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Summary Many adaptations have arisen in response to spern competition. In garter snakes, males produce copulatory plugs that are thought to prevent such competition. We tested this assumption using paternity exclusion techniques with electrophoretic data from 32 litters of snakes collected from two populations. Multiple paternity was confirmed in 50% of the litters examined (13/22 Michigan litters; 3/10 Wisconsin litters), and we estimate that as many as 72% of the litters may have been multiply sired. The presence of multiple paternity was also confirmed using the technique of genotypic regression. Mean relatedness in litters with evidence of multiple paternity was 0.390±0.053; in litters lacking such evidence mean relatedness was 0.498±0.022. Thus our data reveal a high incidence of multiple paternity in these snakes and suggest that their adaptations to prevent sperm competition are surprisingly ineffective.  相似文献   

Summary Female red-sided garter snakes, Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis, become unattractive to most males after mating in the field and in the laboratory. Male red-sided garter snakes vary in their latencies to court attractive females following copulation, with courtship resuming in minutes to hours. Unsuccessful males in mating balls disperse from mating pairs, but are not residually inhibited from courting attractive females. These patterns of behavior indicate that males have evolved mechanisms to maximize opportunities for copulation with several females, while females mate only once per season.  相似文献   

Summary. Male garter snakes locate females during the breeding season utilizing conspecific trailing behavior. It has been hypothesized that the female-derived chemical cue responsible for mediating male reproductive trailing behavior is the sexual attractiveness pheromone, a previously characterized contact pheromone responsible for releasing male courtship behavior. To examine this hypothesis, we tested the response of male red-sided garter snakes, Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis, to pheromone trails produced by males, females and ‘she-males’. She-males are a small subset of males in the natural population that are morphologically and behaviorally similar to other males except that they produce and express the sexual attractiveness pheromone during the breeding season. When tested on a Y-maze, males were found to detect and follow the skin lipid trails of females and she-males, but displayed no behavioral responses to male trails. In addition, males were unable to discriminate between she-male and female trails when given a choice. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the sexual attractiveness pheromone is the chemical cue primarily utilized by males to mediate reproductive trailing behavior.  相似文献   

Many animals show seasonal shifts in behaviors that coincide with breeding, migration, or hibernation. These behavioral shifts provide ideal opportunities to study the regulation of behavior. The red-sided garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) spends 8 months of the year inactive in underground hibernacula, 1 month breeding, and 3 months feeding to build up enough energy stores to survive the following winter. Although they emerge from 8 months of hibernation with severely depleted energy reserves, they do not feed until weeks later, after the breeding season. We tested the hypothesis that this lack of feeding during the breeding season is due to a shift in behavior rather than the distribution of food and potential mates. Male garter snakes were given a series of choices between pursuing a breeding or feeding opportunity. The proportion of tests in which males selected feeding over breeding gradually increased throughout the study period, reaching almost 100% in the final tests. Males also were given opportunities to feed and court at the beginning and end of the study. Males initially refused food and courted females, but when retested at the end of the study they fed and did not court females. Thus aphagia during the breeding season is due at least in part to an endogenous shift in behavior.Communicated by P. Weatherhead  相似文献   

Lethal chemical defenses in prey species can have profound effects on interactions with predators. The presence of lethal defenses in prey can correct the selective imbalance suggested by the life-dinner principle in which the fitness consequences of an encounter between predator and prey should be much greater for the prey species than the predator. Despite the apparent adaptive advantages of lethality the evolution of deadly prey presents a fundamental dilemma. How might lethal defenses confer an individual fitness advantage if both predators and prey die during interactions? We examined the interaction between the rough-skinned newt (Taricha granulosa), which contains a powerful neurotoxin called tetrodotoxin (TTX), and the common garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis). In some sympatric populations, Th. sirtalis have evolved physiological resistance to TTX. Whether the newts’ toxin confers protection from snake predators or has been disarmed by the snakes’ physiological resistance has not yet been directly tested. In predator–prey trials, newts that were rejected by snakes had greater concentrations of TTX in their skin (4.52 ± 3.49 mg TTX/g skin) than those that were eaten (1.72 ± 1.53 mg TTX/g skin). Despite the plethora of taxa that appear to use TTX defensively, this is the first direct and quantitative demonstration of the antipredator efficacy of TTX. Because the survival probability of a newt (and thus fitness) is affected by individual TTX concentration, selection can drive the escalation of toxin levels in newts. The variable fitness consequences associated with both TTX levels of newts and resistance to TTX in snakes that may promote a strong and symmetrical coevolutionary relationship have now been demonstrated.  相似文献   

