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公众参与是搞好我国环境保护工作的重要途径之一,但我国有关法律对公众参与环境保护既无明确的法律依据,又无制度化的具体保障,使得公众无法有效地参与。本文从确认公民环境权、环境自卫权和提高环境意识以及规定公众参与环境保护的具体形式和途径等方面,阐述了实现公众参与环境保护的制度化。  相似文献   

本文从我国环境保护公众参与进程缓慢的历史和参与意识日益提高的现状出发,分析了目前我国环境保护的公众参与存在缺乏相应的法律制度保障、公众主动了解环保知识不足、参与机制不健全、渠道不顺畅等问题,提出了以加强环境信息公开、环境决策民主化,建立和发展环保社团等办法推动公众参与环境保护的对策。  相似文献   

论公众参与的环境伦理观   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
公众参与(Public Participation)是环境影响评价(EIA)和战略影响评价(SEA)的重要内容,也是环境保护事业发展的基础.影响公众参与的因素有环境法律、环境经济、环境文化和环境伦理四个方面,其中环境伦理在公众参与和环境行为方面发挥巨大的作用.本文从伦理学角度论述了人类环境伦理观的形成,环境伦理对公众参与环境保护的影响以及可持续发展的环境道德原则.  相似文献   

公众参与环境保护成为提升环保效率的重要方向,虽然中国环境保护公众参与制度化建设已经推行10年之久,但是由于中国公众参与环境保护模式的局限,导致环境保护公众参与制度细化、规范性严重不足,加之公众环境意识不足,所以公众参与环境保护仍然形式重于实质。本文分析了公众参与环境保护的两种主要模式,探讨了公众参与环境保护的特殊性,剖析了决定公众参与环境保护效果的主要因素,最后对中国公众参与环境保护的要旨进行了建构。  相似文献   

公众环境意识和参与环境保护现状调查--以南京市为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过调查表明,为确保公众参与环境保护,必须增强公众环境意识、健全公众参与环境保护制度。  相似文献   

正河北出台首部环保公众参与法规11月28日,河北省十二届人大常委会第十一次会议表决通过了由环境保护部宣传教育中心组织起草的《河北省环境保护公众参与条例》。该条例从明年1月1日起开始施行,河北省公众参与环境保护将获得地方法规的支持。该条例是全国首部环境保护公众参与地方性法规。条例分为总则、环境信息的公开与获取、公众参与的范围和途径、公众参与的保障和促进措施、法律责任、附则等6章43条。(河北新闻网)  相似文献   

环境问题是个全球性问题,当前我国环境污染形势十分严峻,环境污染关系到每位公众的健康,解决环境污染离不开公众参与。通过对我国当前环境保护公众参与发展情况进行分析,既看到我国环境保护公众参与进步的一面,也看到由于我国特殊的国情,公众参与存在的不足一面,从中找出影响我国公众参与发展的主要因素,提出了解决我国环境保护公众参与滞后的措施,为我国环境保护公众参与的纵深发展提供参考。  相似文献   

公众参与制度已被世界环境保护领域公认为环境法中的基本内容。完善我国的公众参与制度,有利于提高我国人民的环境保护意识,更有助于引导公众从基层开展各种环境保护运动。一、环境问题的公众性目前,环境问题多种多样,归纳起来有两大类:一类是第一环境问题,也就是自然演变和自然灾害引起  相似文献   

行政正当程序理论是环境公众参与制度的理论基础。2014年修订的《中华人民共和国环境保护法》中已经确立以环境公众参与权为核心的环境公众参与制度,但是对于公众参与的规范特别是参与权的规范过于笼统。面对实践中参与主体类型界分不明、多项权利内容规范缺失、法律责任规范效力存疑及环境行政管理规范不足等问题,本文建议应以行政正当程序理论为指导,实现参与主体的类型化界分,细化公众参与权利内容,增加公众参与法律责任条款,并完善环境行政管理公众参与规范。  相似文献   

吴祖强 《四川环境》1997,16(3):56-60
环境问题和环境保护已日益深入到社会政治、经济、文化、生活各个领域。在呼吁公众参与的条件下,依靠谁去搞好环境保护?公众是如何看待自己在环境保护中的作用的呢?对这些问题的回答将有助于了解公众关于环境保护的心态,有助于环境保护公众参与政策更具有针对性的实施。本文就这一话题进行了城市居民的抽样调查。调查表明,公众普遍认为,政府和公众参与是搞好环保的主要依靠力量;而公众对环境宣传教育和污染企业的治理以及技术进步的期望较低。本文进一步分析了不同年龄、文化程度、职业和人均月收入带来的影响,以期把握不同层次公众的心态。在此基础上本文就环境宣传教育如何促进公众参与提出了一些思考。  相似文献   

