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A unique geochemical setting in Lake Cadagno, Switzerland, has led to the accumulation of insoluble metal sulphides in the sedimentary record as the result of past airborne pollution. This offers an exceptional opportunity to study the effect of these metals on the bacterial communities in sediments, and in particular to investigate further the link between metal contamination and an increase in the populations of endospore-forming bacteria observed previously in other metal-contaminated sediments. A decrease in organic carbon and total bacterial counts was correlated with an increase in the numbers of endospores in the oldest sediment samples, showing the first environmental evidence of a decrease in nutrient availability as a trigger of sporulation. Proteobacteria and Firmicutes were the two dominant bacterial phyla throughout the sediment, the former in an area with high sulphidogenic activity, and the latter in the oldest samples. Even though the dominant Firmicutes taxa were stable along the sediment core and did not vary with changes in metal contamination, the prevalence of some molecular species like Clostridium sp. was positively correlated with metal sulphide concentration. However, this cannot be generalized to all endospore-forming species. Overall, the community composition supports the hypothesis of sporulation as the main mechanism explaining the dominance of endospore formers in the deepest part of the sediment core, while metal contamination in the form of insoluble metal sulphide deposits appears not to be linked with sporulation as a mechanism of metal tolerance in this sulphidogenic ecosystem.  相似文献   

A number of proxies, including carbon to nitrogen ratio (C:N) and stable isotopes (delta(13)C and delta(15)N), have been used to reconstruct organic matter (OM) profiles from lake sediments and these proxies individually or in combination cannot clearly discriminate different sources. Here we present an alternative approach to elucidate this problem from lake sediments as a function of watershed scale land use changes. Stable isotope signatures of defined OM sources from the study watersheds, Shawnigan Lake (SHL) and Elk Lake (ELL), were compared with sedimentary proxy records. Results from this study reveal that terrestrial inputs and catchment soil coinciding with the watershed disturbances histories probably contributed in recent trophic enrichment in SHL. In contrast, cultural eutrophication in ELL was partially a result of input from catchment soil (agricultural activities) with significant input from lake primary production as well. Results were consistent in both IsoSource (IsoSource version 1.2 is a Visual Basic program used for source separation, (http://www.epa.gov/wed/pages/models/isosource/isosource.htm) and discriminant analysis (statistical classification technique).  相似文献   

Heavy metal distribution in marine sediments from the southwest coast of Spain   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Morillo J  Usero J  Gracia I 《Chemosphere》2004,55(3):431-442
The latest version (1999) of the BCR-sequential extraction technique was used to determine the distribution of metals (Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Fe, Ni, Cr, and Mn) with major sedimentary phases (acid-soluble, reducible, oxidisable and residual) in samples from the southwest coast of Spain. The total metal content was also determined. The results showed that an extensive area along the coast (35 km long), near the joint mouth of the Tinto and Odiel Rivers, contains sediments with high concentrations of metals, with maximums of 649 mg/kg of Zn, 336 mg/kg of Cu, 197 mg/kg of Pb and 2.5 mg/kg of Cd. The values found for Cr, Ni and Mn are comparable to those in unpolluted areas. Based on the chemical distribution of metals, we found that Zn is the most mobile (i.e., it can pass easily into the water under changing environmental conditions). This metal showed the highest percentages in the acid-soluble fraction (the most labile), especially in the central coastal area, where the samples contained over 50% of this element associated with this fraction. This area close to the Tinto and Odiel river mouths also shows a significant increase in the mobility of Cd and Cu. In both cases the amount present in the residual fraction is lower, and the acid-soluble fraction is increased for Cd and the oxidisable fraction for Cu. However, the highest percentages of Fe, Cr and Ni are found in the residual fraction (84%, 89% and 75%, respectively), which implies that these metals are strongly bound to the sediments.  相似文献   

