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This study assesses the incidence of pollution control policies on households. In contrast to previous studies, we employ an integrated framework combining a multisector general equilibrium model with a stochastic dominance analysis using household-level data. We consider three policy instruments in a domestic emission trading system: (i) an output-based allocation (OBA) of permits; (ii) the use of the proceeds of permit sales to reduce payroll taxes (RPT); (iii) and the use of these proceeds to reduce consumption taxes instead (UCS). The general equilibrium results suggest that the return to capital is more negatively affected than the wage rate in all simulations, since polluting industries are capital intensive. Abstracting from pollution externalities, the dominance analysis suggests that all three policies have a normatively robust negative (positive) impact on welfare (poverty). Formal dominance tests indicate that RPT first-order welfare dominates OBA over all values of household incomes. UCS also first-order poverty dominates RPT for any choice of poverty line below $CAN 18,600, and poverty dominates for any poverty line (and thus welfare dominates) at the second order. Finally, while the three pollution control policies do not have a numerically large impact on inequality (in comparison to the base run), statistical tests indicate that inequality increases significantly more with OBA and RPT than with UCS.  相似文献   

Public projects and policies are normally evaluated ex ante, i.e., while consumers may still be uncertain about future prices, income levels, interest rates, and preferences. This paper extends the theory of ex ante consumer welfare evaluation by developing a 2-period model with multiple sources of uncertainty. It provides insights into the influence of temporal uncertainty on the empirical measurement of ex ante willingness-to-pay.  相似文献   

Since little is known about the correct specification of the relationship of air pollution and morbidity, it is difficult to draw any solid inferences from any set of regressions based on one single data set. It is important, therefore, to replicate whenever possible the regression results for other similar data sets. In this light, this paper replicates earlier analysis using the 1976 Health Interview Survey to relate morbidity—measured as either days of work loss, restricted activity or respiratory-related restricted activity—to particulate matter. The analysis, which uses 6 years of the annual Health Interview Survey, also uses data on fine particulates, a more relevant measure of exposure to particulate matter than total suspended particulates, which is traditionally used.  相似文献   

The similarities between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. which arise out of the shared commitment to rapid development are not presumptive evidence of environmental convergence. We present evidence which casts doubt on the convergence argument, but stress the more fundamental error involved in failure to distinguish between the amount of environmental disruption produced by an economy and the environmental efficiency of an economic system. This analysis suggests either a relatively high degree of environmental efficiency for the Soviet economy or particular emphasis on pollution avoidance. Claims that air pollution in the U.S.S.R. is as extensive and severe as in the U.S. are both unfounded and unfortunate.  相似文献   

"A series of cross-sectional multiple regressions of 1969 and 1970 U.S. mortality rates is presented for up to 112 SMSAs, against various demographic, environmental, and lifestyle variables. The basic data set is the same as that used by L. B. Lave and E. P. Seskin...for 1969, except that many more independent explanatory variables have been added. Since not all of these variables were available for all of the SMSAs, there were several data sets analyzed, depending on the selection of independent variables. The regression coefficients for air pollution tended to be quite sensitive to both the inclusion of the new independent variables and the selection of data sets."  相似文献   

This paper uses a large database of multiple birth cohorts to study relationships between air pollution exposure and non-infant children's respiratory health outcomes. We observe several years of early-life health treatments for hundreds of thousands of English children. Three distinct research designs account for potential socioeconomic, behavioral, seasonal, and economic confounders. We find that marginal increases in carbon monoxide and ground-level ozone are associated with statistically significant increases in children's contemporaneous respiratory treatments. We also find that carbon monoxide exposure over the previous year has an effect on children's health that goes above and beyond contemporaneous exposure alone.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of China’s economy has led to severe air pollution characterized by acid rain, severe pollution in cities, and regional air pollution. High concentrations are found for various pollutants such as sulfur dioxides (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and fine particulates. Great efforts have thus been undertaken for the control of air pollution in the country. This paper discusses the development and application of appropriate technologies for reducing the major pollutants produced by coal and vehicles, and investigates air quality modeling as an important support for policy-making.  相似文献   

The individual's choice of cleaning frequency is examined theoretically under assumptions more general than those of previous authors. The individual is assumed to maximize utility over “cleanliness” and a general commodity, where cleanliness is determined by frequency of cleaning and ambient pollution. Allowance is made for the possibility that the cost per cleaning episode is positively affected by pollution and negatively affected by the frequency of cleaning. The present framework is used to make comparisons and comments regarding the assumptions and results of Watson and Jaksch [J. Environ. Econ. Manag.9 (1982), 248–262] and Courant and Porter [J. Environ. Econ. Manag.8 (1981), 321–329].  相似文献   

