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Traditionally, monitoring of soil, groundwater and surface water quality is coordinated by different authorities in the Netherlands. Nowadays, the European Water Framework Directive (EU, 2,000) stimulates an integrated approach of the complete soil-groundwater-surface water system. Based on water quality data from several test catchments, we propose a conceptual model stating that stream water quality at different discharges is the result of different mixing ratios of groundwater from different depths. This concept is used for a regional study of the groundwater contribution to surface water contamination in the Dutch province of Noord-Brabant, using the large amount of available data from the regional monitoring networks. The results show that groundwater is a dominant source of surface water contamination. The poor chemical condition of upper and shallow groundwater leads to exceedance of the quality standards in receiving surface waters, especially during quick flow periods.  相似文献   

Arable soils are a significant source of nitric oxide (NO), a precursor of tropospheric ozone, and thereby contribute to ozone pollution. However, their actual impact on ozone formation is strongly related to their spatial and temporal emission patterns, which warrant high-resolution estimates.Here, we combined an agro-ecosystem model and geo-referenced databases to map these sources over the 12 000 km2 administrative region surrounding Paris, France, with a kilometric level resolution. The six most frequent arable crop species were simulated, with emission rates ranging from 1.4 kg N-NO ha−1 yr−1 to 11.1 kg N-NO ha−1 yr−1. The overall emission factor for fertilizer-derived NO emissions was 1.7%, while background emissions contributed half of the total NO efflux. Emissions were strongly seasonal, being highest in spring due to fertilizer inputs. They were mostly sensitive to soil type, crops' growing season and fertilizer N rates.  相似文献   

Element content in the bark on Norway spruce (Picea abies) was measured in a montane forest heavily affected by forest dieback and compared to that in a nearby intact stand. Bark contained less S, K, Fe, Mn, Pb, Cu, and H+ and more N, Ca, Mg, and Zn in the dieback-affected stand than in the intact one. Diversity of epiphytic lichen vegetation was higher in the dieback-affected stand than in the intact one. Cover of the foliose lichen Hypogymnia physodes was negatively correlated with Mn and Cu content of bark. Cover of the extremely acidophytic species Lecanora conizaeoides decreased with increasing Mg and increased with increasing Cu content of bark. The measurements support the hypothesis that chemical site factors are decisive for the high lichen diversity in dieback-affected montane spruce forests.  相似文献   

The characterization of suitable microsites for tree seedling establishment and growth is one of the most important tasks to achieve the restoration of native forest using natural processes in disturbed sites. For that, we assessed the natural Quercus petraea forest expansion in a 20-year-old reclaimed open-cast mine under sub-Mediterranean climate in northern Spain, monitoring seedling survival, growth, and recruitment during 5 years in three contrasting environments (undisturbed forest, mine edge, and mine center). Seedling density and proportion of dead branches decreased greatly from undisturbed forest towards the center of the mine. There was a positive effect of shrubs on Q. petraea seedling establishment in both mine environments, which increase as the environment undergoes more stress (from the mine edge to the center of the mine), and it was produced by different shrub structural features in each mine environment. Seedling survival reduction through time in three environments did not lead to a density reduction because there was a yearly recruitment of new seedlings. Seedling survival, annual growth, and height through time were greater in mine sites than in the undisturbed forest. The successful colonization patterns and positive neighbor effect of shrubs on natural seedlings establishment found in this study during the first years support the use of shrubs as ecosystem engineers to increase heterogeneity in micro-environmental conditions on reclaimed mine sites, which improves late-successional Quercus species establishment.  相似文献   