刍论环境保护相邻权制度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统相邻权在调整不动产所有人和使用人的相互关系中起到了重要的作用,但在调整范围和权利保护范围上存在不足。环境保护相邻权的确立可有效弥补这些缺陷,更好地保护公民的人身、财产和环境权益。环境保护相邻权制度的建立符合社会公共道德的要求,有利于构建和谐社会。最新通过的《物权法》在这方面的规定存有不足,应当明确规定环境保护相邻权。  相似文献   

Virtually every environmental planner at some time deals with environmental impact assessment (EIA). Public participation is required in most environmental impact assessment programmesaround the world. However, citizen involvement is often reduced to a procedural exercise instead of a substantive process to include the public in environmental decision making. This paper examines public participation in EIA and provides ways to improve its effectiveness. We first examine the rationales for public involvement and its institutionalization through EIA. Next, we analyse the shortcomings and strengths of common approaches to public involvement. Our analysis, supported by two case studies, suggests that going beyond the minimum requirements can benefit the public, the project proponent and the final plan. We conclude with practical steps to improve public participation programmes in environmental planning and decision making.  相似文献   

公众参与环境决策是一项重要的公众民主权利。我国已经将环境公众参与作为一项重要的环境保护法律制度,但是由于目前我国环保法律制度的不完善,在实施公众参与环境决策机制上存在着诸多问题,本文从法制的角度探讨了公众参与环境决策的理论依据,分析和论证建立适合我国国情的公众参与环境决策制度的主要方式,并提出完善公众参与环境决策制度的建议。  相似文献   

西部大开发与公民环境意识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提高公民环境保护意识,是西部大开发形势的需要。通过对目前新疆环境形势的分析,指出环境问题给社会经济和人民生活带来的严重影响;并就提高公民环境保护意识提出的有效方法和措施进行探讨。  相似文献   

巫玉芳 《四川环境》2002,21(1):91-94
民众诉讼制度作为自力救济措施是美国环境保护法律制度中的特色之一。该制度赋予民众借助法院的权力,监督行政机关执行环境保护法律以达到加强执法或污染,改善环境的目的。研究该制度对我国加强环境保护法律的执行,提高公众的环境保护意识具有一定的作用。  相似文献   

Citizen Participation in Collaborative Watershed Partnerships   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Collaborative efforts are increasingly being used to address complex environmental problems, both in the United States and abroad. This is especially true in the growing field of collaborative watershed management, where diverse stakeholders work together to develop and advance water-quality goals. Active citizen participation is viewed as a key component, yet groups often struggle to attract and maintain citizen engagement. This study examined citizen participation behavior in collaborative watershed partnerships by way of a written survey administered to citizen members of 12 collaborative watershed groups in Ohio. Results for the determination of who joins such groups were consistent with the dominant-status model of participation because group members were not demographically representative of the broader community. The dominant-status model, however, does not explain which members are more likely to actively participate in group activities. Instead, individual characteristics, including political activity, knowledge, and comfort in sharing opinions with others, were positively correlated with active participation. In addition, group characteristics, including government-based membership, rural location, perceptions of open communication, perceptions that the group has enough technical support to accomplish its goals, and perceived homogeneity of participant opinions, were positively correlated with active participation. Overall, many group members did not actively participate in group activities.  相似文献   

This article discusses an 8-year, ongoing project that evaluates the Environmental Protection Agency's Superfund community involvement program. The project originated as a response to the Government Performance and Results Act, which requires federal agencies to articulate program goals, and evaluate and report their progress in meeting those goals. The evaluation project assesses how effective the Superfund community involvement program is in promoting public participation in decisions about how to clean up hazardous wastes at Superfund sites. We do three things in the article: (1) share our experience with evaluating an Agency public participation program, including lessons learned about methods of evaluation; (2) report evaluation results; and (3) address a number of issues pertaining to the evaluation of public participation in environmental decision-making. Our goal is to encourage more environmental managers to incorporate evaluation into their public participation programs as a tool for improving them. We found that written mail surveys were an effective and economical tool for obtaining feedback on EPA's community involvement program at Superfund sites. The evaluation focused on four criteria: citizen satisfaction with EPA information about the Superfund site, citizen understanding of environmental and human health risks associated with the site, citizen satisfaction with opportunities provided by EPA for community input, and citizen satisfaction with EPA's response to community input. While the evaluation results were mixed, in general, community members who were most informed about and involved in the cleanup process at Superfund sites generally were also the most satisfied with the community involvement process, and the job that EPA was doing cleaning up the site. We conclude that systematic evaluation provides meaningful and useful information that agencies can use to improve their public participation programs. However, there need to be institutionalized processes that ensure evaluation results are used to develop and implement strategies for improvement.  相似文献   

徐留兴  姚建  尹淑坤 《四川环境》2003,22(6):58-60,71
本文从我国环保设施建设及运营出现的问题出发,讨论了民营企业参与环保建设的必要性和途径,并提出了促进民营企业参与环保建设相应的法律、法规和监督机制,以保证环保建设和运营的有效执行。  相似文献   

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