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南水北调西线工程,是从长江上游引水至黄河上游的跨流域调水工程。该工程实施后,对青海省受水区的生态环境将产生良好影响。(1)黄河青海段的水资源可增加43.3%—84.4%;(2)改善水环境,水土流失和土地沙漠化得到控制;(3)提高植被覆盖率,减少自然灾害。  相似文献   

浅论南水北调工程中的水资源配置管理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水资源短缺以及不同类型用水的价格差别,使得水市场被作为改进水的分配,减少缺水对经济影响的手段。本文正是以此为例重点,从对现有水资源配置管理分析入手,阐明南水北调工程中的水资源合理配置的问题所在,并具体指出应在完善水权,水价及水市场基础上建立科学的水权体系,可以有效克服因调水使得水价单纯提高所带来的政治和社会压力,并且有利于新的水资源配置管理体制的确立,促进南水北调目标的实现。  相似文献   

南水北调工程是解决我国北方地区水资源严重短缺的特大型跨流域调水工程,也是迄今为止世界上最大的水利工程。自1952年毛泽东主席提出“南水北调”的宏伟设想以来,在党中央、国务院的关怀下,广大技术人员持续进行了50年的南水北调前期工作。在分析比较了50多种方案的基础上,形成了南水北调东线、中线和西线调水的工程总体布局。国务院审议通过的南水北调总体规划再次对工程总体布局进行了深入论证,提出了东线、中线和西线三条调水路线。三条调水路线与长江、黄河、淮河和海河四大江河相联系,构成以“四横三纵”为主体的总体格…  相似文献   

水源区的水资源安全是我国南水北调工程最为关键的问题之一,关系整个南水北调工程的成败,因此对其状况进行评价显得极为重要。根据目前学者对水资源安全评价做出的研究,结合南水北调中线工程水源区的具体特点,建立了水源区水资源安全评价体系,并利用AHP法确定各个指标的权重,运用多层次模糊综合评价法对中线工程南阳水源区2013年的水资源安全状况进行评价。评价结果表明,南阳水源区的水资源处于很安全的状态。根据评价结果,进一步分析了限制该水源区水资源安全的主要潜在因素。  相似文献   

湖北:汉江84亿治理项目将开工湖北省南水北调工程领导小组有关负责人日前透露,南水北调中线一期工程汉江中下游治理工程可研性报告已获得国务院批复,国家将全额投资84亿元。工程实施后,将最大限度地减轻中线调水给汉  相似文献   

高峰 《绿色视野》2015,(2):68-69
海水淡化,这个被寄予厚望的产业一直步履蹒跚,始终未能迎来发展的春天。同样被寄予厚望的"南水北调"工程也一直伴随着诸多质疑。水资源短缺、水污染严重、水资源分布不均衡……水危机频现的中国该如何解决"水"的问题?"‘南水北调’只是保障淡水供应的一个方面,不可能完全解决水资源紧缺的问题。"日前,在北京举行的第六届世界非并网风电与能源  相似文献   

王建 《绿叶》2014,(3):14-18
正2014年10月,南水北调水进京将极大缓解北京严重缺水的局面。然而由于这项跨流域的调水工程系统庞大、结构复杂、不确定因素众多,所以通水后我们仍不能掉以轻心。洪水对总干渠的潜在威胁、断裂带对配套工程安全性的隐患、地下水保护的新问题、丰枯遭遇对调水量的影响、生物和生态安全,等等问题,需要我们全面考虑,制定好解决方案,从而真正发挥出南水北调工程的效益。  相似文献   

西部大开发中水资源保护的战略意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
陈国阶 《四川环境》2004,23(4):1-6,11
水是生命的源泉,水资源具有维持生命与健康功能,生态系统组成与演化功能,景观组合与美学功能:水能及其服务功能;水介质的传输与净化功能;社会生活与经济服务功能等。西部水资源具有发挥各种功能的区域条件。保护西部水资源的战略意义在于:(1)它是实施西部可持续发展战略的迫切需求;(2)西部是全国水资源富集区,对其保护具有全国战略意义;(3)水资源保护是西部生态建设的重要内容,是建成西部生态屏障的重要措施;(4)西部水资源是产业发展的支撑,对其保护对全国产业发展及其布局,有特殊功能和意义;(5)水资源昌西部农业命脉,保护水资源是西部农业持续发展的保证;(6)西部水资源保护具有跨流域的功能,有广泛的国际影响;(7)水资源保护是发展我国西部旅游产业的重要支撑。总之。西部大开发需要水资源的利用和保护,而水资源的保护和利用又是西部大开发的重要内容和成功的重要标志。  相似文献   

