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Geomorphic, hydraulic and hydrologic principles are applied in the design of a stable stream channel for a badly disturbed portion of Badger Creek, Colorado, and its associated riparian and meadow complexes. The objective is to shorten the period of time required for a channel in coarse alluvium to recover from an impacted morphologic state to a regime condition representative of current watershed conditions. Channel geometry measurements describe the stream channel and the normal bankfull stage in relatively stable reaches. Critical shear stress equations were used to design a stable channel in noncohesive materials with dimensions which approximate those of less disturbed reaches. Gabion controls, spaced at approximately 300 m intervals, are recommended to help reduce the chance of lateral migration of the newly constructed channel. Controls are designed to allow for some vertical adjustment of the channel bed following increased bank stability due to revegetation. The flood plain is designed to dissipate flood flow energy and discourage multiple flood channels. The channel has approximately a 90 percent chance of remaining stable the first two years following construction, the time estimated for increased stability to occur due to revegetation.  相似文献   

Encroachment of riparian vegetation into regulated river channels exerts control over fluvial processes, channel morphology, and aquatic ecology. Reducing encroachment of terrestrial vegetation is an oft-cited objective of environmental flow recommendations, but there has been no systematic assessment of the evidence for and against the widely-accepted cause-and-effect mechanisms involved. We systematically reviewed the literature to test whether environmental flows can reduce the encroachment of terrestrial vegetation into river channels. We quantified the level of support for five explicit cause-effect hypotheses drawn from a conceptual model of the effects of flow on vegetation. We found that greater inundation, variously expressed as changes in the area, depth, duration, frequency, seasonality, and volume of surface water, generally reduces riparian vegetation abundance in channels, but most studies did not investigate the specific mechanisms causing these changes. Those that did show that increased inundation results in increased mortality, but also increased germination. The evidence was insufficient to determine whether increased inundation decreases reproduction. Our results contribute to hydro-ecological understanding by using the published literature to test for general cause-effect relationships between flow regime and terrestrial vegetation encroachment. Reviews of this nature provide robust support for flow management, and are more defensible than expert judgement-based approaches. Overall, we predict that restoration of more natural flow regimes will reduce encroachment of terrestrial vegetation into regulated river channels, partly through increased mortality. Conversely, infrequent deliveries of environmental flows may actually increase germination and subsequent encroachment.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Channel instability and aquatic ecosystem degradation have been linked to watershed imperviousness in humid regions of the U.S. In an effort to provide a more process‐based linkage between observed thresholds of aquatic ecosystem degradation and urbanization, standard single event approaches (U.S. Geological Survey Flood Regression Equations and rational) and continuous hydrologic models (HSPF and CASC2D) were used to examine potential changes in flow regime associated with varying levels of watershed imperviousness. The predicted changes in flow parameters were then interpreted in concert with risk‐based models of channel form and instability. Although low levels of imperviousness (10 to 20 percent) clearly have the potential to destabilize streams, changes in discharge, and thus stream power, associated with increased impervious area are highly variable and dependent upon watershed‐specific conditions. In addition to the storage characteristics of the pre‐development watershed, the magnitude of change is sensitive to the connectivity and conveyance of impervious areas as well as the specific characteristics of the receiving channels. Different stream types are likely to exhibit varying degrees and types of instability, depending on entrenchment, relative erodibility of bed and banks, riparian condition, mode of sediment transport (bedload versus suspended load), and proximity to geomorphic thresholds. Nonetheless, simple risk‐based analyses of the potential impacts of land use change on aquatic ecosystems have the potential to redirect and improve the effectiveness of watershed management strategies by facilitating the identification of channels that may be most sensitive to changes in stream power.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: To adequately manage impacts of ongoing or future land use changes in a watershed, the magnitude of their hydrologic impacts needs to be assessed. A grid based daily streamflow model was calibrated with two years of observed streamflow data, using time periods when land use data are available and verified by comparison of model predictions with observed streamflow data. Streamflow data were separated into direct runoff and baseflow to estimate the impacts of urbanization on each hydrologic component. Analysis of the ratio between direct runoff and total runoff from 30 years of simulation results and the change in these ratios with urbanization shows that estimated annual direct runoff increased from 49.2 percent (1973) to 63.1 percent (1984) and 65.0 percent (1991), indicating the effects of urbanization are greater on direct runoff than on