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Measurements of the concentrations of nitrogen compounds in air and precipitation in the UK have been made since the mid-19th century, but no networks operating to common protocols and having traceable analytical procedures were established until the 1950s. From 1986 onwards, a high-quality network of sampling stations for precipitation chemistry was established across the UK. In the following decade, monitoring networks provided measurement of NO2, NH3, HNO3 and a satisfactory understanding of the dry deposition process for these gases allowed dry deposition to be quantified. Maps of N deposition for oxidized and reduced compounds at a spatial scale of 5 km × 5 km are available from 1986 to 2000. Between 1950 and 1985, the more limited measurements, beginning with those of the European Air Chemistry Network (EACN) provide a reasonable basis to estimate wet deposition of NO? 3?N and NH+ 4?N. For the first half of the century, estimates of deposition were scaled with emissions assuming a constant relationship between emission and deposition for each of the components of the wet and dry deposition budget at the country scale. Emissions of oxidized N, which dominated total nitrogen emissions throughout the century, increased from 312 kt N annually in 1900 to a peak of 787 kt for the decade 1980–1990 and then declined to 460 kt in 2000. Emissions of reduced N, largely from coal combustion were about 168 kt N in 1900, increasing to a peak of 263 kt N in 2000 and by now dominated by agricultural sources. Reduced N dominated the deposition budget at the country scale, increasing from 163 kt N in 1900 to 211 kt N in 2000, while deposition of oxidized N was 66 kt N in 1900 and 191 kt N in 2000. Over the century, 68 Mt (Tg) of fixed N was emitted within the UK, 78% as NO x , while 29 Mt of nitrogen was deposited (43% of emissions), equivalent to 1.2 t N ha?1, on average, with 60% in the reduced form. Deposition to semi-natural ecosystems is approximately 15 Tg N, equivalent to between 1 and 5 t N ha?1, over the century and appears to be accumulating in soil. The N deposition over the century is similar in magnitude to the total soil N inventory in surface horizons.  相似文献   

Simple bioenergetics models were used to derive annual nitrogen excretion rates of each seabird species occurring at colonies in the UK. These were combined with population distribution data and an estimated fraction of nitrogen volatilized to estimate the spatial distribution of NH3 emissions from seabird colonies at a 1 km resolution. The effect of these emissions on atmospheric NH3 concentrations and nitrogen deposition in the UK was assessed using the FRAME atmospheric chemistry and transport model. The total emission of NH3 from the UK seabird colonies is estimated at 2.7 kt yr–1. Emissions from seabirds are largely concentrated in remote parts of Britain, where agricultural and other anthropogenic emissions are minimal. Although seabirds account for less than 1% of total UK NH3 emissions (370 kt yr–1), their occurrence in remote areas and frequently large colony sizes results in seabirds providing a major fraction of the atmospheric nitrogen deposition for many remote ecosystems.  相似文献   

The deposition of atmospheric N to soils provides sources of available N to the nitrifying and denitrifying microbial community and subsequently influences the rate of NO and N2O emissions from soil. We have investigated the influence of three different sources of enhanced N deposition on NO and N2O emissions 1) elevated NH3 deposition to woodlands downwind of poultry and pig farms, 2) increased wet cloud and occult N deposition to upland forest and moorland and 3) enhanced N deposition to trees as NO 3 and NH 4 + aerosol. Flux measurements of NO and N2O were made using static chambers in the field or intact and repacked soil cores in the laboratory and determination of N2O by gas chromatography and of NO by chemiluminescence analysis. Rates of N deposition to our study sites were derived from modelled estimates of N deposition, NH3 concentrations measured by passive diffusion and inference from measurements of the 210Pb inventory of soils under tree canopies compared with open grassland. NO and N2O emissions and KCl-extractable soil NH 4 + and NO 3 concentrations all increased with increasing N deposition rate. The extent of increase did not appear to be influenced by the chemical form of the N deposited. Systems dominated by dry-deposited NH3 downwind of intensive livestock farms or wet-deposited NH 4 + and NO 3 in the upland regions of Britain resulted in approximately the same linear response. Emissions of NO and N2O from these soils increased with both N deposition and KCl extractable NH 4 + , but the relationship between NH 4 + and N deposition (ln NH 4 + = 0.62 ln Ndeposition + 0.21, r 2 = 0.33, n = 43) was more robust than the relationship between N deposition and soil NO and N2O fluxes.  相似文献   