Site-specific hydrological conditions affect the availability of trace metals for vegetation. In a greenhouse experiment, the effect of submersion on the metal uptake by the wetland plant species Salix cinerea and Populus nigra grown on a contaminated dredged sediment-derived soil and on an uncontaminated soil was evaluated. An upland hydrological regime for the polluted sediment caused elevated Cd concentrations in leaves and cuttings for both species. Emergence and soil oxidation after initial submersion of a polluted sediment resulted in comparable foliar Cd and Zn concentrations for S. cinerea as for the constant upland treatment. The foliar Cd and Zn concentrations were clearly higher than for submerged soils after initial upland conditions. These results point at the importance of submergence-emergence sequence for plant metal availability. The addition of foliar-based organic matter or aluminosilicates to the polluted sediment-derived soil in upland conditions did not decrease Cd and Zn uptake by S. cinerea.  相似文献   

为了探明有机物性质对混凝-微滤-纳滤去除水中重金属的影响,将腐殖酸和乙酸分别作为背景有机物,系统考察了组合工艺对镉(Cd)、铜(Cu)、镍(Ni)和锌(Zn)的去除效能及其膜通量变化过程,并通过物料衡算对4种重金属的去除行为进行了比较分析。结果表明,当原水中不含有机物时,Cu的截留率最高,达到97%以上,纳滤膜是去除其他3种重金属的主要步骤。随着原水中腐殖酸含量的增大,混凝-微滤阶段对重金属的截留能力显著增强,膜通量衰减速度加快。相反地,乙酸的存在对于组合工艺处理效能具有明显的负面效应。此时,重金属既不能被铝盐絮体有效吸附,也不能通过静电作用截留在NF膜表面。4种重金属在滤液和浓水中的回收率Rrec都超过了80%,膜通量的变化与处理无机重金属溶液时相近。  相似文献   

Compost leachates were collected to investigate the influence of the composition and removal of volatile fatty acids (VFAs), humic-like substances (HSs), and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) on heavy metal distribution during the leachate treatment process. The results showed that acetic and propionic acids accounted for 81.3 to 93.84 % of VFAs, and that these acids were removed by the anaerobic-aerobic process. Humic- and fulvic-like substances were detected by excitation–emission matrix spectroscopy coupled with parallel factor analysis, and their content significantly decreased after the anaerobic and membrane treatments. DON in compost leachates ranged from 26.53 mg L-1 to 919.46 mg L-1, comprised of dissolved free amino acids and the protein-like matter bound to humic- and fulvic-like substances, and was removed by the aerobic process. Correlation analysis showed that Mn, Ni, and Pb were bound to VFAs and protein-, fulvic-, and humic-like substances in the leachates. Co was primarily bound to fulvic- and humic-like matter and inorganic sulfurs, whereas Cu, Zn, and Cd interacted with inorganic sulfur.  相似文献   

垂直潜流人工湿地有机物积累及去向初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为防治湿地堵塞、改善湿地处理效果,初步探讨了湿地中有机物的积累规律,并估算湿地中有机物不同去除途径的贡献率。结果表明,垂直潜流人工湿地中基质间积累的有机物主要是不可溶有机物,且粒径主要集中在5.00μm以上,分析是不同粒径有机物凝聚积累的缘故;垂向沿程基质间有机物的积累量受进水水力负荷影响明显;进入垂直潜流人工湿地中的有机物绝大部分都被生物(植物和微生物)吸收和利用而得以去除,该途径贡献率可达99.9%以上。  相似文献   

Changes in the characteristics of algae-derived organic matter (AOM) were examined upon the operation of a microbial fuel cell (MFC) using multiple analytical methods. Temporal variations in the UV absorption and fluorescence excitation–emission matrix of the AOM revealed that less condensed humic-like components and large-sized protein-like fluorescent compounds were preferentially decomposed over the period of electricity generation. They also showed that low UV-absorbing extracellular organic matters (EOM) were produced at the end of the operation. SEC chromatograms demonstrated that smaller-sized UV-absorbing components were initially decomposed, followed by the net production of EOM with an intermediate molecular weight. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra showed that proteins and polysaccharides were the two most dominant structures of the AOM in the MFC. Two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy combined with FT-IR provided additional valuable information on the sequential changes of the AOM, which occurred in the order of proteins → acidic functional groups → polysaccharides → amino acids/proteins.  相似文献   

