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As the biggest iron and steel producer in the world and one of the highest CO2 emission sectors, China's iron and steel industry is undergoing a low-carbon transition accompanied by remarkable technological progress and investment adjustment, in response to the macroeconomic climate and policy intervention. Many drivers of the CO2 emissions of the iron and steel industry have been explored, but the relationships between CO2 abatement, investment and technological expenditure, and their connections with the economic growth and governmental policies in China, have not been conjointly and empirically examined. We proposed a concise conceptual model and an econometric model to investigate this crucial question. The results of regression, Granger causality test and impulse response analysis indicated that technological expenditure can significantly reduce CO2 emissions, and that investment expansion showed a negative impact on CO2 emission reduction. It was also argued with empirical evidence that a good economic situation favored CO2 abatement in China's iron and steel industry, while achieving CO2 emission reduction in this industrial sector did not necessarily threaten economic growth. This shed light on the dispute over balancing emission cutting and economic growth. Regarding the policy aspects, the year 2000 was found to be an important turning point for policy evolution and the development of the iron and steel industry in China. The subsequent command and control policies had a significant, positive effect on CO2 abatement.  相似文献   

As the biggest iron and steel producer in the world and one of the highest CO2 emission sectors, China’s iron and steel industry is undergoing a low-carbon transition accompanied by remarkable technological progress and investment adjustment, in response to the macroeconomic climate and policy intervention. Many drivers of the CO2 emissions of the iron and steel industry have been explored, but the relationships between CO2 abatement,investment and technological expenditure, and their connections with the economic growth and governmental policies in China, have not been conjointly and empirically examined. We proposed a concise conceptual model and an econometric model to investigate this crucial question. The results of regression, Granger causality test and impulse response analysis indicated that technological expenditure can significantly reduce CO2 emissions, and that investment expansion showed a negative impact on CO2 emission reduction. It was also argued with empirical evidence that a good economic situation favored CO2 abatement in China’s iron and steel industry, while achieving CO2 emission reduction in this industrial sector did not necessarily threaten economic growth.This shed light on the dispute over balancing emission cutting and economic growth.Regarding the policy aspects, the year 2000 was found to be an important turning point for policy evolution and the development of the iron and steel industry in China. The subsequent command and control policies had a significant, positive effect on CO2 abatement.  相似文献   

我国钢铁工业一次颗粒物排放量估算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对我国钢铁工业生产工艺以及颗粒物控制技术的分类,建立了一个细化到排放节点的自下而上的颗粒物排放模型.结合我国钢铁工业各地区活动水平以及颗粒物控制技术分布的历史变化趋势分析,利用此模型计算了2006—2012年我国钢铁工业一次颗粒物的排放系数和排放量.模型计算结果显示,2006年以来,我国钢铁工业颗粒物控制水平不断提高,PM_(2.5)、PM_(2.5)~10和PM10的排放系数分别降低了21.2%、19.3%和19.0%.钢铁工业一次颗粒物排放量在2006—2011年间持续增长,2011年TSP排放量为602×104t,PM10排放量为200×104t,PM_(2.5)排放量为124×104t;2012年排放量出现下降,TSP排放量为561×104t,PM10排放量为187×104t,PM_(2.5)排放量为116×104t.2012年我国钢铁工业一次PM_(2.5)排放量中的有组织排放占39.5%,无组织排放占60.5%;除加严有组织源管控之外,减少颗粒物无组织排放,对于钢铁工业颗粒物排放控制也非常重要.我国钢铁工业颗粒物排放量分布不均衡,河北、山东、江苏、辽宁、山西5个省的排放超过全国总排放的50%.  相似文献   

