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The John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge is subject to pollution from multiple sources. We studied development of snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina) and painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) embryos from the refuge from 2000 through 2003. Mean annual deformity rate of pooled painted turtle clutches over four years ranged from 45 to 71%, while that of snapping turtle clutches ranged from 13 to 19%. Lethal deformities were more common than minor or moderate deformities in embryos of both species. Adult painted turtles had a higher deformity rate than adult snapping turtles. Snapping turtles at JHNWR had high levels of PAH contamination in their fat. This suggests that PAHs are involved in the high level of deformities. Other contaminants may also play a role. Although the refuge offers many advantages to resident turtle populations, pollution appears to place a developmental burden on the life history of these turtles.  相似文献   

This paper aims to identify the problems regarding the evaluation of ozone (and ozone-like) symptoms, by examining the results of the 4th UN/ECE ICP-Forests Intercalibration Course for the assessment of ozone-induced visible symptoms. Trees, shrubs and herbaceous species were evaluated in a tree nursery, at Lattecaldo (Switzerland) and under open field conditions at Moggio (Italy). The main findings were: (i) the most expert surveyors tended to be grouped in the same cluster and, during the field exercises, they tended to assess in a more conservative manner compared to the less trained participants; (ii) the agreement was greater in assessing the absence rather than the presence of symptoms; (iii) typical interveinal stippling on the upper leaf surface was more accurately evaluated than discoloration; (iv) uncertainties resulted mainly for species which showed greater variability in their symptom manifestation, and for certain herbaceous species.  相似文献   

Ozone injury to natural vegetation is being increasingly surveyed throughout the northern hemisphere. There exists a growing list of species showing visible 'ozone-like' symptoms which needs to be validated. This study presents the results from a test survey of ozone injury to forest vegetation in the light exposed sites of five Swiss level II plots, for the new ICP-Forests protocol. With AOT40 from 14 to 28 ppm-h in 2000, ten out of 49 woody plant species displayed typical symptoms, and four showed untypical symptoms. Symptom origin was investigated in nine and validated in seven species, using morphological, histological and cellular markers of oxidative stress and ozone-induced plant response. Independent of taxonomic position, ozone effects were characterized by the induction of oxidative stress in the mesophyll resulting in discrete and light-dependent hypersensitive-like responses and in accelerated cell senescence. The presented combination of cellular and morphological markers allows differential diagnosis of visible ozone injury.  相似文献   

Elevated mercury concentrations in water were reported in the prairie wetlands at Lostwood National Wildlife Refuge, ND. In order to determine whether wildlife associated with these wetlands was exposed to and then accumulated higher mercury concentrations than wildlife living near more permanent wetlands (e.g. lakes), tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) eggs and nestlings were collected from nests near seasonal wetlands, semi-permanent wetlands, and lakes. Mercury concentrations in eggs collected near seasonal wetlands were higher than those collected near semi-permanent wetlands or lakes. In contrast, mercury concentrations in nestling livers did not differ among wetland types. Mercury and other element concentrations in tree swallow eggs and nestlings collected from all wetlands were low. As suspected from these low concentrations, mercury concentrations in sample eggs were not a significant factor explaining the hatching success of the remaining eggs in each clutch.  相似文献   