The nature of the influence of organic matter (OM) on ammonium adsorption in lake sediments remains disputed. In this study, the kinetics and thermodynamics of ammonium adsorption were investigated on sediment samples with different OM contents (ignoring the effects of OM mineralization) previously collected from Lake Wuli, a northern bay of Lake Taihu, a shallow lake in southern China. The mechanisms of ammonium adsorption in these samples were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectrometry and scanning electron microscopy. The results show that the ammonium adsorption capacity of the sediments is highly correlated with their OM content and with the humic content of the OM. The ammonium adsorption capacity of OM varies with its composition, i.e., with the surface properties of the different functional groups present. Indeed, humic acid was found to have a greater ammonium adsorption capacity by itself than when mixed with kerogen and black carbon, the mixture of the latter two components proving a better adsorbent than pure black carbon.  相似文献   

Two sediments were demineralized and sequentially fractionated into extracted fractions [free lipid (FL), bound lipid (BL) and lignin (LG)] and residual fractions [free lipid free (FLF), bound lipid free (BLF) and lignin free (LGF)]. The sorption isotherms of phenanthrene (Phen) were examined to evaluate the importance of various fractions on sorption. A lignin extraction procedure was for the first time applied to separate the lignin or degraded lignin fraction from sediment organic matter (SOM). The extracted LG was similar to model lignin in terms of elemental ratios and sorption behavior. FL and LG fractions were quite important, as their contents were much higher than reported values. Phen sorption for the extracted fractions was almost linear, whereas that for the residual fractions was nonlinear, especially for LGF with n 0.56–0.63. As the different organic fractions were removed sequentially, sorption energy distribution on the residual sediment organic matter (SOM) became more heterogeneous. In addition, increasing sorption capacity for the residual fractions, except for BLF with its high polarity, suggested that more sorption sites on the SOM matrix became accessible to Phen. The sorption capacity for LGF was comparable to that of condensed SOM. The residual fraction LGF generally controlled the overall sorption at low Phen concentration, but the extractable fraction FL surpassed the former fraction at high Phen concentration, demonstrating the importance of condensed SOM in the sorption of hydrophobic organic compounds (HOCs) in sediments.  相似文献   

为探究白水江表层沉积物溶解性有机质(DOM)荧光特性,2018年3月采集研究区深度为0~20cm的沉积物,采用三维荧光光谱技术、区域积分法和荧光指数法,确定主要荧光物质种类,并结合表层水基本参数等数据分析荧光组分的来源、转化过程与空间分布差异。结果表明:(1)白水江表层沉积物DOM以类蛋白有机物为主,其中可溶性微生物降解产物占总体荧光物质相对含量的64.56%~73.06%;各断面均出现明显的可溶性微生物降解产物荧光峰;相比上游,中、下游荧光强度逐渐增强,并出现类酪氨酸与类色氨酸荧光峰。(2)上游至下游,总荧光组分、各荧光组分含量均呈现逐渐升高的趋势。人类活动可能是造成白水江表层沉积物DOM荧光组分存在空间分异的主导因素。  相似文献   

