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正"目前,全世界每年约有4200多亿立方米的污水排入江河湖海,污染了5.5万亿立方米的淡水。""2005年全国废水排放总量为524.5亿吨,城市污水处理量仅为149.8万吨,其中工业废水占34%∽35%,城市污水占61%∽65%。"这些触目惊心的数字,向我们昭告了水污染的严重,可地球所受到的破坏还远远不止这些:土地的沙漠化、臭  相似文献   

正我们所向往的环保,在实际生活中,就是社会的一种创新思维。能迸发出新的希望、新的生活、新的文明。简而言之,就是要按照简洁、实用的原则进行设计,减少多余的材料和能源的消耗,以及有害物质的排放。环保理念需要我们每个人从自身做起,解决资源浪费、环境污染的问题。我家里定期会有各种纸张、纸盒、购物袋、废旧塑料、饮料罐等,它们多被送去垃圾场。我想:"如果这些物品都能循环使用就好了。"于是萌生了把  相似文献   

<正>在星期五是我们春游的日子。一大早,我就来到学校,和同学们一起排好队,坐上了开往武汉郁金香主题公园的大巴车。看着窗外挺拔的大树、湛蓝的天空,我发现,曾经灰蒙蒙的天空变得十分清朗,空气也清新了许多,武汉每天都在变化呢!很快,我们到了郁金香主题公园。一进大门,  相似文献   

爱护环境系列教育活动从身边小事入手   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张玲 《环境教育》2003,(1):40-41
《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》中明确指出:“在幼儿生活经验的基础上,帮助幼儿了解自然、环境与人类生活的关系,从身边的小事入手,培养初步的环保意识。”因此,我们围绕环境教育开展了很多主题活动,并收到良好效果。在近两年的实践和研究中,我们幼儿园课题组成员通过大量的教学活动、实验改革,初步研究出“生态环境”、“资源环境”、“周边环境”三大教育活动系列。1.爱护生态环境:保护动植物教育活动系列幼儿的天性是好奇的,他们对大自然的一切都充满着探索欲望。开展环保活动从保护动植物入手,培养幼儿自觉关心、爱护环境…  相似文献   

朱乐 《环境教育》2006,(8):58-59
“绿树阴浓夏日长,楼台倒影入池塘。水晶帘动微风起,满架蔷薇一院香。”这是唐代诗人高骈《山居夏日》中对夏日美景细致入微的描述,字里行间流淌着夏天的宁静和清幽。但是,这对于身处现代社会的人们来说,似乎已成为遥远的记忆。“仲夏苦夜短,开轩纳微凉”,当您忙完一天的工作学  相似文献   

曾经读过一段这样的文字:蓝色的海水孕育五光十色、性情各异的儿女——天蓝的、乳白的、金黄的、翠绿的、火红的、银灰的、墨黑的、淡紫的贝壳……这段文字使我对海产生了幻想,憧憬着有一天能走近它、抚摸它。 2001年9月,我被湛江师范学院教育系录取了。这让我有了走近海的  相似文献   

正2016年4月24日,身为环保小记者的我通过微信与济南市市政排水中心的工作人员一起,参加了"绿行齐鲁"——探访护城河上污水来源活动。早上9点半,我们在泉城广场的科技馆报到集合。环保志愿者们把我们带到护城河旁边,济南市市政排水中心的工作人员给我们进行了讲解。通过他们的讲解,我们了解到污水是从哪里排到护城河里的,  相似文献   

近年来,我国的资源环境问题日益突出,节能减排形势十分严峻,已经引起人们的重视,节能减排的理念深入人心,身边节能环保的例子比比皆是,我的妈妈就是一个很好的榜样。  相似文献   

<正>读了由环保部宣教司组织编写、中国环境出版社新近出版的《环境应知100问:您身边的环境知识》一书,颇有感触。这本书,切入点和主题都是公众环境健康。公众环境健康是新环保法提出的一个新理念。这本书实际就是对公众环境健康问题的解读。旧环保法曾提出"保障人体健康",而新环保法修改为"保障公众健康"。为什么要做这样的呢?过去讲,污染物质进入土壤、进  相似文献   