Newark Bay, New Jersey, is particularly vulnerable to ecological damage from petroleum and chemical spills, as a result of the enclosed nature and shallow depth of the bay, the high frequency of shipping traffic, and the numerous chemical and petroleum transfer terminals located alongs its shores. To evaluate the potential impacts to the natural resources of this coastal estuarine ecosystem, chemical and petroleum accidents reported to the US Coast Guard (USCG) between 1982 and 1991 were compiled to determine the frequency and volume of these incidents in Newark Bay and in each of its major tributaries. Records obtained from the USCG National Response Center's computerized database indicated that more than 1453 accidental incidents, resulting in the release of more than 18 million US gallons of hazardous materials and petroleum products, occurred throughout Newark Bay during this period of time. The bulk of the materials released to the aquatic environment consisted of petroleum products, specifically No. 6 Fuel Oil (103 spills, 12 829 272 US gal) and gasoline (207 spills, 48 816 US gal). The majority of the reported incidents occurred in the Arthur Kill and its tributaries, as well as in the Kill Van Kull and the Passaic River. The results of this study indicated that the accidental discharge of petroleum and hazardous chemicals represents a significant source of chemical pollution in Newark Bay. Based on the frequency of spills and the volume of materials released to the aquatic environment, it is likely that these events are having a deleterious effect on the Newark Bay ecosystem.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of transboundary pollution between Ontario and New York using both observations and modeling results. Analysis of the spatial scales associated with ozone pollution revealed the regional and international character of this pollutant. A back-trajectory-clustering methodology was used to evaluate the potential for transboundary pollution trading and to identify potential pollution source regions for two sites: CN tower in Toronto and the World Trade Center in New York City. Transboundary pollution transport was evident at both locations. The major pollution source areas for the period examined were the Ohio River Valley and Midwest. Finally, we examined the transboundary impact of emission reductions through photochemical models. We found that emissions from both New York and Ontario were transported across the border and that reductions in predicted O3 levels can be substantial when emissions on both sides of the border are reduced.  相似文献   

We quantified the distribution of tropospheric ozone in topographically complex western Washington state, USA (total area approximately 6000 km(2)), using passive ozone samplers along nine river drainages to measure ozone exposure from near sea level to high-elevation mountain sites. Weekly average ozone concentrations were higher with increasing distance from the urban core and at higher elevations, increasing a mean of 1.3 ppbv per 100 m elevation gain for all mountain transects. Weekly average ozone concentrations were generally highest in Cascade Mountains drainages east and southeast of Seattle (maximum=55-67 pbv) and in the Columbia River Gorge east of Portland (maximum=59 ppbv), and lowest in the western Olympic Peninsula (maximum=34 ppbv). Higher ozone concentrations in the Cascade Mountains and Columbia River locations downwind of large cities indicate that significant quantities of ozone and ozone precursors are being transported eastward toward rural wildland areas by prevailing westerly winds. In addition, temporal (week to week) variation in ozone distribution is synchronous within and between all drainages sampled, which indicates that there is regional coherence in air pollution detectable with weekly averages. These data provide insight on large-scale spatial variation of ozone distribution in western Washington, and will help regulatory agencies optimize future monitoring networks and identify locations where human health and natural resources could be at risk.  相似文献   

Critical levels for ozone effects on vegetation in Europe   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
The evidence of detrimental effects of ozone on vegetation in Europe, and the need to develop international control policies to reduce ozone exposures which are based on the effects of the pollutant, has led to attempts to define so-called critical levels of ozone above which adverse effects on trees, crops and natural vegetation may occur. This review is a critical assessment of the scientific basis of the concepts used to define critical levels for ozone and identifies the key limitations and uncertainties involved. The review focuses on the Level I critical level approach, which provides an environmental standard or threshold to minimise the effects of ozone on sensitive receptors, but does not seek to quantify the impacts of exceeding the critical level under field conditions. The concept of using the AOT (accumulated exposure over a threshold) to define long-term ozone exposure is demonstrated to be appropriate for several economically important species. The use of 40 ppb (giving the AOT40 index) as a threshold concentration gives a good linear fit to experimental data from open-top chambers for arable crops, but it is less certain that it provides the best fit to data for trees or semi-natural communities. Major uncertainties in defining critical level values relate to the choice of response parameter and species; the absence of data for many receptors, especially those of Mediterranean areas; and extrapolation to field conditions from relatively short-term open-top chamber experiments. The derivation of critical levels for long-lived organisms, such as forest trees, may require the use of modelling techniques based on physiological data from experimental studies. The exposure-response data which have been applied to derive critical levels should not be used to estimate the impacts of ozone over large areas, because of the uncertainties associated with extrapolation from the open-top chamber method, especially for forest trees, and because of spatial variation in atmospheric and environmental conditions, which may alter ozone uptake.  相似文献   