山西作为我国的能源大省,其碳排放强度更是持续位于全国最高水平,分析山西省CO2排放影响因素,探究其发展模式,对于山西省的低碳发展意义重大.基于STIRPAT模型,将山西省能源CO2排放的影响因素确定为人口、城镇化率、人均GDP、第二产业占GDP比重、能源强度.在岭回归拟合分析的基础上,利用灰色GM(1,1)模型对山西省CO2排放驱动因素值进行预测,以提高能源CO2排放预测的准确性,并结合情景分析方法,为山西省的CO2减排设计了10种不同的发展情景.结果表明:①人口对山西省CO2排放影响最大,其次是城镇化率和第二产业占GDP比重.②在当前经济发展阶段,能源强度和人均GDP等因素对山西省的CO2排放影响不大,但能源强度对CO2排放的抑制作用不可忽略.③山西省CO2减排最佳的情景方案为适当控制人口数量和城镇化进程、加快产业结构的转型和技术的革新、降低第二产业占GDP比重和能源强度,并且大力推广新能源和清洁可再生能源的开发使用以优化能源消费结构.在该情景下,山西省2020年的CO2排放量可以控制在5.16×108 t.   相似文献   

中国水泥工业CO2排放现状及减排对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水泥工业是中国制造业中温室气体CO2的主要排放源,因此,根据水泥生产的基本原理和工艺特点,建立了CO2排放的数学模型并确定排放强度,计算了2001—2010年中国水泥工业CO2的排放量,分析了影响CO2排放量的主要因素及其发展趋势,并提出水泥工业CO2减排对策.结果表明,中国水泥工业CO2排放总量逐年增长,与水泥产量和单位产品原料、燃料消耗定额呈线性关系;在CO2排放总量中,原料煅烧和燃料燃烧阶段的排放量分别占49%和51%;"十一五"期间单位水泥产品CO2排放强度由0.69t.t-1下降到0.65t.t-1.万元GDPCO2排放量呈下降趋势,2008年达到最低值为0.3054t,平均每年万元GDPCO2排放量下降10.69%,说明水泥工业10年间实施节能降耗、资源循环利用、提高经济效益等措施对于减少CO2排放具有明显效果.  相似文献   

京津冀区域生产和消费CO2排放的时空特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪浩  陈操操  潘涛  刘春兰  陈龙  孙莉 《环境科学》2014,35(9):3619-3631
区分消费和生产二氧化碳排放是对开放的经济区域进行排放责任划分的基础,日渐受到政策制定者的关注.利用经济投入产出-生命周期分析模型,对京津冀区域1997年、2002年和2007年的消费和生产二氧化碳排放时空特征及二氧化碳排放平衡进行分析.结果表明,京津冀区域消费和生产二氧化碳排放呈约4%的年均增长;贸易隐含二氧化碳排放比例为30%~83%,并以国内贸易隐含二氧化碳排放为主;河北的消费和生产二氧化碳排放占区域主导,增速和二氧化碳排放强度高于北京和天津;京津冀区域为二氧化碳排放净流入区域,存在部分排放责任转移;京津为二氧化碳排放净转入地区,冀为二氧化碳排放净转出地区;京津冀三地二氧化碳排放关键部门分布集中且相似度较高,可以考虑区域联合控制.其中,电力、蒸汽、热水生产和供应业和金属冶炼及压延加工业对二氧化碳排放的依赖性最大,承担较大的其他部门的二氧化碳排放责任.投入产出分析解析了地区生产和消费二氧化碳排放情况,有利于区域减排的精细化管理和制定相应对策,并促进区域减排合作.  相似文献   

