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Assuming that a male’s genetic characteristics affect those of his offspring, extra-pair copulation has been hypothesized to increase heterozygosity of the progeny—the “genetic compatibility” hypothesis—and the genetic diversity within litters—the “genetic diversity” hypothesis. We tested these two hypotheses in the alpine marmot (Marmota marmota), a socially monogamous mammal showing a high rate of extra-pair paternity (EPP). In a first step, we tested the assumption that a male’s genetic characteristics (heterozygosity and genetic similarity to the female) affect those of his offspring. Genetic similarity between parents influenced offspring heterozygosity, offspring genetic similarity to their mother, and litter genetic diversity. The father’s heterozygosity also influenced litter genetic diversity but did not affect offspring heterozygosity. Hence, heterozygosity seems not to be heritable in the alpine marmot. In a second step, we compared genetic characteristics of extra-pair young (EPY) and within-pair young (WPY). EPY were less genetically similar to their mother but not more heterozygous than WPY. EPY siblings were also less genetically similar than their WPY half siblings. Finally, the presence of EPY promoted genetic diversity within the litter. Thus, our data support both the “genetic compatibility” and the “genetic diversity” hypotheses. We discuss further investigations needed to determine the primary causes of EPP in this species.  相似文献   

Extra-pair paternity and male characteristics in the pied flycatcher   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) is sexually dichromatic with extreme variation in male plumage coloration. The benefit for males of having black plumage is controversial, and few studies have found evidence for a sexual selection benefit of being black rather than brown. However, blacker males may be better able to achieve extra-pair fertilizations (EPFs), which may be an important component of sexual selection. We studied the role of EPFs in sexual selection in the pied flycatcher by establishing a set-up where two males with different back coloration (blacker vs browner) bred simultaneously near each other. DNA fingerprinting analysis revealed that 11% of offspring resulted from EPFs, and that 22% of broods included extra-pair young (EPY) among 36 nests containing 223 nestlings. We found no evidence that browner males suffered more often from EPFs than blacker males. There was no correlation of male or female morphology or age with EPF frequency. However, breeding pairs with low genetic similarity had EPY in their nests significantly more often. Thus we argue that females paired with genetically dissimilar males may try to avoid the effects of extreme outbreeding by seeking extra-pair copulations (EPCs). Alternatively, incompatibility between genetically dissimilar mates may simply expose females to more extra-pair copulations.  相似文献   

Although functional explanations for female engagement in extra-pair copulation have been studied extensively in birds, little is known about how extra-pair paternity is linked to other fundamental aspects of avian reproduction. However, recent studies indicate that the occurrence of extra-pair offspring may generally decline with laying order, possibly because stimulation by eggs induces incubation, which may suppress female motivation to acquire extra-pair paternity. Here we tested whether experimental inhibition of incubation during the laying phase, induced by the temporary removal of eggs, resulted in increased extra-pair paternity, in concert with a later cessation of laying, in blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus). As expected, experimental females showed a more gradual increase in nocturnal incubation duration over the laying phase and produced larger clutches than controls. Moreover, incubation duration on the night after the first egg was laid predicted how extra-pair paternity declined with laying order, with less incubation being associated with more extra-pair offspring among the earliest eggs in the clutch. However, incubation duration on this first night was unrelated to our experimental treatment and independent of final clutch size. Consequently, the observed decline in extra-pair paternity with laying order was unaffected by our manipulation and larger clutches included proportionally fewer extra-pair offspring. We suggest that female physiological state prior to laying, associated with incubation at the onset of laying, determines motivation to acquire extra-pair paternity independent of final clutch size. This decline in proportion of extra-pair offspring with clutch size may be a general pattern within bird species.  相似文献   

