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The caterpillars of Eucheira socialis westwoodi cooperatively spin and maintain a hollow silken nest and an elaborate network of silken foraging trails on their host plant, madrone (Arbutus spp.: Ericaceae). Nests typically contain several hundred larvae. Two populations are known to harbor a sex ratio distorter. The primary sex ratio in these two populations for four generations has been exceedingly male biased (64–79% male). Lepidoptera larvae are easily sexed using external morphology, allowing us to uniquely mark male and female larvae and to assemble larval groups of particular sex ratios. We report here the results of experiments on sex-specific larval behavior and physiology and the effect of colony sex ratio on individual behavior. We found that male larvae spent more time spinning silk on the nest and less time feeding than female larvae. Males were the first to emerge from the nest and the first to venture out along trails to feed. Male-biased nests had a significantly greater amount of silk deposited on their surfaces than female-biased nests. In the field, male-biased nests produced heavier male and female pupae than female-biased nests. Male and female larvae in 75% male nests became active earlier than males and females in other sex ratio treatments. Received: 11 September 1998 / Received in revised form: 24 February 1999 / Accepted: 27 March 1999  相似文献   

Summary. Tracer feeding studies with radioactively labeled pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) were performed to attain experimental information about the specificity and mechanisms of uptake, metabolism and storage of PAs in the alkaloid sequestering ithomiine butterfly Mechanitis polymnia. Adult butterflies easily ingest the tracers offered dissolved in a saturated sugar solution. Feeding of [14C]rinderine (free base) confirmed that M. polymnia is well adapted to sequester and maintain PAs of the lycopsamine type. Approximately 80% of the ingested radioactivity can be recovered in methanol extracts of the butterflies over a period of at least 6 hours. Labeled rinderine is efficiently N-oxidized and transformed into a metabolite of still unknown structure. These two metabolites are formed in almost equal amounts and account for more than 90% of total radioactivity. After four hours the toxic free base is only detectable in traces. Radioactively labeled senecioylretronecine (free base), a PA that often accompanies PAs of the lycopsamine type in plants, is metabolized in a different manner. The toxic free base disappeared as fast as the tertiary rinderine, but the final products which accumulated in a stable ratio after 12 hours were mainly two polar metabolites of unknown structure; senecioylretronecine N-oxide accounts for less than 10% of total PAs. Labeled senecionine a macrocyclic PA, which never has been found in wild caught M. polymnia is only slowly N-oxidized. In females ca 50% of the ingested senecionine is still present as free base after 24 hours, whereas under the same conditions in males this percentage is only ca 20%. This difference in N-oxidation was the only significant sex-specific difference observed in various experiments. Larvae of M. polymnia which feed on Solanum tabacifolium, a plant that does not contain PAs, are able to sequester and partly N-oxidize labeled senecioylretronecine and senecionine. However, the storage is not very efficient; with the two tracers less than 5% of radioactivity remained in the bodies after 24 hours. Received 19 October 1999; accepted 24 November 1999  相似文献   

In 1991/1992, we studied the sand disposal behavior of the painted ghost crabs Ocypode gaudichaudii on the Pacific coast of Panamá. O. gaudichaudii either kick, dump or tamp sand they excavate from their burrows. Here we relate these three kinds of sand disposal to burrow structure and distribution, as well as to crab size and sex. Our objective was to determine whether tamping may be a male courtship signal. Burrows whose owners tamped sand were on average longer, deeper, and higher on the beach than were burrows whose owners kicked or dumped sand. Five burrow shapes were distinguished, with half-spiral and spiral shapes being most common among tamped burrows. All crabs excavated from tamped burrows were males. Tamped burrows peaked in abundance around full and new moons. These observations, together with what is known about mating and breeding behavior of other ghost crabs, suggest that tamping may be involved in O. gaudichaudii courtship.  相似文献   

