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Forests in Britain produce social and environmental benefits, in addition to marketable timber outputs. One such non-market benefit is the reduction in air pollution, linked to health impacts (mortality and morbidity). This study assesses the benefits of SO2 and PM10 absorption by trees in terms of extending life expectancy of the population and reducing hospital admissions. Working at a resolution of 1 km2 with woodland over 2 ha, it is estimated that, for Britain as a whole, woodland saves between 5 and 7 deaths, that would otherwise have been brought forward, and between 4 and 6 hospital admissions each year. The economic value of the health effect of woodland is estimated to be at least 900,000 pounds Sterling per year. Smaller areas of woodland, often located closer to population, sometimes strategically planted close to pollution sources, will generate additional air pollution absorption benefits to those estimated here. Researching such benefits would require more detailed data than is available at present for a national study. However, the health benefits of woodland are relatively small in comparison to other non-market forestry benefits.  相似文献   

Long-term water quality records for assessing natural variability, impact of management, and that guide regulatory processes to safeguard water resources are rare for California oak woodland rangelands. This study presents a 20-yr record (1981-2000) of nitrate-nitrogen (NO(3)-N) and suspended sediment export from a typical, grazed oak woodland watershed (103 ha) in the northern Sierra Nevada foothills of California. Mean annual precipitation over the 20-yr period was 734 mm yr(-1) (range 366-1205 mm yr(-1)). Mean annual stream flow was 353 mm y(-1) (range 87-848 mm yr(-1)). Average annual stream flow was 48.1 +/- 16% of precipitation. Mean annual NO(3)-N export was 1.6 kg ha(-1) yr(-1) (range 0.18-3.6 kg ha(-1) yr(-1)). Annual NO(3)-N export significantly (P < 0.05) increased with increasing annual stream flow and precipitation. Mean daily NO(3)-N export was 0.004 kg ha(-1) d(-1) (range 10(-5) to 0.55 kg ha(-1) d(-1)). Mean annual suspended sediment export was 198 kg ha(-1) yr(-1) (range 23-479 kg ha(-1) yr(-1)). There was a positive relationship (P < 0.05) between annual suspended sediment export, annual stream flow and precipitation. Mean daily suspended sediment export was 0.54 kg ha(-1) d(-1) (range 10(-4) to 155 kg ha(-1) d(-1)). Virtually no sediment was exported during the dry season. The large variation in daily and annual fluxes highlights the necessity of using long-term records to establish quantitative water quality targets for rangelands and demonstrates the difficulty of designing a water quality monitoring program for these ecosystems.  相似文献   

This study proposes a novel concept for designing a radio switch that can match workplace characteristics and personal needs by individually controlling the lighting group to save electricity. We use a microcontroller that can achieve the function of timing, turned-on and turn-off by setting the internal program to control the radio switch for convenient use, and electricity saving. As compared with the traditional mechanical switch, the radio switch reduced the electricity consumption by 38.64 kwh/week (86.25% of ideal condition or 1194.62% of practical condition), and the annual CO2 emission can be reduced by 1032.2 kg/year. Additionally, the cost of the radio switch to replace the traditional mechanical switch can be paid back in 1.72 years.  相似文献   

The effects of prescribed burning on forage abundance and suitability for elk (Cervus elaphus) during the snow-free season was evaluated in east-central Banff National Park, Canada. Six coniferous forest and mixed shrub-herb plant communities (n=144 plots), and 5223ha of burned (n=131) vegetation <12 years old were sampled using a stratified semi-random design. Sampling units represented various combinations of vegetation, terrain conditions, and stand ages that were derived from digital biophysical data, with plant communities the basic unit of analysis. Burning coniferous forest stands reduced woody biomass, and increased herbaceous forage from 146 to 790 kg/ha. Increases commonly occurred in the percent cover of hairy wild rye (Leymus innovatus (Beal) Pigler) and fireweed (Chamerion angustifolium (L.) Holub.). The herbaceous components of mixed shrub-herb communities increased from 336-747 kg/ha to 517-1104 kg/ha in response to burning (P<0.025, Mann-Whitney U-test). Browse biomass (mostly Salix spp. and Betula nana L.) increased >or=220% (P相似文献   