Simple bioenergetics models were used to derive annual nitrogen excretion rates of each seabird species occurring at colonies in the UK. These were combined with population distribution data and an estimated fraction of nitrogen volatilized to estimate the spatial distribution of NH3 emissions from seabird colonies at a 1 km resolution. The effect of these emissions on atmospheric NH3 concentrations and nitrogen deposition in the UK was assessed using the FRAME atmospheric chemistry and transport model. The total emission of NH3 from the UK seabird colonies is estimated at 2.7 kt yr?1. Emissions from seabirds are largely concentrated in remote parts of Britain, where agricultural and other anthropogenic emissions are minimal. Although seabirds account for less than 1% of total UK NH3 emissions (~370 kt yr?1), their occurrence in remote areas and frequently large colony sizes results in seabirds providing a major fraction of the atmospheric nitrogen deposition for many remote ecosystems.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal changes in mobility of N species have been studied for three UK upland river networks, the Etherow in the South Pennines, the Nether Beck in the Lake District and the Dee in NE Scotland. The catchments are subject to N deposition at 35.1, 22.0 and 10.8–15.6 kg N ha–1 yr–1, respectively. TheNH 4 + leaching appears to be predominantly regulated by flowpath in more polluted upland catchments. It is greatest where water draining acidified peaty soils contributes more to total discharge. Soluble organic matter may provide the dominant counter anion. In the Etherowand Dee catchments, which are dominated by acid mineral and organic soils, at high discharge NO 3 also appears to be associated with greater input of water from acidified soils. In contrast, for the Nether Beck, higher NO 3 concentrations are associated with tributaries draining soils contributingwater with higher alkalinity, suggesting nitrification is important. For the Etherow and Dee, dissolved organic N (DON) appears to originate predominantly from acidified, peaty soils. Spiking experiments with peat soil from the Etherow catchment confirmed the limited capacity of these soils to utilize inorganic N inputs, favouring equilibration with NH 4 + inputs and leaching losses of inorganic N throughout the year.  相似文献   

This paper reports data from a field study investigating the impacts of elevated ammonia (NH3) deposition on Calluna vulgaris growing on an ombrotrophic peat bog in S.E. Scotland. Shoot extension, foliar N concentrations, chlorophyll concentration and chlorophyll fluorescence were measured during the second growing season of exposure to a gradient of ammonia concentrations. Results indicate that NH3 increases growth between 150–200 kg N ha–1y–1 cumulative deposition. Foliar N content increased significantly in response to NH3 cumulative deposition up to 400 kg N ha–1 y–1 whereas chlorophyll a content significantly decreased. Measurements of Fv/Fm suggest that although NH3 exposure altered the growth and reduced chlorophyll a, the efficiency of photosystem II was insensitive to NH3-N deposition at this stage.  相似文献   

In order to assess nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from typical intensively managed grassland in northern Britain fluxes were measured by eddy covariance using tuneable diode laser absorption spectroscopy from June 2002 to June 2003 for a total period of 4000 h. With micrometeorological techniques it is possible to obtain a very detailed picture of the fluxes of N2O at field scale (103–104 m2), which are valuable for extrapolation to regional scales. In this paper three of the four fertilizer applications were investigated in detail. N2O emissions did not always show a clear response. Hourly fluxes were very large immediately after the June 2002 nitrogen fertilizer application, peaking at 2.5 mg N2O–N m–2 s–1. Daily fluxes were averaging about 300 ng N2O m–2 s–1 over the 4 days following fertilizer application. The response of N2O emissions was less evident after the August fertilization, although 2 days after fertilizer application an hourly maximum flux of 554 ng N2O–N m–2 s–1 was registered. For the rest of August the flux was undetectable. The differences between fertilization events can be explained by different environmental conditions, such as soil temperature and rainfall. A fertiliser-induced N2O emission was not observed after fertilizer application in March 2003, due to lack of rainfall. The total N2O flux from June 2002 to June 2003 was 5.5 kg N2O–N ha–1y–1, which is 2.8% of the total annual N fertilizer input.  相似文献   