In birds, the number of sperm trapped between the perivitelline membranes around the ovum is an estimate of sperm numbers present at the time and place of fertilisation in the female reproductive tract. Sperm numbers may vary among species and between eggs in a clutch and can provide information about sperm utilisation and mechanisms of sperm competition. Here, we describe patterns of variation in sperm numbers through the egg-laying sequence in three passerines in which extra-pair paternity is common, but copulation behaviour differs. Sperm numbers showed no systematic change across the laying sequence in blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus), but decreased significantly with laying order in bluethroat (Luscinia svecica) and tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) clutches. This is consistent with observations that blue tits regularly copulate throughout the laying sequence, while bluethroats stop mate guarding and tree swallows reduce their copulation frequency once the first egg is laid. Nevertheless, cases of a sudden increase in sperm numbers in clutches of bluethroats and tree swallows suggest that successful inseminations also occurred after laying started. In blue tits and bluethroats, sperm numbers were not higher on extra-pair sired eggs than on eggs sired by the social male, suggesting that extra-pair copulations are not timed to the period of peak fertility for each egg. More extra-pair offspring originated from eggs laid early in the sequence in blue tits, while there was no systematic bias in bluethroats. Our results suggest that copulations during the laying sequence are predominantly performed by within-pair males in our study species.  相似文献   

Correlates of extra-pair fertilization success in hooded warblers   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
We examined correlates of extra-pair fertilization (EPF) success in the hooded warbler (Wilsonia citrina), a species where females pursue extra-pair matings. The good genes hypothesis predicts that females choose extra-pair mates with morphological or behavioral traits that reflect differences in male genetic quality. EPFs were common, as 35.3% (42/119) of broods contained extra-pair young (EPY) and 26.7% (95/356) of nestlings were the result of EPFs. There was a strong skew in male EPF success which increased the variance in annual male mating success 2–3 fold. However, male morphology did not predict EPF success, as extra-pair males were not older or larger than the males they cuckolded. Likewise, there were no significant correlations between the proportion of extra-pair young in a brood and male size or age. The good genes hypothesis predicts that high-quality males will be consistently preferred as genetic mates, but the number of young sired by a male with his social mate was not consistent from one year to the next. There was a significant negative correlation between female age and proportion of EPY produced, which could result if older females obtain higher-quality social mates. We found no strong evidence that females choose extra-pair mates for good genes, but females may use behavioral rather than morphological cues to assess relative male quality. Received: 31 May 1996 / Accepted after revision: 17 October 1996  相似文献   

Extra-pair mating constitutes a relatively common reproductive strategy in many socially monogamous bird species. This strategy may considerably improve reproductive success of males, but female benefits from extra-pair matings still remain unclear and empirical evidence is scarce. This may be because genetic benefits of extra-pair mating are not always revealed. It is possible that they are shown only in unfavourable environmental conditions and hence problems arise with detecting differences between within- and extra-pair offspring whose performance is measured under favourable conditions. In order to test this prediction, we manipulated environmental conditions by altering brood sizes of blue tits and compared phenotypic characteristics of within- and extra-pair offspring in mixed-paternity broods. We found that extra-pair young exhibited a higher response to phytohemagglutinin in comparison to within-pair young, but this was only observed among nestlings from experimentally enlarged broods. These results indicate that genetic benefits may interact with the environment, and thus benefits of extra-pair mating are likely to become visible only when conditions are relatively unfavourable.  相似文献   

Female control of extra-pair fertilization in tree swallows   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary In a Canadian population of tree swallows, Tachycineta bicolor, DNA fingerprinting has previously shown that half of all broods contain many offspring resulting from extra-pair copulations (EPCs), whereas the other half contain only legitimate offspring. This bimodal pattern of extra-pair paternity might be due to variation in the effectiveness of male paternity guards, variation in female ability to resist EPCs, and/or variation in female pursuit of EPCs. Here we report experimental evidence for female control of copulations and fertilizations and the occurrence of two alternative copulation strategies among females in this population. Ten paired male tree swallows were removed on the day their mates laid the first egg. Replacement males took over the nestbox within 0.5–23 h and attempted to copulate with the widowed female. Assuming that eggs were fertilized approximately 24 h prior to laying, the first two eggs were fertilized before the male was removed, while the third and subsequent eggs could potentially be fertilized by the replacement male. Fingerprinting revealed that the first two eggs were sired by the resident males in five nests and by extra-pair males in the remaining five nests. The widows that had been faithful to their initially chosen mate rejected copulation attempts by the replacement male until most of the eggs had been laid. Consequently, nearly all eggs laid by these females were sired by the original male. The widows that had been unfaithful prior to male removal copulated sooner with the replacement male than females that were faithful to their mate. However, these replacement males also had a very low fertilization success; most eggs were sired by males that were not associated with the nest. This is consistent with the situation in non-experimental nests where unfaithful females copulate with their mate at the same rate as faithful females, yet unfaithful females have a majority of offspring sired by extra-pair males. We conclude that fertilization patterns to a large extent are determined by the female through active selection and rejection of copulation partners, though our results also allow some speculation that females have control over sperm competition. Female copulation tactics are probably determined some currently unknown fitness benefits of having the offspring sired by particular males.Correspondence to: Raleigh J. Robertson  相似文献   

