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Manure can provide valuable nutrients, especially N, for grass forage, but high NH, volatilization losses from standard surface-broadcast application limits N availability and raises environmental concerns. Eight field trials were conducted to evaluate the emission of NH, from liquid dairy manure, either surface broadcast or applied in narrow surface bands with a trailing-foot implement. Manure was applied using both techniques at rates of approximately 25 and 50 m3 ha(-1) on either orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) on a well-drained silt loam or reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) on a somewhat poorly drained clay soil. Ammonia emission was measured with a dynamic chamber/equilibrium concentration technique. High NH3 emission rates in broadcast treatments, especially at the high rate (2 to 13 kg ha(-1) h(-1)), occurred during the first few hours after spreading, followed by a rapid reduction to low levels (<0.5 kg ha(-1) h(-1) in most cases) by 24 h after spreading and in subsequent days. Band treatments often followed the same pattern but with initial rates substantially lower and with a less dramatic decrease over time. Total estimated NH3 losses from broadcast application, as a percent of total ammoniacal N (TAN) applied, averaged 39% (range of 20 to 59%) from the high manure rate and 25% (range of 9 to 52%) from the low rate. Band spreading reduced total NH3 losses by an average of 52 and 29% for the high and low manure rates, respectively. Results show that the trailing-foot band application method can reduce NH3 losses and conserve N for perennial forage production.  相似文献   

Storage of cattle slurry is a significant source of ammonia (NH3) emissions. Emissions can be reduced by covering slurry stores, but this can incur significant costs, as well as practical and technical difficulties. In this pilot-scale study, slurry was stored in small tanks (500 L) and the effectiveness of natural crust development for reducing NH3 emissions was assessed in a series of experiments. Also, factors important in crust development were investigated. Measurements were made of crust thickness and specially adapted tank lids were used to measure NH3 emissions. Slurry dry matter (DM) content was the most important factor influencing crust formation, with no crust formation on slurries with a DM content of <1%. Generally, crusts began to form within the first 10 to 20 d of storage, at which time NH3 emission rates would decrease. The formation of a natural crust reduced NH3 emissions by approximately 50%. The type of bedding used in the free stall barn did not influence crust formation, nor did ambient temperature or air-flow rate across the slurry surface. There was a large difference in crust formation between slurries from cattle fed a corn (Zea mays L.) silage-based diet and those fed a grass silage-based diet, although dietary differences were confounded with bedding differences. The inclusion of a corn starch and glucose additive promoted crust formation and reduced NH3 emission. The maintenance of a manageable crust on cattle slurry stores is recommended as a cost-effective means of abating NH3 emissions from this phase of slurry management.  相似文献   

Computer models help identify agricultural areas where P transport potential is high, but commonly used models do not simulate surface application of manures and P transport from manures to runoff. As part of an effort to model such P transport, we conducted manure slurry separation and soil infiltration experiments to determine how much slurry P infiltrates into soil after application but before rain, thus becoming less available to runoff. We applied dairy and swine slurry to soil columns and after both 24 and 96 h analyzed solids remaining on the soil surface for dry matter, total phosphorus (TP), and water-extractable inorganic (WEIP) and organic (WEOP) phosphorus. We analyzed underlying soils for Mehlich-3 and water-extractable P. We also conducted slurry separation experiments by sieving, centrifuging, and suction-filtering to determine which method could easily estimate slurry P infiltration into soils. About 20% of slurry solids and 40 to 65% of slurry TP and WEIP infiltrated into soil after application, rendering this P less available to transport in runoff. Slurry separation by suction-filtering through a screen with 0.75-mm-diameter openings was the best method to estimate this slurry P infiltration. Measured quantities of manure WEOP changed too much during experiments to estimate WEOP infiltration into soil or what separation method can approximate infiltration. Applying slurries to soils always increased soil P in the top 0 to 1 cm of soil, frequently in the 1- to 2-cm depth of soil, but rarely below 2 cm. Future research should use soils with coarser texture or large macropores, and slurry with low dry matter content (1-2%).  相似文献   