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology - Shared behavioural traits result from the interaction of two or more individuals, making it difficult to discern which individual is in control of the...  相似文献   

Competition among males to mate is generally associated with male-biased size dimorphism. In this study we examine mating behavior in the northern water snake (Nerodia sipedon), a species in which males are much smaller than females despite substantial competition among males to mate. Competition among males was a consequence of a male-biased operational sex ratio due to slightly higher female mortality from a birth sex ratio of 1 : 1, and, in 1 year, more synchronous and longer mating activity by males. Approximately one-third of both males and females appeared not to mate in a given year. Larger males were generally more likely to attempt mating, but size did not explain the variance in the number of aggregations in which individual males participated. Within aggregations, males that were successful at achieving intromission were larger than unsuccessful males in 1 of 2 years. Variation in condition (mass relative to length) and relative tail length were not generally useful predictors of either mating effort or success in males. Because large size was often advantageous to males, sexual size dimorphism appeared not to be a consequence of sexual selection favoring smaller males. Because sexual dimorphism was evident at birth, and both males and females matured sexually at about 4 years, sexual dimorphism was not simply a consequence of one sex growing at the maximum rate for longer. Female fecundity increased with size, and sex differences in size-fecundity relations may underly the pattern of sexual size dimorphism. However, because multiple mating by females is common, sperm competition is likely to be important in determining male reproductive success. Therefore, allocation of energy to sperm rather than growth may also prove to be an important influence on male growth rates and sexual size dimorphism.  相似文献   

Summary The data on the frequency of mating by queens of eusocial Hymenoptera are reviewed.It is pointed out that the issue of sperm clumping is probably irrelevant to the evolution of eusociality.The hypothesis is presented that multiple mating is an adaptation for maintaining large colonies. In ants there is a significant relation between the size of the colony and the frequency of mating.The effect of multiple mating on the spread of a gene for worker behavior is explored. If a female mates twice, the effective number of matings is less than two except in the case of identical sperm contribution by the males.Sperm bias is defined as the contribution of unequal amounts of sperm by the males that mate with a queen. Sperm bias can be produced as a sampling phenomenon, by inter-male competition for females and by sperm competition.The relation between the ergonomic efficiency of the workers at the production of reproductives and the number of matings that is consistent with the evolution of eusociality is derived. If workers are only about 10% more efficient at producing reproductives within a eusocial colony than they are solitarily, then two matings by the queen will still produce a selective advantage to eusocial behavior.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts that organisms make certain adjustments to their current and future reproductive effort such that fitness is maximized. Moreover, these adjustments may be fine tuned in response to risks of attack by natural enemies. Thus, we may predict that as an organism ages it will accept increasing levels of exposure to predators during mating activities, effectively trading the risk of losing terminal mating opportunities for the risk of predation. We tested this prediction in an acoustic moth, Achroia grisella, in which females orient toward and evaluate males based on their ultrasonic calling song, and both sexes may be vulnerable to predation by insectivorous bats while in flight as well as on the substrate. In the latter situation, singing males and orienting females show silence and arrestment responses, respectively, when presented with synthetic bat echolocation signals broadcast above a threshold amplitude. We found that both males and females become less sensitive to these broadcasts over the course of their brief reproductive periods, 7 and 5 days, respectively. Over the same periods, sensitivity to male song in both males and females remains constant, and relatively little senescence in sexual behavior is observed. These results support the risk trading hypothesis, and they indicate that life history principles may apply over a very short lifespan.  相似文献   