The sex-dependent effect of environmental conditions on nestlings has been extensively studied in size dimorphic birds. Whether males or females are more sensitive to poor conditions is not yet clear; however, the degree of sexual size-dimorphism, brood size and their interactions seem to influence the pattern. Much less is known about sex-dependent environmental sensitivity in size-monomorphic species, even though it may result in biased sex allocation. We altered the rearing conditions by brood size manipulation in the size-monomorphic collared flycatcher and then examined the sex-specific development of the nestlings. In all analyses, we controlled for the effect of paternity, because one may expect extra-pair young to be of better genetic quality and perform better at least under poor conditions. However, this was not the case, because we did not find any difference in growth rate or fledging size between extra- and within-pair young. We found that male nestlings had the potential for faster growth under favourable conditions, but suffered more under poor conditions. We found no sex × environment interaction for fledging size probably because the growth curves level off before fledging, and the disadvantaged nestlings can catch up with their siblings. The larger sensitivity of males does not explain the previously found seasonal shift in brood sex ratios and contradicts previous findings in another size-monomorphic species where females were more sensitive. This suggests that even in size-monomorphic species, no general rule exists, which determines the more sensitive sex.  相似文献   

Evaluating the contribution of individual and environmental determinants of reproductive success is essential to improve our understanding of sexual selection. In socially monogamous bird species with high rates of extrapair paternity, traits or environmental contexts affecting the number of within-pair young (WPY) produced by males can differ from those affecting the number of extrapair young fathered (EPY). Here, we use a 4-year dataset collected in contrasted environments to assess the factors affecting male reproductive success in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor), a species showing high levels of extrapair paternity. Our analyses revealed that the number of WPY was higher under better environmental conditions, while the number of EPY was mainly related to male characteristics. Males nesting in more intensive agricultural areas had fewer WPY produced and a lower reproductive success. Also, males breeding earlier in the season had more WPY. The presence of parasites reduced males’ reproductive success, mainly by reducing the number of EPY. The influence of male phenotype varied according to population density: Tarsus length variation had a greater effect on reproductive success at low population density than at high density, while wing length was also positively related to the number of EPY, more so at high than at low density. Altogether, our results suggest a complex interplay between individual and environmental determinants of reproductive success and imply that sexual selection dynamics varies depending on environmental contexts.  相似文献   

It is still unclear why females in many bird species pursue extra-pair copulations. Current hypotheses focus mainly on indirect benefits such as obtaining particular good genes for their offspring or maximizing genetic compatibility between themselves and the father of their offspring. Supporting the latter, a recent study of shorebirds suggests that extra-pair matings may function to avoid the negative effects of genetic similarity between mates. Here, we further investigate genetic parentage in the Kentish plover, Charadrius alexandrinus, a shorebird with a highly variable social mating system. DNA fingerprinting revealed that most pairs were genetically monogamous: 7.9% of the broods (7/89) contained extra-pair young, comprising 3.9% of all chicks (9/229). These cases represented, however, three alternative reproductive behaviors: extra-pair paternity, quasi-parasitism (extra-pair maternity) and intraspecific brood parasitism. This is the first study showing the occurrence of all three behaviors in one shorebird species. We also found that extra-pair fertilizations (extra-pair paternity and quasi-parasitism) were more frequent later in the breeding season. There was no consistent relationship between genetic similarity of mates and laying date; the pattern, as well as the degree of genetic similarity, differed among breeding sites within the study population.Communicated by M. Webster  相似文献   