total runoff. The direct runoff ratio also varies with annual rainfall, with dry year ratios larger than those for wet years. This suggests that the impact of urbanization on areas that are sensitive to runoff ratios, such as stream ecosystems, might be more serious during drier years than in wetter years in terms of water quality and water yield. This indicates that sustainable base‐flow is important to maintaining sound stream ecosystems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Cattle grazing practices in the western United States have contributed to widespread riparian degradation resulting in unstable channel morphologies and the loss of fish habitat. Because of prolonged disturbance, numerous riparian areas on both public and private lands have been fenced to exclude cattle in order to promote vegetation establishment and riparian improvement. We selected four gravel-bedded, steep alluvial streams in eastern Oregon with cattle exclosures greater than 14 years old for an analysis of geomorphic adjustments following the removal of cattle grazing. We compare channels inside exclosures and in adjacent grazed reaches to identify the salient stream channel properties that respond to the removal of riparian stresses and to document the magnitude of these changes. Results indicate that significant changes occur, with reductions in bankfull dimensions and increases in pool area being the most common and identifiable changes. At all four sites, bankfull widths are narrower by 10 to 20 percent, and the percentage of channel area occupied by pools is higher in the exclosure by 8 to 15 percent. The increase in pool area is primarily offset by a reduction in the percent glide area. Not all of the channel properties demonstrate adjustment, indicating that perhaps 14 years is an insufficient duration for these variables to adjust.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Runoff was measured from a 564-ha catchment located on the Entiat Experimental Forest for nine years before a severe wild-fire in 1970 destroyed the mixed conifer vegetation. Runoff records from the Chelan River (2 393 km2) were used as control data for determining changes in water yield during the seven years following the fire. The first post-fire year was a period of transition in which the soil profile retained more water than in previous years and measured runoff was 8.9 cm greater than the predicted value based on pre-fire conditions. Runoff from the burned catchment during subsequent years was much greater than measured values before the fire. Measured minus predicted runoff, based on the pre-fire calibration equation, varied from 10.7 cm during the dry year of 1977 to 47.2 cm during the abnormally wet year of 1972. Flow duration curves indicated that runoff at each percent value after the fire was at least double the comparable pre-fire value. Sediment production increased dramatically after the fire because of increased flow rates, increased overland flow caused by reduced infiltration capacity, and mass soil movement. Sediment yield is beginning to decrease as stream channels become stabilized and vegetation on upper slopes improves infiltration capacity.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In Yegua Creek, a principal tributary of the Brazos River in Texas, surveys of a 19 km channel reach downstream of Somerville Dam show that channel capacity decreased by an average of 65 percent in a 34 year period following dam closure. The decrease corresponds with an approximately 85 percent reduction in annual flood peaks. Channel depth has changed the most, decreasing by an average of 61 percent. Channel width remained stable with an average decrease of only 9 percent, reflecting cohesive bank materials along with the growth of riparian vegetation resulting from increased low flows during dry summer months. Although large changes in stream channel geometry are not uncommon downstream of dams, such pronounced reductions in channel capacity could have long‐term implications for sediment delivery through the system.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A meandering stream channel was simulated in the Hydraulics Laboratory at Colorado State University and a series of tests was conducted using four types of vegetation to evaluate the potential effects of vegetation on sediment deposition and retention in a stream channel. The data collected included average flow velocity, flow depth, length of vegetation, density of vegetation, cross-sectional area of the vegetative stem, wetted perimeter of the vegetative stem, and injection and flushing time. The findings indicated that the vegetation could retain from 30 to 70 percent of the deposited sediments. The ability of vegetation to entrap and retain sediment is related to the length and cross-sectional area of the vegetation. The variables describing the flow and the vegetative properties were combined to form a predictive parameter, the sedimentation factor (Sd) that can be compared with the amount of sediment entrapped by vegetation in a stream system. A relation was developed correlating vegetation length to sediment retention after flushing for flexibility and rigid vegetation.  相似文献   