钢铁行业技术减排措施硫、氮、碳协同控制效应评价研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国污染减排形势的日趋严峻,在高污染行业采用协同控制措施实现多种污染物控制目标不仅十分必要而且非常迫切,而合理评价减排措施的协同控制效应是实施协同控制的基础.基于此,本研究从环境-经济-技术角度系统地提出了钢铁行业技术减排措施对硫、氮、碳的协同控制效应评价方法,包括:协同控制效应坐标系分析、污染物减排量交叉弹性(Elsa/b)分析和单位污染物减排成本评价,3种评价方法相互配合,可以从多角度检验不同减排措施的协同控制效应.协同控制效应坐标系和污染物减排量交叉弹性分析的结果表明,末端治理措施不具有协同控制效应或协同控制效应不佳,而绝大多数过程控制措施都具有较好的协同控制效应.单位污染物减排成本评价的结果表明,末端治理措施优先度排序靠后,而过程控制措施排序靠前,且针对不同污染物的排序结果有所不同.在进行钢铁行业协同减排方案设计和规划时,应根据决策需要选择适宜的评价方法,参考评价结果选择最为成本有效的措施.  相似文献   

京津冀地区是我国钢铁行业集中布局的地区,也是大气污染最突出的地区.分析京津冀地区钢铁行业各类治污工具的中长期减排影响,对于选择最优减排措施、加快推动该地区大气污染治理意义重大.构建基于LEAP模型的京津冀地区钢铁行业模型,以2015年为基准年,以每5 a为一个时间节点,结合规模减排、结构减排、技术减排、末端治理4种减排措施,模拟计算了4种单一政策情景及4种组合政策情景下2015-2030年京津冀地区钢铁行业主要污染物(SO2、NOx、PM10、PM2.5、CO2)排放量及相应的减排影响.结果表明:在单一政策情景下,规模减排情景对5种污染物减排效果均十分显著.在组合政策情景下,4种减排措施叠加的综合减排情景效果最好,在该情景下京津冀地区钢铁行业到2030年SO2、NOx、PM10、PM2.5、CO2排放量将分别削减27.73×104、17.85×104、42.94×104、27.35×104、23.15×107 t;在规模-末端治理情景下,除CO2外其余污染物减排效果仅次于综合减排情景;规模-结构减排情景对PM10和PM2.5的减排效果相对明显;规模-技术减排情景对CO2、SO2、NOx的减排效果相对明显.研究显示,京津冀地区钢铁行业需要在大力淘汰落后过剩产能、缩减产量等源头治理措施的基础上,持续加强末端治理、提高废钢比例、提升节能减排技术水平等协同治理能力,以提高治污减排效果.   相似文献   

魏军晓  耿元波  王松 《环境科学学报》2016,36(11):4234-4244
作为水泥生产大国和CO_2排放大户,中国水泥行业的CO_2排放在国际上受到越来越广泛的重视,然而不同的研究结果之间存在不同程度的差异.为了定量研究中国水泥碳排放测算的影响因素,对碳排放因子的测算、运营边界的界定及水泥熟料或水泥成品的产量这3个影响因素做了详细分析,并对碳排放因子的不确定度做了定量计算.结果发现,影响中国水泥碳排放测算的最主要因素是碳排放因子,而该因素又与生产工艺、燃料和熟料水泥比等密切相关.本研究结果比IPCC、EDGAR、CDIAC和WBCSD/CSI等研究结果均低,并且差异逐年显著,以水泥碳排放来自碳酸盐分解的部分为例,2000年相差约65 Mt,而2012年差值接近450 Mt.计算表明,中国水泥碳排放不确定度为12%~22%.因此,水泥碳排放测算的影响因素较多,在计算中国水泥碳排放量时不可照搬国外研究的参数.  相似文献   

采用IPCC温室气体排放清单中CO2排放因子与估算方法,核算了1995—2012年中国30个省区(不含港澳台地区和西藏自治区数据,全文同)服务业的CO2排放量,并对30个省区服务业人均CO2排放量的时空特征进行分析;利用基于面板数据的EKC模型检验中国及其三大经济带服务业增长与CO2排放之间的关系. 结果表明:在考察期内,中国服务业人均CO2排放量从0.16 t升至0.77 t,服务业人均增加值从1 621.04元增至9 991.95元;服务业人均CO2排放量排在前列的省区大都位于东部地区;东部和中部地区人均CO2排放量与服务业人均增加值之间呈线性正相关,人均服务业增加值每增加1个单位,人均CO2排放量将分别增加1.02和1.16个单位;西部地区人均CO2排放量与服务业人均增加值之间呈单调递增关系. 在此基础上,提出差别化的碳减排对策:①东部地区应通过技术改进和优化产业结构、能源消费结构来降低CO2排放,并成为中国服务业节能减排的“领头羊”;②中、西部地区应在保持服务业经济适当增速的前提下,将提高能源利用效率和降低能源强度作为减排重点.   相似文献   