This research focuses on the fractionation and distribution patterns of heavy metals (Zn, Cu, and Fe) in surficial sediments collected from Shadegan Wildlife Refuge, the biggest wetland in southern part of Iran, to provide an overall classification for the sources of metals in the study area using a sequential extraction method. For this purpose, a four-step sequential extraction technique was applied to define the partitioning of the metals into different geochemical phases of the sediment. The results illustrated that the average total level of Zn, Cu, and Fe in surface sediments were 55.20 ± 16.04, 22.86 ± 5.68, and 25,979.01 ± 6917.91 μg/g dw, respectively. On the average, the chemical partitioning of all metals in most stations was in the order of residual >oxidizable-organic > acid-reducible > exchangeable. In the same way, the results of calculated geochemical indices revealed that Cu, Zn, and Fe concentrations are mainly influenced by lithogenic origins. Compared with consensus-based SQGs, Cu was likely to result in occasionally harmful biological effects on the biota.


Although terrestrial vegetation has been exposed to UV-B radiation and ozone over the course of evolutionary history, it is essential to view the effects on vegetation of changing levels of these factors in the context of other features of climate change, such as increasing CO(2) levels and changes in temperature and precipitation patterns. Much of our understanding of the impacts of increased UV-B and ozone levels has come from studies of the effects of each individual factor. While such information may be relevant to a wider understanding of the roles that these factors may play in climate change, experience has shown that the interactions of environmental stresses on vegetation are rarely predictable. A further limitation on the applicability of such information results from the methodologies used for exposing plants to either factor. Much of our information comes from growth chamber, greenhouse or field studies using experimental protocols that made little or no provision for the stochastic nature of the changes in UV-B and ozone levels at the earth's surface, and hence excluded the roles of repair mechanisms. As a result, our knowledge of dose-response relationships under true field conditions is both limited and fragmentary, given the wide range of sensitivities among species and cultivars. Adverse effects of increased levels of either factor on vegetation are qualitatively well established, but the quantitative relationships are far from clear. In both cases, sensitivity varies with stage of plant development. At the population and community levels, differential responses of species to either factor has been shown to result in changes in competitiveness and community structure. At the mechanistic level, ozone generally inhibits photosynthetic gas exchange under both controlled and field conditions, and although UV-B is also inhibitory in some species under controlled conditions, others appear to be indifferent, particularly in the field. Both factors affect metabolism; a common response is increased secondary metabolism leading to the accumulation of phenolic compounds that, in the case of UV-B, offer the leaf cell some protection from radiation. Virtually no information is available about the effects of simultaneous or sequential exposures. Since both increased surface UV-B and ozone exposures have spatial and temporal components, it is important to evaluate the different scenarios that may occur, bearing in mind that elevated daytime ozone levels will attenuate the UV-B reaching the surface to some extent. The experimentation needed to acquire unequivocal effects data that are relevant to field situations must therefore be carried out using technologies and protocols that focus on quantification of the interactions of UV-B and ozone themselves and their interactions with other environmental factors.  相似文献   

Because of the confluence of several factors (persistent multiday inversions, petroleum production, and snow cover), the Uintah Basin of eastern Utah, USA, exhibits high concentrations of winter ozone. A regression analysis is presented that successfully predicts daily ozone concentration with a standard error of about 11 ppb. It also predicts with 90% accuracy whether any given day will exceed the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for ozone, 70 ppb. An analysis is introduced for calculating a “pseudo-lapse rate,” a determination of inversion intensity in the absence of sounding data. By combining the model with historical meteorological data, it is possible to make long-range predictions about ozone formation. The odds of observing no exceedance days in any given season are 38%. The odds of only three or fewer exceedance days in any given season are 46%.

