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<中国安防>今天与大家见面了.我谨代表公安部科技局对<中国安防>的创刊表示衷心的祝贺! <中国安防>的前身<中国安防产品信息>,创刊于1994年.十几年来,<中国安防产品信息>伴随着中国安防行业的发展一路走来,在宣传党和国家及有关部门方针政策、推动技术交流、促进行业发展、提供资讯平台等方面发挥了重要作用,也一直受到业内人士的高度关注.  相似文献   

为适应快速发展的安防行业对资讯工作的需求,经公安部同意并报国家新闻出版总署批准,中国安全防范产品行业协会会刊<中国安防产品信息>已经更名为<中国安防>,并将于10月份正式创刊.为研讨<中国安防>杂志办刊宗旨及方向,确定栏目框架、首刊内容以及全年重点选题计划,<中国安防>杂志编委会于2006年7月21日在北京召开了首次工作会议.  相似文献   

对于《中国安防产品信息》杂志社来说,2004年是一个特殊的年份,是我们创刊的第十个年头。回首十年历程,《中国安防产品信息》杂志锐意进取,改革创新,共出版杂志62期,其学术性、权威性为业内所公认。作为安防行业的首家专业媒体,我们记录历史,见证成长,推动了中国安防行业的进步与快速发展。  相似文献   

高天流云,秋风送爽.业界翘首期盼的<中国安防>杂志终于在今天与读者见面了.<中国安防产品信息>自1994年创刊,已经走过了12年的发展历程.  相似文献   

2009年8月21日,首届"中国轨道交通安防发展论坛"于北京金龙潭大饭店成功举办.本届论坛由中国安全防范产品行业协会联合中国地铁建设40年成果展示及发展论坛组委会共同主办,由<中国安防>杂志、<轨道交通>杂志、鸿与智实业有限公司商务部共同承办.  相似文献   

中国安全防范行业协会9月17日在北京召开了"中国名牌"安防企业座谈会,庆祝安防行业四家保险柜企业获得中国名牌.中国安全防范产品行业协会理事长柳晓川、秘书长靳秀凤、副秘书长王俊生、<中国安防产品信息>杂志主任管茂辉、中国安全防范产品行业网总经理安福东等相关部门的同志参加了会议.获中国名牌称号的四家安防企业负责人:宁波永发集团有限公司总经理胡小良、哈尔滨飞云实业公司副总经理李作忠、江西金虎保险设备(集团)有限公司总经理熊春林和洛阳花都金柜集团有限公司总经理周克俊等出席了座谈会.中国名牌战略推进委员会常务副秘书长荣剑英应邀参加了会议并作了讲话.  相似文献   

编者按:今年是国家"十五"发展规划第一年,中国安防协会为配合国家规划也相应制订了本行业的<中国安全防范产品行业"十五"发展规划>,这对于促进、协调安防行业的健康发展具有重大意义,本刊曾于去年第五期全文刊出,引起热烈反响.为使<中国安全防产品行业"十五"发展规划>更加深人人心,产生更大的影响,我们从本期起开设"十五"发展论坛,有组织地刊出相关文章,为这场有意义的讨论提供一个空间,欢迎广大关心安防事业的人士踊跃投稿,参加讨论.  相似文献   

《中国安防》杂志是中国安全防范产品行业协会会刊,杂志主管单位为中华人民共和国公安部,主、承办单位为中国安全防范产品行业协会。《中国安防》前身为《中国安防产品信息》,创刊于1994年。为适应快速发展的行业需求,更好地发挥促进、引领和服务  相似文献   

正《中国安防》杂志是中国安全防范产品行业协会会刊,是中国唯一一本全面针对安防产业发展权威性的专业杂志。杂志主管单位为中华人民共和国公安部,主、承办单位为中国安全防范产品行业协会。《中国安防》前身为《中国安防产品信息》,创刊于1994年。为适应快速发展的行业需求,更好地发挥促进、引领和服务行业发展的作用,2006年《中国安防》在办刊宗旨、理念、管  相似文献   

正《中国安防》杂志是中国安全防范产品行业协会会刊,是中国唯一一本全面针对安防产业发展权威性的专业杂志。杂志主管单位为中华人民共和国公安部,主、承办单位为中国安全防范产品行业协会。《中国安防》前身为《中国安防产品信息》,创刊于1994年。为适应快速发展的行业需求,更好地发挥促进、引领和服务行业发展的作用,2006年《中国安防》在办刊宗旨、理念、管理、编辑、出版、发行等方面都进行了全面调整和改革,在追求  相似文献   