Various physical factors affecting the release rate of naturally occurring Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts and Giardia duodenalis cysts from dairy manure disks to sprinkled water were studied. The investigated factors included temperature (5 or 23 degrees C), manure type (calf manure, a 50% calf and 50% cow manure mixture, and a 10% calf and 90% cow manure mixture), and water application method (mist or drip) and flow rate. Effluent concentrations of manure and (oo)cysts were always several orders of magnitude below their initial concentration in the manure, decreased gradually, and exhibited persistent concentration tailing. Release of manure and (oo)cysts were found to be related by a constant factor, the so-called release efficiency of (oo)cysts. A previously developed (oo)cyst release model that included these release efficiencies provided a satisfactory simulation of the observed release. An effect of temperature on the release of manure and (oo)cysts was not apparent. The manure and (oo)cyst release rates from cow manure decreased faster than those from calf manure, and (oo)cyst release efficiencies from cow manure were higher than those from calf manure. In comparison with mist application, dripping water resulted in higher release rates of manure and (oo)cysts and in higher (oo)cyst release efficiencies due to the increased mechanical forces associated with droplet impact. Mist application at a higher flow rate resulted in faster release, but did not affect the (oo)cyst release efficiencies. The data and modeling approach described herein provide insight and an enhanced ability to describe the influence of physical factors on (oo)cyst release.  相似文献   

Based on the data on the thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), oven-dried dairy manure was performed at moderate temperatures (673–1,073 K) with proper residence time of 60 min by a vertical fixed-bed pyrolyzer. The thermochemical properties of the dairy manure and its biochar products, such as elemental analysis and calorific value (higher heating value), were investigated to evaluate their potential use as biomass fuel. Furthermore, the true densities of the manure-derived biochars were also obtained to relate the property with their thermochemical properties. It showed that the calorific value of the dairy manure-derived biochar (denoted as DMBC) was on increasing trend with temperature, while its maximal increase occurred at around 873 K. This result was in high agreement with the data on the yields and carbon contents of DMBC products. By contrast, their contents of H, N, and O decreased slightly due to the devolatilization because of thermal decomposition reactions like depolymerization and carbonization. The optimal manure-derived biochar revealed an excellent characterization with high content of carbon (60 wt%) and calorific value (22.3 MJ/kg), low contents of nitrogen (0.5 wt%), and no traces of sulfur and heavy metals, suggesting that DMBC can be used as a solid fuel for energy use.  相似文献   

Contamination by bacteria is a leading cause of impairment in U.S. waters, particularly in areas of livestock agriculture. We evaluated the effectiveness of several practices in reducing Escherichia coli levels in runoff from fields receiving liquid dairy (Bos taurus) manure. Runoff trials were conducted on replicated hay and silage corn (Zea mays L.) plots using simulated rainfall. Levels of E. coli in runoff were approximately 10(4) to 10(6) organisms per 100 mL, representing a significant pollution potential. Practices tested were: manure storage, delay between manure application and rainfall, manure incorporation by tillage, and increased hayland vegetation height. Storage of manure for 30 d or more consistently and dramatically lowered E. coli counts in our experiments, with longer storage providing greater reductions. Manure E. coli declined by > 99% after approximately 90 d of storage. On average, levels of E. coli in runoff were 97% lower from plots receiving 30-d-old and > 99% lower from plots receiving 90-d-old manure than from plots where fresh manure was applied. Runoff from hayland and cornland plots where manure was applied 3 d before rainfall contained approximately 50% fewer E. coli than did runoff from plots that received manure 1 d before rainfall. Hayland vegetation height alone did not significantly affect E. coli levels in runoff, but interactions with rainfall delay and manure age were observed. Manure incorporation alone did not significantly affect E. coli levels in cornland plot runoff, but incorporation could reduce bacteria export by reducing field runoff and interaction with rainfall delay was observed. Extended storage that avoids additions of fresh manure, combined with application several days before runoff, incorporation on tilled land, and higher vegetation on hayland at application could substantially reduce microorganism loading from agricultural land.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) loss in overland flow varies with spatial distribution of soil P, management, and hydrological pathways. The effect of flow time, flowpath length, and manure position on P loss in overland flow from two central Pennsylvania soils packed in boxes of varying length (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.75, and 4.0 m long x 15 cm wide x 5 cm deep) were examined by collecting flow samples at 5-min intervals for 30 min (50 mm h(-1) rainfall) without and with 75 kg P ha(-1) applied as swine (Sus scrofa) manure over 0.5 m of the box slope length at distances of 0 to 3.5 m from the downslope collection point. Dissolved reactive P concentration was more closely related to the proportion of clay in sediment of overland flow before (r = 0.98) than after (r = 0.56) manure application. This was attributed to the transport of larger, low-density particles after applying manure. The concentration of dissolved and particulate P fractions decreased with increasing flowpath length, due to dilution rather than sorption of P by surface soil during overland flow. Total P loss (mainly as particulate P) from the Watson channery silt loam (fine-loamy, mixed, active, mesic Typic Fragiudult) was more than from Berks channery silt loam (loamy-skeletal, mixed, active, mesic Typic Dystrudept), even with manure applied. Thus, while P loss in overland flow is affected by where manure is applied relative to flowpath length, initial soil P concentration should not be discounted when looking at areas of potential P loss within a watershed.  相似文献   