Birds may influence the fitness of their offspring by transmission of different amounts of carotenoids to their eggs. Carotenoids play crucial roles in antioxidant protection and immune defence mechanisms, but they may be available to females in limiting amounts. Therefore, their allocation to the eggs may be influenced by the female’s condition, age and environmental circumstances. Furthermore, the quality of the male parent, which affects the reproductive value of the offspring, may also influence this investment. In this correlational study, we investigated proximate and ultimate factors that may lead to variation in yolk lutein, zeaxanthin and β-carotene concentrations among and within clutches of a wild passerine, the collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis). We found that carotenoid concentration was positively associated with caterpillar supply at the time of egg formation, which suggests a proximate constraint of carotenoid availability on yolk composition. Neither female condition, body size, age, nor male plumage ornamentation, age and body size correlated with carotenoid deposition. Yolk β-carotene concentration was found to be positively linked to yolk testosterone concentration. We suggest that females allocated more β-carotene to their eggs to mitigate the potentially detrimental effects of elevated steroid concentration. We found that concentration of β-carotene increased with laying order. The possible function of this pattern may be to enhance the resistance to oxidative stress and pathogens of the disadvantaged last-hatching nestling, suggesting that collared flycatchers pursue a compensatory, “brood survival” strategy.  相似文献   

Multiple paternity and offspring quality in tree swallows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is mounting evidence in a variety of taxa that females increase offspring quality by mating with multiple males, often resulting in multiple paternity. In birds, however, few studies have explicitly examined the benefits of mating with several different males; instead, the focus has been on whether or not extra-pair mating occurs, and its adaptive significance remains controversial. We examined the hypothesis that offspring quality, particularly immune response (phytohaemagglutinin assay) and growth, increases with the number of sires in broods of socially monogamous tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor). We found one of the highest known levels of multiple paternity in birds (84% of nests with two or more extra-pair young had at least two extra-pair sires). Among nests with extra-pair young, the number and diversity of sires continued to increase linearly with the number of extra-pair young, so there was no evidence that some males monopolized paternity at high levels of extra-pair fertilization. Indeed, the number of sires was actually greater than expected in large broods, suggesting that some females might be seeking more mates. We found no effect of the number of sires on nestling immune response or growth. In mixed paternity broods, the immune response of extra-pair young did not differ from that of their within-pair half-siblings. However, among all broods, nestlings had a stronger immune response in nests with at least one extra-pair nestling than in nests with all within-pair nestlings. These results are not consistent with a good genes benefit of extra-pair mating, but they do suggest that there are environmental effects associated with extra-pair mating that increase nestling immune response. These environmental effects could produce indirect genetic effects on sexual selection if they are heritable. The extraordinarily high number of sires in this species highlights a relatively unexplored source of sexual selection in birds.  相似文献   

Recent studies of monogamous tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) suggest that females may receive some type of genetic benefit from extra-pair fertilizations. In this study we attempted to determine what type of genetic benefits might be gained by females. We compared numerous morphological and behavioral traits (Table 1) of every male nesting on one grid of nest-boxes (n = 23) to determine what male traits were correlated with male success at gaining extra-pair fertilizations. DNA fingerprinting revealed an increase in the level of extra-pair paternity from the previous year (50% of broods contained extra-pair young in 1990 vs. 87% of broods in 1991), but no significant correlates of paternity. We found six extra-pair fathers at seven nests (20 nests had extra-pair young). The traits of these extra-pair males did not differ from those of the males they cuckolded. We discuss several reasons for this lack of difference, but argue that our results are not inconsistent with females choosing extra-pair males to enhance the genotypic quality of their offspring. Despite a complete search of the nest-box grid for extra-pair fathers, we were able to explain the paternity of just 21% (13/63) of all extra-pair young. This suggests that extra-pair fathers were either residents off our study grid or non-territorial floaters. Tree swallows are quite mobile and spend only part of the day at their nest prior to laying. In addition, we rarely see swallows visiting other grids of nest-boxes. Therefore, we suggest that most extra-pair copulations occur at some unknown location, possibly at a feeding or roosting area where females may be able to choose from many more potential extra-pair fathers than at their nest-site.  相似文献   