/ Data from historical aerial photographs analyzed with a GIS show that river channel change on the Salt River in the Phoenix metropolitan area of central Arizona has been driven by large-scale regional flood events and local human activities. Mapping of functional surfaces such as low-flow channels, high-flow channels, islands, bars attached to channel banks, and engineered surfaces shows that during the period from 1935 to 1997, the relative areal coverage of these surfaces has changed. Flood events have caused general changes in sinuosity of the low-flow channel, but islands have remained remarkably consistent in location and size, while channel-side bars have waxed and waned. The most important determinant of local channel form and process is sand and gravel mining, which in some reaches occupies more than 70% of the active channel area. The general location of mining is closely related to the location of the moving urban fringe, which serves as a market for sand and gravel during construction. Quantitative spatial analysis of imagery supplemented by field mapping shows that for each location within the general channel area, it is possible to specify a probability of encountering a low-flow channel or other fluvial features. Maps showing the distribution of these probabilities of occurrence reveal the most probable location and configuration of the channel as it occurred in the past. Some reaches have the low-flow channel located persistently within a limited area as a result of bedrock or sinuosity controls, but other reaches dominated by flow separation or shallow gradient have almost no persistence in channel location from one flood to another.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Control of emergent aquatic plants such as tule (Scirpus acutus Muhl.; Bigel.) is of direct interest to managers of surface waters in Western North America. Where conditions of water velocity and depth occur that permit this and similar species to colonize and grow, their clonal habit may restrict, or even block, open channels within several seasons after their establishment. Fortunately, sufficient flow depth and velocity naturally prevent these plants from growing into and blocking channels. We investigated physical constraints for tule stem growth with the ultimate intent to apply this knowledge in rehabilitating 60 miles of the diverted Owens River in Eastern California, presently choked with emergent growth. Bending stress resulting from hydrodynamic drag on tule stems was found to induce lodging; permanent deformation and consequent loss of function. The depth-velocity envelope describing this process (at 95 percent confidence) is uD/d= 12.8 where u = average velocity acting upon the stem (m/s), D = local depth of flow (m), and d = tule stem diameter at the point of attachment (m). Maintaining a discharge or reconfiguring a channel so this critical depth-velocity-stem diameter envelope is exceeded (predictable using flow models) through the summer growing period should prevent encroachment into an active channel.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The non-Fickian nature of the longitudinal dispersion in natural channels during low flow has been investigated using both laboratory experiments and the numerical solution of the proposed mathematical model which is based on a set of mass balance equations describing the dispersion and mass exchange mechanisms. Laboratory experiments, which involved collection of channel geometry, hydraulic, and dye dispersion test data, were conducted to obtain sets of experimental data on a model of four pool and riffle sequences in a 161-ft long tilting flume in the Hydrosystems Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The experimental results indicate that flow over the model pool-riffle sequences is highly nonuniform. Concentration-time curves are significantly skewed with long tails. The mixing and dispersion in the laboratory channel was simulated using a numerical solution of the mathematical model in which the finite difference method developed by Stone and Brian (1963) was used as a solution technique. The comparison between measured and predicted concentration-time curves shows that there is a good level of agreement in the general shape, peak concentration, and time to peak. The proposed model shows significant improvement over the conventional Fickian model in predicting dispersion processes in natural channels under low flow conditions.  相似文献   

Straight, trapezoidal‐shaped surface drainage channels efficiently drain the soil profile, but their deviations from natural fluvial conditions drive the need for frequent maintenance. Ecological and socioeconomic impacts of drainage ditch maintenance activities can be significant, leading to harmful algal blooms and increased sedimentation. We developed a two‐stage ditch design that is more consistent with fluvial form and process. The approach has potential to enhance ecological services while meeting drainage needs essential for agricultural production. We studied geomorphic change of the inset channel, benches and banks of seven two‐stage ditches in Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan. Three to 10 years after construction, inset channel changes reflected natural adjustments, but not all ditches had reached their quasi‐equilibrium state. Ditches had experienced both degradation and aggradation on the benches at a rate of 0.5‐13 mm/yr. Aggradation on the benches was not likely to threaten tile drain outlets. Localized scour was observed on the banks at some sites, but at all but one site changes were not statistically significant. Except for the removal of woody vegetation, none of the ditches required routine maintenance since construction. Two‐stage ditches can be a stable, viable option for drainage ditch management if designed and installed properly on the landscape.  相似文献   