In China, Rapid economic growth has stimulated fast urban expansion and rural household income and consumption expenditure. In current paper, an input-output method is used to determine the impact of China’s increased urban and rural household consumption on carbon emissions. The results shows that the direct and indirect CO2 emission from household consumption accounted for more than 40% of total carbon emissions from primary energy utilization in China in 1992-2007. The population increase, expansion of urbanization and the increase of household consumption per capita all contribute to an increase of indirect carbon emissions, while carbon intensity decline mitigates the growth of carbon emissions. Therefore, at the domestic level, household consumption is of great significance for CO2 emission, which could be mitigated through changing the composition of goods and services consumed by households, and switching to consumption pattern of less carbon-intensive products. The government must consider the substantial contribution of household consumption to carbon emissions when China is encouraging consumption in order to address the current global financial crisis.  相似文献   

Energy conservation is a key measure for reducing CO2 emissions. However, realising the emission reduction potential of an energy conservation investment depends on many factors, such as energy prices. The EU emissions trading scheme has made the investment analysis more complicated and increased the economic value of operational flexibility under fluctuating carbon prices. The different operational options in industrial energy production complicate the estimation of CO2 reduction potential in the investment phase. Increasing operational flexibility enables optimisation in the economic dimension, which may lead to less than optimum CO2 reduction. In our case study, which analysed the effects of an energy conservation investment made in the pulp and paper industry, the deviation from the expected emission reduction was around 30% over the period from 2000 to 2007. However, it seems that with high carbon prices, increasing operational flexibility has no significant effect on the carbon emissions. In policy-making, the freedom of action that is made possible by increasing operational flexibility should be taken into account when evaluating the contribution of an individual energy efficiency investment towards meeting the national targets for energy efficiency improvement and CO2 emission reduction.  相似文献   

钢铁行业是我国主要的能源消费及CO2排放行业,推动钢铁行业低碳绿色发展已成为实现我国碳达峰、碳中和的重要环节。为此,研究围绕能源结构调整、工艺结构优化、节能减排技术推广和CCUS技术应用4方面,通过设置基础情景、稳定发展情景和强化减排情景3类情景,利用边际减排成本曲线对我国钢铁行业34项减排技术的减排成本和减排潜力进行分析。结果表明:在稳定发展情景下,我国钢铁行业平均减排成本为433元/tCO2,所有技术的总减排成本为2100亿元,总减排潜力为4.9亿t。在各项减排技术中,废铁-电弧炉炼钢具有较高的减排经济效益,其以较低的单位减排成本贡献了钢铁行业近50%的碳减排量。未来,我国应加快推进长流程炼钢向短流程炼钢的发展,推动钢铁行业生产工艺的结构性调整。  相似文献   

The cement industry is one of the largest carbon dioxide (CO2) emitters in the Thai industry. The cement sector accounted for about 20,633 kilotonnes (ktonnes) CO2 emissions in 2005 in Thailand. A bottom-up CO2 abatement cost curve (ACC) is constructed in this study for the Thai cement industry to determine the potentials and costs of CO2 abatement, taking into account the costs and CO2 abatement of different technologies. The period of 2010–2025 is chosen as the scenario period. We analyzed 41 CO2 abatement technologies and measures for the cement industry. Using the bottom-up CO2 ACC model, the cost-effective annual CO2 abatement potential for the Thai cement industry during the 15 year scenario period (2010–2025) is equal to 3095 ktonnes CO2/year. This is about 15% of the Thai cement industry’s total CO2 emissions in 2005. The total technical annual CO2 abatement potential is 3143 ktonnes CO2/year, which is about 15.2% of the Thai cement industry’s total CO2 emissions in 2005. We also conducted a sensitivity analysis for the discount rate parameter.  相似文献   