Implications: This paper provides an improved understanding of the scientific underpinnings of the winter ozone phenomenon and an ability to make long-range predictions.  相似文献   

Increasing risk for negative ozone impacts on vegetation in northern Sweden   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Trends were found for increasing surface ozone concentrations during April-September in northern Sweden over the period 1990-2006 as well as for an earlier onset of vegetation growing season. The highest ozone concentrations in northern Sweden occurred in April and the ozone concentrations in April showed a strong increasing trend. A model simulation of ozone flux for Norway spruce indicated that the provisional ozone flux based critical level for forests in Europe is exceeded in northern Sweden. Future climate change would have counteracting effects on the stomatal conductance and needle ozone uptake, mediated on the one hand by direct effect of increasing air temperatures and on the other through increasing water vapour pressure difference between the needles and air. Thus, there is a substantial and increasing risk for negative impacts of ozone on vegetation in northern Sweden, related mainly to increasing ozone concentrations and an earlier onset of the growing season.  相似文献   

Incidence and severity of ozone-induced foliar symptoms on tall milkweed (Asclepias exaltata L.) along selected trails in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM) were determined by two surveys/season conducted from 1992 through 1996. Overall incidence was 73%, and was 84%, 44%, 90%, 58%, and 82% for 1992-1996, respectively for the same clusters. Average incidence was 61% and 84% for the 1st and 2nd surveys, respectively. Seasonal comparisons showed two distinct injury groupings regarding incidence and severity of injury: 1992, 1994 and 1996 (high injury); 1993 and 1995 (low injury). No discernible patterns were observed between symptomatic and asymptomatic plants regarding height, herbivory or flowering. Regression analyses indicated no differentiation in foliar symptoms regarding topographic position, aspect, slope or elevation over the 5-year study period. Our findings indicate other micro-site or genetic factors may control ozone sensitivity of tall milkweed in GRSM.  相似文献   

The risk of ozone injury to plants was assessed in support of the National Park Service's Vital Signs Monitoring Network program. The assessment examined bioindicator species, evaluated levels of ozone exposure, and investigated soil moisture conditions during periods of exposure for a 5-year period in each park. The assessment assigned each park a risk rating of high, moderate, or low. For the 244 parks for which assessments were conducted, the risk of foliar injury was high in 65 parks, moderate in 46 parks, and low in 131 parks. Among the well-known parks with a high risk of ozone injury are Gettysburg, Valley Forge, Delaware Water Gap, Cape Cod, Fire Island, Antietam, Harpers Ferry, Manassas, Wolf Trap Farm Park, Mammoth Cave, Shiloh, Sleeping Bear Dunes, Great Smoky Mountains, Joshua Tree, Sequoia and Kings Canyon, and Yosemite.  相似文献   

Particulate matter mass (PM), trace gaseous pollutants, and select volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with meteorological variables were measured in Logan, Utah (Cache Valley), for >4 weeks during winter 2017 as part of the Utah Winter Fine Particle Study (UWFPS). Higher PM levels for short time periods and lower ozone (O3) levels were present due to meteorological and mountain valley conditions. Nitrogenous pollutants were relatively strongly correlated with PM variables. Diurnal cycles of NOx, O3, and fine PM(PM 2.5) (aerodynamic diameter <2.5 μm [PM2.5]) suggested formation from NOx. O3 levels increased from early morning into midafternoon, and NOx and PM2.5 increased throughout the morning, followed by sharp decreases. Toluene/benzene and xylenes/benzene ratios and VOC correlations with nitrogenous and PM species were indicative of local traffic sources. Wind sector comparisons suggested that pollutant levels were lower when winds were from nearby mountains to the east versus winds from northerly or southerly origins.

