Thermogravimetric analysis and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy were used to characterize the fresh and deactivated Fe2O3 catalysts. The results showed that the deactivation caused by SO2 was due to the formation of metal sulfates and ammonium sulfates on the catalyst surface during the de-NO reaction, which could cause pore plugging and result in suppression of the catalytic activity.  相似文献   

建立了微塑料(Microplastics,MPs)荧光定量分析方法,系统研究了Fe3O4纳米颗粒对水中聚苯乙烯MPs的磁性去除效果.结果表明,MPs浓度在本实验范围内(0.2~10.0mg/L)与荧光强度线性关系良好,相关系数均>0.9990,能准确测定不同粒径(100~1000nm)MPs的浓度.MPs初始浓度与Fe3O4纳米颗粒投加量对MPs去除效果具有影响.增加Fe3O4纳米颗粒的投加量能够有效提升水中MPs的去除率,当Fe3O4投加量为12mg/L时,去除率可达90.8%.在低Fe3O4投加量时,MPs去除率随着MPs初始浓度增加而显著增加,显著性水平为0.015;但在中、高Fe3O4投加量时,初始浓度对去除效果影响很小,显著性水平分别为0.073和0.060.Fe3O4纳米颗粒对MPs的附着过程能够在180min内趋于平衡,整个动力学可通过拟一级或拟二级模型进行拟合.  相似文献   

采用等体积分浸法制备Pt-Sn/Al2O3蜂窝催化剂(Pt含量仅为0.06wt%).运用X射线衍射(XRD)、透射电镜(TEM)等技术对催化剂理化性质进行表征,并选取4种代表性C6烃(苯、环己酮、环己烷和正己烷)对催化剂性能进行评价.活性评价试验中,Pt/Sn比为3/1催化效果最佳.此时4种C6烃转化率达到90%的温度(T90)较Pt催化剂均降低约20℃,其原因在于Sn可将Pt分割为较小的团簇提高Pt分散度.寿命评价试验以环己烷为例同Pt-Sn蜂窝催化剂连续运行720h,催化活性无明显变化,其原因在于,Sn可有效抑制其粒径增长;Pt3Sn合金降低表面对C6烃的吸附,减少催化剂表面积炭.  相似文献   

The selective catalytic reduction(SCR) activities of the MoO_3 doped V/WTi catalysts prepared by the incipient wetness impregnation method at low temperature were investigated.The results showed that the addition of MoO_3 could enhance the NO_ xconversion at low temperature and the best SCR activity was obtained when the dosage of MoO_3 reached5 wt.%. The NH3-TPD and DRIFTS experiments indicated that the addition of MoO_3 changed the type and number of acid sites on the surface of catalysts and reaction activities of acid sites were altered at the same time. The redox capacity and amount of active oxygen species got improved for V3Mo5/WTi catalyst, which could be confirmed by the H_2-TPR and transient response experiments. Water vapor inhibited the NO_xconversion at low temperature. Deposition of ammonium sulfate or bisulfate might be main reason for the loss of catalytic activity in the presence of SO_2 at low temperature. Choosing the suitable NH_3/NO ratio and elevation of reaction temperature both could weaken the influence of SO_2 on the SCR activity of the V3Mo5/WTi catalyst. Thermal treatment of the deactivated catalyst at350°C could get the low temperature activity recovered. The decrease of GHSV improved the de NO_x efficiency at low temperature and we speculated that the rational technological process and operation parameters could contribute to the application of this kind of catalysts in real industrial environment.  相似文献   

Co3O4-SnO2 hybrid oxides were prepared by the coprecipitation method and were used to oxidate methane (CH4) in presence of oxygen. The Co3O4-SnO2 with a molar ratio of Co/(Co + Sn) at 0.75 exhibited the highest catalytic activity among all the Co3O4-SnO2 hybrid oxides. Experimental results showed that the catalysts were considerably stable in the CH4 combustion reaction, and were verified by X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS). It was found that Co3O4 was the active species, and SnO2 acted as a support or a promoting component in the Co3O4-SnO2 hybrid oxides. The surface area was not a major factor that affected catalytic activity. The hydrogen temperatureprogrammed reduction (H2-TPR) results demonstrated that the interaction between cobalt and tin oxides accelerated the mobility of oxygen species of Co3O4-SnO2, leading to higher catalytic activity.  相似文献   

采用紫外还原的方法成功制备出Cu3(BTC)2(均苯三甲酸合铜)负载贵金属Ag纳米颗粒的Ag/Cu3(BTC)2复合催化剂,并用于氨法脱硝反应.应用X射线衍射(XRD)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)、BET测试等手段对催化剂的物理化学性能进行了表征.结果发现Ag纳米颗粒以球状结构高度均匀分散在Cu3(BTC)2骨架结构的表面.负载Ag纳米颗粒和Cu-MOF的协同作用,提高了Ag/Cu3(BTC)2催化剂的脱硝效率,负载量为15wt%的催化剂表现出最优脱硝效率,在220~260℃达到100%的NO转化率.同时,利用in-situ FTIR技术对NH3-SCR的反应机理进行了探究.  相似文献   

The catalytic activity of Pd catalysts supported on Ce0.73Tb0.27Ox/SiO2, Ce0.6Zr0.4Ox/SiO2, Ce0.73Tb0.27Ox/La2O3-Al2O3 and Ce0.6Zr0.4Ox/La2O3-Al2O3 was studied using the reduction of NO by CO. The catalysts were characterized by X-ray fluorescence, surface area, X-ray diffraction, temperature-programmed reduction, CO chemisorption and oxygen storage capacity. Temperature-programmed reduction results indicated that Tb or Zr incorporation improves the reducibility and oxygen storage capacity. CO chemisorption data suggested the presence of large PdO particles due to the low CO/Pd ratio. No significant differences were obtained in light off temperatures (TLight off) for all Pd catalysts and the most active was 1.5%Pd/Ce0.6Zr0.4Ox/SiO2.  相似文献   

Mo-modified Pd/Al2O3catalysts were prepared by an impregnation method and tested for the catalytic combustion of benzene. The catalysts were characterized by N2 isothermal adsorption, X-ray diffraction(XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS), temperatureprogrammed desorption of NH3(NH3-TPD), H2temperature-programmed reduction(H2-TPR), and high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy(HAADF-STEM). The results showed that the addition of Mo effectively improved the activity and stability of the Pd/Al2O3catalyst by increasing the dispersion of Pd active components, changing the partial oxidation state of palladium and increasing the oxygen species concentration on the surface of catalyst. In the case of the Pd-Mo/Al2O3catalyst,benzene conversion of 90% was obtained at temperatures as low as 190°C, which was 45°C lower than that for similar performance with the Pd/Al2O3catalyst. Moreover, the 1.0% Pd-5% Mo/Al2O3catalyst was more active than the 2.0% Pd/Al2O3catalyst. It was concluded that Pd and Mo have a synergistic effect in benzene catalytic combustion.  相似文献   

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