In passerine birds, storage and maturation of sperm takes place in the cloacal protuberance (CP), an external swelling of the reproductive organ. The considerable variation in CP size among species is presumed to be a consequence of varying levels of sperm-competition, but whether individual variation in CP size within a species also reflects sperm competition is not well established. Here, we study temporal variation in male CP size in relation to within-pair and extra-pair mating opportunities and cuckoldry risk in purple-crowned fairy-wrens Malurus coronatus. This is a socially monogamous cooperatively breeding passerine that can breed year-round and has low levels of extra-pair paternity (in 6?% of broods). We show that male CP size sharply increased a few weeks before, and rapidly regressed after his partner laid eggs, consistent with a cost of its maintenance and/or sperm production. Surprisingly, despite low levels of extra-pair paternity, CP size of non-breeding and pre-breeding males was positively correlated with the number of breeding females in the population, suggesting that CP size is sensitive to extra-pair mating opportunities. However, CP sizes do not seem to reflect cuckoldry risk: CP size of dominant males was unaffected by the presence of a subordinate that was unrelated to the dominant female, although those subordinates occasionally sire offspring, and had a larger CP than subordinates living with their mother. Our results suggest that, even in a species with low levels of extra-pair paternity, individual investment in sperm storage reflects both within-pair and, albeit to lesser extent, extra-pair mating opportunities.  相似文献   

Extra-pair paternity is common in socially monogamous passerines; however, despite considerable research attention, consistent differences in fitness between within-pair offspring (WPO) and extra-pair offspring (EPO) have not been demonstrated. Recent evidence indicates that differences between maternal half-siblings may depend on environmental conditions, but it is unclear whether the influence of paternal genetic contribution should be most apparent under comparatively poor or favourable conditions. We compared phenotypic characteristics of WPO and EPO in 30 mixed-paternity broods of the tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) in relation to experimentally increased nest temperature (n = 13 heated nests; 17 control nests) and natural abundance of haematophagous parasites (Protocalliphora spp.). This allowed us to test the hypothesis that genetic benefits of extra-pair mating are environment dependent. EPO grew their ninth primary feathers faster than WPO regardless of nest temperature or parasite load and had significantly longer ninth primary feathers at fledging when parasite abundance was low, and when they were positioned early in the hatching sequence relative to WPO. In contrast, WPO under similar conditions did not differ from EPO in any phenotypic trait measured. These results indicate that the fitness benefits of extra-pair mating are likely to be context dependent, and that genetic effects on some phenotypic traits may be more apparent when conditions are relatively favourable.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that some female black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) solicit copulations from males that rank higher in winter flocks than their social mates, and extra-pair paternity in nests occurs commonly enough to be considered a potential female mating tactic. This study uses blood samples collected in 1992–1995 from 58 families of black-capped chickadees to test whether females with extra-pair offspring have chosen extra-pair sires higher in social rank than their mates. Paternity was assessed with multilocus DNA fingerprinting in 1992–1994 nests and with microsatellite and single-locus minisatellite DNA typing in 1995 nests. Seventeen of 58 nests (29.3%) contained young genetically mismatched with their social father. In 11 of 15 cases where the identity of the extra-pair male was known, the extra-pair male was dominant to the social father. Using data from 29 nests located in 1994 and 1995 for which we had the most data on relative ranks of males, high-ranking males had greater realized reproductive success than low-ranking males as a result of extra-pair fertilizations. There was no significant difference between the number of nests containing extra-pair young of females mated to low-ranked versus high-ranked males. Two nests in 1995 contained young either genetically mismatched with both social parents (intraspecific brood parasitism) or, in one nest, genetically mismatched with the social mother but not the social father (quasi-parasitism). The implications of female strategies acquiring genetic benefits through extra-pair copulations are discussed. Received: 7 July 1997 / Accepted after revision: 14 March 1998  相似文献   