有机碳对养殖池塘沉积物中反硝化、厌氧氨氧化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
养殖沉积物中反硝化作用对于缓解氮污染有重要的作用,沉积物中的反硝化和厌氧氨氧化菌可将化合态氮转变为氮气,从而有效降低污染,有机碳在该过程中有着重要的作用。为了解有机碳对养殖池塘沉积物中反硝化、厌氧氨氧化的影响,采取理化分析和分子生物学分析等方法,以养殖池塘沉积物为基质、人工配水为营养液,添加不同浓度的淀粉,分析120 h内底物亚硝氮(NO-2-N)、硝氮(NO-3-N)、氨氮(NH+4-N)和TOC浓度,并对反硝化、厌氧氨氧化菌群丰度变化和反硝化菌多样性进行分析。结果表明:淀粉浓度在150 mg·L-1时,NO-2-N和NO-3-N的去除率最高,分别达到98.90%和99.86%;NH+4-N去除率在淀粉浓度为50 mg·L-1时最高,为35.98%。随着淀粉浓度的增加,反硝化菌的丰度明显增加,但有机碳对厌氧氨氧化菌群具有抑制作用。当淀粉浓度为150 mg·L-1时,反硝化菌的丰度最大、多样性水平最高、物种数目最大,反硝化细菌优势菌属为未分类的变形菌属和β-变形菌属。  相似文献   

Stormwater best management practices (BMPs) require regular maintenance. The impact on trace metal concentrations in a constructed stormwater wetland BMP on Staten Island, New York, was investigated by analyzing sediment concentrations and tissue residues of the dominant macroinvertebrates (Tubifex tubifex) prior and subsequent to maintenance. Trace metal concentrations were assessed using standard serial extraction (for sediment) and acid digestion (for tissue burdens) techniques, followed by quantitative determination using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry, respectively. The results suggest that disturbance of sediment during maintenance of the BMP resulted in an increase in the most mobile fraction of trace metals, especially those associated with finer grained sediments (< 63 tm), and as a consequence, measured metal concentrations in macroinvertebrates increased. Regressions of a subset of metal concentrations (copper, lead, and zinc) in sediment and the macroinvertebrate tissue burden samples generally increased as a result of maintenance. A follow-up sampling event 9 months after maintenance demonstrated that the most readily available form of trace metal in the BMP was reduced, which supports (1) long-term sequestration of metals in the BMP and (2) that elevated bioavailability following maintenance was potentially a transient feature of the disturbance. This study suggests that in the long-term, performing sediment removal might help reduce bioavailability of trace metal concentrations in both the BMP and the receiving water to which a BMP discharges. However, alternative practices might need to be implemented to reduce trace metal bioavailability in the short-term.  相似文献   