Implications: The Cache Valley in Idaho and Utah has been designated a PM2.5 nonattainment area that has been attributed to air pollution buildup during winter stagnation events. To inform state implementation plans for PM2.5 in Cache Valley and other PM2.5 nonattainment areas in Utah, a state and multiagency federal research effort known as the UWFPS was conducted in winter 2017. As part of the UWFPS, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) measured ground-based PM species and their precursors, VOCs, and meteorology in Logan, Utah. Results reported here from the EPA study in Logan provide additional understanding of wintertime air pollution conditions and possible sources of PM and gaseous pollutants as well as being useful for future PM control strategies in this area.  相似文献   

Ambient concentrations of ozone (O(3)) and carbon dioxide (CO(2)) were measured at locations from the forest floor to the top of the canopy in a deciduous forest at the Moshannon State Forest in northcentral Pennsylvania. O(3) concentrations were measured from May-September for three years (1993-1995) while CO(2) concentrations were measured only during July and August of 1994. O(3) concentrations increased steadily during the day at all locations, peaking during the middle to late afternoon hours. O(3) concentrations then steadily declined to their lowest point, just before dawn. Vertical O(3) concentration gradients varied seasonally and among years. However, O(3) concentrations were highest within the forest canopy and lowest at the forest floor, with an average difference of approximately 13%. Differences in O(3) concentrations between the canopy and forest floor were greatest at night. O(3) concentrations were slightly higher at locations within the canopy than above the canopy. CO(2) concentrations were consistenly higher near the forest floor and were higher above the canopy than within the canopy. CO(2) concentrations were higher at night than during the day at all locations, especially near the forest floor.  相似文献   

Visible injury caused by ozone is recorded every year in native plant species growing in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (USA). One of the most sensitive species, cutleaf coneflower (Rudbeckia laciniata L.), shows great variation in symptoms between and within populations but the causes of this variation and its ecological significance are currently unknown. This paper presents data relating to genetic variation, ozone concentrations, stomatal conductance and light (PAR) within populations. The data show that populations differ in genetic diversity, one consisting of only three genets while another was very diverse. In the former population, symptoms varied greatly within a single genet, pointing to a large micro-environmental influence. Measurements of ozone, stomatal conductance and PAR within plant canopies suggest that variation in symptom expression is unlikely to be due to differences in ozone flux and more likely to be due to variation in light. The variation in visible symptoms raises the question of what bioindicators actually indicate, and it suggests that symptoms should be interpreted with great caution until the underlying causes of that variation are fully understood.  相似文献   

Six potato cultivars were grown to maturity in field plots in New Brunswick, New Jersey, according to standard commercial practices over a 5-year period. One-half of the plots were given a periodic soil drench of an antioxidant (EDU) which has the capacity to protect foliage against ozone toxicity. Based upon visible foliar injury and total tuber yield, the cultivars Norland and Norchip proved significantly more sensitive to ambient ozone pollution than Green Mountain, Irish Cobbler, Belrus or Superior. When foliar injury was less than 20%, no impact on tuber yield was detected. However, when 75% of the foliage exhibited O(3) toxicity symptoms, tuber yield was reduced 25% and 31%, respectively, in 'Norland' and 'Norchip'. A review of results from studies in the US and Canada utilizing different assessment methodologies provides evidence that ambient ozone causes significant tuber yield reduction in sensitive white potato genotypes when foliar injury exceeds 20 to 40%.  相似文献   

The concentration, enrichment factor and storage of 27 elements was examined for growing in Olympic National Park, Washington. Most element concentrations changed significantly as the moss aged. Concentrations of copper, zinc, and lead were among the lowest found to date. Crustal enrichment factors indicated many elements were initially derived from atmospheric sources. These data indicate concentrations of heavy metals in remote, unpolluted sites may be considerably lower than initially thought.Mosses have been used to monitor air pollution because they accumulate trace elements and their growth is sensitive to pollutants. and were used to monitor trace element contamination in Europe (Yale and Lloyd 1984, Goodman and Roberts 1971, Lotschert and Wardtner 1982). The older portions of tended to have higher concentrations of copper and zinc than the newer portions. Sweiboda and Kalemba (1981) used and other mosses to monitor the presence of sulfur and flourine. An ecological index of contamination was developed by Le Blanc, et al. (1974) based heavily on the presence and absence of lichen and moss species around a copper mill area in Quebec, Canada. These studies demonstrate that the chemical composition of moss tissues and changes in species abundance are sensitive to atmospheric chemical composition.  相似文献   

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