In some species, sperm is stored within the female reproductive tract for months to years, and yet remains viable to fertilize eggs and produce offspring. Female red-sided garter snakes store sperm for over 7 months of winter dormancy. In previous work, we demonstrated that these stored sperm account for an average of 25 % paternity of a litter when the female mates with a male at spring emergence. Here, we tested whether last-male sperm precedence was prevalent when a female mates with two males during the spring. On average, paternity was shared equally among the first (P1 proportion of paternity of the first male to mate) and second males (P2) to mate in the spring, and stored sperm (Pss), but the variance in paternity was high. Thus, last male sperm precedence may diminish when a female has more than two mates. Male size did not affect paternity, but, as the interval between matings increased, P1 increased at the expense of Pss. Interestingly, as the second spring male’s copulation duration increased, P1 also increased at the expense of P2. This result suggests that female influence over sperm and/or copulatory plug transfer during matings may also affect which male fathers her offspring in response to coercive matings as we assisted females to mate for their second mating. Finally, all females were spring “virgins”; consequently, sperm stored from autumn matings (and/or previous spring matings) remain competitive even when faced with two rivals in sperm competition and is likely the driver of the evolution of sperm longevity.  相似文献   

Summary Populations of the intertidal hermit crab Calcinus tibicen were observed in the laboratory and reproductive behaviors recorded. Of the 218 interactions, 68 resulted in copulation(s). Male and female sizes were positively correlated. Male size affected copulation success in a non-linear fashion. In particular, the largest males did not obtain any copulations. This was largely a consequence of the shell species occupied by large individuals; males in Nerita sp and Cittarium pica shells were unsuccessful in courtship. The ability to execute precopulatory rotation of the female was negatively affected by certain shell types. Repeated pairings of individuals suggested some level of individual recognition within the reproductively active population.  相似文献   

The resolution of intersexual conflict over mating should be dependent on the current state of each individual. In this study, I used a factorial design to examine the influence of two physiological factors, sperm depletion and food deprivation, on resistance to mating by females of the water strider, Aquarius remigis. Females employ several different mate-resisting tactics during an encounter with a male. Five measures of female resistance to mating were identified: jumping, rolling, dunking, time spent dunking, and struggle duration. Jump, roll, and dunk rates were highly correlated with each other and combined into one metric of resistance to mating (PC1) using principal components analysis. Time per dunk (T/D) and struggle duration were also analyzed. Discrete male behaviors during the struggle could not be identified. Two measures of female resistance, PC1 and T/D, were significantly lower in sperm-depleted females than in sperm-replenished females. Struggle duration did not differ between the two treatments. Starvation had no effect on any of the measures of resistance. Sperm depletion significantly enhanced the probability of mating (54% vs. 24% for replenished females), while starvation had no effect on the probability of mating. I pooled all the females and compared females that mated with those that did not mate. Nonmating females resisted significantly more than mating females in all three measures of resistance. Path analysis indicated that PC1 was the only measure of resistance that was significantly negatively related to the probability of mating. Almost half (46%) of sperm-depleted females showed no resistance to males, while only 3% of sperm-replenished females were nonresistant. When nonresisters were removed from the analysis, sperm depletion had no effect on any of the measures of female resistance to mating and no effect on the probability of mating. In A. remigis, female resistance appears to be a yes/no phenomenon with respect to sperm depletion and not affected directly by starvation. Received: 2 September 1994/Accepted after revision: 9 September 1995  相似文献   