Summary The geometric isomers (E,E)-, (E,Z)-, (Z,E)-, and (Z,Z)-8,10-dodecadien-1-yl acetate were identified as sex pheromone components or sex attractants in the tribes Eucosmini and Grapholitini of the tortricid subfamily Olethreutinae. Species belonging to the more ancestral Tortricinae were not attracted. Each one isomer was behaviourally active in males ofCydia andGrapholita (Grapholitini), either as main pheromone compound, attraction synergist or attraction inhibitor. Their reciprocal attractive/antagonistic activity in a number of species enables specific communication with these four compounds.Pammene, as well as otherGrapholita andCydia responded to the monoenic 8- or 10-dodecen-1-yl acetates. Of the tribes Olethreutini and Eucosmini,Hedya, Epiblema, Eucosma, andNotocelia trimaculana were also attracted to 8,10-dodecadien-1-yl acetates, but several otherNotocelia to 10,12-tetradecadien-1-yl acetates. The female sex pheromones ofC. fagiglandana, C. pyrivora, C. splendana, Epiblema foenella andNotocelia roborana were identified. (E,E)- and (E,Z)-8,10-dodecadien-1-yl acetate are producedvia a commonE9 desaturation pathway inC. splendana. CallingC. nigricana andC. fagiglandana females are attracted to wingfanning males.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between song performance and courtship success in the lek-mating long-tailed manakin (Chiroxiphia linearis) of Costa Rica. Teams of male manakins form cooperative partnerships consisting of a dominant alpha male and a beta male partner with a variable number of subordinate affiliates. Each alpha and beta partnership performs a joint song virtually in unison, which attracts females to their lek arena. We quantified four aspects of song performance, including synchrony, degree of consistency in the alpha male's singing, degree of consistency in the beta male's singing, and degree of sound frequency matching between partners. When all four variables were included in a discriminant function analysis, average frequency matching alone was useful in discriminating between teams with high rates of visitation by females and those with low visitation rates. Only frequency matching was correlated with the rate at which females visited display lek arenas. We propose that the degree of frequency matching provides an unambiguous ideal against which dual-male courtship performance can be assessed. This aspect of song performance may provide information useful to females in assesing a potential mate's ability to form a cooperative long-term partnership.  相似文献   

Males of the brush-legged wolf spider, Schizocosa ocreata (Araneae: Lycosidae), possess a conspicuous male secondary sexual character: dark pigmentation and tufts of bristles on the tibiae of their forelegs. We tested several hypotheses relating to the role of this conspicuous trait in sexual selection. Triad mating experiments suggest that the tufts do not play an obvious role in the operation of sexual selection by either male competition or female choice, as there were no significant differences in the mating success of intact and experimentally shaved males. However, females mated more often with males that initiated courtship first, suggesting that capture of a female’s attention by male signalling may play a critical role. In behavioral experiments that paired a single male with a female in arenas that allowed both visual and vibratory signal transmission during courtship, female receptivity did not vary significantly with the presence or absence of tufts. However, experiments that isolated the visual component of communication (by eliminating vibratory communication) revealed a significant effect of the presence of tufts: females showed receptivity less often to males with tufts removed. Female response to visual signals was much greater in S. ocreata than in its sibling congener, Schizocosa rovneri, which lacks male tufts. We hypothesize that the tufts serve to increase the efficacy of visual displays of S. ocreata, as vibratory communication is constrained by the complex leaf litter habitat of some populations. Such environmental constraints may make visual signalling over distance a critical factor for effective courtship communication, which may in turn strongly influence male fitness. Received: 30 September 1994/Accepted after revision: 4 August 1995  相似文献   

