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曼谷是世界上塞车最严重的城市之一,堵车成了曼谷市民心中一个不是问题的问题。前不久,笔者去曼谷,才几天时间,就饱偿到了塞车的苦头。在城里的很多路段,常常一堵就是半个小时,甚至一个多小时,可能是习以为常了,即使如此,泰国人还是十分有耐心,堵上很长的一段时间,也不按喇叭,静静的等待。我心想,大城市固然好,但出行也太不方便了,正在做种种感慨,我们前面的一辆车突然来了一个急刹车,还没反映过来,就听见二声爆炸性的响声,我们的车像奔命似的,重重地撞了上去,而紧跟后面的车也撞到我们的车上。当时的我脑子一片空白,几秒钟后,才意识到发生了车祸,除我头上被撞了一个包,脸上有些擦伤外,车上的其他人都没有受伤,车尾凹进去了一大块,左右的车灯全震裂了,我们前后的两辆车都有不同程度的受损。几分钟后,堵车排成了一条长龙。但没过多久,司机们都绕道开走了。我的朋友打报警电话,通知保险公司,但表情却显得很轻松,一边聊天一边等待警察来处理。  相似文献   

昨天下午,国务院召开了全国安全生产电视电话会议,黄菊副总理发表重要讲话,充分肯定了安全生产工作取得的成绩,指出了存在的问题,深刻阐述了安全生产的重要性,并对当前和2005年工作提出了明确要求。今天,我们召开全国安全生产工作会议,主要议题是:贯彻落实党中央、国务院的重要指示和黄菊副总理的重要讲话精神,总结工作,分析形势,部署任务,进一步统一思想,坚定信心,真抓实干,  相似文献   

介绍了酒钢焦化厂焦炉地下室通风降温技术改造成果,通过参数确定,方案对比,采用了通风降温技术措施,效果明显,改善了职工的作业环境,保护了工人的身体健康。  相似文献   

国发[1998]44号文件下发后,各地先后启动了医疗保险工作,通过运作,很多地方取得了实际工作经验,规范了医疗保险的操作,并开始纵向推进,逐步扩大医疗保险的覆盖面,但是,在推进扩面工作中,不但没有原来想象的那样顺利,反而遇到了一些困难和问题,阻碍了扩面工作的推进。  相似文献   

尽管十几年过去了,那段刻骨铭心的往事依然恍如昨日。 十几年前,我还在外地工作的时候,几年才能有一次的回乡探亲,当然是令人心热的事了。提前个把月,我就写信给家里。临到启程前二三天,突然接到长途电话,电话的那头是大哥的声音“小强子出事了,这该天杀的,偷着把我开的车开出去了,闯下了塌天的大祸,撞死人了……出此逆子,家门不幸啊!”大哥泣不成声。“咱妈的身体本来就挺危险,这么一来,怎么对她老人家说呀!你回来千万别提强子的事。我们在家的哥儿几个对妈撒谎,说强子到外地集训去了,千万别说漏了,咱妈实在经不起刺激…  相似文献   

“我现在都后悔买车了。”私营业主王先生说,“从2004年初以来,我就琢磨着搬出现在租用的这个写字楼,没有其他原因,就是停车难,找车位的时间已超出了我的忍耐度。每天都是如此,简直成了我的一块心病。”他还诉苦道,这个小区,停的车有写字楼的客户,有底下咖啡吧、餐馆、茶馆的客户,还有附近小区里的车,把个过道挤得连自行车也骑不了。挤倒还算了,关健是有时候根本停不了车,想停到外面去,可太远了不方便,近一点的也没有车位,绕了一圈又回来,折腾得够呛。也想过干脆买一个车位,可别说买,连常租也租不到。  相似文献   

蒙山脚下的李忠实,先是购买了一辆报废车,由上初三的儿子无证驾驶,一场车祸导致他人死亡,儿子也成了“植物人”,从此拉下了债务,在“好心人”的撮合下,李忠实作了一个荒唐的选择,将18岁的女儿许配给38岁的债主为妻,悲剧再次发生,请看——  相似文献   

随着企业改革改制的深入发展,县城经济国退民进,导致国有,集体企业职工养老保险工作形势日趋严峻,突出表现在三个方面:一是缴费的人数少了,享受的人多了,赡养率接近2:1;二是收入的盘子小了,支出的量大了,基金入不敷出;三是服务的对象广了,困难面宽了,工作任务加重。  相似文献   