Trails created by off-road vehicles (ORV) in boreal lowlands are known to cause local impacts, such as denuded vegetation, soil erosion, and permafrost thaw, but impacts on stream and watershed processes are less certain. In Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve (WRST), Alaska, ORV trails have caused local resource damage in intermountain lowlands with permafrost soils and abundant wetlands and there is a need to know whether these impacts are more extensive. Comparison of aerial photography from 1957, 1981, and 2004 coupled with ground surveys in 2009 reveal an increase in trail length and number and show an upslope expansion of a trail system around points of stream channel initiation. We hypothesized that these impacts could also cause premature initiation and headward expansion of channels because of lowered soil resistance and greater runoff accumulation as trails migrate upslope. Soil monitoring showed earlier and deeper thaw of the active layer in and adjacent to trails compared to reference sites. Several rainfall-runoff events during the summer of 2009 showed increased and sustained flow accumulation below trail crossings and channel shear forces sufficient to cause headward erosion of silt and peat soils. These observations of trail evolution relative to stream and wetland crossings together with process studies suggest that ORV trails are altering watershed processes. These changes in watershed processes appear to result in increasing drainage density and may also alter downstream flow regimes, water quality, and aquatic habitat. Addressing local land-use disturbances in boreal and arctic parklands with permafrost soils, such as WRST, where responses to climate change may be causing concurrent shifts in watershed processes, represents an important challenge facing resource managers.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A flume study was conducted to examine (1)changes in the particle-size distribution of sediments in riffles due to the proportion of sand in transport and the total rate of bedload transport at the time the riffle is deposited and (2) the effect of high sand transport rates on the stability of gravel riffles. The median particle size of sediment deposited in the riffle was larger than that of the sediment in transport. Small but significant (a = 0.05) decreases in the median particle size of riffle sediments resulted as the sand-to-gravel ratio. Increased concentrations of sand in transport caused previously stable gravel riffles to undergo scour. These results, in combination with information from other studies, suggest that an alluvial channel with pool-riffle sequences and with sand and gravel beds may respond to an increased delivery of sand by reducing form roughness. Form roughness can be reduced by degrading riffles and filling pools. Subsequent responses may be increases in width-to-depth ratio and slope.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Combinations of vegetation and structure were applied to control streambank erosion along incised stream channels in northwest Mississippi. Eleven sites along seven channels with contributing drainage areas ranging from 12–300 km2 were used for testing. Tested configurations included eroding banks protected by vegetation alone, vegetation with structural toe protection, vegetation planted on re-graded banks, and vegetation planted on regraded banks with toe protection. Monitoring continued for up to 10 years, and casual observation for up to 18 years. Sixteen woody and 13 nonwoody species were tested. Native woody species, particularly willow, appear to be best adapted to stream-bank environments. Sericea lespedeza and Alamo switchgrass were the best nonwoody species tested. Vegetation succeeded in reaches where the bed was not degrading, competition from kudzu was absent, and bank slopes were stabilized by grading or toe protection. Natural vegetation invaded planted and unplanted stable banks composed of fertile soils. Designs involving riprap toe protection in the form of a longitudinal dike and woody vegetation appeared to be most cost-effective. The exotic vine kudzu presents perhaps the greatest long-term obstacle to restoring stable, functional riparian zones along incised channels in our region. (KEY TERMS: vegetation; streambank protection; bioengineering; stream restoration; channel incision; riparian zone.)  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Hydrograph analysis of six streams on the south shore of Long Island indicates that eastward urbanization during the last three decades has significantly reduced base flow to streams. Before urbanization, roughly 95 percent of total annual stream flow on Long Island was base flow. In urbanized southwestern Nassau County, storm water sewerage, increased impervious surface area, and sanitary sewerage have reduced base flow to 20 percent of total stream flow. In an adjacent urbanized but unsewered area in southeastern Nassau County, base flow has decreased to 84 percent of total annual stream flow. In contrast, base flow in two streams in rural areas has remained virtually constant, averaging roughly 95 percent of total annual flow throughout the 1955-70 study period. Double-mass curve analysis of base flow as a percentage of total annual stream flow indicates that (1) changes in stream flow characteristics began in the early 1960's in the sewered area and in the late 1960's in the later urbanized, unsewered area, and (2) a new equilibrium has been established between the streams in the sewered area and the new hydrologic characteristics of their urbanized drainage basins.  相似文献   