Management of animal manures to provide nutrients for crop growth has generally been based on crop N needs. However, because manures have a lower N/P ratio than most harvested crops, N-based manure management often oversupplies the crop-soil system with P, which can be lost into the environment and contribute to eutrophication of water bodies. We examined the effects of N- vs. P-based manure applications on N and P uptake by alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), corn (Zea mays L.) for silage, and orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.), leaching below the root zone, and accumulation of P in soil. Treatments included N- and P-based manure rates, with no nutrient input controls and inorganically fertilized plots for comparison. Nitrate concentrations in leachate from inorganic fertilizer or manure treatments averaged 14 mg NO(3)-N L(-1), and did not differ by nutrient treatment. Average annual total P losses in leachate did not exceed 1 kg ha(-1). In the top 5 cm of soil in plots receiving the N-based manure treatment, soil test P increased by 47%, from 85 to 125 mg kg(-1). Nitrogen- and P-based manure applications did not differ in ability to supply nutrients for crop growth, or in losses of nitrate and total P in leachate. However, the N-based manure led to significantly greater accumulation of soil test P in the surface 5 cm of soil. Surface soil P accumulation has implications for increased risk of off-field P movement.  相似文献   

Managing phosphorus (P) losses in soil leachate folllowing land application of manure is key to curbing eutrophication in many regions. We compared P leaching from columns of variably textured, intact soils (20 cm diam., 20 cm high) subjected to surface application or injection of dairy cattle (Bos taurus L.) manure slurry. Surface application of slurry increased P leaching losses relative to baseline losses, but losses declined with increasing active flow volume. After elution of one pore volume, leaching averaged 0.54 kg P ha(-1) from the loam, 0.38 kg P ha(-1) from the sandy loam, and 0.22 kg P ha(-1) from the loamy sand following surface application. Injection decreased leaching of all P forms compared with surface application by an average of 0.26 kg P ha(-1) in loam and 0.23 kg P ha(-1) in sandy loam, but only by 0.03 kg P ha(-1) in loamy sand. Lower leaching losses were attributed to physical retention of particulate P and dissolved organic P, caused by placing slurry away from active flow paths in the fine-textured soil columns, as well as to chemical retention of dissolved inorganic P, caused by better contact between slurry P and soil adsorption sites. Dissolved organic P was less retained in soil after slurry application than other P forms. On these soils with low to intermediate P status, slurry injection lowered P leaching losses from clay-rich soil, but not from the sandy soils, highlighting the importance of soil texture in manageing P losses following slurry application.  相似文献   