US EPA Models-3 system is used for calculating the exchange of ozone pollution between three countries in southeast Europe. For the purpose, three domains with resolution 90, 30 and 10 km are chosen in such a way that the most inner domain with dimensions 90 × 147 points covers entirely Romania, Bulgaria and Greece.The ozone pollution levels are studied on the base of three indexes given in the EU Ozone Directive, mainly accumulated over threshold of 40 ppb for crops (AOT40C, period May–July), number of days with 8-h running average over 60 ppb (NOD60) and averaged daily maximum (ADM). These parameters are calculated for every scenario and the influence of each country emissions on the pollution of the region is estimated and commented.Oxidized and reduced sulphur and nitrogen loads over the territories of the three countries are also determined. The application of all scenarios gave the possibility to estimate the contribution of every country to the S and N pollution of the others and detailed blame matrixes to be build.Comparison of the ozone levels model estimates with data from the EMEP monitoring stations is made.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to ascertain, through the use of an input-output model, the impact of air pollution control costs on income groups in the Philadelphia Region. The range of increases in consumption expenditure was found to be fairly narrow, with the middle-income group bearing the largest increase (2.9%) and the highest and lowest groups slightly lower increases (about 2%). This finding lends support to the proposition that all income groups would probably share the costs of control equally, which leads to a slightly regressive effect on income distribution. The sharing of the region's air quality costs by other areas was also analyzed.  相似文献   

It is well known that air pollution exerts adverse effects on health and environment. Bal?kesir located in the Marmara region (Turkey) has serious air pollution problems produced by heating in the months of winter. In this study, the effect of exposure to air pollution on hospital admission for respiratory illnesses among children and adults was examined. Epidemiological data from records of hospitals, air pollutants and meteorological data were used. During July 2005–July 2007 period, there was a total of 280,426 hospital admissions for respiratory diseases. In a population-based analysis, 9 children were admitted for asthma, 17 children for acute bronchitis, and 20 children for lower respiratory diseases out of 100 children. There was a significant increase in the hospital admissions for respiratory diseases and air pollutants from October to March. It was concluded that children living in the city suffer from respiratory diseases such as asthma, pneumonia, and lower respiratory diseases. Three factors that account for approximately 90% of total variance of hospital admissions, air pollution, and meteorology were identified by means of principal component factor analysis.  相似文献   

A statistical model for longitudinal count data is used to examine the potential adverse health effects of ambient air pollution. Daily respiratory admissions to 164 acute care hospitals in Ontario are obtained for the period 1983 to 1988. Estimates of ozone levels in the vicinity of each hospital are determined from air pollution monitoring stations maintained by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment. Generalized estimating equation methods are used to make inferences about the regression and overdispersion parameters. The admission data display little evidence of serial correlation and extra Poisson variation. However, admission rates vary considerably among hospitals. This latter source of variation needs to be taken into account in examining the effects of air pollution on respiratory health status.  相似文献   

Yi  Yayi  Zhou  Xuehua  Xue  Likun  Wang  Wenxing 《Environmental Chemistry Letters》2018,16(3):1083-1088
Environmental Chemistry Letters - Air pollution by industry and humans activities is a major health issue, notably in major cities. Secondary organic aerosols are formed by oxidation of volatile...  相似文献   

We provide first evidence of a link from daily air pollution exposure to sleep loss in a panel of Chinese cities. We develop a social media-based, city-level metric for sleeplessness, and bolster causal claims by instrumenting for pollution with plausibly exogenous variations in wind patterns. Estimates of effect sizes are substantial and robust. In our preferred specification a one standard deviation increase in AQI causes an 11.6% increase in sleeplessness, and for PM2.5 is 12.8%. The results sustain qualitatively under OLS estimation but are attenuated. The analysis provides a previously unaccounted for benefit of more stringent air quality regulation. It also offers a candidate mechanism in support of recent research that links daily air quality to diminished workplace productivity, cognitive performance, school absence, traffic accidents, and other detrimental outcomes.  相似文献   

In “Air Pollution and Human Health” (Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1977) Lester Lave and Eugene Seskin report the results of regressions which suggest a strong association between air pollution and mortality rates. This note questions assumptions made by Lave and Seskin which underlie their -estimation of a single-equation model using pooled cross-section and time-series data. If, in fact, these assumptions cannot be made, the association between air pollution and mortality rates appears considerably weakened, but it still appears to be significant.  相似文献   

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