Providing an accurate estimate of the dry component of N deposition to low N background, semi-natural habitats, such as bogs and upland moors dominated by Calluna vulgaris is difficult, but essential to relate nitrogen deposition to effects in these communities. To quantify the effects of NH3 inputs to moorland vegetation growing on a bog at a field scale, a field release NH3 fumigation system was established at Whim Moss (Scottish Borders) in 2002. Gaseous NH3 from a line source was released along of a 60 m transect, when meteorological conditions (wind speed >2.5 m s–1 and wind direction in the sector 180–215°) were met, thereby providing a profile of decreasing NH3 concentration with distance from the source. In a complementary study, using a NH3 flux chamber system, the relationships between NH3 concentrations and cuticular resistances were quantified for a range of NH3 concentrations and micrometeorological conditions for moorland vegetation. Cuticular resistances increased with NH3 concentration from 11 s m–1 at 3.0 g m–3 to 30 s m–1 at 30 g m–3. The NH3 concentration data and the concentration-dependent canopy resistance are used to calculate NH3 deposition taking into account leaf surface wetness. The implications of using an NH3 concentration-dependent cuticular resistance and the importance for refining critical loads are discussed.  相似文献   

The impact of nitrogen fertilizers on gaseous emissions duringwinter and spring-thaw is not well understood and was the objective of this research. Using a micrometeorological method,N2O, NO and NOx fluxes from ryegrass were measured from November 1997 to March 1998. Three different mineralfertilizers were applied in November: urea (U), slow-release urea(SRU) and ammonium nitrate (AN). N2O emissions during the winter were small, increasing significantly in March. Total losses of N2O-N were significantly higher from SRU and U plots, with winter N2O emissions accounting for 50% of annual losses. Nitric oxide fluxes from all plots weresmall during the measurement period (<0.9 ng N m-2 s-1). The NO fluxes from U and AN fertilized plots were significantly higher than from SRU and control plots. NO2 fluxes were always negative (–6 ng N m-2 s-1)indicating deposition, but decreased to –2 ng N m-2s-1 when snow was present on the soil surface. Our resultsindicate that the form of inorganic N applied has an effect on NO+ N2O emissions but not on NO2 fluxes.Sponsored by CAPES – Brasília, Brazil  相似文献   

The results from three long-term field manipulation studies of the impacts of increased nitrogen deposition (0–120 kg N ha–1 yr–1) on lowland and upland heathlands in the UK were compared, to test if common responses are observed. Consistent increases in Calluna foliar N content and decreases in litter C:N ratios were found across all sites, while increases in N leaching were not observed at any site over the range 0–80 kg ha–1 yr–1. However, the response of Calluna biomass did vary between sites, possibly reflecting site differences in nutrient status and management histories. Five versions of a simulation model of heathland responses to N were developed, each reflecting different assumptions about the fate and turnover of soil N. Model outputs supported the deduction from mass balance calculations at two of the field sites that N additions have resulted in an increase in immobilisation; the latter was needed to prevent the model overestimating measured N leaching. However, this version of the model significantly underestimated Calluna biomass. Model versions, which included uptake of organic N by Callunaand re-mobilisation of N from the soil organic store provided some improvement in the fit between modelled and field biomass data, but re-mobilisation also led to an overestimation of N leaching. Quantification of these processes and their response to increased N deposition are therefore critical to interpreting experimental data and predicting the long-term impacts of atmospheric deposition on heathlands and moorlands.  相似文献   