Investment into reproduction is influenced by multiple factors and varies substantially between males and females. Theory predicts that males should adjust their ejaculate size or quality in response to variation in female experience or phenotypic quality. In addition, sperm investment by males may also be influenced by their own status and experience. Although such adjustments of male ejaculate size can impact reproductive success (via fertilization success), fitness returns from male sperm investment may be influenced (either limited or facilitated) by the level of maternal investment. To test this hypothesis, we conducted an experiment that simultaneously evaluated the effect of paternal and maternal experience (which incorporates mating status, age, body size, and other related variables) on paternal sperm investment and maternal reproductive allocation in the lizard Anolis sagrei. During staged mating trials, experienced males were more likely to copulate with females, but these individuals were less likely to transfer sperm during mating than were naïve individuals. Maternal experience had no impact on these mating behaviors. In contrast to expectations, experience and phenotypic quality (of both sexes) had no impact on male ejaculate size or quality (proportion of live sperm) or on maternal reproductive investment (in terms of egg size and yolk steroids). These findings were intriguing given the mating system and past evidence for differential maternal investment in relation to sire quality in A. sagrei. The results found in this study highlight the complexity of reproductive investment patterns, and we urge caution when applying general conclusions across populations or taxa.  相似文献   

Sexual selection via female choice can afford preferred males comparably higher mating success than those males that lack preferred traits. In addition, many models of sexual selection assume that both male traits and female preferences are heritable. In this study we test whether females of the poeciliid fish, Heterandria formosa, have repeatable pre-copulatory preferences for larger males. We also test whether female pre-copulatory preferences are always reliable indicators of male mating success. When given a choice between a large and a small male, females prefer larger males, and the repeatability of this preference is high. Although there are no overall differences in male mating success between large and small males, large males have a higher mating success when they are the first to mate than when they are the second to mate. Likewise, preferred males also have higher mating success when they are the first to mate than when they mate second. Therefore, the repeatable female preferences observed in this study only predict male mating success when the preferred male mates first. These results illustrate that even significantly repeatable female preferences do not translate into male mating success, which is an assumption of many examinations of the importance of female choice in sexual selection.  相似文献   

We investigated odor changes and their behavioral significance in the solitary, ground-nesting bee Andrena nigroaenea. We used gas chromatography with electroantennographic detection and performed behavioral tests with males in the field using natural odor samples and synthetic compounds. We found that only cuticle extracts of young females elicited copulation attempts in the males. We demonstrated that among the 17 compounds which triggered electroantennographic responses, all-trans-farnesyl hexanoate and all-trans-farnesol were significantly more abundant in unattractive cuticle extracts of A. nigroaenea females. Dufour’s gland extracts of these females also contained greater amounts of both compounds. In bioassays using synthetic farnesyl hexanoate and farnesol we found that these compounds inhibit copulation behavior in the males. Farnesyl hexanoate is probably synthesized in Dufour’s gland and used by females for lining brood cells. We interpret the semiochemical function of farnesyl hexanoate and its precursor farnesol to have evolved secondarily. As an outcome of sexual selection, it facilitates the discrimination by males of receptive females from nesting and thus already mated individuals. The dual function of these compounds represents an elegant parsimony in the chemical communication system of this insect. Received: 19 January 2000 / Revised: 29 May 2000 / Accepted: 24 June 2000  相似文献   

This laboratory study examined the combined effects of male and female behaviors on the outcome of mating encounters in Octopus bimaculoides. We found that male–male competition for mating opportunities depends on female maturity; the presence of immature females elicited significantly higher levels of aggression between competing males. We conclude that males are able to assess the reproductive status of females. The study also found that immature and mature females resisted male mating attempts to a similar extent but that males that showed more aggression toward male competitors were able to spend more time in contact with females. We suggest that the lack of prominent visual displays in these mating trials indicates the importance of chemical cues in Octopus mating systems, as has been demonstrated for other cephalopods. This study contributes to the growing research on cephalopod mating systems and in particular shows that Octopus mating dynamics may be more behaviorally complex than initially assumed.  相似文献   

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