京津冀地区主要排放源减排对PM2.5污染改善贡献评估   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
研究选取2012年1月和7月作为冬夏两季代表时段,利用CMAQ/2D-VBS模型分析了冬夏两季京津冀地区主要排放源减排30%对改善区域PM_(2.5)污染的效果.结果表明,工业源对PM_(2.5)污染的贡献最大,其次是民用源,但工业源单位减排量贡献低于民用源,交通源和电厂源的整体贡献和单位减排量贡献均较小.工业部门内贡献最大的为钢铁冶金行业,其次是水泥、工业锅炉、炼焦、石灰砖瓦和化工行业.与各部门各物种排放量的比较反映出各排放源贡献大小与其一次PM_(2.5)排放水平高度相关.因京津冀地区冬季NO_x减排对PM_(2.5)形成的促进作用,以及冬季较弱的大气垂直扩散作用,各排放源夏季减排比冬季普遍更有效,交通源、电厂源以及工业源中的水泥、工业锅炉和石灰砖瓦行业夏季减排效果相比冬季优势明显.民用源由于采暖季排放较高而冬季贡献更明显,农业源因秸秆开放燃烧量大,冬季单位减排量贡献十分显著.从同等幅度减排考虑,应将工业源作为控制重点,优先控制其一次PM_(2.5)排放,在部门内进一步重点控制钢铁冶金行业的NO_x和SO_2排放、水泥行业的夏季NO_x排放以及炼焦行业的SO_2和NMVOC排放.民用源排放应着重在冬季采暖期控制.  相似文献   

俞珊  张双  张增杰  瞿艳芝  刘桐珅 《环境科学》2023,44(4):1998-2008
将能源、建筑、产业和交通作为减污降碳重点领域,设置了基准情景、政策情景和强化情景,以2020年为基准年,2035年为目标年,开展北京市大气污染物和CO2减排潜力测算,并构建了一种协同控制效应分级评估方法,对政策情景和强化情景下大气污染和CO2协同控制效应进行量化评估.结果表明,与基准情景相比,政策情景和强化情景下大气污染物减排率分别在11%~75%和12%~94%,CO2分别为41%和52%.优化机动车结构对于NOx、 VOCs和CO2的减排贡献最大,政策情景下减排率分别达到74%、 80%和31%,强化情景下分别达到68%、 74%和22%;完成农村地区散煤清洁能源改造对SO2的减排贡献最大,政策和强化情景下分别达到47%和35%;提升新建建筑绿色化水平对PM10的减排贡献最大,政策和强化情景下分别达到79%和74%.优化出行结构和推动数字基础设施绿色发展的协同控制效应最佳;强化情景下,完成农村地区散煤清洁能源改造、优化机动车结构和...  相似文献   

宋晓聪  杜帅  邓陈宁  谢明辉  沈鹏  赵慈  陈忱  刘晓宇 《环境科学》2023,44(12):6630-6642
钢铁行业是中国碳密集度最高的工业行业之一,为分析钢铁行业生命周期碳排放及碳减排潜力,从生命周期角度构建碳排放核算模型,以2020年为例开展实证分析,通过优化废钢使用量、化石燃料燃烧量、电力碳足迹因子以及清洁运输比例4项变量,对钢铁行业生命周期碳减排潜力作预测评估,同时使用敏感性分析确定影响钢铁生命周期碳减排因素的关键程度.结果表明,2020年中国钢铁行业全生命周期二氧化碳(CO2)排放总量约24.04亿t,其中原料获取和加工生产阶段是钢铁行业碳排放的关键环节,占钢铁行业生命周期CO2排放总量的98%以上.从CO2排放源类别分析,化石燃料节约和外购电力清洁化是钢铁行业降碳的重中之重.到2025年,通过推广低碳技术、优化电力结构、增加废钢炼钢量、提高清洁方式运输比例,分别可使钢铁行业实现20%、 6%、 5%和1%的碳减排潜力.化石燃料燃烧量对钢铁行业生命周期CO2排放的影响最显著,电力碳足迹因子和废钢炼钢使用量次之.关于钢铁行业节能低碳技术,短期内以推广轧钢工序与高炉炼铁工序低碳技术为主,未来随着电炉...  相似文献   

