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医疗废物管理事关公共卫生安全和传染病疫情防控大局。该研究基于我国医疗废物产生及处理处置现状统计数据,结合我国医疗废物管理政策与实践,提出当前医疗废物管理主要存在的统计口径不一、信息化管理不足、自行处置配套标准缺失、无害化利用研究不足、供给与处置能力不匹配、处置设施分布不平衡等问题。最后结合疫情新形势对医疗废物处理处置影响,针对制度配套、流程衔接、落实执行、监督管理、布局优化等多方面提出相应展望。建议国家有关部门和地方多管齐下,及时更新完善现有管理制度,加大缺失配套标准研制力量的投入力度,加强输液瓶(袋)回收利用路径研究,通过实行医疗废物分类分流管理、集中处置与应急处置方式并举、城市与乡村问题同步推进、建立高效供需对接平台等方式,优化医疗废物处置设施建设布局,实现医疗废物信息化管理互联互通,完善信息统计路径,进一步统筹推进城乡医疗废物治理现代化体系建立,推动形成多方联动的信息化监管执法工作格局,坚决守牢民生安全防线。  相似文献   

全球正经历新冠肺炎疫情的冲击,产生了大量的医疗废物,需及时、安全对其进行无害化处置,以阻断病毒传播的途径.目前,襄阳市医疗废物收运处置体系初步建立,但仍存在短板和不足.为进一步完善襄阳市医疗废物收运处置体系,通过对医疗机构和医疗废物处置单位走访调研,在对襄阳市医疗废物的管理现状进行分析研究的基础上,着重阐述医疗废物收运...  相似文献   

介绍了天津市医疗废物的产生、运输、处置现状,分析医疗废物处置设施体系存在的问题,参考国内外医疗废物管理经验,提出今后医疗废物集中处置设施体系建设方案  相似文献   

80年代初,哥德堡地区找到了与处理海洋和工业源产生的含油污水有关的问题的综合解决办法。油港处理厂允许处理700000立方米/年污泥、压舱水、污水及其它含油废水。经过化学絮凝、浮选和双滤料过滤处理之后,处理水含油量不得超过5ppm。 从一开始就与环境主管部门及废物产生者本身密切合作,致力于改善处理结果。通过提高意识、改善控制及在发生源进行更大程度的分离,使得有可能大大降低原废物流中的污染物浓度。最近的计划包括含芳族化合物的废物流和重污染水分别处理。活性炭法和空气吹脱法等辅助处理方法也在评估之中。  相似文献   

电子废物含有大量的金属、塑料和阻燃剂等物质,如果处理不当,电子废物将向环境排放种类繁多的有毒有害物质,从而产生严重的环境污染问题。近年来,国内外学者对电子废物处理所致的生态环境问题给予了相当的关注,已经开展了不少相关研究,这些研究主要集中在我国的几个电子废物处理处置典型地区。本文对近5年来的相关研究成果进行了系统综述,内容涉及电子废物处理处置过程中产生的主要环境污染物,电子废物处理处置活动所致的土壤、水体和大气的重金属和持久性有机污染物污染以及电子废物处理处置活动对动植物和人体的污染风险等,并提出将来关于电子废物研究中需要关注的问题。  相似文献   

德国循环经济的发展经验及其对我国的可借鉴性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将德国循环经济的发展历程划分为废物末端处理、以循环为目的的废物减量化、废物减量化+无害化、废物减量化+无害化+资源化4个阶段进行论述,从中得出以消费促生产、创新组织模式以及依法推进等经验与启示,并结合我国目前循环经济发展在制度、技术与经济等方面存在的障碍,对这些经验与启示做出适用性分析。据此对我国循环经济的发展提出加强循环社会建设、建立废物处理中介组织、鼓励和扶持循环经济技术的开发和引进、加强立法和公众参与等建议。  相似文献   

加拿大大西洋省份(新不伦瑞克,新斯科舍,爱德华太子岛和纽芬兰)的渔业包括大约500家鱼加工厂,其中一些是北美最大的。鱼加工产生巨大数量的鱼废物。鱼加工厂的液体废物(废水)经过物理和化学处理后排入受纳水体。它们含有BOD高的有机负荷、悬浮固体、油和病原菌,可能污染贝类生长区。固体鱼废物(下等鱼、弃肉等)进行填埋处置,倒入海中或制成鱼粉。与这些做法有关的问题包括鱼废物堆放不雅观和恶臭。 加拿大农业部、渔业与海洋部、加拿大环境部和加拿大高等院校开展了几项合作研究,以评价鱼废物处置问题并探讨环境安全和经济可行的替代方法。已确定用两种方法,即鱼青饲料制作法和鱼堆肥法,把鱼废物转换成不危害海洋生境的可用产品。  相似文献   