The known distribution of Calanus helgolandicus in the North Atlantic Drift is difficult to explain in the absence of a reproductively active population inhabiting continental waters off eastern North America. New evidece indicates that this population, overlooked in the past, does in fact exist. The species has been found in a study of zooplankton samples from a number of MARMAP (Marine Resource Monitoring, Assessment, and Prediction Program) cruises surveying ichthyoplankton between Cape Hatteras and the New York Bight. Sexual activity in these stocks of C. helgolandicus was indicated by the ripeness of ovaries, the frequency of males, the presence of sperm in the females' seminal receptacles and the appearance of a female bearing a Calanus spermatophore. The new records provide a likely origin for the presence of the species in the vicinity of the Labrador Grand Banks as well as further east in the North Atlantic Drift. C. finmarchicus, similarly sexually active, was found to be sympatric with C. helgolandicus in the MARMAP collections which were taken from a region contiguous with the southernmost, known distribution, of C. glacialis. The distribution of integumental organs (i.e., pore signature patterns) was examined in the three species to determine whether they would be taxonomically useful. Strikingly different patterns were found on the female urosome. Pore signature differences between the polar species C. glacialis and the temperate C. helgolandicus proved to be as pronounced as those between the boreal C. finmarchicus and its two neighboring species. The successively overlapping ranges and the distinctive differences in pore signature patterns suggest that divergence from the generic pattern of integumental organ distribution has been a product of selection against hybridizing among the three species. If this is in fact the case, the reproductive range of C. helgolandicus has overlapped with those of C. finmarchicus and C. glacialis for appreciable periods in the history of the three species.  相似文献   

Summary Life stages of the primitive Australian ithomiine butterflyTellervo zoilus and its larval hostplant, the apocynaceous vineParsonsia straminea, were quantitatively assayed for pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs). PAs were found in all stages, mainly as N-oxides, being most concentrated in larvae and freshly-emerged adults. Although adults feed at various confirmed PA sources this probably does not compensate for losses, as wild-caught adults had considerably lower concentrations of PAs. The main alkaloid present in both freshly-emerged adults and in leaves of the host-plant was lycopsamine (1b), stored by butterflies in the N-oxide form. Its presence in higher proportion, in relation to intermedine (1a), in larvae, pupae and adults ofTellervo in relation to the host-plants suggests the inversion of intermedine to lycopsamine by the insects. No 14-member ring macrocyclic PAs were detected in either food-plant or butterflies. Several other PAs were found in wild-caught adults reflecting visits to other PA sources. PAs were also found in high concentrations in freshly-emerged individuals of the danaineEuploea core bred onParsonsia straminea. Wild-caughtDanaus affinis had high PA levels acquired from adult feeding. Freshly emergedEuploea raised onIschnocarpus frutescens andDanaus raised onIschnostemma carnosum (both PA-free) were preyed on by the orb weaving spiderNephila maculata, and showed no PAs. In all cases where PAs were present, most butterflies were liberated, usually cut out of the web unharmed, byNephila. The spider's response was not closely linked to PA concentration, however, and may also depend on hunger levels and previous experience with PA-containing butterflies. All control and other non-PA containing butterflies were consumed although rejection of some body parts of freshly-emergedDanaus affinis suggests that compounds other than PAs may be involved.  相似文献   

Genetic relations between populations of Cardium (Cerastoderma) edule (L.) and C. lamarcki (Reeve) from Danish waters and C. glaucum (Bruguiére) from the Mediterranean Sea were studied using DNA analysis. Repetitive sequences of nuclear DNA were compared by Southern blotting of enzyme digested DNA fragments, separated on agarose gel by electrophoresis. Fragments were visualized by autoradiography using 32P labelled probes. These were nick translated, randomly sheared fragments of the whole chromosomal genomes of two species of distant taxa — Mytilus edulis and Mya arenaria, respectively. The number of detected DNA bands was 18 for C. edule, 32 for C. lamarcki, and 24 for C. glaucum. Measurements of genetic distances, based on comparisons of these repetitive sequences using a simple dissimilarity coefficients, show the greatest distance, i.e., 0.84 between C. edule and C. lamarcki, 0.69 between C. edule and C. glaucum, and the smallest, 0.52 between C. lamarcki and C. glaucum. Comparisons of the three Cardium types, using gene spliced and cloned C. edule nuclear DNA (nDNA) fragments as probes, accorded with these findings. Also, analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from eggs and hepatopancreas, although not in itself conclusive, accorded with the results of the analyses of nDNA. MtDNA was measured by electron micrograph to 15 000 base pairs (bp), and sizes of restriction enzyme digested fragments were compared by gel electrophoresis. The results of the comparisons based on repetitive sequences supported by the two other studies suggest that C. edule resembles the ancestral form more than the two others, and that C. lamarcki is the most different and recently evolved form. This hypothesis is discussed in relation to the geographical distribution of the species complex.  相似文献   

