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水资源的短缺,严重制约衣业和国民经济的发展,因此防御旱灾在农业发展中具有举足轻重的作用。针对干旱给陕西省农业发展所带来的威协和损失,对干旱的成因进行了分析,论述了气候资源合理利用干旱形成的主要原因,并提出了相应之对策。  相似文献   

王小梅 《青海环境》1997,7(4):178-181
文章从地理学、气候学、经济学角度,分析了青海农业区制约粮油生产的主导因子,士旱的形成原因和周期,对防旱和抗旱减灾防灾提供理论依据。  相似文献   

40多年来秦皇岛市气候发生了明显的变化,致使农业气象灾害增加:第一,冬暖、倒春寒、春末高温等灾害频次增多,冬季低温冻害频次和程度减少;第二,冬旱、春旱、秋旱、秋冬连旱、冬春连旱增多,伏旱次数明显减少,盛夏洪涝频次减少;第三,低温连阴雨、高温干旱、干热风等灾害在频次和程度上均发生明显变化。因此,秦皇岛农业生产防灾减灾的重点和方法也适当调整。  相似文献   

围绕农业清洁生产涵盖产前、产中和产后全过程的理念,初步构建了农业清洁生产评价指标和审核体系,并针对性地提出政府和农业生产经营者积极推动农业清洁生产实践的具体措施。  相似文献   

影响西北陕、甘、宁、青卤省区粮食产量的主要气候因子是干旱。文中分析了各省区粮食产量之 和水特别是春季降水与气象产量的关系以及春季多雨年和少雨年大气环流及其主要特征量的差异,并建立了气象产量的大气环流预测模型。  相似文献   

西北干旱区发展节水农业保障体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水资源短缺已成为西北干旱区严重的制约因素之一.实施节水型农业模式,成为促进西北干旱区农业持续发展、生态环境保护乃至整个社会经济发展的必要选择.结合西北干旱区水资源开发利用的现状和节水农业发展中存在的主要问题,构建了西北干旱区节水型农业发展的保障体系:加强宣传培训,提高节水农业意识;制定科学规划,促进农业持续发展;构建完整体系,支持节水农业发展;健全法律制度,保障节水农业发展.  相似文献   

农业生态环境质量评价研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
根据农业生态系统的组成及其存在的环境问题提出了选择评价农业生态环境质量的评价指标、选择评价指标的原则,评价指标及其权重的确定原则,指出根据评价指标的指数值计算农业生态环境质量指数值,再根据农业生态环境质量分级标准,确定农业生态环境的状态这一研究方法。  相似文献   

根据国际流行的灾害评估模式,通过对秦皇岛市气象灾害的分布和环境状况的调查,建立风险要素和风险级别的隶属关系矩阵,用层次分析法来确定风险要素权重的排序,凭借DPS数据处理软件(DataProcessingSystem)计算权重,得到综合脆弱度指数集合,获得相关区域的气象灾害风险指数得分。  相似文献   

用不同的壳聚糖溶液分组处理干旱胁迫下的玉米幼苗,并于每次喷施壳聚糖的第二天测定幼苗的叶绿素、蛋白质、脯氨酸、可溶性糖等生理生化指标的含量.结果显示,用0.2%溶液处理的玉米幼苗其叶绿素、蛋白质、可溶性糖含量的升高都较显著,0.3%溶液处理的玉米幼苗脯氨酸含量相对较低.由此说明,壳聚糖溶液处理干旱胁迫下的玉米幼苗有利于其生长,为壳聚糖对玉米抵抗干旱胁迫的影响提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

农业清洁生产已经从一种理念转变为多元化实践行动,正在对世界各国农业可持续发展、食物安全和环境保护产生积极、深远而广泛的影响。而这一显著成效的取得与世界各国政府制定并颁布实施的一系列政策法规不无关系。概括起来主要包括鼓励性政策法规、限制性政策法规和禁止性政策法规三个方面。随着时代的需求和农业的发展,这些政策法规依然在不断地修订与完善之中。  相似文献   

While the exceptional drought in California ended in 2017, the state is expected to experience similar droughts in the future. Understanding how individuals perceive the causes and consequences of drought will help frame future communication and planning efforts. We surveyed a panel of Californian residents about their perceptions of the 2012–2017 drought. We found a major disconnect in how our respondents perceived drought and water use. Respondents perceived the drought as being caused primarily by climatic factors and underestimated the role human water use, particularly agricultural use, had in exacerbating drought. Comparing our respondents across the state and across socio‐demographics, there were few differences in concern about drought but several differences in how residents thought drought should be managed. Such research can help water managers communicate about the specific concerns the public has about future droughts, as well as address misperceptions about the relationship between drought and water use.  相似文献   

In California, the growing popularity of urban agriculture (UA) has unfolded against a backdrop of historic drought. While UA is often celebrated as an urban sustainability strategy, it must be able to persist during drought if it is to perform these functions. Using Santa Clara County – the geographic core of Silicon Valley – as a case study, we use interviews and surveys to explore the implications of drought for UA. We show how developing an understanding of water access for UA during a drought requires examining the social and institutional context of water management and use. In metropolitan California, the highly decentralised water supply system combined with the diverse institutional arrangements that support UA create an uneven landscape of water access. Consequently, the pressure to change water-consuming practices – that is, the stress that institutional drought responses place on different water users – is geographically and socially differentiated. Among UA water users, responses to drought have also varied, in part because the possibilities for change are constrained by the sociotechnical arrangements of UA sites and the different purposes of UA.  相似文献   

