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鞠信 《环境保护》1996,(10):42-43
联合国环境署“信使”项目鞠信UNEPNet──全球Internet上的绿色通道UNEPNet将是国际环境的Internet,由联合国环境署(UNEP)研制,使用廉价的现代数据通信,很适合发展中国家对环境信息的及时、全面的需求。UNEPNet将更为有效...  相似文献   

联合国环境署历年来确定的“世界环境日”主题1974年只有一个地球提高能源利用率1975年人类居住1984年沙漠化1976年水:生命的重要源泉1985年青年、人口、环境1977年关注臭氧层破坏、水土流失、土壤退化和滥1986年环境与和平伐森林1987年...  相似文献   

为纪念第二十一个世界环境日,联合国环境规划署今年在北京举行了一系列的活动。 6月4日上午,联合国副秘书长、环境规划署执行主任伊丽莎白·多德斯韦尔女士及该署新闻公共事务处长布瑞韦克先生等,出席了国务院新闻办公室举行的1993年世界环境日记者招待会。下午,多德斯韦尔女士出席了首次举行的中国青年环境论坛学术年会,发表了意味深长的题为《失去耐心的地球》的演讲。  相似文献   

陈瑾 《环境》2010,(7):44-44
6月1日,来自社会各阶层各行业的100名市民走进汕头市环保局,踊跃参与“减排话您知”环保开放日暨《环保百事通》颁书仪式活动,并参观了市环境保护监测站等地,实地了解汕头的空气、水质、噪声、土壤、机动车尾气等如何进行监测,以及生活污水的处理和电厂的脱硫、除尘等。  相似文献   

起源于1851年的世界博览会,堪称人类在经济、文化、科技领域的奥林匹克盛会。150年来,人类通过世博会这个舞台展示聪明与才智,促进现代社会的进步与发展。英国的水晶宫、法国的埃菲尔铁塔、美国的自由女神像……这些源于世博会的经典建筑已经成为人类建筑的标志性符号;而魔方、冰淇淋、宇宙仪等世博会的发明物也已出现在我们的日常生活中。  相似文献   

<正>南海拥有的村级工业园数量居佛山市之首。为解决村级工业园区环境突出问题,2017年以来,南海积极探索以产业特点实际为基础的一镇一中心治污新模式,以污染集中治理推动产业集聚升级,实现土地集约利用。2017年6月,南海区确定以区  相似文献   

<正>语文素养是学出来的,不是老师讲出来的。语文主题学习实验启动于2006年,一直致力于可以在一般的学校、一般的师资、一般的生源条件下实施的语文教学改革研究,通过对语文课程进行二度开发和对国家教材进行整合,让学生用1/3的课堂时间学完教材,其余约2/3的时间在教师的指导下自由阅读,1~9年级课内阅读量达到1200万字,打破了语文阅读只能靠课外的传统观念,有效转变了语文教学高耗低效的现状。《人民教育》于2012年15-16期合刊以10万字篇幅推  相似文献   

由中华环保基金会、广东省环境保护宣传教育中心、广州市志愿者行动指导中心和安利(中国)日用品有限公司共同主办的“安利环保嘉年华”主题游园活动,于10月31日至11月1日在广州天河公园举行。在广州天河公园占地5000多平方米的游园活动区域里,“绿色生活辩辨变”、“草原灭鼠”、“净化广州空气”等20多款妙趣横生的游戏,让孩子和他们的父母,在游戏中轻松学到了很多实用的环保知识。  相似文献   

泰国从西班牙购买的“加克里·纳吕贝特”号轻型航母于1998年投入服役,这艘泰国航母至今尚未参加过一次军事行动,反而频频扮演“救人天使”的角色。  相似文献   

今年7月,广州市的中小学生有机会参加了广州市环境科学学会分别于月初和月底组织的2个环境科学夏令营,不但学习了更多的环保知识,也学会了更加“环保”!  相似文献   

第二届地球卫士奖,表彰全球各地区最有影响力和有突出贡献的环保人士.他们有着敏锐的眼光和独特的创造力.通过他们的领导才干,每位“绿色卫士”都在其主管的政策层面发挥着重大的影响.2006年地球卫士奖全球共有七个环保人士(组织)获奖.  相似文献   