The Guadiamar river basin has traditionally received pollutants from two main sources: in its northern section of mining origin, and in its southern section (next to Do?ana National Park) from urban-industrial and agricultural sources. In April 1998, the spill of 6 million m3 of mining wastes (acidic waters and sludge) severely polluted the Guadiamar river basin with heavy metals, which caused serious damage to the local ecosystem. There is a direct association between the physicochemical speciation of an element and its toxicity, biological activity, bioavailability, solubility, etc. This work describes a distribution study of the metals Zn, Cd, Pb and Cu by speciation analysis of surface waters in eleven sampling points of the Guadiamar river basin. Four metal fractions were determined using anodic stripping voltammetry: labile metal forms, H+ exchangeable metal forms, strongly inert forms (associated with organic and inorganic matter in solution), and forms associated with suspended matter. Total concentrations in surface waters followed the trend Zn > Cu > Pb > Cd. The speciation study showed that Zn and Cd were present to a large extent in available forms (labile and H+ exchangeable), while Pb and Cu were found mostly in the less available forms (strongly inert). Moreover, the available forms were found in the northern section (mining pollution) and the strongly inert forms in the southern section (urban, industrial and agricultural pollution). These results can illustrate the potential value of speciation to discern between different sources of pollution.  相似文献   

Agricultural chemicals sporadically occur at detectable levels in the surface waters of intensively farmed watersheds. HSPF, a previously released model of agricultural chemicals in surface water, had been used to predict concentrations which were much higher (10 X) than those actually observed during monitoring studies. A new model, SURFACE, is described here which is much simpler than HSPF and gives better predictions of surface water concentrations. SURFACE uses PRZM, an EPA model, to calculate edge-of-field runoff losses and simple hydraulic routing algorithms to determine concentrations at the bottom of large river basins. In water systems sampled during 1985 and 1986, SURFACE predictions of annualized mean concentrations for alachlor, atrazine, cyanazine and metolachlor were within 0.09 ppb half of the time.  相似文献   

Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl, a new herbicide belonging to the sulfonylurea group, is used for weed control in rice crops growing in areas varying from acidic to alkaline soils. This study was undertaken to determine the degradation behaviour of pyrazosulfuron-ethyl in distilled water and buffer solutions at pH 4, 7 and 9. Degradation was pH-dependent and herbicide was least persistent in acidic pH followed by alkaline and neutral pH. The half-life of pyrazosulfuron-ethyl varied from 2.6 days (pH 4) to 19.4 days (pH 7) and half-life in distilled water was comparable to half-life at pH 7 buffer. HPLC analysis of different pH samples showed the formation of three metabolites viz., 5-(aminosulfonyl)-1-methyl-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxylic acid; ethyl 5-(aminosulfonyl)-1-methyl-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxylate and 2-amino-4,6-dimethoxy pyrimidine. The formation of pyrazosulfuron acid [5-([([(4,6-dimethoxy-2 pyrimidinyl)-amino]-carbonyl) amino]-sulfonyl)-1-methyl-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxylic acid] was not observed at any pH. The study indicated that the herbicide was least stable under acidic conditions and the predominant degradation route of pyrazosulfuron-ethyl in water is hydrolysis of sulfonamide linkage.  相似文献   

We present measurements of ammonia (NH3) over a deciduous forest in southern Indiana collected during four field campaigns; two in the spring during the transition to leaf-out and two during the winter. Above canopy NH3 concentrations measured continuously using two Wet Effluent Diffusion Denuders indicate mean concentrations of 0.6–1.2 μg m−3 during the spring and 0.3 μg m−3 during the winter. Measurements suggest that on average the forest act as a sink of NH3, with a representative daily deposition flux of 1.8 mg-NH3 m−2 during the spring. However, on some days during the spring inverted concentration gradients of NH3 were observed resulting in an apparent upward flux of nearly 0.2 mg-NH3 m−2 h−1. Analyses suggest that this apparent emission flux may be due to canopy emission but evaporation of ammonium nitrate particles may also be partly responsible for the observed inverted concentration gradients.  相似文献   

In this study, continuous data of PM10 (particles with aerodynamic diameter < 10 microns) concentration measurements for a 4-yr period were analyzed. These measurements have been carried out in the Eordea Basin, an industrial area in the northwestern mountainous region of Greece. The annual, monthly, and diurnal patterns are presented and investigated regarding the prevailing meteorological conditions and atmospheric processes that affect the ambient concentrations of PM10. The effect of wind on controlling PM10 concentration is also discussed. Based on the data analysis, an attempt is made to provide useful information about air quality levels, taking into account U.S. Environmental Protection Agency air quality standards.  相似文献   