This study quantified carbon storage and sequestration by urban forests and carbon emissions from energy consumption by several industrial sources in Hangzhou, China. Carbon (C) storage and sequestration were quantified using urban forest inventory data and by applying volume-derived biomass equations and other models relating net primary productivity (NPP) and mean annual biomass increments. Industrial energy use C emissions were estimated by accounting for fossil fuel use and assigning C emission factors. Total C storage by Hangzhou's urban forests was estimated at 11.74 Tg C, and C storage per hectare was 30.25 t C. Carbon sequestration by urban forests was 1,328, 166.55 t C/year, and C sequestration per ha was 1.66 t C/ha/year. Carbon emissions from industrial energy use in Hangzhou were 7 Tg C/year. Urban forests, through sequestration, annually offset 18.57% of the amount of carbon emitted by industrial enterprises, and store an amount of C equivalent to 1.75 times the amount of annual C emitted by industrial energy uses within the city. Management practices for improving Hangzhou's urban forests function of offsetting C emissions from energy consumption are explored. These results can be used to evaluate the urban forests' role in reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide.  相似文献   

The relation between human population growth and land use change is much debated. Here we present a case study from Papua New Guinea where the population has increased from 2.3 million in 1975 to 5.2 million in 2000. Since 85% of the population relies on subsistence agriculture, population growth affects agricultural land use. We assessed land use change in the Morobe province (33,933 km2) using topographic maps of 1975 and Landsat TM images of 1990 and 2000. Between 1975 and 2000, agricultural land use increased by 58% and population grew by 99%. Most new agricultural land was taken from primary forest and the forest area decreased from 9.8 ha person(-1) in 1975 to 4.4 ha person(-1) in 2000. Total population change and total land use change were strongly correlated. Most of the agricultural land use change occurred on Inceptisols in areas with high rainfall (>2500 mm year(-1)) on moderate to very steep slopes (10-56%). Agricultural land use changes in logged-over areas were in the vicinity of populated places (villages), and in close proximity to road access. There was considerable variation between the districts but districts with higher population growth also had larger increases in agricultural areas. It is concluded that in the absence of improved farming systems the current trend of increased agriculture with rapid population growth is likely to continue.  相似文献   

Manure management plans require knowing the amount of manure produced, collected, and available for land-spreading. Whereas much information is available to calculate manure production, little is known about the types and amounts of manure actually collected on typical dairy farms. This study of 54 representative Wisconsin dairy farms showed significant regional, housing, and herd size differences in collection of manure from lactating cows (Bos taurus), dry cows, and heifers. Significantly (P < 0.05) less manure is collected in the hilly southwest (56% of total annual herd production) than in the undulating south central (72%) or the flat northeast (68%) regions. Collection of lactating cow manure is significantly (P < 0.05) lower from stanchion (66% of total annual production) than free-stall (89%) housing, and significant (P < 0.05) positive relationships were found between the number of lactating cows a farm keeps and the percentage manure collected. Average annual manure N (range of 116-846 kg N ha(-1)) and P (range of 24-158 kg P ha(-1)) loading rates in areas where manure goes uncollected was highest in unvegetated barnyards followed by vegetated and partially vegetated outside areas. Once uncollected manure was accounted for, average annual loading rates on cereal cropland ranged from 128 to 337 kg ha(-1) of manure N, and from 45 to 139 kg ha(-1) of manure P. Compared with adjacent cropland, the accumulation of uncollected manure has vastly increased soil test P, K, and organic matter levels in outside areas. Manure management on Wisconsin dairy farms with small to medium herds might require assistance in managing manure in outside confinement areas to reduce the risk of impairing surface and ground water quality.  相似文献   