Agricultural drought differs from meteorological, hydrological, and socioeconomic drought, being closely related to soil water availability in the root zone, specifically for crop and crop growth stage. In previous studies, several soil moisture indices (e.g., the soil moisture index, soil water deficit index) based on soil water availability have been developed for agricultural drought monitoring. However, when developing these indices, it was generally assumed that soil water availability to crops was equal throughout the root zone, and the effects of root distribution and crop growth stage on soil water uptake were ignored. This article aims to incorporate root distribution into a soil moisture‐based index and to evaluate the performance of the improved soil moisture index for agricultural drought monitoring. The Huang‐Huai‐Hai Plain of China was used as the study area. Overall, soil moisture indices were significantly correlated with the crop moisture index (CMI), and the improved root‐weighted soil moisture index (RSMI) was more closely related to the CMI than averaged soil moisture indices. The RSMI correctly identified most of the observed drought events and performed well in the detection of drought levels. Furthermore, the RSMI had a better performance than averaged soil moisture indices when compared to crop yield. In conclusion, soil moisture indices could improve agricultural drought monitoring by incorporating root distribution.  相似文献   

Sadat Noori, S.M., A.M. Liaghat, and K. Ebrahimi, 2011. Prediction of Crop Production Using Drought Indices at Different Time Scales and Climatic Factors to Manage Drought Risk. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(1): 1‐9. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00586.x Abstract: Drought causes great damage to rainfed and irrigated farming. Therefore, prediction of crop production during the drought period is essential in order to manage drought risk. Thus, proceeding to agricultural drought risk management can be very useful. This study shows the results of early crop prediction using the combination of climate factors and drought indices at different time scales. The study region was Hamadan, a semiarid region in Iran. The methodology demonstrated here has allowed the prediction of production several months before harvest. Moreover, the predictive models constructed have explained 89% of the temporal variability of wheat production. This method could be very efficient for managing crop production. Moreover, having clear prediction, decision makers can plan better for overcoming drought impacts to reduce crop uncertainty for farmers in insurance companies.  相似文献   

Abstract: This article evaluates drought scenarios of the Upper Colorado River basin (UCRB) considering multiple drought variables for the past 500 years and positions the current drought in terms of the magnitude and frequency. Drought characteristics were developed considering water‐year data of UCRB’s streamflow, and basin‐wide averages of the Palmer Hydrological Drought Index (PHDI) and the Palmer Z Index. Streamflow and drought indices were reconstructed for the last 500 years using a principal component regression model based on tree‐ring data. The reconstructed streamflow showed higher variability as compared with reconstructed PHDI and reconstructed Palmer Z Index. The magnitude and severity of all droughts were obtained for the last 500 years for historical and reconstructed drought variables and ranked accordingly. The frequency of the current drought was obtained by considering two different drought frequency statistical approaches and three different methods of determining the beginning and end of the drought period (annual, 5‐year moving, and ten year moving average). It was concluded that the current drought is the worst in the observed record period (1923‐2004), but 6th to 14th largest in terms of magnitude and 1st to 12th considering severity in the past 500 years. Similarly, the current drought has a return period ranging from 37 to 103 years based on how the drought period was determined. It was concluded that if the 10‐year moving average is used for defining the drought period, the current drought appears less severe in terms of magnitude and severity in the last 500 years compared with the results using 1‐ and 5‐year averages.  相似文献   

Quantifying surface water shortages in arid and semiarid agricultural regions is challenging because limited water supplies are distributed over long distances based on complex water management systems constrained by legal, economic, and social frameworks that evolve with time. In such regions, the water supply is often derived in a climate dramatically different from where the water is diverted to meet agricultural demand. The existing drought indices which rely on local climate do not portray the complexities of the economic and legal constraints on water delivery. Nor do these indices quantify the shortages that occur in drought. Therefore, this research proposes a methodological approach to define surface water shortages in irrigated agricultural systems using a newly developed index termed the Surface Water Delivery Index (SWDI). The SWDI can be used to uniformly quantify surface water deficits/shortages at the end of the irrigation season. Results from the SWDI clearly illustrate how water shortages in droughts identified by the existing indices (e.g., SPI and PDSI) vary strongly both within and between basins. Some surface water entities are much more prone to water shortages than other entities based both on their source of water supply and water right portfolios.  相似文献   

区域农业可持续发展研究——以南京市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国,如何保持经济农达地区农业的可持续发展已成为一项重要研究课题。本文以南京市为例,分析了PRESD系统要素,并针对该市农业可持续发展中所面临的问题,提出了我国经济发达地区农业可持续发展的对策  相似文献   

采用滑移相关和斜交因子分析方法,得出影响成都地区鹤望兰产量的气象因子是温度、光照和相对湿度,且有显著的超前性.冬季的增温、增光和降低湿度是增加春季产量的重要管理环节,而秋季的增光、降低湿度是提高秋、冬季产量的重要措施.  相似文献   

通过对城市生态指标的分析评价,发现承德市的主要生态问题,并提出建议,寻求城市发展的高质、高效、和谐的"生态之路".  相似文献   

黄峥嵘 《四川环境》1992,11(1):34-39
我省自八十年代初始,已开展了生态农业试点建设,在不同区域条件下取得了明显的经济、生态、社会三大效益。“八五”期间试点范围还将会扩大,在此基础上,提出评价指标为生态农业建设规范化提供依据。本文拟写评价指标体系及其标准原则、评价方法、指标体系的解释和评价单项指标群体。通过指标评价方法,既可找出影响生态经济功能的限制因子,又可找到问题的突破口及配套措施。将有效地促进县级生态农业的健康发展。  相似文献   

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