Two abundant macrozooplankters, Oikopleura vanhoeffeni (Lohmann) and Calanus finmarchicus (Gunnerus) were collected from the coastal waters off Newfoundland in different seasons during 1990–1991 and incubated in natural seawater to collect freshly egested, field produced, fecal pellets. The densities of fecal pellets from O. vanhoeffeni and C. finmarchicus were measured in an isosmotic density gradient. These are the first reported seasonal measurements of fecal pellet densities from two different types of macrozooplankters, O. vanhoeffeni, a larvacean, filter feeder and C. finmarchicus, a crustacean, suspension feeder. Pellet density ranges and medians were significantly different among seasons for both species, depending primarily on the type of phytoplankton ingested and its ability to be compacted. Winter O. vanhoeffeni and fall C. finmarchicus feces filled with nanoplankters and soft bodied organisms had less open space [packing index (% open area) = 3.5 and 4% for O. vanhoeffeni and C. finmarchicus, respectively] and were more dense (1.23 and 1.19 g cm-3) than spring feces filled with diatoms (packing index = 15 and 23%, density = 1.13 and 1.11 gcm-3). For copepods, these results contrast with previously published density values and with the predicted copepod fecal pellet density calculated, in the present study, using the conventional mass/volume relationship. Copepod spring and summer diatom-filled feces had a calculated density of 1.12 and 1.24 gcm-3 vs a measured median density of 1.11 gcm-3 for both spring and summer feces; the fall feces containing nanoplankters had a calculated density of 1.08 gcm-3 vs a measured median density of 1.19 gcm-3. Knowledge of the seasonal variations in fecal pellet densities is important for the development of flux models.  相似文献   

Samples representing the damselfishes (Perciformes: Pomacentridae) Stegastes nigricans, Chrysiptera biocellata, C. glauca, and C. leucopoma from North Male Atoll, Republic of Maldives, and Guam, Southern Marianas, were surveyed electrophoretically. A sample representing C. leucopoma from Ngemelis Island, Republic of Palau, was included in the analysis to provide a within-Micronesia comparison. On average, products of 23 presumptive protein-coding loci were examined in each sample. In comparisons of Maldivian and Guamanian samples, absolute or virtually fixed allelic differences were detected at: (1) ADA * and PEPS * for Stegastes nigricans; (2) ADA *, AAT-1 *, AAT-2 *, and mMDH * for C. biocellata, and; (3) ADA *, AAT-1 *, and AAT-2 * for C. glauca. At three polymorphic loci, ADA *, sMDH-1 *, and sMDH-2 *, similar allele frequencies were found in Palauan and Guamanian samples representing C. leucopoma, suggesting that these samples share a gene pool. Significantly different allele frequencies at ADA * and sMDH-1 * and a virtually fixed allelic difference at sMDH-2 * were detected between the Maldivian samples and each of the Micronesian samples representing C. leucopoma. The observed patterns of allele frequency differentiation suggest that Maldivian and Micronesian samples of each of the four study species represent separate demes.  相似文献   