废物最少化是美国首创的一项减少废物发生、降低废物处理与处置费用,使环境保护与企业生产目标结合起来的制度。本文介绍了废物最少化的定义、形成机制、意义、实施组织体系、实施程序、着手环节、成功要点以及废物最少化的特点,并从应用基础与困难等方面分析了废物最少化在我国的应用前景。  相似文献   

天津市医疗固体废弃物污染现状分析及处置的建议   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》第七十四条阐明,危险废物是指列入国家危险废物名录的或者根据规定的危险废物鉴别标准和鉴别方法认定的具有危险特性的废物。根据国家危险废物名录,医疗废物被国家列为01号危险废物。天津市固体废物环境管理目前尚很薄弱,医疗固?..  相似文献   

由郑平、冯孝善主编的《废物生物处理》已于2006年1月由高等教育出版社出版发行,ISBN 978-7-04 -018408-2,16开。全书共分9章,包括绪论、废物处理的微生物学原理、废物处理的生物反应工程原理、废  相似文献   

• Implication of COVID-19 on medical waste and MSW generation is studied. • Challenges and effective strategy of solid waste generation is reviewed. • 2.9 million tons of COVID-19 related medical waste has been generated until Sep. 22. • The pandemic has postponed policies related to the reduction of plastic use. • Blockade resulted in a significant drop in waste generation in some regions. It has been over ten months since the beginning of the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-2019), and its impact on solid waste management, especially medical waste, is becoming clearer. This study systematically reviews the potential influences of the COVID-19 pandemic on medical waste, personal protection equipment waste and municipal solid waste (MSW), and discusses the corresponding measures and policies of solid waste management in typical countries. The results show that the generation of medical waste from the pandemic increased significantly, with 18%‒425% growth. It is estimated that the daily output of COVID-19 medical waste increased from 200 t/d on Feb. 22 to over 29000 t/d at the end of September 2020 throughout the world. The use of personal protective equipment will continue to grow in the long-term, while the blockade and isolation measures greatly reduced the volume of commercial waste, especially for tourist cities, and part of this waste was transferred to household waste. Residents’ attitudes and behavior toward food waste have changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to the pandemic, international organizations and several countries have issued new policies and guidelines and adjusted their management strategies for medical waste and MSW treatment. The pandemic has brought specific challenges to the disposal capacity of medical waste worldwide. It has also brought about the stagnation of policies related to the reduction of plastic products and waste recycling. This study will provide some useful information for managers and governmental officials on effective solid waste management during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

Under both pyrolysis and combustion condition, HCl removal efficiency for medical waste with Ca-based additives was semi-quantitatively studied by means of TG-FTIR. Additionally, the difference of HCl removal efficiency for PVC and medical waste was compared. Experimental results showed that: 1) Thermal degradation of medical waste mainly took place in two steps under both pyrolysis and combustion condition; 2) HCl emitted at both two steps and HCl concentration increased with the increased of Cl ratio in the medical waste; 3) for the same additive, HCl concentration decreased with the increased of additives amount, that is to say, HCl removal efficiency of medical waste increased as the increased of Ca/Cl molar ratio. Fourth, when Ca(OH)2 was used as additive, HCl removal efficiency for medical waste combustion was a little higher than that for medical waste pyrolysis, but either CaCO3 or CaO was used as additive, it was just opposite, more specifically, when CaCO3 was used as additive with Ca/Cl=1.3, HCl removal efficiency was 5.49% under pyrolysis condition, but that was only 4.24% under combustion condition. Fifth, under the same Ca/Cl molar ratio, HCl removal efficiency for PVC was higher than that for medical waste under both pyrolysis and combustion condition, more specifically, when Ca(OH)2 was used as additive with Ca/Cl=1, HCl removal efficiency was 64.51% for PVC, but that was only 27.66% for medical waste pyrolysis with 4% Cl under pyrolysis condition.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated dibenzo‐p‐dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/DFs) and coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls (Co‐PCBs) were determined in fly ash samples from municipal solid waste (MSW), medical waste (MW), and electricity power plant incinerators in Taiwan. The average concentrations of PCDD/DFs and Co‐PCBs are 7.02 ng‐TEQ/g and 1.06 ng‐TEQ/g, respectively. The contributions to total TEQ are 24% from PCDDs, 64% from PCDFs, and 12% from Co‐PCBs, indicating that PCDFs generate the highest environmental impact and MSW and MW incinerators are potential Co‐PCBs contaminating sources. The levels of PCDD/DFs and Co‐PCBs found in ash samples increase from petroleum‐fired, coal‐fired, large municipal solid waste, small medical waste, to small municipal solid waste incinerators, and are generally lower than those from incinerators built earlier. All fly ash samples analyzed in this study were considered hazardous materials. More research is suggested to establish the relationship between the amounts of PCDD/DFs and Co‐PCBs in fly ash and in flue gas.  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾治理过程的能源化技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论述了垃圾多种治理技术以及这些技术中的能源化的关键。这些技术涉及垃圾卫生填埋、垃圾梦烧、垃圾衍生燃料技术、垃圾厌氧发酵和垃圾的热解气化等。针对中国垃圾的具体特点,对中国垃圾能源化提出一些初步方案和建议。  相似文献   