Summary A comparative study of Survey of India topo-maps of 1929 and land satellite imageries in False Colour Combination (FCC) of 1975 indicates a loss of 43% and 46% of the reserved forest around Sambalpur and Jharsuguda respectively, besides other forest types in a radius of twenty miles. Deforestation is found to be an accelerating process where the rate of loss is estimated to be more during 1970–75 and 1960–70 in comparison to 1950–60 from a semilogarithmic trend curve between 1929 and 1975. This curve also fits to a hypothesis that the rate of deforestation is faster after 1950 (after developmental plan periods came into force). An analysis of the climatic data indicates a decrease in rainfall and number of rainy days, and morning relative humidity. The mean minimum and maximum temperature, evening relative humidity and atmospheric pressure show increasing trends. Relationships between forest loss and climatic parameters are significant for morning relative humidity, rainy days, maximum temperature and atmospheric pressure. Considering the loss of storage capacity of the Hirakud reservoir due to severe deforestation in the catchment area, suggestions are given for natural forest preservation. Arttabandhu Mishra graduated in Science (Zoology Honours) and Education from Utkal University; postgraduated from Berhampur University, India. At present he is a Lecturer in School of Life Sciences, Sambalpur University and Secretary of Orissa Environmental Consciousness Society. His fields of interests are Productivity and Energetics of Forest Ecosystems, Environmental Education and Community Education. He has published seven papers on the above fields and a number bf popular articles. He tries to use folk literature as media to carry scientific messages. Madhab C. Dash, obtained his B.Sc. (Hens), M.Sc. from Utkal University, India and Ph.D. from University of Calgary, Canada. At present he is Professor and Head, School of Life Sciences, Sambalpur University, a fellow of the Zoological Society of India, the National Institute of Ecology and the National Academy of Sciences, India. His major areas of research and writing are on the functional role of soil organisms in the decomposer subsystem of ecosystems, He has published seventy-five papers on taxonomy, biology, population ecology, metabolic functions, energy flow modelling, role in soft fertility and waste conditioning ability of Oligochaetes, nematodes, protozoa and soil microorganisms. Professor Dash has contributed specialised chapters in major treaties published by Cambridge University Press, UK; John Wiley and Sons, USA; and Academic Press, New York, USA.  相似文献   

The wind potential around an intensely mountainous area has been studied and an experimental analysis is presented the output of which could be used in the wind farm planning procedure aiming at maximization of the wind power production output of an area. The wind speed of a chosen site of Central Greece was studied based on field measurements around a large mountainous area of Central Greece. Understanding flow in the foothills and the wider area of the mountains is of great importance for estimating wind resource in rough terrain. In this article, special focus was given to the speed-up effect and forced air flow around mountainous masses.  相似文献   

纵论青海湖区的生态旅游   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张蓝青 《青海环境》2003,13(1):17-21,25
青海湖国家级自然保护区应该开展什么样的旅游?如何开展?直接关系到保护区自身发展及该地区自然景观和生物多样性等的保护与地区经济发展双重利益。文章通过问卷调查,在全面了解保护区现状的基础上,总体分析了青海湖国家级自然保护区开展生态旅游的可行性,梳理保护区目前开展旅游存在的问题,研究今后的发展方向,并提出相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

煤系高岭土开发利用中存在的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
煤炭行业开发利用煤系高岭土具有许多有利的条件,但也存在一些问题。作者针对目前煤系高岭土开发利用中存在的问题提出了相应的对策,以供有关决策部门参考。  相似文献   

生态住区的内涵及问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王玮  陆根法  夏晶  安艳玲 《四川环境》2003,22(5):50-51,66
本文从可持续发展的理念出发,讨论了生态住区的内涵,分析了我国生态住区建设的现状,指出了误区与不足,并对生态住区的建设提出了合理建议和核心内容。  相似文献   

本文首先着重分析了旅游区近年来普遍存在的较突出的环境问题及其产生的根本原因和特点,分析了这些环境问题对旅游区发展产生的不良影响,有针对地提出了一系列解决环境问题、改善环境质量的措施,以期对环境资源的进一步开发利用和保证旅游业健康持续发展有所帮助。  相似文献   

Overview of hypoxia around the world   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
No other environmental variable of such ecological importance to estuarine and coastal marine ecosystems around the world has changed so drastically, in such a short period of time, as dissolved oxygen. While hypoxic and anoxic environments have existed through geological time, their occurrence in shallow coastal and estuarine areas appears to be increasing, most likely accelerated by human activities. Several large systems, with historical data, that never reported hypoxia at the turn of the 19th century (e.g., Kattegat, the sea between Sweden and Denmark) now experience severe seasonal hypoxia. Synthesis of literature pertaining to benthic hypoxia and anoxia revealed that the oxygen budgets of many major coastal ecosystems have been adversely affected mainly through the process of eutrophication (the production of excess organic matter). It appears that many ecosystems that are now severely stressed by hypoxia may be near or at a threshold of change or collapse (loss of fisheries, loss of biodiversity, alteration of food webs).  相似文献   

发展园区是新疆走新型工业化道路、实现跨越式发展的有效途径。但目前新疆园区布局中存在一些亟待解决的问题。分析了目前新疆园区布局现状、存在的问题及原因,并提出了促进园区可持续发展的建议。  相似文献   

李嘉  张永泽 《四川环境》1996,15(1):25-30
本文从环境问题的严重性和全球性出发,阐述了当前世界面临的主要环境问题和当代环境问题的特点,指出了经济与环境协调发展的必要性和艰巨性。结合我国的环境现状,说明随着人类改造自然能力的不断提高和活动匠逐步扩大,环境保护已成为一个刻不容缓的问题摆有人们面前,如何处理好环境保护与经济发展这对矛盾,是中国乃至全人类都必须正视的艰巨课题。  相似文献   

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