Critical N loads for ombrotrophic bogs, which often contain rare and N-sensitive plants (especially those in lower plant groups: lichens, mosses and liverworts), are based on very few experimental data from measured, low background N deposition areas. Additionally the relative effects of reduced versus oxidised N are largely unknown. This paper describes an automated field exposure system (30 km S. of Edinburgh, Scotland) for treating ombrotrophic bog vegetation with fine droplets of oxidised N (NaNO3) and reduced N (NH4Cl). Whim Moss exists in an area of low ambient N deposition (ca. 8 kg N ha–1 y–1), the sources and quantification of which are described. The wet N treatment system is run continuously, and is controlled/activated by wind speed and rainfall to provide a unique simulation of real world treatment patterns (no rain=no treatment). Simulated precipitation is supplied at ionic concentrations below4mMin rainwater collected on site. Treatments provide a replicated dose response to 16, 32 and 64 kg N ha–1 y–1 adjusted for ambient deposition (8 kg N ha–1 y–1). The 16 and 64 kg N ha–1 y–1 are duplicated with a P+K supplement. Baseline soil chemistry and foliar nutrient status was established for all 44 plots for Calluna vulgaris, Sphagnum capillifolium, Hypnum jutlandicum and Cladonia portentosa.  相似文献   

Size resolved particle composition and nitric acid (HNO3)measurements from the ASEPS'98 experiment conducted in the BalticSea are used to provide observational evidence of substantialgas-particle transfer of oxidized nitrogen (N) compounds in themarine boundary layer. We then focus on the importance ofHNO3 reactions on sea salt particles in determining spatio-temporal patterns of N dry deposition to marine ecosystems.Modelling results obtained assuming no kinetic or chemical limiton HNO3 uptake and horizontally homogeneous conditions withnear-neutral stability, indicate that for wind speeds 3.5 – 10 ms-1 transfer of HNO3 to the particle phase to formparticle nitrate (NO3 -) may decrease the N depositionvelocity by 50%. We extend this research using the CHEM-COASTmodel to demonstrate that, in a sulphur poor environment undermoderate wind speeds with HNO3 concentrations representativeof those found in the marine boundary layer, inclusion ofheterogeneous reactions on sea spray significantly reducesmodelled NO3 - deposition in the near coastal zone.  相似文献   

The deposition of atmospheric N to soils provides sources of available N to the nitrifying and denitrifying microbial community and subsequently influences the rate of NO and N2O emissions from soil. We have investigated the influence of three different sources of enhanced N deposition on NO and N2O emissions 1) elevated NH3 deposition to woodlands downwind of poultry and pig farms, 2) increased wet cloud and occult N deposition to upland forest and moorland and 3) enhanced N deposition to trees as NO? 3 and NH+ 4 aerosol. Flux measurements of NO and N2O were made using static chambers in the field or intact and repacked soil cores in the laboratory and determination of N2O by gas chromatography and of NO by chemiluminescence analysis. Rates of N deposition to our study sites were derived from modelled estimates of N deposition, NH3 concentrations measured by passive diffusion and inference from measurements of the 210Pb inventory of soils under tree canopies compared with open grassland. NO and N2O emissions and KCl-extractable soil NH+ 4 and NO? 3 concentrations all increased with increasing N deposition rate. The extent of increase did not appear to be influenced by the chemical form of the N deposited. Systems dominated by dry-deposited NH3 downwind of intensive livestock farms or wet-deposited NH+ 4and NO? 3 in the upland regions of Britain resulted in approximately the same linear response. Emissions of NO and N2O from these soils increased with both N deposition and KCl extractable NH+ 4, but the relationship between NH+ 4 and N deposition (ln NH+ 4 = 0.62 ln Ndeposition+0.21, r 2 = 0.33, n = 43) was more robust than the relationship between N deposition and soil NO and N2O fluxes.  相似文献   