垃圾填埋场渗滤液回流处理技术研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
垃圾渗滤液回流处理后,CODcr去除率最高达95%,在半好氧状态下NH3-N质量浓度降低至10mg/L几以下,渗滤液水质得到改善;渗滤液回流增加了湿度,使有机物的降解速率加快;渗滤液同流处产甲烷速率是不回流处产甲烷速率的2倍多:渗滤液回流处的总沉降幅度可达填埋场深度的20%,而不回流处仅为8%。回流处理技术分为直接回流至垃圾层、表面喷灌或浇灌至填埋场表面、地表下回流或内层回流技术。在填埋场处于产酸阶段早期,回流的渗滤液量宜少不宜多:在产气阶段则可逐渐增加。应将稳定化程度高的垃圾层区(产甲烷区)排出的渗滤液回流至新填人的垃圾层(产酸区),将新垃圾层所产生的渗滤液回流至老的稳定化区。通过控制垃圾的组成、回流的时间、渗滤液的pH值等手段可改善回流处理效果。  相似文献   

• Economics of food waste treatment projects at 29 pilot cities in China was examined. • Roles of location, population size, processing technique, and income were studied. • Economic benefits were limited with a profit to cost ratio of 0.08±0.37. • Service population size affects construction economics significantly (P = 0.016). • Choice of food waste processing technique affects operating economics notably. This study examines the economic benefits of food waste treatment projects in China and factors affecting them. National-level pilot projects for food waste treatment located in 29 cities were selected as samples. The economics of food waste recycling from the investors’ perspective, in terms of investment during the construction phase and cost and benefit during the operation phase, was assessed. Results indicate that the average tonnage investment of food waste treatment projects was RMB 700.0±188.9 thousand yuan, with a profit to cost ratio of 0.08±0.37. This ratio increased to 0.95±0.57 following the application of government subsidies. It highlights the limited economic benefits of food waste treatment facilities, which rely on government subsidies to maintain their operations in China. Further analysis using a multi-factor analysis model revealed that regional location, service population size, processing techniques, and urban income exerted varying impacts on the economy of food waste treatment. Population size exerted the highest impact (P = 0.016) during the construction stage, and processing techniques notably influenced the project economy during the operation stage. The study highlights the need to prioritize service population size and processing techniques during economic decision-making and management of food waste recycling projects. The results of this study can serve as a valuable practical reference for guiding future policies regarding food waste treatment and related planning.  相似文献   

废旧电池资源化、无害化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对当前国内外在废旧电池的处理处置方面进行了综合性论述,对废旧电池的危害及当前应采取的对策进行分析。  相似文献   

以探究全球城市生活垃圾治理技术实践 ,展示人类面向 2 1世纪解决城市生活垃圾问题的新视点 ,并对我国垃圾对策视点的调整及垃圾产业化提出建议  相似文献   

超滤技术在环境工程中的应用现状   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
刘福谅  韩式荆 《环境化学》1993,12(6):490-499
本文对国内外超滤技术在环境工程中的应用,主要是废水处理中的应用现状进行了综述。涉及的废水包括纺织工业,机械制造工业,石油化工工业,食品加工工业及其它工业污水,也包括部分生活污水,在这些污水治理过程中,不仅可消除或减轻污水对环境的污染,同时也可以回收有价值的物质,使水部分或全部回用。  相似文献   

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