Biomass production and carbon storage in short-rotation poplar plantations over 10 years were evaluated at the Hanyuan Forestry Farm, Baoying County, China. Experimental treatments applied in a split-plot design included four planting densities (1111, 833, 625 and 500 stems ha(-1)) and three poplar clones (NL-80351, I-69 and I-72). Based on the model of total biomass production developed, total plantation biomass production was significantly different in the plantations. The ranking of the plantation biomass production by planting density was 1111>833 more more than 625>500 stems ha(-1), and by components was stem>root>or=branch>leaf for all plantations. At 10 years, the highest total biomass in the plantation of 1111 stems ha(-1) reached about 146 t ha(-1), which was 5.3%, 11.6% and 24.2% higher than the plantations of 833, 625 and 500 stems ha(-1), respectively. The annual increment of biomass production over 10 years differed significantly among initial planting densities and stand ages (p<0.01), but no significant difference was observed from age 7 to 10. Mean carbon concentration among all biomass components ranged from 42-50%, with the highest carbon concentrations in stems and the lowest in leaves. Over the study period, the dynamic pattern of total plantation carbon storage by planting density was similar to that of total biomass production. At age 10, the highest total plantation carbon storage in the plantation of 1111 stems ha(-1) reached about 72.0 t ha(-1), which was 5.4%, 11.9% and 24.8% higher than in the plantations of 833, 625 and 500 stems ha(-1), respectively. The annual carbon storage increment over 10 years differed significantly among initial planting densities and stand ages (p<0.01), and it showed a pattern similar to the annual biomass production increment of the plantations. The results suggest that biomass production and carbon storage potential were highest for planting densities of 1111 and 833 stems ha(-1) grown over 5- and 6-year cutting cycles, respectively. If 3- or 4-year cutting cycles are used, the planting density should be higher than 1111 stems ha(-1) (e.g., 1667 or 2500 stems ha(-1)). Based on the mean annual carbon storage for the plantation of 625 stems ha(-1), as an estimation, the mean carbon storage in the biomass of poplar plantations (excluding leaves) amounts to 3.75x10(7) t ha(-1)yr(-1) in China.  相似文献   

We assess the spatial and geomorphic fragmentation from the recent Eagle Ford Shale play in La Salle County, Texas, USA. Wells and pipelines were overlaid onto base maps of land cover, soil properties, vegetation assemblages, and hydrologic units. Changes to continuity of different ecoregions and supporting landscapes were assessed using the Landscape Fragmentation Tool (a third-party ArcGIS extension) as quantified by land area and continuity of core landscape areas (i.e., those degraded by “edge effects”). Results show decreases in core areas (8.7 %; ~33,290 ha) and increases in landscape patches (0.2 %; ~640 ha), edges (1.8 %; ~6940 ha), and perforated areas (4.2 %; ~16230 ha). Pipeline construction dominates landscape disturbance, followed by drilling and injection pads (85, 15, and 0.03 % of disturbed area, respectively). An increased potential for soil loss is indicated, with 51 % (~5790 ha) of all disturbance regimes occurring on soils with low water-transmission rates (depth to impermeable layer less than 50 cm) and a high surface runoff potential (hydrologic soil group D). Additionally, 88 % (~10,020 ha) of all disturbances occurred on soils with a wind erodibility index of approximately 19 kt/km2/year (0.19 kt/ha/year) or higher, resulting in an estimated potential of 2 million tons of soil loss per year. Results demonstrate that infrastructure placement is occurring on soils susceptible to erosion while reducing and splitting core areas potentially vital to ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Forest protection is one of the main measures to prevent loss of biological and landscape diversity. This study aimed to assess to what extent forests are currently protected and how felling restrictions affect the potential annual wood supply within 27 European Union member states, Norway, and Switzerland and to discuss trade-offs between intensified use of forest biomass and forest protection efforts. Protected forests covered 33 million ha (20 % of total forest area) in 2005, of which 16 million ha was protected for biodiversity and the remaining area for landscape diversity. Within the protected areas, on average 48 % of the volume cannot be harvested in forests protected for biodiversity and 40 % in forests protected for landscapes. Consequently, 73 million m3 (10 % of the annual theoretical potential supply from the total forest area) of wood cannot be felled from the protected forests in Europe. Protected forests do not necessarily affect wood supply given the current demand for wood in Europe. However, if demand for wood from European forests for material and energy use significantly increases, the impact of existing protected forest networks may become significant after all. On the other hand, wood harvesting is allowed to a fair extent in many protected areas. Hence, the question could be raised whether biodiversity and landscape diversity within designated areas are sufficiently protected. Careful planning is required to accommodate both the protection of biological and landscape diversity and demand for wood, while not forgetting all other services that forests provide.  相似文献   

In places like Canada, fast-paced wind turbine development combined with policy that limits local decision-making power has resulted in strong opposition to specific projects. Some studies suggest that anti-wind sentiment is tied to inadequate financial benefits – especially sharing at the local level. Thus, ideas of distributive economic justice have received traction, particularly in the form of praise for community-based development models. This paper reports on the findings from a mixed-methods study concerning preferred distributive justice elements in rural communities in Ontario (technocratic-based model) and Nova Scotia (community-based model) living with turbines. Residents’ perceptions of economic benefits are nuanced, but unlike other studies, this empirical work shows that both the fair distribution and the amount of local benefits are important predictors of project support. Yet, concerns around the fair distribution of benefits dominate in a regression on the adequacy of those benefits. A variety of interview and survey findings further point to the strength of traditional, profit-sharing community-based models for distributing benefits, but also more novel ideas including lowered electricity bills and tax rebates in areas home to turbines.  相似文献   