Light-duty gasoline vehicles have drawn public attention in China due to their significant primary emissions of particulate matter and volatile organic compounds(VOCs). However,little information on secondary aerosol formation from exhaust for Chinese vehicles and fuel conditions is available. In this study, chamber experiments were conducted to quantify the potential of secondary aerosol formation from the exhaust of a port fuel injection gasoline engine. The engine and fuel used are common in the Chinese market, and the fuel satisfies the China V gasoline fuel standard. Substantial secondary aerosol formation was observed during a 4–5 hr simulation, which was estimated to represent more than 10 days of equivalent atmospheric photo-oxidation in Beijing. As a consequence, the extreme case secondary organic aerosol(SOA) production was 426 ± 85 mg/kg-fuel, with high levels of precursors and OH exposure. The low hygroscopicity of the aerosols formed inside the chamber suggests that SOA was the dominant chemical composition. Fourteen percent of SOA measured in the chamber experiments could be explained through the oxidation of speciated single-ring aromatics. Unspeciated precursors, such as intermediate-volatility organic compounds and semi-volatile organic compounds, might be significant for SOA formation from gasoline VOCs. We concluded that reductions of emissions of aerosol precursor gases from vehicles are essential to mediate pollution in China.  相似文献   

Size-classified daily aerosol mass concentrations and concentrations of water-soluble inorganic ions were measured in Hefei,China,in four representative months between September 2012 and August 2013.An annual average mass concentration of 169.09μg/m~3 for total suspended particulate(TSP)was measured using an Andersen Mark-II cascade impactor.The seasonal average mass concentration was highest in winter(234.73μg/m~3)and lowest in summer(91.71μg/m~3).Water-soluble ions accounted for 59.49%,32.90%,48.62%and 37.08%of the aerosol mass concentration in winter,spring,summer,and fall,respectively,which indicated that ionic species were the primary constituents of the atmospheric aerosols.The four most abundant ions were NO_3~-,SO_4~(2-),Ca~(2+) and NH_4~+.With the exception of Ca~(2+),the mass concentrations of water-soluble ions were in an intermediate range compared with the levels for other Chinese cities.Sulfate,nitrate,and ammonium were the dominant fine-particle species,which were bimodally distributed in spring,summer and fall;however,the size distribution became unimodal in winter,with a peak at 1.1–2.1μm.The Ca~(2+) peak occurred at approximately 4.7–5.8μm in all seasons.The cation to anion ratio was close to 1.4,which suggested that the aerosol particles were alkalescent in Hefei.The average NO_3~-/SO_4~(2-)mass ratio was 1.10 in Hefei,which indicated that mobile source emissions were predominant.Significant positive correlation coefficients between the concentrations of NH_4~+ and SO_4~(2-),NH_4~+ and NO_3~-,SO_4~(2-)and NO_3~-,and Mg~(2+) and Ca~(2+) were also indicated,suggesting that aerosol particles may be present as(NH_4)_2SO_4,NH_4HSO_4,and NH_4NO_3.  相似文献   

本文对近年来国际社会围绕联合国环境规划署改革问题、法国倡议的建立联合国环境组织(UNEO)问题进行了初步分析,展望其发展前景。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the black carbon concentration in Beijing in 2003. The aerosol properties were measured using an Aethalometer and a tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) on the roof of the Physics Building of Peking University (39.99° N, 116.31° E) from July to August 2003 and from November 2003 to January 2004. The average black carbon (BC) concentrations in the summer and winter were 8.80 and 11.4 μg/m3, respectively. During winter, two different cyclone cut offs were installed at the inlet of an aethalometer. The BC mass concentration in TSP, PM10, and PM2.5 were obtained. The results indicated that in winter aerosol, 90% of BC exited in PM10 and 82.6% of BC exited in PM2.5. The BC in PM10 accounted for 5.11% of the PM10 mass. Translated from Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 2005, 25(1): 17–22 [译自: 环境科学学报]  相似文献   