It is a fact that the rapid increase of biodiesel production over the last years has resulted in the generation of large and constant amounts of glycerine, which is causing an oversupply problem. Since glycerine is a biodegradable organic compound exempt of nitrogen, it can be applied as a co-substrate in the anaerobic digestion process of pig manure (PM). In order to analyze the feasibility of a mixture of pig manure and glycerine in anaerobic processes and to define the effect originated by the nitrogen limitation when large amounts of glycerine are added, several biodegradability batch tests were performed with different mixtures. These were named as: 100% PM, 80% PM, 60% PM, 40% PM and 20% PM, in pig manure wet weight-basis. Furthermore, a modified model based on anaerobic digestion model no.1 (ADM1) was used to simulate the methane production profiles for the mixtures tested. Specifically, both experimental and model results show the power of the co-digestion technology. In particular, the mixture of 80% PM produced the highest methane production with 215 mL CH(4) g(-1) COD, almost 125% more methane than when pig manure was mono-digested. In contrast, the one with 20% PM was clearly inhibited by the volatile fatty acid due to the low nitrogen concentration of the mixture. In addition, the specific methane production predicted by the model was in good agreement with the experimental results, although in some samples the shape of the profiles did not match perfectly. Moreover, the modified ADM1 appears to be a useful tool to predict the methane production and the limitations related to the lack/excess of nitrogen during the co-digestion process of pig manure and glycerine.  相似文献   

Land application of manure can exacerbate nutrient and contaminant transfers to the aquatic environment. This study examined the effect of injecting a dairy cattle (Bostaurus L.) manure slurry on mobilization and leaching of dissolved, nonreactive slurry components across a range of agricultural soils. We compared leaching of slurry-applied bromide through intact soil columns (20 cm diam., 20 cm high) of differing textures following surface application or injection of slurry. The volumetric fraction of soil pores >30 microm ranged from 43% in a loamy sand to 28% in a sandy loam and 15% in a loam-textured soil. Smaller active flow volumes and higher proportions of preferential flow were observed with increasing soil clay content. Injection of slurry in the loam soil significantly enhanced diffusion of applied bromide into the large fraction of small pores compared with surface application. The resulting physical protection against leaching of bromide was reflected by 60.2% of the bromide tracer was recovered in the effluent after injection, compared with 80.6% recovery after surface application. No effect of slurry injection was observed in the loamy sand and sandy loam soils. Our findings point to soil texture as an important factor influencing leaching of dissolved, nonreactive slurry components in soils amended with manure slurry.  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide an overview of local and regional climate change plans in China by scrutinizing planning documents from 16 cities, four autonomous regions, and 22 provinces. We develop and apply an evaluation protocol to understand goals, process, and strategies in these plans. We also conduct interviews with government officials to provide a context for subnational climate change planning. The results indicate that current climate change planning in China is characterized by the ‘top-down’ approach, in which the central governmental incentives play a vital role in shaping provincial and municipal plans. In addition, most plans have the following issues: vague definition of what characterizes a low-carbon city/region; deficiency in the quality of greenhouse gas inventory and reduction targets; insufficient strategies provided to respond to climate change; inadequate stakeholder engagement; and weak horizontal coordination. Finally, we offer recommendations to improve climate change planning in China.  相似文献   

Little research has been conducted in the Lake States (Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan) to evaluate the effects of municipal and industrial by-product applications on the early growth of short rotation woody crops such as hybrid poplar. Anticipated shortages of harvestable-age aspen in the next decade can be alleviated and rural development can be enhanced through the application of by-products to forest soils. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of inorganic fertilizer, boiler ash, biosolids, and the co-application of ash and biosolids application on tree growth and soil properties by measuring hybrid poplar clone NM-6 (Populus nigra L. x P. maximowiczii A. Henry) yield, nutrient uptake, and select post-harvest soil properties after 15 wk of greenhouse growth. Treatments included a control of no amendment; agricultural lime; inorganic N, P, and K; three types of boiler ash; biosolids application rates equivalent to 70, 140, 210, and 280 kg available N ha(-1); and boiler ash co-applied with biosolids. All of the by-products treatments showed biomass production that was equal to or greater than inorganic fertilizer and lime treatments. A trend of increased biomass with increasing rates of biosolids was observed. Soil P concentration increased with increasing rates of biosolids application. None of the by-products treatments resulted in plant tissue metal concentrations greater than metal concentrations of plant tissue amended with inorganic amendments. Biosolids, boiler ash, and the co-application of biosolids and boiler ash together on forest soils were as beneficial to plant growth as inorganic fertilizers.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of the feasibility of utilising roadside vegetation for biogas production in Denmark. The potential biomass yield, methane yields, and the energy balances of using roadside grass for biogas production was investigated based on spatial analysis. The results show that the potential annual yield of biomass obtainable from roadside verges varies widely depending on the local conditions. The net energy gain (NEG) from harvest, collection, transport, storage and digestion of roadside vegetation was estimated to range from 60,126–121,476 GJ, corresponding to 1.5–3.0% of the present national energy production based on biogas. The estimated values for the energy return on invested energy (EROEI) was found to range from 2.17 to 2.88. The measured contents of heavy metals in the roadside vegetation was seen not to exceed the legislative levels for what can be applied as fertilizer on agricultural land, neither does it reach levels considered as inhibitory for the anaerobic fermentation process. From a practical point of view, few challenges were identified related to the acquisition and processing of the roadside vegetation. Considering the positive net energy gains, further energy investments for management of these challenges can be made. Despite the somewhat low EROEI values, the use of this resource could however result in other positive externalities, such as improved biodiversity of the verges and recycling of nutrients.  相似文献   