The speed and direction of air flow through complex terrain are difficult to define. Both impact sensible and latent heat flux exchanges at the surface. Evapotranspiration (ET) models such as Mapping EvapoTranspiration at high Resolution with Internalized Calibration (METRIC?) estimate ET as a residual of the surface energy process and are thus sensitive to aerodynamics, including terrain‐induced impacts on roughness governing convective heat transfer (H). There is a need to explore the sensitivities of H estimation and thereby ET estimation to wind speed and terrain roughness in mountainous areas and to determine the merit of operating complex mesoscale wind field models in conjunction with the energy balance process. A sensitivity analysis is explored in METRIC where we increased wind speed in proportion to a relative elevation parameter and we increased aerodynamic roughness to assimilate impacts of relative terrain roughness, estimated in proportion to standard deviation of elevation within a 3 km locality. These aerodynamic modifications increased convective heat transfer in complex terrain and reduced estimated ET. In other sensitivity runs, we reduced estimated wind speed on estimated leeward slopes. Estimated ET with and without these sensitivity adjustments is shown for mountainous areas of Montana and Nevada. Changes in ET ranged from little change (<5%) for lower slopes to about 30% reductions on windward slopes and 25% increases on leeward slopes for some mid to high elevations in the Montana application.  相似文献   

Factors influencing sediment availability are assessed and erosion rates are quantified for an off‐highway vehicle (OHV) trail system in the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas. As of May 2012, the Wolf Pen Gap trail system included 77.0 km of "trails" which consist of county roads; open and closed Forest Service roads; and open and closed OHV trails. For a given trail length, the sediment volume available to be eroded is determined by bare trail width and sediment depth. Four condition types are defined that group trail sections based on statistically different trail widths or depths. Trail construction method appears to influence sediment availability differences more than erosion potential (as indexed by trail slope gradient and length). The range for annual trail erosion rates is estimated as 75 and 210 tonne/ha/yr. The high and low rates are obtained using two independent methods. The 210 tonne/ha/yr rate is computed from mean sediment capture at 30 sediment traps installed for 0.5–1.0 year. The 75 tonne/ha/yr rate is computed assuming all available trail sediment measured in a one‐time sampling is eroded over the next year. We argue in support of this assumption and suggest both rate values may be conservative. Trail erosion rates and sediment trap observations indicate frequent trap cleanout will be needed to continue sediment capture from All Terrain Vehicle trails.  相似文献   

Wetland restoration has been proposed as a tool to mitigate excess runoff and associated nonpoint source pollution in the Upper Midwestern United States. This study quantified the surficial water retention capacity of existing and drained wetlands for the Greater Blue Earth River Basin (GBERB), an intensively drained agricultural watershed. Using airborne light detection and ranging, the historic depressional storage was determined to be 152 mm. Individual depression analysis suggested that the restoration of most drained areas would have little impact on the storage capacity of the GBERB because the majority (53%) of retention capacity was in large depressions (>40 ha) which comprised only a small proportion (<1.0) of the observed depressions. Accounting for change in storage and the difference in annual evapotranspiration (ET) between wetlands and the croplands that replaced them, restoration of all depressions in the Minnesota portion of GBERB would provide a maximum of 131 mm additional capacity over and above the modern day capacity (193 mm; 56 mm depressional storage; 60 mm wetland ET; and 77 mm cropland ET). Considering that depressional depths in smaller areas are within the range of uncertainty of the lidar digital elevation models and larger depressions have the most storage, we conclude that efforts to increase the surficial water‐holding capacity of the GBERB would be best served in the restoration of large (>40 ha) depressions.  相似文献   