Ground-based observation of aerosol optical properties in Lanzhou, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aerosol optical properties from August 2006 to July 2007 were obtained from ground-based and sky radiance measurements in Semi- Arid Climate and Environment Observatory of Lanzhou University (SACOL), China. High aerosol optical thickness (AOT) associated with low ?ngstr¨om exponent ( ) was mainly observed in spring, which was consistent with the seasonal dust production from Hexi Corridor. The maximum monthly average value of AOT 0.56 occurred in March of 2007, which was two times larger than the minimum value of 0.28 in October of 2006. Approximately 60% of the AOT ranged between 0.3 and 0.5, and nearly 93% of value varied from 0.1 to 0.8, which occurred in spring. The significant correlation between aerosol properties and water vapor content was not observed. The aerosol volume size distribution can be characterized by the bimodal logarithm normal structure: fine mode (r < 0.6 m) and coarse mode (r > 0.6 m). Aerosols in spring of SACOL were dominated by large particles with the volume concentration ratio of coarse to fine modes being 7.85. The average values of asymmetry factor (g) in the wavelength range 440–1020 nm were found to be 0.71, 0.67, 0.67 and 0.69 in spring, summer, autumn and winter, respectively.  相似文献   

Coarse (>2 μm) and fine (<2 μm) atmospheric particulate material was collected in the Zabadani Valley, near Damascus, in August 1985, and analyzed for sulfate, nitrate, and about 40 elements. Individual particles were analyzed for chemical and morphological parameters. Particle number concentrations and size distributions were also measured. The physical aerosol characteristics, and particularly the chemical composition indicate that the airborne particles in this arid region are predominantly due to desert soil dispersion, but that there is also some contribution from anthropogenic sources. The crustal elements exhibit atmospheric concentrations which are comparable to those in urban and industrial areas. The anthropogenic elements, on the other hand, are clearly less abundant in the Zabadani Valley than in industrialized regions. The individual particle analysis indicated that there are two major soil dust components with respectively a shale-like and a limestone composition. The data set with the bulk atmospheric concentrations (sum of coarse and fine) was subjected to chemical mass balance receptor modeling in order to assess the impact of the various plausible aerosol sources. It was found that desert soil dispersion is responsible for at least 90% of the total suspended particulate mass concentration, and that the shale and limestone components contribute in about equal proportions.  相似文献   

An indoor chamber facility is described for investigation of atmospheric aerosol chemistry. Two sets of α-pinene ozonolysisexperiments were conducted in the presence of dry ammonium sulfate seed particle: ozone limited experiments and α-pinene limitedexperiments. The concentration of gas phase and particle phase species was monitored continuously by on-line instruments andrecorded automatically by data sampling system. The evolution of size distribution was measured by a scanning mobility particlesizer (SMPS), and α-pinene consumed was measured using GC-FID. Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) produced for seed-free systemis 100% organic in content, resulting from a sufficient supersaturation of low volatility organics to produce homogeneous nucleationfollowed by condensation to the aerosol. Secondary organic aerosol produced in seeded system is a mixture of organic and inorganicconstituents, initially forms via condensation onto the inorganic particles, and subsequent growth occurs via absorption into the organicsurface coating the inorganic core. Although the formation process and the size distribution for seed-free system and seeded system isdifferent, the ultimate mass of SOA formed is equal, and SOA yield for the two system located in the same regression line when usingone-product model, suggesting that the presence of dry ammonium sulfate seed has no measurable effect on the total aerosol yield, and the dry seed particle acts solely as a site upon which organic deposition occurs.  相似文献   

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