The milking process on dairy farms produces wastewaters, known as dairy soiled waters (DSW), which contain variable concentrations of nutrients. The most common method of disposal is by application to land. However, this practise can result in the pollution of nearby receiving water bodies. A laboratory study, comprising two sets of 0.5?m, 1?m and 1.5?m-deep filters loaded at two loading rates, examined the performance of woodchip filters in treating DSW. The filters comprised de-barked Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) woodchips. Dried DSW was reconstituted to 1% and 3% suspended solids (SS) concentrations and was applied at 28?L/m(2).d to the surface of the filters at loading rates of 280?g?SS/m(2).d and 840?g?SS/m(2).d, respectively. Filters were loaded for a maximum of 277 days. The filters achieved substantial decreases in SS (>99%), chemical oxygen demand (COD) (>97%) and total nitrogen (TN) (>89%). The dominant treatment mechanism appears to be physical filtration, but sorption and biological uptake likely also play a role. As the filters are aerobic, mineralisation and nitrification occur, but gaseous N losses are probably not significant. Woodchip shows potential as a filter medium for treating DSW, significantly decreasing the concentrations of SS, COD and TN.  相似文献   

Shi J  Yu X  Zhang M  Lu S  Wu W  Wu J  Xu J 《Journal of environmental quality》2011,40(6):1695-1704
Heavy metal (copper [Cu], zinc [Zn], and cadmium [Cd]) pollution of soils from pig manures in soil-rice ( L.) systems under intensive farming was investigated, taking Nanhu, China, as the case study area. Two hundred pig manures and 154 rice straws, brown rice samples, and corresponding surface soil (0-15 cm) samples were collected in paddy fields from 150 farms in 16 major villages within the study area. The mean Cu and Zn concentrations in pig manures consistently exceeded the related standard. About 44 and 60% of soil samples exceed the Chinese Soil Cu and Cd Environmental Quality Standards, respectively. The concentration of Cu, Zn, and Cd in brown rice did not exceed the Chinese Food Hygiene Standard. There was a significant positive correlation between total Cu and Zn contents in soil and application rate of pig manures. Strong correlation was observed between the extractable Cu, Zn, and Cd in soil and the Cu, Zn, and Cd contents in the brown rice. The spatial distribution maps of Cu and Zn concentrations in brown rice, straw, and extractable soil Cu and Zn concentration also showed similar geographical trends. Further analyses on heavy metals loading flux and accumulation rates from pig manure applied suggested that Cu and Cd contents in soil currently have already exceeded the maximum permissible limit, and Zn, if still at current manure application rates, will reach the ceiling concentration limits in 9 yr. This study assists in understanding the risk of heavy metals accumulating from pig manure applications to agricultural soils.  相似文献   