Groundwater pollution and associated effects on drinking water have increased with the expansion of irrigated agriculture in north-central U.S. sand plains. Controlling this pollution requires an ability to measure and predict pollutant loading by specific agricultural systems. We measured NO3 and Cl loading to groundwater beneath a Wisconsin central sand plain irrigated vegetable field using both a budget method and a new monitoring-based method. By relying on frequent monitoring of shallow groundwater, the new method overcomes some limitations of other methods. Monitoring-based and budget methods agreed well, and indicated that loading to groundwater was 165 kg ha(-1) NO3-N and 111 kg ha(-1) Cl for sweet corn (Zea mays L.) in 1992, and 228 kg ha(-1) NO3-N and 366 kg ha(-1) Cl for potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in 1993. Nitrate N loading was 56 to 60% of available N, or 66 to 70% of fertilizer N. Sweet corn NO3 loading was about typical for this region, but potato NO3 loading was probably 50% greater than typical because heavy rains provoked extra fertilizer application. Our results imply that typical NO3-N loading would be 119 kg ha(-1) for sweet corn and 203 kg ha(-1) for potato, even with strict adherence to University Extension fertilizer recommendations. To keep average groundwater NO3-N within the 10 mg L(-1) U.S. drinking water standard, each irrigated vegetable field would need to be offset by five to eight times as much land supplying NO3-free groundwater recharge.  相似文献   

Turton, Donald J., Michael D. Smolen, and Elaine Stebler, 2009. Effectiveness of BMPs in Reducing Sediment From Unpaved Roads in the Stillwater Creek, Oklahoma Watershed. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 45(6):1343‐1351. Abstract: Erosion from rural unpaved roads is thought to be an important source of sediment in sediment‐impaired streams in Oklahoma and other locations. However, no direct measurements of sediment yields from rural unpaved roads were previously available for Oklahoma. Four rural unpaved road segments in the Stillwater Creek Watershed were instrumented in a paired watershed design to measure sediment yields to streams before and after the installation of Best Management Practices (BMPs). One segment of each pair remained under current management to serve as a control. The second segment received BMPs after a 1‐year calibration period. One BMP consisted of widening the ditches, re‐shaping ditches and cutslopes, putting a proper crown on the road surface, and vegetating disturbed areas with grass. The other BMP consisted of creating a proper crown on the road bed, applying a geo‐synthetic fabric to the road bed and surfacing with 127 mm of crusher run gravel containing 12‐15% fines to serve as a binder. Road segment sediment yields for individual storms varied, depending on factors such as rainfall amount and intensity. During the pre‐BMP year, storm sediment yields ranged from 0 to 4.3 Mg on one pair of segments and from 0 to 2.8 Mg on the other. The storm sediment yields and annual yields were in the same order of magnitude as sediment yields from unpaved rural or forest roads reported in other studies. Sediment yields were significantly reduced on both segments by the installation of BMPs, approximately 80% on one segment pair and 20% on the other. The average sediment yield (across the four segments) for the pre‐BMP year was 138 Mg/ha or 120 Mg/km of road. By extrapolating these average yields across the 479 km of unpaved roads in the Stillwater Creek Watershed and comparing it to estimated sediment yields for other land uses obtained from other sources, we conclude that unpaved roads may contribute up to 35% of the total sediment load to Stillwater Creek.  相似文献   

The Lowbidgee floodplain is the Murrumbidgee Rivers major wetland in southeastern Australia. From more than 300,000 ha in the early 1900s, at least 76.5% was destroyed (58%) or degraded (18%) by dams (26 major storages), subsequent diversions and floodplain development. Diversions of about 2,144,000 ML year–1 from the Murrumbidgee River come from a natural median flow of about 3,380,000 ML year–1 providing water for Australias capital, hydroelectricity, and 273,000 ha of irrigation. Diversions have reduced the amount of water reaching the Lowbidgee floodplain by at least 60%, from 1888 to 1998. About 97,000 ha of Lowbidgee wetland was destroyed by development of the floodplain for an irrigation area (1975–1998), including building of 394 km of channels and 2,145 km of levee banks. Over 19 years (1983–2001), waterbird numbers estimated during annual aerial surveys collapsed by 90%, from an average of 139,939 (1983–1986) to 14,170 (1998–2001). Similar declines occurred across all functional groups: piscivores (82%), herbivores (87%), ducks and small grebe species (90%), large wading birds (91%), and small wading birds (95%), indicating a similar decline in the aquatic biota that formed their food base. Numbers of species also declined significantly by 21%. The Lowbidgee floodplain is an example of the ecological consequences of water resource development. Yanga Nature Reserve, within the Lowbidgee floodplain, conserved for its floodplain vegetation communities, will lose these communities because of insufficient water. Until conservation policies adequately protect river flows to important wetland areas, examples such as the Lowbidgee will continue to occur around the world.  相似文献   