The purpose of the current paper is to examine the ways in which age and work experience shape how individuals experience psychological contract breaches. We first introduce the concepts of contract malleability (the degree to which individuals can tolerate deviations from contract expectations) and contract replicability (the degree to which individuals believe that their psychological contracts can be replicated elsewhere). Next, we discuss the variety of reasons why contract malleability and replicability become greater with age and work experience and how contract malleability and replicability may temper negative reactions to psychological contract breaches. We also address the different ways contract malleability and replicability mediate the relationships between age and work experience, on one hand, and exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect behaviors on the other. We consider the moderating effects of age similarity and dissimilarity here as well. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications for future research designs and for managing older and more experienced workers. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Empirical tests have indicated that following the Vroom-Yetton Normative Model of leadership predicts reliably to successful managerial decision-making. However, it does not consider the kind of social interaction among decision makers. Recent experiments have demonstrated that controversy constructively discussed can facilitate decision-making. To see whether constructive controversy can supplement the Vroom-Yetton model, 58 managers enrolled in an executive-level MBA programme described a successful and unsuccessful decision-making experience by answering the Vroom-Yetton questions and by indicating the extent those involved in making the decision experienced constructive controversy. Results indicate that both the Vroom-Yetton model and constructive controversy are significantly related to successful decision-making. A regression analysis indicated that constructive controversy accounted for 45 per cent of the variance of decision success whereas the Vroom-Yetton model accounted for 5 per cent. While the Vroom-Yetton model is useful at the preplanning stage for choosing a decision style, much greater contribution is provided by constructive discussions of opposing opinions when actually generating the decision.  相似文献   

广东汕头市农业土壤和蔬菜铅含量及健康风险评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
重金属元素铅的危害已经引起人们的广泛关注,为了得到汕头市土壤及蔬菜铅污染的状况,选取了该市115个土壤样品及34个蔬菜样品进行铅含量分析.研究发现,汕头市土壤样品铅含量差异较大,最高含量为110mg/kg,最低含量则为12.1mg/kg,极差达到97.9mg/kg.56.52%的土壤样品铅含量超过国家土壤环境质量标准,表明该市土壤铅污染存在普遍性,且各区(县)土壤铅含量极不均匀.汕头市蔬菜样品铅含量全部超过国家食品卫生标准(GB 14935-94),不同蔬菜品种对铅的富集能力均较强,蔬菜样品铅最低含量为5mg/kg,最高含量为85mg/kg,分别为国家标准限值的5倍和425倍.经分析认为,该市铅污染源主要来自工业"三废"排放、大量含铅农药的使用、汽车尾气排放以及大气沉降等.还对汕头市民通过食用蔬菜而导致的铅暴露进行了健康风险评估,结果表明该市居民使用蔬菜存在较大的健康风险.  相似文献   

The stages preceding and following the intention to withdraw from an organization have not been adequately examined. Data were collected at two time periods from a sample of 146 nurses working in a general hospital located in a large metropolitan area in Israel. Essentially, intention to withdraw from three levels — ward, hospital and profession — were examined. LISREL was used to test alternative longitudinal models for the best fitting set of linkages among variables. The findings supported a progression model of withdrawal intention. According to this conceptualization, a nurse first decides to leave the ward, then the hospital, and, finally, the profession. Theoretical and practical implications of the results were presented.  相似文献   

The 19th century and first half of the 20th century is one of those periods in history of rapid economical, technical and social changes. There is an ongoing mechanization, followed by a movement to rationalize production and to make it cost effective. This has created a heavy burden of occupational deaths amongst workers. In this period occupational safety is developing into a professional field. Engineers are enclosing hazards and fencing heights, shaping up safety technique, and writing very practical publications on occupational safety. These publications, predominantly published in the United States, are leading to quite some safety related metaphors, with the iceberg and the domino’s as the most famous ones. Sociologists, psychologists, and physicians are more concerned with questions related to accident causation, and these specialists are conducting research leading to two different safety theories. Causes of occupational accident are found either in the workers’ capacity to handle hazardous situations, or in external causes, like very long working hours, dangerous machines and the increased pressures of work and speed of production. The Pittsburgh survey, the first extended analysis of occupational accidents in a steel district, strongly advocated the environmental hypothesis, while the so-called ‘individual hypothesis’ is favored by the American Safety First Movement, starting as a private initiative in 1906 by US Steel, and later spreading out over Western European countries. The British Industrial Fatigue Board has given the individual hypothesis its scientific justification. Despite scientific criticism just after World War II on the concept of accident proneness and ‘unsafe acts’, its popularity is not fading. Even nowadays the famous metaphors are still part of the vocational training of safety experts, also in The Netherlands. Apparently professional and scientific developments in occupational safety are belonging to two separate worlds. Before World War II, The Netherlands is not a leading country in occupational safety but a follower, first of France and the German speaking countries. After World War I its focus is directed towards the Anglo-Saxon countries.  相似文献   

沿天津大沽排水河设置16个采样点,于2009年3-5月和2009年9-11月分别采集疏浚前后共32份沉积物样品,采用发光细菌法评价其毒性效应.结果表明,疏浚前,25.0%的样品毒性等级为低毒,68.8%的样品毒性等级为高毒和剧毒,下游河段发光菌相对发光度均小于30.0%;疏浚通水半年后,37.5%的样品毒性等级为低毒,高毒和剧毒等级样品占总数的比例下降至18.8%.证明疏浚后沉积物对发光菌发光的抑制作用减弱,大沽排水河沉积物疏浚工程明显改善了大沽排水河的生态环境.  相似文献   

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