Ammonia concentration gradients were measuredabove a grassland in an agricultural region fromJuly 1998 to July 2000 at the locationSchagerbrug in the Netherlands. They were used tocalculate the surface-atmosphere exchange ofammonia by means of the aerodynamic gradienttechnique. Measurements of the ammonia exchangewere also performed at a grass field that is partof a major wetland reserve in the centre of theNetherlands (Oostvaardersplassen), during theperiod June 1994–September 1995. At Schagerbrug,low net emissions or small depositions weremeasured during the winter months, and a netemission up to 5 kg NH3 ha-1 month-1 in summer. The net annual emission was 26 kgN ha-1, with manure application contributingabout 50% of this emission. AtOostvaardersplassen mainly deposition occurred,but large emissions were measured in autumn. Themeasured exchange fluxes are compared to modelevaluations that incorporate plant physiologicaldata, such as apoplastic NH4 +concentrations and pH. Results show a goodagreement between field observations and modelsimulations, although some improvements arenecessary during nighttime periods. Themeasurements are conducted within the GRAMINAEproject, a second tranche project of EC TERI.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide emission from some English and Welsh rivers and estuaries   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Nutrient and N2O concentrations in the water columns were measured seasonally over a full salinity range in the nutrified rivers Colne, Stour, Orwell, Deben, Trent, Ouse and Humber and their estuaries on the east coast of England between August 2001 and May 2002, and in the oligotrophic rivers Conwy, Dovey and Mawddach in North and West Wales between August 2002 and May 2003. Nutrient and N2O concentrations in the nutrified English rivers and estuaries were much higher than those in the Welsh rivers. N2O concentrations and % saturation in the estuaries were significantly correlated with nitrate, nitrite and ammonium concentrations in the water. The strongest correlation was with nitrite (r2 = 0.56, p < 0.01), suggesting that nitrite was the most significant factor among the different nutrients in regulating N2O concentration in the estuaries. N2O concentrations in the English rivers and estuaries were supersaturated throughout the year with annual averages from 186.9 to 992.9%, indicating that these rivers and estuaries were sources of atmospheric N2O, whereas in the Welsh rivers N2O concentrations were much lower with annual averages from 113.6 to 137.4% saturation. Although the estuarine area in the Colne was almost the same as that in the Conwy, the annual N2O emission from the Colne was much higher (937498 mol N yr–1) than in the Conwy (23020 mol N yr–1). On the east coast, riverine emissions of N2O were only 0.5–12.5% of the total emission from rivers and estuaries. Thus rivers were negligible, but estuaries were significant contributors to the UK N2O inventory.  相似文献   

Semi-natural calcareous and acidic grasslands are known to be sensitive to increased atmospheric N deposition. However, the fate of pollutant N within these systems is unknown. This paper reports on the first studies to determine the fate of added N within a calcareous and an acidic grassland subject to long-term simulated enhanced N deposition. Intact soil/turf cores were removed from field plots treated for six years with enhanced N deposition (ambient +0, +35 and +140 kg N ha–1 year–1). Cores were inserted into lysimeters and output fluxes of N were monitored in detail. Complete N budgets—calculated from the N flux data—showed considerable accumulation of N within the treated grasslands, up to 76% and 38% of pollutant N in the calcareous and acidic grasslands respectively. In the second study, the short-term (21 day) fate of pollutant N was determined by tracing 15N labelled ammonium nitrate (+35 kg N ha–1 year–1) though the acidic and calcareous lysimeters into plant, soil and leachate pools. Up to 91% and 59% of 15N was recovered in soils and vegetation of the calcareous and acidic grasslands respectively, with negligible amounts recovered in soil extractable ammonium and nitrate (<0.3%) and in leachate (<0.02%). This rapid short-term immobilisation of pollutant N supports the long-term accumulation of the element calculated from the N flux study.  相似文献   

Estimates of soil N2O and NOemissions at regional and country scales arehighly uncertain, because the most widely usedmethodologies are based on few data, they do notinclude all sources and do not account forspatial and seasonal variability. To improveunderstanding of the spatial distribution of soilNO and N2O emissions we have developedsimple multi-linear regression models based onpublished field studies from temperate climates.The models were applied to create spatialinventories at the 5 km2 scale of soil NOand N2O emissions for Great Britain. The N2O regression model described soilN2O emissions as a function of soil N input,soil water content, soil temperature and land useand provided an annual N2O emission of 128 kt N2O-N yr-1. Emission rates largerthan 12 kg N2O-N ha-1 yr-1 werecalculated for the high rainfall grassland areasin the west of Great Britain.Soil NO emissions were calculated using tworegression models, which described NO emissionsas a function of soil N input with and without afunction for the water filled pore space. Thetotal annual emissions from both methods, 66 and7 kt NO-N yr-1, respectively, span the rangeof previous estimates for Great Britain.  相似文献   