Soil erosion from agricultural land use runoff is a major threat to the sustainability of soil composition and water resource integrity. Sugarcane is an important cash and food security crop in South Africa, subjected to an intensive soil erosion, and consequently, severe land degradation. This study aimed to investigate soil erosion and associated soil and cover factors under rainfed sugarcane, in a small catchment, KwaZulu‐Natal, South Africa. Three replicated runoff plots were installed at different slope positions (down, mid and upslope) within cultivated sugarcane fields to monitor soil erosion during the 2016–2017 rainy season. On average, annual runoff (RF) was significantly greater from 10 m2 plots with 1163.77 ± 2.63 l/m/year compared to 1 m2 plots. However, sediment concentration (SC) was significantly lower in 10 m2 (0.34 ± 0.04 g/l) compared to 1 m2 (6.94 ± 0.24 g/l) plots. The annual soil losses (SL) calculated from 12 rainfall events was 58.36 ± 0.77 and 8.84 ± 0.20 t/ha from 1 m2 and 10 m2 plots, respectively. The 1 m2 plot, SL (2.4 ± 1.41 ton/ha/year) in the upslope experienced 33% more loss than the midslope and 50% more loss than the downslope position. SL was relatively lower from the 10 m2 plots than the 1 m2 plots, which is explained by high sediment deposition at the greater plot scale. SL was negatively correlated with the soil organic carbon stocks (r = ?0.82) and soil surface cover (r = ?0.55). RF decreased with the increase of slope gradient (r = ?0.88) and soil infiltration rate (r = ?0.87). There were considerable soil losses from cultivated sugarcane fields with low organic matter. These findings suggest that to mitigate soil erosion, soil organic carbon stocks and vegetation cover needs to be increased through appropriate land management practices, particularly in cultivated areas with steep gradients.  相似文献   

Large-scale sample surveys to estimate abundance and distribution of organisms and their habitats are increasingly important in ecological studies. Multi-stage sampling (MSS) is especially suited to large-scale surveys because of the natural clustering of resources. To illustrate an application, we: (1) designed a stratified MSS to estimate late autumn abundance (kg/ha) of rice seeds in harvested fields as food for waterfowl wintering in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley (MAV); (2) investigated options for improving the MSS design; and (3) compared statistical and cost efficiency of MSS to simulated simple random sampling (SRS). During 2000-2002, we sampled 25-35 landowners per year, 1 or 2 fields per landowner per year, and measured seed mass in 10 soil cores collected within each field. Analysis of variance components and costs for each stage of the survey design indicated that collecting 10 soil cores per field was near the optimum of 11-15, whereas sampling >1 field per landowner provided few benefits because data from fields within landowners were highly correlated. Coefficients of variation (CV) of annual estimates of rice abundance ranged from 0.23 to 0.31 and were limited by variation among landowners and the number of landowners sampled. Design effects representing the statistical efficiency of MSS relative to SRS ranged from 3.2 to 9.0, and simulations indicated SRS would cost, on average, 1.4 times more than MSS because clustering of sample units in MSS decreased travel costs. We recommend MSS as a potential sampling strategy for large-scale natural resource surveys and specifically for future surveys of the availability of rice as food for waterfowl in the MAV and similar areas.  相似文献   

Recent legislation to initiate vegetation management in the Central Sierra hydrologic region of California includes a focus on corresponding changes in water yield. This served as the impetus for developing a combined geographic information system (GIS) and simulation assessment framework. Using the existing vegetation density condition, together with proposed rules for thinning to reduce fire risk, a set of simulation model inputs were generated for examining the impact of the thinning scenario on water yield. The approach allows results to be expressed as the mean and standard deviation of change in water yield for each 1-km2 map cell that is thinned. Values for groups of cells are aggregated for typical watershed units using area-weighted averaging. Wet, dry, and average precipitation years were simulated over a large region. Where snow plays an important role in hydrologic processes, the simulated change in water yield was less than 0.5% of expected annual runoff for a typical watershed. Such small changes would be undetectable in the field using conventional stream flow analysis. These results suggest that use of water yield increases to help justify forest-thinning activities or offset their cost will be difficult.  相似文献   

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