Summary. Three components that elicited antennal response from male Choristoneura conflictana were found from female gland extracts analyzed using a coupled gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detector system. The main component in gland extracts was (Z)-11-tetradecenal (Z11-14:Ald). Two minor components also elicited antennal response: (E)11-tetradecenal (E11-14:Ald) and (Z)-11- tetradecen-1-ol (Z11-14:OH). Analysis of effluvia indicated that calling virgin females release mostly Z11-14:Ald and trace amounts of Z11-14:OH. Field and wind tunnel behavioral studies showed that Z11-14:Ald alone attracted male moths in a dose response pattern. Tests comparing male response to blends of components detected in gland extracts showed that addition of 1.8% of E11-14:Ald to Z11-14:Ald did not influence male moths in the wind tunnel, but resulted in significantly lower trap captures in the field. The threecomponent blend [Z11-14:Ald (100), E11-14:Ald (1.8), Z11-14:OH (11)], was less attractive than Z11-14:Ald alone in both field and wind tunnel studies. Traps baited with two virgin female moths were equally attractive to males as traps baited with the three-component synthetic blend but less attractive than traps baited with Z11-14:Ald alone. Field tests of various blends of the two components (Z11-14:Ald, Z11-14:OH) detected in the females’ effluvia showed that the addition of 1–10% Z11-14:OH to Z11-14:Ald did not affect the males’ response to Z11-14:Ald. Our data demonstrate that female C. conflictana release sex pheromone components in a different ratio than they are stored in the pheromone gland. The sex pheromone is comprised of a single component, Z11-14:Ald, that can be used to monitor mated and virgin male C. conflictana throughout their flight period.  相似文献   

This study used both correlative and experimental video playback methods to test the hypothesis that the secondary sexual traits of male wolf spiders act to increase the efficacy of visual courtship displays. Direct observations of courtship of several lycosid genera and a review of the literature revealed a significant association between ornamentation and visual courtship displays. This suggests that the ornamentation may be playing the role of amplifier for a visual display. To test this hypothesis, male courtship behaviors of four Schizocosa species were experimentally manipulated using video-imaging techniques. Females of species with non-visually displaying, non-ornamented males (Schizocosa duplex and S. uetzi) did not increase in frequency of receptivity when tufts were added to conspecific males. In a species with a visual display and foreleg pigmentation (S. stridulans), the addition of foreleg tufts increased female receptivity. In a tufted species (S. crassipes), females tended to decrease their receptivity when male ornamentation was completely removed. In visually displaying species, ornamentation acts to increase female receptivity, supporting its role as an amplifier of a visual display. Received: 29 December 1997 / Received in revised form: 23 October 1999 / Accepted: 13 December 1999  相似文献   

We documented spatial and temporal patterns of urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) and periwinkles (Littorina littorea) in three habitats: a persistent Laminaria longicruris and L. digitata bed; an urchin dominated barrens, and the edge of the kelp bed that formed a boundary between the two. Urchins were rare in the kelp and, when present, always large and well hidden, a pattern we interpret as a response to crab and lobster predation. Urchins were abundant in the barrens, and, in the summer when predaceous fish were active during the day, foraged only at nigh. We observed the formation of a dense urchin feeding front along the kelp bed edge, and these urchins remained exposed and feeding even during the summer. Laboratory experiments demonstrated that aggregations are an effective defense against some predators, and that the presence of crabs increases the tendency of large urchins to aggregate. We hypothesize that healthy Laminaria spp. beds persist because kelp bed associated predators keep urchins at low densities and in hiding. A reduction in predation pressure permits urchin densities to increase to the point where they form aggregations, which provide better defense than hiding. These aggregations then graze destructively on Laminaria spp., forming barrens. These barrens seem to be a new, stable configuration of the system.  相似文献   

Summary At mating, males of Atrophaneura alcinous plug the female copulatory duct with a secretory material, but some females copulate several times and can receive spermatophores from different males up to three times. Remating by plugged females mostly takes place shortly after the first mating, when the freshly formed first plug has not completely hardened. A freshly formed plug can be pressed aside or tunneled by the male aedeagus, and thus intromission and subsequent spermatophore transfer are sometimes possible. This is not always the case, however, and larger plugs are more likely to prevent aedeagus intrusion even if they are not completely hardened. Also, a few females remated a day after the first mating or later, when the first plug is already very hard. Completely hardened plugs are more effective than freshly formed ones; later mating males can thrust the aedeagus into the ductus bursae only when the plug is less than ca 1.2 mg (dry weight). The occurrence of female re-mating in plug-forming species thus does not necessarily mean that the plug is ineffective. Offprint requests to: K. Matsumoto  相似文献   