Ornamental traits are thought to evolve because they give individuals an advantage in securing multiple mates. Thus, the presence of ornamentation among males in many monogamous bird species presents something of a conundrum. Under certain conditions, extra-pair paternity can increase the variance in reproductive success among males, thus increasing the potential for sexual selection to act. We addressed this possibility in the mountain bluebird (Sialia currucoides), a socially monogamous songbird in which males possess brilliant ultraviolet (UV)-blue plumage. Specifically, we asked whether a male’s success at siring offspring within his own nest and within the nests of other males was related to his coloration. In pairwise comparisons, males that sired extra-pair offspring were not more colorful than the males that they cuckolded. However, males that sired at least one extra-pair offspring were, on average, brighter and more UV-blue than males that did not sire extra-pair offspring. Brighter, more UV-blue males sired more offspring both with their own mate and tended to sire more offspring with extra-pair mates and thus sired more offspring overall. Our results support the hypothesis that the brilliant UV-blue ornamental plumage of male mountain bluebirds evolved at least in part because it provides males with an advantage in fertilizing the eggs of multiple females.  相似文献   

Extensive behavioural and pedigree data on a colour-marked population of Florida scrub-jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens) suggested that this cooperatively breeding species is monogamous, with extremely rare exceptions in which males have two mates. We used multi-locus DNA fingerprinting to test these observations by determining genetic parentage. Despite restricted dispersal and high relatedness between behavioural parents and non-breeding members of the group, DNA fingerprints provided sufficient variability to determine parentage unambiguously in almost all cases. We found no evidence of extra-pair fertilisation of females or egg dumping, and confirmed a suspected case of polygyny in which a mother and daughter laid and incubated in the same nest. Our results confirm that detailed behavioural data allow accurate assignment of genetic parentage in this species. In Florida scrub-jays, large territory size may limit opportunities for cuckoldry, and persistent intense competition for limited breeding space may lead to low variance in the quality of established male breeders. These factors would reduce both the opportunity for, and benefits of engaging in extra-pair fertilisations. Delayed dispersal and cooperative breeding in this species have not evolved as avenues for direct reproduction by unpaired individuals. Received: 25 May 1998 / Accepted after revision: 26 June 1998  相似文献   

Extra-pair paternity is common in birds and much research has focussed on the selective advantage of extra-pair matings for both sexes. In contrast, little attention has been given to the fact that in most species the majority of offspring are sired by the social male. We investigated whether extra-pair matings of female bluethroats (Luscinia svecica) are constrained by the presence of the pair male, by detaining males in cages on their territories for one morning during the peak of female fertility. The proportion of offspring sired by extra-pair males was higher in broods where males had been detained (35%) than in control broods (16%), while the proportion of broods that had at least one extra-pair offspring did not differ significantly between experimental (65%) and control broods (44%). Within the experimental group, levels of extra-pair paternity were not related to the day of experiment in relation to start of egg laying, but males caught early in the morning lost more paternity than males caught later on. Our results show that pair males exert constraints on the frequency of extra-pair paternity by being present during the period of peak fertility, which could be a direct effect of their mate guarding effort and/or due to an advantage in sperm competition for pair males.  相似文献   

Younger individuals are often less successful in reproduction than older ones. This might be because of improving breeding skills with age or because the genetic quality of young or early maternal effects on them vary with parental age. However, no attempt has been made to experimentally separate these processes in vertebrates. We conducted a cross-fostering experiment in collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis) in three breeding seasons to disentangle origin- and rearing-related effects of paternal age on chick growth, while controlling for date-specific environmental conditions as well as differences in clutch and brood size. The age of the male at the nest of origin, but not that of the rearing male, had a year-dependent effect on nestling body mass and tarsus length. In two seasons, young of subadult males grew slower in the early linear phase of growth than young of adult males. There was no compensatory growth in the final asymptotic phase, so both body mass and tarsus length before fledging reflected the differential early development. In the remaining year, the age of the male at the nest of origin had no significant effect on chick growth. The environment-dependent origin effect we detected was unexplained by incubation times, hatching asynchrony, chick masses at swapping or previously described age-dependent egg quality patterns. Our results therefore suggest a genotype × environment interaction on the relative development of offspring sired by subadult and adult males. Our results also raise the possibility that female birds may gain genetic benefits by mating with older males. Further studies should identify general patterns of male age-dependent female mate choice and offspring quality in different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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