湖北省丹江口市是长江最大支流——汉江流域中上游的滨江城市,是国家南水北调中线工程的调水源头。当地政府把握这一历史性开发机遇,致力于把丹江口市建设成为中国“水都”,我们环保部门今后的一个长期任务就是以此为契机,着手实施生态环境工程建设,为促进城市经济发展模式的根本转变,发挥应有的职能优势。一、经济发展为城市转型提供了依据丹江口水利枢纽建成后,作为滨江的水电城市,当时立足于水电资源充沛的现实,重点发展高耗能工业企业,并逐步完成了工业旅游型城市的定位。随着经济的发展,随着对环保认识的提高,特别是随着南水北调中线工程纳入国家“十五”重点建设项目,当地党委政府在经济结构调整中提出了新的战略性调整,即从区域性工业城  相似文献   

水资源时空分布不均造成的水资源短缺问题已成为阻碍区域发展的重要因素。为了应对区域间的水资源短缺问题,跨流域调水工程作为不同流域水资源优化配置的一种手段,被广泛用于解决水资源分配不均和区域需水不平衡问题。调水工程虽然短期内缓解了水资源压力,平衡了区域间用水需求,但其建设和运营过程对工程所涉区域的地方经济、地理环境、人文环境以及生态环境也造成不同程度的压力。本文通过对当前世界范围内跨流域调水工程的文献回顾,围绕跨流域调水工程所引发的社会公平正义层面的争议,借助环境正义理论的分析方法,通过对国内外调水案例的实践分析,追踪相关环境不公的现象和争议,剖析当前社会—生态冲突的产生机制。最后从我国水生态文明建设实际出发,提出以建立健全水权交易市场,构建"赋权—认同—合作"参与机制和树立"人类命运共同体"理念的解决对策,以期降低调水工程对环境和社会所造成的负面影响,推进水生态正义体系的建设。  相似文献   

对南水北调东线工程输水沿线布设8个站点,于2005年7月进行了浮游动物调查,共检出浮游动物43种,分析了浮游动物的种群组成以及种类分布、密度分布和生物量分布之特点。  相似文献   

南四湖湿地建设的综合效益   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南四湖作为南水北调东线工程的主要输水干线和调蓄水库,目前人工湿地建设已初见成效。从环境效益、生态效益、社会效益、经济效益、科研效益等方面分析了南四湖人工湿地在改善南四湖流域生态环境、稳定南水北调调水水质方面发挥的重要作用。  相似文献   

Abstract: In 2002, China launched the South‐to‐North Water Transfer Project after completing a 50‐year feasibility study. By 2050, the three‐route (i.e., East, Middle, and West) project will be capable of transferring 44.8 billion m3/year of water from the water rich Yangtze River to the arid north to alleviate water shortage and help secure a balanced social and economic development across the nation. However, diversion of such a large quantity of water could profoundly change the riverine environment of the upper Yellow River and the lower reach of the Han River, a tributary of the Yangtze River and the water supplying area of the project’s Middle Route, because of changes in the annual discharge. Secondary salinization seems inevitable in the water receiving areas of the North China Plain, and decrease in the discharge of the Yangtze River will result in seawater intrusion into the Yangtze Delta. This paper describes the project and discusses its environmental implications. Additionally, a long‐term monitoring strategy under the umbrella of the Chinese Ecological Research Network is proposed for environmental monitoring.  相似文献   

Chang, Jian‐xia, Yi‐min Wang, and Qiang Huang, 2011. Water Dispatch Model for Middle Route of a South‐to‐North Water Transfer Project in China. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 47(1):70‐80. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2010.00478.x Abstract: The objective of this paper is to present a simulation model to address the water dispatch problem of the south‐to‐north water transfer project for the Middle Route system in China. Reasonable rules and a system network structure are established. This model consists of five modules: (1) a data‐processing module, (2) an initial control module, (3) a multisource simulation dispatch module, (4) a system identification module, and (5) a revision module. Water allocated to each province and city along the route is obtained by simulation, and the long‐term operation results show that water supply reliabilities are significantly improved if the transferred water is jointly dispatched with the local water resources.  相似文献   