The adults of the common mormon butterfly Papilio polytes Linn. feed on a variety of floral species. The larval food plants in the study area included Citrus limon and Murraya koenigii both of the family Rutaceae. The eggs are laid singly, and the hatching time is three days. The larvae pass through five instars. The larval growth is directly correlated with the quantity of food consumed. The AD (approximate digestibility) values decreased from first instar to the last, whereas the ECD (efficiency of conversion of digested food) and ECI (efficiency of conversion of ingested food) values increased, thus bearing an inverse relationship with AD. The development time from egg to adult is 28-30, giving 11-12 generations in a year, but with better breeding during August-February. Thus P. polytes is multivoltine.  相似文献   

Summary Ips duplicatus withI. typographus co-inhabiting Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) would benefit from a pheromone blend distinct from that of the larger competitorI. typographus. GC-MS analysis showed thatI. duplicatus males feeding in the host produced ipsdienol (Id),cis-verbenol (cV),trans-verbenol (tV), myrtenol (Mt), andE-myrcenol (EM) and traces of 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol (MB).I. duplicatus produced Id in approximately racemic form (48.9-54.5% (+)-(S)-isomer). The amounts of Id and EM released over a 9 day period had a maximum of 250 and 5 ng/h/male, respectively, on day 2. Exposure ofI. duplicatus males to myrcene and -pinene resulted in the production of small amounts of Id, cV, tV, Mt, andtrans-pinocarveol, but not of EM. In laboratory bioassays with walking beetles, the pheromone component Id alone was weakly attractive while EM was inactive, but in binary combination with Id strongly synergized attraction. A combination of EM and Id at a release rate equivalent to 100–200 males was more attractive in the field than 70 unmated males in a spruce log. The addition of myrcene ( a suggested pheromone precursor of Id) to Id did not enhance trap caches, while addition of EM increased catches > 10-fold. Subtracting EM from a blend of Id, EM, cV and MB drastically reduced trap catches while subtraction of cV or MB or both had no significant effect. Addition of EM over a wide concentration range to the synthetic pheromone ofI. typographus did not reduce the attraction of females of this species in the laboratory. A two-species pheromone interaction field test releasingI. typographus pheromone components (MB + cV) at 10–1000 male equivalents (ME) andI. duplicatus pheromone (Id + EM) at 0, 10–1000 ME in all possible combinations showed both positive intraspecific dose-response effects and an interspecific inhibition. Higher release rates of EM appeared to inhibitI. typographus, especially males. In a tree colonization model, the response of the two competing species to their respective pheromones show a good separation during the mass-attack with a small initial cross-attraction. It remains to be shown whether either of the two pheromone systems have in fact evolved in the present sympatry, or if they are an incidental effect of ancestry of these phylogenetically distantIps.  相似文献   

Summary Larvae of the ithomiine butterflyPlacidula euryanassa sequester tropane alkaloids (TAs) from the host plantBrugmansia suaveolens and pass them through the pupae to freshly emerged adults. Wild caught adults also show in their tissues, variable amounts of pyrrolidizine alkaloids (PAs), probably sequestered from variable plant sources and subject to dynamics of incorporation, accumulation and utilization of PAs by ithomiine butterflies. The ratio TAs/PAs is also variable between different populations.Miraleria cymothoe, another ithomiine that feeds onB. suaveolens as larvae, does not sequester TAs from the host-plant, but sequesters PAs from plant sources visited by the adult butterflies. The main alkaloid found in both butterflies is lycopsamine, which also is the principal PA found in all genera of Ithomiinae.  相似文献   

Summary. A widely distributed host race of Tyria jacobaeae lives on Senecio jacobaea and related species and accumulates pyrrolizidine alkaloids (“PA race”), another race, which is restricted to the Alps and found on Petasites paradoxus, sequesters sesquiterpenes, such as petasol and isopetasol. Nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial 16S rDNA gene show 1% sequence divergence, indicating that genetical differences exist between the PA exploiting and the terpene-sequestering host races of T. jacobaeae. This finding suggests that both host races of T. jacobaeae must have been separated for some time already, possibly since the Pleistocene. Received 2 May 2001; accepted 1 June 2001.  相似文献   

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