The international competitiveness of the New Zealand (NZ) dairy industry is built on low cost clover-based systems and a favourable temperate climate that enables cows to graze pastures mostly all year round. Whilst this grazed pasture farming system is very efficient at producing milk, it has also been identified as a significant source of nutrients (N and P) and faecal bacteria which have contributed to water quality degradation in some rivers and lakes. In response to these concerns, a tool-box of mitigation measures that farmers can apply on farm to reduce environmental emissions has been developed. Here we report the potential reduction in nutrient losses and costs to farm businesses arising from the implementation of individual best management practices (BMPs) within this tool-box. Modelling analysis was carried out for a range of BMPs targeting pollutant source reduction on case-study dairy farms, located in four contrasting catchments. Due to the contrasting physical resources and management systems present in the four dairy catchments evaluated, the effectiveness and costs of BMPs varied. Farm managements that optimised soil Olsen P levels or used nitrification inhibitors were observed to result in win-win outcomes whereby nutrient losses were consistently reduced and farm profitability was increased in three of the four case study farming systems. Other BMPs generally reduced nutrient and faecal bacteria losses but at a small cost to the farm business. Our analysis indicates that there are a range of technological measures that can deliver substantial reductions in nutrient losses to waterways from dairy farms, whilst not increasing or even reducing other environmental impacts (e.g. greenhouse gas emissions and energy use). Their implementation will first require clearly defined environmental goals for the catchment/water body that is to be protected. Secondly, given that the major sources of water pollutants often differed between catchments, it is important that BMPs are matched to the physical resources and management systems of the existing farm businesses.  相似文献   

《Resources Policy》1987,13(1):35-46
The world nickel market has slowly evolved from domination by the International Nickel Company (Inco) into a competitive structure. Presently, the nickel industry is characterized by product surpluses and low prices. The change in structure and the current state of the industry has resulted from the price strategy followed by the leading nickel producers, a general decline in market development expenditures, certain characteristics of developing nickel producing capacity and several unforeseen events. Examination of these factors can help in developing policy options aimed at improving the future of the industry.  相似文献   

The influence of aerobic and anaerobic conditions on the survival of the enteropathogens Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella serovar Typhimurium was investigated in microcosms with broth, cattle manure or slurry. These substrates were inoculated with a green fluorescent protein transformed strain of the enteropathogens at 10(7) cells g(-1) dry weight. Survival data was fitted to the Weibull model. The survival curves in aerobic conditions generally showed a concave curvature, while the curvature was convex in anaerobic conditions. The estimated survival times showed that E. coli O157:H7 survived significantly longer under anaerobic than under aerobic conditions. Survival ranged from approximately. 2 weeks for aerobic manure and slurry to more than six months for anaerobic manure at 16 °C. On average, in 56.3% of the samplings, the number of recovered E. coli O157:H7 cells by anaerobic incubation of Petri plates was significantly (p < 0.05) higher in comparison with aerobic incubation. Survival of Salmonella serovar Typhimurium was not different between aerobic and anaerobic storage of LB broth or manure as well as between aerobic and anaerobic incubation of Petri dishes. The importance of changes in microbial community and chemical composition of manure and slurry was distinguished for the survival of E. coli O157:H7 in different oxygen conditions.  相似文献   

Two surveys of consumer satisfaction with drinking water conducted by Taiwan Water Supply Corp. are presented in this study. The study results show that although a lot of money was invested to modify traditional treatment processes, over 60% of local residents still avoided drinking tap water. Over half of the respondents felt that sample TT (from the traditional treatment process) was not a good drinking water, whether in the first or second survey, whereas almost 60% of respondents felt that samples PA, PB, CCL and CT (from advanced treatment processes) were good to drink. For all drinking water samples, respondent satisfaction with a sample primarily depended on it having no unpleasant flavors. Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration plans to revise the drinking water quality standards for TH and TDS in the near future. The new standards require a lower TH concentration (from currently 400mg/L (as CaCO(3)) to 150mg/L (as CaCO(3))), and a lower TDS maximum admissible concentration from the current guideline of 600 to 250mg/L. Therefore, this study also evaluated the impacts on drinking water tastes caused by variations in TH and TDS concentrations, and assessed the need to issue more strict drinking water quality standards for TH and TDS. The research results showed that most respondents could not tell the difference in water taste among water samples with different TDS, TH and alkalinity. Furthermore, hardness was found to be inversely associated with cardiovascular diseases and cancers, and complying with more strict standards would lead most water facilities to invest billions of dollars to upgrade their treatment processes. Consequently, in terms of drinking water tastes alone, this study suggested that Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration should conduct more thorough reviews of the scientific literature that provides the rationale for setting standards and reconsider if it is necessary to revise drinking water quality standards for TH and TDS.  相似文献   

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