天然有机物对零价铁去除水体中砷的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在研究零价铁对水体中砷去除动力学的基础上,着重探讨了天然有机物腐殖酸对零价铁除砷的影响.并对零价铁的腐蚀产物进行了分析.结果表明,水体中的砷可以通过在零价铁腐蚀产物上的吸附得到快速去除.腐殖酸显著降低了砷的去除率,这归因于腐殖酸与零价铁腐蚀产生的铁离子形成络合物,阻止了Fe(OH)3(或Fe(OH)2)沉淀的产生.腐殖酸浓度越高.砷的去除率越低.1.00 mg腐殖酸最多可以络合约0.75 mg铁离子.当铁离子与腐殖酸的络合达到饱和后,零价铁进一步腐蚀产生的铁离子可形成Fe(OH)3(或Fe(OH)2)沉淀,这些沉淀物可吸附水体中的腐殖酸和砷,从而加速砷的去除.冷冻干燥后的零价铁腐蚀产物的结构以无定型为主,含有少量的结晶化合物,包括γ-Fe2O3、γ-FeO(OH)和Fe3O4等.腐殖酸的存在可进一步增加腐蚀产物中的无定型成分.光电能谱(XPS)分析结果显示,吸附在腐蚀产物上的砷为5价,没有发现5价砷被还原成3价砷.在应用零价铁修复砷污染水体时,应考虑腐殖酸的影响.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution, composition, and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediments and suspended particulate matter (SPM) from the Pearl River Estuary and adjacent coastal areas were examined. Total PAH concentrations varied from 189 to 637 ng/g in sediments and 422 to 1,850 ng/g in SPM. PAHs were dominated by 5,6-ring compounds in sediments and by 2,3-ring compounds in SPM samples. Assessment of PAH sources suggested that biomass and coal combustion is the major PAH source to the outer part of the estuary sediments and that petroleum combustion is the major PAH source to the inner part of estuary sediments. As for SPM samples, PAH isomer pair ratios indicated multiple (petroleum, petroleum combustion, and biomass and coal combustion) PAH sources, and significant temporal variations could exist for the sources of water column PAHs in the study area. The distribution of perylene in SPM samples indicated that the river was the dominant source of perylene in SPM and that perylene could be taken as an index to assess the contribution of river inflow to the total PAHs in SPM samples. The high concentration of perylene in the sediment was indicative of an in situ biogenic origin.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this work was to identify the role of soil humic acids (HAs) in controlling the behavior of Cu(II) in vineyard soils by exploring the relationship between the chemical and binding properties of HA fractions and those of soil as a whole. The study was conducted on soils with a sandy loam texture, pH 4.3-5.0, a carbon content of 12.4-41.0 g kg−1 and Cu concentrations from 11 to 666 mg kg−1. The metal complexing capacity of HA extracts obtained from the soils ranged from 0.69 to 1.02 mol kg−1, and the stability constants for the metal ion-HA complexes formed, log K, from 5.07 to 5.36. Organic matter-quality related characteristics had little influence on Cu adsorption in acid soils, especially if compared with pH, the degree of Cu saturation and the amount of soil organic matter.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter (SOM) releasing with dissolved organic matter (DOM) formed in solution was confirmed in a sediment/water system, and the effects of SOM releasing on the sorption of phenanthrene on sediments were investigated. Inorganic salt (0–0.1 mol L?1 NaCl) was used to adjust SOM releasing, and two sediments were prepared, the raw sediment (S1) from Weihe River, Shann’xi, China, and the eluted sediments with and without DOM supernatant remained, termed as S2a and S2b, respectively. The FTIR and 1H NMR analysis indicate that the low molecular weight hydrophilic SOM fraction released prior to the high molecular weight hydrophobic fraction. As a response, phenanthrene sorption kinetics on S1 showed atypical and expressed as three stages: rapid sorption, pseudo sorption with partial desorption, and slow sorption, thus a defined “sorption valley” occurred in kinetic curve. In all cases, partition dominates the sorption, and sorption capacity (Kd) ranked as S2b > S1 > S2a. Compared with the alterations of sediment characters, DOM solubilization produced by SOM releasing exhibited a greater inhibitory effect on sorption with a relative contribution of 0.67. Distribution coefficients (Kdoc) of PHE into DOM clusters were 2.10?×?104–4.18?×?104 L kg?1, however a threshold concentration of 6.83 mg L?1 existed in DOM solubilization. The study results will help to clarify PAHs transport and their biological fate in a sediment/water system.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of various soil conditions, including drying-rewetting, nitrogen deposition, and temperature rise, on the quantities and the composition of dissolved organic matter leached from forest and wetland soils. A set of forest and wetland soils with and without the nitrogen deposition were incubated in the growth chambers under three different temperatures. The moisture contents were kept constant, except for two-week drying intervals. Comparisons between the original and the treated samples revealed that drying-rewetting was a crucial environmental factor driving changes in the amount of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). The DOC was also notably increased by the nitrogen deposition to the dry forest soil and was affected by the temperature of the dry wetland soil. A parallel factor (PARAFAC) analysis identified three sub-fractions of the fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) from the fluorescence excitation–emission matrices (EEMs), and their compositions depended on drying-rewetting. The data as a whole, including the DOC and PARAFAC components and other optical indices, were possibly explained by the two main variables, which were closely related with the PARAFAC components and DOC based on principal component analysis (PCA). Our results suggested that the DOC and PARAFAC component information could provide a comprehensive interpretation of the changes in the soil-leached DOM in response to the different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The algal organic matter (AOM) is a problem in water treatment. Although the adsorption process is extensively applied to drinking water treatment,...  相似文献   

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