我喜欢看日出。那一年到山东出差,中午到了泰安,我就上了泰山,登上了玉皇顶,许多游人滞留在那里,准备在山上过夜,第二天早晨看日出。可我因为有急事要赶回去,当天又一口气从原路下了山,晚上登上了火车。那是一列从乌鲁木齐开往杭州方向的慢车,因为是过路车,我没有买到座位票,列车上人特别多,走道上和两节车厢之间的空档都挤满了人,我从泰安一直站到南京,又饿又累。直到现在,我都有点懊悔,当时应该在泰山上看完日出再走。  相似文献   

当前经济成分多样化、经济利益多元化、劳动用工形式多样化和生活方式多样化,使安全生产工作出现许多新情况、新问题,也给安全生产监管带来了难度。搞好安全生产工作,要用全新的思维、观念和方法去解决,切实走出“四个误区”。走出“形式上抓安全”的误区,切实改变思维。有的同志认为,抓安全生产就是要搞得轰轰烈烈,大张旗鼓,有声有色。于是,该思想教育的不教育了,该培训的不培训了,该从严要求的不严了,只从形式上入手,领导作了多少次讲话,搞了多少活动,检查了多少地方,加码了多少围墙,加强了几个门岗,其结果是图了形式上…  相似文献   

Ezra Hauer 《Safety Science》2010,48(9):1111-1122
Prediction is about potential outcomes: what will happen if and what would have happened if. The first question arises when safety targets are set, the second when the effect of an intervention on safety is to be evaluated. There are many ways to predict. For the same data different prediction methods produce different predictions. What targets are set and what estimates of intervention effect are produced will depend on what method of prediction is chosen. Therefore one has to determine what method tends to predict best. To do so empirically one asks what method would have predicted best had it been applied in the past and then one assumes, inductively, that the same would apply in the future. Quantitative measures of prediction quality are suggested and it is shown how these measures of prediction quality allow one to determine which of two prediction methods should be preferred.The suggested approach was applied to two data sets: The time series of motor vehicle accident fatalities in Province A and in Province B. On the basis of this analysis one may draw tentative conclusions for these jurisdictions and the methods tested; one can say what method seems preferable, what is the average size of bias than needs to be corrected and how accurate is the prediction likely to be. Broader conclusions will emerge once many additional methods of prediction are applied to data from many other jurisdictions and pertaining to a variety of circumstances.  相似文献   

关于区域环境保护政策的思考   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
本从通过分析我国环境保护政策存在的缺口和目前对这种理念的研究进展,并根据环境问题本身的特性以及环境问题产生的背景差异提出重新确立环境保护政策的调控范围的观点,并提出了这种观点对于对我国环境保护政策以及环境保护工作的重要意义。  相似文献   

Fred Wegman  Siem Oppe 《Safety Science》2010,48(9):1203-1211
In order to obtain political interest in road safety problems and to learn from other countries’ ‘good practices’, it is often helpful to compare one’s own safety situation with that of other countries. In a number of projects tools have been developed for such comparisons. These tools range from simple ratings of countries on their safety outcomes, such as the annual number of fatalities per capita or per kilometre driven by (motor)vehicles to more comprehensive comparisons.These comparisons not only show differences in safety between countries, but to a certain extent also explain such differences in terms of their safety background and measures taken. Finally, tools have been defined to support road safety policy makers in developing possible safety measures or actions. Procedures for such complex safety comparisons have been developed and tested in several so-called SUNflower studies.This promising approach can be further developed into standard procedures for safety comparisons between all countries in the European Union, and other countries worldwide. This paper wishes to outline the development of such standards for the benchmarking of road safety and safety trends as well as procedures for quantifying safety performances of countries.Starting point of this conceptual framework is the so-called SUNflower-pyramid in which three types of indicators are distinguished. The first one of these, the road safety performance indicator, is called an outcome indicator and is based on the number of killed and injured road users. The second indicator type indicates the quality of the implementation of road safety policies: the implementation performance indicators. The third type of indicator indicates the quality of response in policy documents to improve road safety (policy performance indicator). The three types of indicators are embedded in a policy context: the structure and culture of a country, which are considered as background variables.This paper sets out to describe the framework for the development of a comprehensive set of indicators to benchmark road safety performances of countries or of sub-national jurisdictions. The paper also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of combining such indicators and if combined, how to aggregate how different indicators in one composite performance index. It is argued to group countries in different classes with more or less comparable countries. Different procedures are used for this grouping. The results are promising and it is recommended to work with classes of countries.  相似文献   