This paper presents a brief review of the South to North Water Diversion Project (STNWDP) in China. Basic information about the geography, climate, water resource, water pollution and social situation are provided in order to understand the decision by the Chinese government on the expedited implementation of the STNWDP. The potential problems associated with the STNWDP are discussed. It is proposed that the ultimate objective is to help improve the water environment in north China, rather than to simply meet the ever-increasing water demand and to produce more sewage, and that water price, investment policy and engineering operations are important for achieving this objective. Legislation is needed in the long run because this project involves a large number of districts. The STNWDP, together with global climate warming, will enlarge the temporal variability of water discharge from the Yangtze into the sea and therefore have far-reaching effects on the freshwater resource in areas around the Yangtze delta.  相似文献   

The Ecological Water Transfer and Rehabilitation Project in the arid inland area of northwest China is an important measure in restoring a deteriorated ecosystem. However, the sustainability of the project is affected by many socio-economic factors. This article examines the attitudes of the local populace toward the project, its impact on the livelihood of the people, and the positive effects of water-efficient agricultural practices in Ejina County. Related data were collected through questionnaire surveys and group discussions. The results identified three critical issues that may influence the sustainability of the project in the study area. The first issue relates to the impact of the project on the livelihood of local herdsmen. The potential for the sustainability of the project is compromised because the livelihood of the herdsmen greatly depends on the compensation awarded by the project. The second issue is that the project did not raise the water resource utilization ratio, which may undermine its final purpose. Finally, the compensation provided by the project considers losses in agriculture, but neglects the externalities and public benefit of eco-water. Thus, appropriate compensation mechanisms should be established and adopted according to local economic, environmental, and social conditions. Some recommendations for improving the sustainability of the project are provided based on the results of this study.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The field of water resources has become increasingly aware of public demands for evaluating alternative project commitments that consider environmental and social objectives in addition to traditional economic criteria. This has led to endeavors to identify the full array of social goals in Water Resources Council Special Task Force reports as well as in research funded through the Office of Water Resources Research and other agencies. It seems appropriate, however, to consider efforts already completed or currently underway in the social science disciplines, professional fields, and national commissions not affiliated with water resource interests. This report identifies and discusses major efforts to identify social goals as a logical input in evaluation procedures highlighted by Water Resources Council Special Task Force reports. The framework of the study was its contribution as background material for the Western Regional Social Goals Project funded by the Office of Water Resources Research of the Department of the Interior.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Selective placement - under a rigorous statistical sampling design - of newly available monitoring equipment on irrigation systems may provide effective and economical estimates of total irrigation water use in areas where complete water use inventories are impractical. In 1979, a joint effort by the U.S. Geological Survey and Florida's Suwannee River Water Management District was launched to estimate the District's 1979 irrigation water use using a selective monitoring approach. Analysis of previous inventories of irrigation equipment and amounts of water applied in the District indicated that total 1979 water use estimates with six to nine percent sampling error could be obtained using selective monitoring, given the time and equipment limitations for the monitoring program. Restricting monitoring to a sample of farms can introduce systematic error to water use estimates if farmers' participation is related to their water use methods. Preliminary results of the 1979 study indicate tht declining participation rates, if unchecked, could lead to serious systematic eror in future North Florida selective monitoring studies.  相似文献   

水利旅游是水利经济的新兴增长点,吸引力评价是旅游开发的基础性研究。借鉴引力理论,构建了由25个指标组成的水利旅游吸引力评价指标体系,运用AHP—PCA—Borda主客观组合评价法,对我国水利旅游吸引力进行了实证评价。结果表明,水利旅游吸引力地区不平衡,江苏、广东、山东、湖北、河南、浙江、湖南、北京和江西等省水利旅游吸引力较强,西部省份和处于我国版图中轴线附近的省份水利旅游吸引力较弱。  相似文献   

The control of water pollution in China's South-North Water Transfer Project (SNWTP) is examined through the lens of promotion tournaments as Chinese governmentality to offer a special perspective on China's hydro-politics and Chinese manners of water pollution control. This paper characterizes the existing form of governmentality in the SNWTP, pointing to its problems and potential resolutions. The promotion tournament is a market system with authoritarian control, designed to reconcile the incentives of local officials and the central managers of the SNWTP. This governmentality embodies characteristics of China's authoritarian water management system: centralized personnel control combined with market-oriented promotion competitions. However, a clear conflict between the requirements of ecological modernization and the use of power in China's water management system leads to distorted behaviors among local officials, an important source of problems in China's water management system. Compared to promotion tournaments, payments for ecosystem services or eco-compensation are applications of neoliberal environmentalism that could overcome the shortcomings of tournaments, and become the most critical governmentality for water pollution control in the SNWTP.  相似文献   

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