Continuous micrometorological measurements of ammonia (NH3)exchange were made for a period of 19 months (May 1998–November 1999) over intensively managed grassland in southern Scotland. This study focused on the influence of management activities, such as cutting and fertilising, on vegetation-atmosphere exchange of NH3. Measurements were conducted within the European project GRAMINAE (GRassland AMmonia INteractions Across Europe) within which the Scottish site forms one of 6 sites in an E–W transect across Europe. NH3 emissions were enhanced (up to 300 ng m-2 s-1) after cutting followed by larger emissions after fertilising (up to 1400 ng m-2 s-1). Annual budget calculations show the intensive grassland acted as a net source (1.8 kg N ha-1 yr1) although fluxes were bi-directional with deposition dominating in the winter and emission in the summer. Initial modelling of the NH3 exchange using a `canopy compensation point' model has been conducted for key periods. The dynamics of the fluxes during these key periods, such as before and after cutting and fertilising, may be reproduced by introducing different values of the apoplastic ratio, = [NH4 +]/[H+].  相似文献   

Ammonia emissions from two contrasting seabird colonies in Scotland were measured, based on the determination of atmospheric concentrations downwind of the colonies. Atmospheric concentrations of ammonia (NH3) across the downwind plume were compared with the inverse application of a Gaussian dispersion model (ID) to calculate the modelled NH3 emission that would generate the measured cross-wind-integrated plume concentration. In parallel, a tracer gas (sulphur hexafluoride, SF6) was released from the colonies with air samples taken to allow determination of SF6 concentrations. On the basis of the known emission rate of SF6, the magnitude of ammonia emissions was estimated by the cross-wind-integrated tracer ratio (TR) of NH3/SF6 concentrations. Coupled with data on annual bird attendance, the measurements indicate annual emissions from the Isle of May and the Bass Rock of 18 and 132 tonnes NH3-N year–1, respectively. The measured NH3 emissions were compared with estimates of seabird nitrogen excretion to estimate the proportion of excreted N that is volatilised as NH3 (FNr). The emission estimates of the two methods compared favourably, giving 4 and 6 kg NH3-N h–1 (FNr = 15%) for the Isle of May for the ID and TR methods, respectively, and 21 and 25 kg NH3-N h–1 (FNr = 50%) for the Bass Rock for the ID and TR methods, respectively. The results provide the first measurement-based estimates to allow regional up scaling of ammonia emissions from seabirds.  相似文献   

The concentration of water-soluble organic nitrogen (WSON) in precipitation has been measured at seven sites across the United Kingdom, over a period of 1–2 years, using protocols developed in a pilot study. Samples were collected over 1–2 weeks in continuously open funnels made of stainless steel, draining to a glass bottle, and were preserved during and after collection by the addition of thymol. After chemical analysis, samples were excluded from the long-term average if they showed signs of contamination (significant concentrations of K+ or PO4 3–). Two methods of measuring total dissolved N were used, persulphate oxidation and high-temperature chemiluminescence. The latter generally gave the larger values, and has been used to asses the organic component of dissolved N. The long-term data set confirms the original results from the pilot study - organic N contributes between 24 and 40% to the total annual wet deposition of dissolved N across the United Kingdom. The fraction of WSON was greatest at western sites, and was strongly correlated with ammonium concentrations. However, the seasonal pattern across all sites showed a late spring maximum for ammonium and nitrate, but a late summer maximum for WSON. The magnitude of the contribution of WSON to wet-deposited N has implications for the setting and assessment of critical loads for N deposition.  相似文献   

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