Influence of driver sex on road accidents is assessed in this article. Accident records for 3 years and for three different income regions were analyzed. Annual distance traveled, social and economic participation, and effect of public vehicle accidents were considered. Effects of environmental factors and driver age were also included. Driver faults analysis identified possible reasons for accident differences. Analysis of accident severity was used to assess degree of harm. Statistical analysis at the 5% significance level was used to evaluate all differences. The results show that male accident rates are significantly higher. This trend is consistent through all the analyses. Accident differences are significant only in normal driving conditions. Drivers over age 50 had the lowest accident rates. Accident rate differences were caused by lack of attention and impatience among male drivers. Appropriate means of communication should alert concerned populations to these findings.  相似文献   

Introduction: Past empirical studies indicated that there is a Kuznets or reverse U-shaped relationship between road deaths and per capita income, such that the number of road death increases at a low level of per capita reverse U-shaped relationship was observed between road injuries and per capita income. While these studies explored the impact of per capita income on road deaths and road injuries, no studies have examined the relationship between per capita income and road death to road injury ratio (DPI). Method: Using a fixed effects panel regression analysis from 67 countries spanning over a period of five decades (1960–2013), the present study sought to explore the impact of per capita gross domestic product (per capita GDP) on the DPI ratio and the underlying factors responsible for the relationship. Results: Our result suggests that per capita GDP followed a reverse U-shaped relationship with DPI. Moreover, the relative improvements in higher mobility roads as compared to improvements in higher accessibility roads, motorcycle ownership to passenger car ownership ratio, percentage of population living in an urban area, infant mortality rate, and the percentage of population below 15 years of age and above 64 years of age contributed to this relationship. Practical Applications: This implies that, at lower level of economic growth where road deaths exceed road injuries, countries should implement low-cost measures to combat road deaths cases. Such measures include mandating wearing of quality helmets and daytime running headlights for motorcycles. On the other hand, at higher level of economic growth where road injuries surpass road deaths, countries are encouraged to devote more resources to improving medical technology and services to treat road injury victims, mandating seatbelt use, as well as enhancing and promoting public transportation service.  相似文献   

Objective: Road traffic injuries (RTIs) are a major global health issue causing a global burden of mortality and morbidity. Half of all fatalities on the world’s roads are vulnerable road users (VRUs). The targeted intervention strategies based on fatality analysis focusing on VRUs can effectively contribute to reducing RTIs. This study aimed to compare VRUs and motor vehicle occupants (MVOs) in terms of epidemiology and injury profile.

Methods: We utilized a nationwide, prospective database of RTI-related mortality cases for patients who visited 23 emergency departments between January 2011 and December 2015. All fatalities due to RTIs in the prehospital phase or in-hospital were eligible, excluding patients with unknown mode of transport and those admitted to general wards. The primary and secondary outcomes were fracture injuries and visceral injuries diagnosed using the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10). We compared fracture injuries between VRUs and MVOs using Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) 2? and 2+ classification.

Results: Among a total 3,694 road traffic fatalities (RTFs), 43.3% were pedestrians, followed by MVOs (27.0%), motorcyclists (18.9), bicyclists (6.6%), and agricultural vehicle users (4.2%). The elderly (>60 years old) accounted for 54.9% of VRU fatalities. RTFs occurred most frequently in the autumn and the VRU group and the MVO group showed significant differences in weekly and diurnal variation in RTFs. The injury severities (AIS 2+) of the head, neck, and thorax were significantly different between the 2 groups (P?Conclusions: Elderly pedestrians should be targeted for decreases in RTFs, and road traffic safety interventions for VRUs should be made based on the analysis of temporal epidemiology and injury profiles of RTFs.  相似文献   

Objective: This article develops and validates a new methodology and tool for rescue assistance in traffic accidents, with the aim of improving its efficiency and safety in the evacuation of people, reducing the number of victims in road accidents.

Method: Different tests supported by professionals and experts have been designed under different circumstances and with different categories of damaged vehicles coming from real accidents and simulated trapped victims in order to calibrate and refine the proposed methodology and tool.

Results: To validate this new approach, a tool called App_Rescue has been developed. This tool is based on the use of a computer system that allows an efficient access to the technical information of the vehicle and sanitary information of the common passengers. The time spent during rescue using the standard protocol and the proposed method was compared.

Conclusion: This rescue assistance system allows us to make vital information accessible in posttrauma care services, improving the effectiveness of interventions by the emergency services, reducing the rescue time and therefore minimizing the consequences involved and the number of victims. This could often mean saving lives. In the different simulated rescue operations, the rescue time has been reduced an average of 14%.  相似文献   

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