The Yellow River has been intensively affected by human activities, particularly in the past 50 years, including soil–water conservation in the upper and middle drainage basin, flood protection in the lower reaches, and flow regulation and water diversion in the whole drainage basin. All these changes may impact sedimentation process of the lower Yellow River in different ways. Assessing these impacts comprehensively is important for more effective environmental management of the drainage basin. Based on the data of annual river flow, sediment load, and channel sedimentation in the lower Yellow River between 1950 and 1997, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the overall trend of channel sedimentation rate at a time scale of 50 years, and its formative cause. It was found in this study that erosion control measures and water diversion have counteractive impacts on sedimentation rate in the lower Yellow River. Although both annual river flow and sediment decreased, there was no change in channel sedimentation rate. A regression analysis indicated that the sedimentation in the lower Yellow River decreased with the sediment input to the lower Yellow River but increased with the river flow input. In the past 30–40 years, the basin-wide practice of erosion and sediment control measures resulted in a decline in sediment supply to the Yellow River; at the same time, the human development of water resources that required river flow regulation and water diversion caused great reduction in river flow. The former may reduce the sedimentation in the lower Yellow River, but the reduction of river flow increased the sedimentation. When their effects counterbalanced each other, the overall trend of channel sedimentation in the lower Yellow River remained unchanged. This fact may help us to better understand the positive and negative effects of human activities in the Yellow River basin and to pay more attention to the negative effect of the development of water resources. The results of this study demonstrate that, if the overuse of river water cannot be controlled, the reduction of channel sedimentation in the lower Yellow River cannot be realized through the practice of erosion and sediment control measures.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In order to assess the effects. of silvicultural and drainage practices on water quality it is necessary to understand their impacts on hydrology. The hydrology of a 340 ha artificially drained forested watershed in eastern North Carolina was studied for a five-year period (1988–92). Effects of soils, beds and changes in vegetation on water table depth, evapotranspiration (ET) and drainage outflows were analyzed. Total annual outflows from the watershed varied from 29 percent of the rainfall during the driest year (1990) when mostly mature trees were present to as much as 53 percent during a year of normal rainfall (1992) after about a third of the trees were harvested. Annual ET from the watershed, calculated as the difference between annual rainfall and outflow, varied from 76 percent of the calculated potential ET for a dry year to as much as 99 percent for a wet year. Average estimated ET was 58 percent of rainfall for the five-year period. Flow rates per unit area were consistently higher from a smaller harvested block (Block B - 82 ha) of the watershed than from the watershed as a whole. This is likely due to time lags, as drainage water flows through the ditch-canal network in the watershed, and to timber harvesting of the smaller gaged block.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Patterns of dry season surface flow in forested headwater channels of southwest Washington were observed during August to September 2001 and July to October 2002. In 2001, 17 channels were sampled once, and the uppermost points of continuous flow (CF) and surface water (SW) were located. In 2002, sampling was replicated three to five times at each of 21 channels. Annual and seasonal data suggested that the location of SW varied less than CF. In most channels, SW remained at or near the channel head year around. The pattern of surface flow between CF and the channel head was used to test alternative hypotheses describing dry season recession patterns: (A) surface flow consistently retreats in a downstream direction, and (B) flow comes from fixed sources along the channel, thus surface flow retreats up‐channel towards these sources. The dominant surface flow spatial pattern in streams less than 30 percent slope was increased intermittency without a clear pattern of retreat, and thus inconsistent with either hypothesis. High gradient channels (< 30 percent slope) exhibited a combination of increased intermittency, and extensive upward retreats of surface water consistent with Hypothesis B. Differences between 2001 and 2002 suggest late summer flows in small headwater basins were controlled by spring precipitation, rather than the typically greater winter precipitation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Urbanization, farming, and other watershed activities can significantly alter storm hydrographs and sediment erosion rates within a watershed. These changes routinely cause severe economic and ecological problems manifested in the form of increased flooding and significant changes in channel morphology. As the activities within a watershed influence the hydrologic, hydraulic, and ecological conditions within a river, interdisciplinary approaches to predict and assess the impacts that different land uses have on streams need to be developed. An important component of this process is ascertaining how hydrologic changes induced by specific watershed activities will affect hydraulic conditions and the accompanying flood levels, sediment transport rates, and habitat conditions within a stream. A conceptual model for using spatially explicit (two‐dimensional) hydraulic models to help evaluate the impacts that changes in flow regime might have on a river is presented. This framework proposes that reproducing and quantifying flow complexity allows one to compare the hydraulic conditions within urban, urbanizing, and non‐urban streams in a more biologically and economically meaningful way. The justification, advantage, and need for such a method is argued through the results of one‐ and two‐dimensional hydraulic model studies. The implementation of this methodology in watershed urbanization studies is described.  相似文献   

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