利用IPCC的参考方法测算并比较分析了2005-2009年我国30个省(市、自治区)的CO2排放总量、人均排放量、排放强度、综合能源排放系数等重要指标,并在此基础上,依据人均GDP、第二产业比重和能源利用结构与碳排放强度的关系,将各省(市、自治区)划分为不同的CO2排放类型。研究结果表明,省域间各指标差异较大,影响碳排放的因素也不尽相同。省域减排的政策、途径和措施须充分考虑各自的经济发展水平、产业结构和能源利用结构等因素。  相似文献   

The amount of CO2 emissions from steelworks accounts for a great share of the total CO2 emissions from industry in China. Thus, reducing CO2 emissions from steelworks is urgent for China's environmental protection and sustainable development. This study aims at identifying factors that influence CO2 emissions from steelworks and proposing measures to reduce CO2 emissions. The life cycle inventory (LCI) of iron and steel products implies the relationship between the CO2 emissions of the steelworks and the input variables of the LCI. The Tornado Chart Tool is utilized to calculate the variation of CO2 emissions caused by the change of each input variables of LCI. Then, mean sensitivity of each input variable is calculated and the ranking criterion developed is used to identify the main factors influencing the integrated steelworks. Subsequently, measures for reducing CO2 emissions are proposed. The results indicate that the very important influencing factors of CO2 emissions in steelworks are the CO2 emission factor of Blast Furnace Gas (BFG), liquid steel unit consumption of continuous casting, continuous casting slab unit consumption of hot rolling and hot metal ratio of steel making. Consequently, many efficient measures for reducing CO2 emissions have been proposed, such as removing CO2 contained in BFG, decreasing the hot metal ratio of Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF), recycling BFG, optimizing the products' structure, etc.  相似文献   

The objectives of this research are to assess the greenhouse gas mitigation potential of carbon policies applied to the ruminant livestock sector [inclusive of the major ruminant species—cattle (Bos Taurus and Bos indicus), sheep (Ovis aries), and goats (Capra hircus)]—with particular emphasis on understanding the adjustment challenges posed by such policies. We show that market-based mitigation policies can greatly amplify the mitigation potential identified in marginal abatement cost studies by harnessing powerful market forces such as product substitution and trade. We estimate that a carbon tax of US$20 per metric ton of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent emissions could mitigate 626 metric megatons of CO2 equivalent ruminant emissions per year (MtCO2-eq year?1). This policy would also incentivize a restructuring of cattle production, increasing the share of cattle meat coming from the multiproduct dairy sector compared to more emission intensive, single purpose beef sector. The mitigation potential from this simple policy represents an upper bound because it causes ruminant-based food production to fall and is therefore likely to be politically unpopular. In the spirit of the Paris Agreement (UNFCCC 2015), which expresses the ambition of reducing agricultural emissions while protecting food production, we assess a carbon policy that applies both a carbon tax and a subsidy to producers to manage the tradeoff between food production and mitigation. The policy maintains ruminant production and consumption levels in all regions, but for a much lower global emission reduction of 185 MtCO2-eq year?1. This research provides policymakers with a quantitative basis for designing policies that attempt to trade off mitigation effectiveness with producer and consumer welfare.  相似文献   

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