An investigation was undertaken to identify the most significant soil parameters that can be used to predict Cd, Pb, and Zn bioaccessibility in smelter-contaminated agricultural soils. A robust model was established from an extended database of soils by using: (i) a training set of 280 samples to select the main soil parameters, to define the best population to be taken into account for the model elaboration, and to construct multivariate regression models, and (ii) a test set of 110 samples to validate the ability of the regression models. Total carbonate, organic matter, sand, P(2)O(5), free Fe-Mn oxide, and pseudototal Al and trace element (TE) contents appeared as the main variables governing TE bioaccessibility. The statistical modeling approach was reasonably successful, indicating that the main soil factors influencing the bioaccessibility of TEs were taken into account and the predictions could be applicable for further risk evaluation in the studied area.  相似文献   

The role of soil and bedrock in acid neutralizing processes has been difficult to quantify because of hydrological and biogeochemical uncertainties. To quantify those roles, hydrochemical observations were conducted at two hydrologically well-defined, steep granitic hillslopes in the Tanakami Mountains of Japan. These paired hillslopes are similar except for their soils; Fudoji is leached of base cations (base saturation <6%), while Rachidani is covered with fresh soil (base saturation >30%), because the erosion rate is 100-1000 times greater. The results showed that (1) soil solution pH at the soil-bedrock interface at Fudoji (4.3) was significantly lower than that of Rachidani (5.5), (2) the hillslope discharge pH in both hillslopes was similar (6.7-6.8), and (3) at Fudoji, 60% of the base cations leaching from the hillslope were derived from bedrock, whereas only 20% were derived from bedrock in Rachidani. Further, previously published results showed that the stream pH could not be predicted from the acid deposition rate and soil base saturation status. These results demonstrate that bedrock plays an especially important role when the overlying soil has been leached of base cations. These results indicate that while the status of soil acidification is a first-order control on vulnerability to surface water acidification, in some cases such as at Fudoji, subsurface interaction with the bedrock determines the sensitivity of surface water to acidic deposition.  相似文献   


The study was designed to collect water samples over two seasons—wet-monsoon season (n = 96) (March–April) and dry-monsoon season (n = 44) (September–October)—to understand the seasonal variation in anion and cation hydrochemistry of the coastal rivers and estuaries contributing in the spatial trend in salinity. Hydrochemical examination of wet-monsoon season primarily revealed Ca–Mg–HCO3 type (66%) and followed by Na–Cl type (17.70%) water. In the dry-monsoon season, the scenario reversed with primary water being Na–Cl type (52.27%) followed by Ca–Mg–HCO3 type (31.81%). Analysis of Cl/Br molar ratio vs. Cl (mg/L) depicted sampling area affected by seawater intrusion (SWI). Spatial analysis by ordinary kriging method confirmed approximately 77% sample in the dry-monsoon, and 34% of the wet-monsoon season had shown SWI. The most saline-intruded areas in the wet-monsoon seasons were extreme south-west coastal zone of Bangladesh, lower Meghna River floodplain and Meghna estuarine floodplain and south-eastern part of Chittagong coastal plains containing the districts of Chittagong and Cox’s Bazar adjacent to Bay of Bengal. In addition, mid-south zone is also affected slightly in the dry-monsoon season. From the analyses of data, this study could further help to comprehend seasonal trends in the hydrochemistry and water quality of the coastal and estuarine rivers. In addition, it can help policy makers to obligate some important implications for the future initiatives taken for the management of land, water, fishery, agriculture and environment of coastal rivers and estuaries of Bangladesh.


Hasselquist  Eliza Maher  Mancheva  Irina  Eckerberg  Katarina  Laudon  Hjalmar 《Ambio》2020,49(7):1341-1351
Ambio - Improving water quality has become an important environmental issue, spurred in part by the Water Framework Directive. However, the relationship of policy change with forest water...  相似文献   

Urban expansion and the loss of prime agricultural lands in Puerto Rico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
López TM  Aide TM  Thomlinson JR 《Ambio》2001,30(1):49-54
In many countries where the economy has shifted from mainly agricultural to industrial, abandoned agricultural lands are lost to urbanization. For more than 4 centuries the Puerto Rican economy depended almost entirely on agriculture, but sociopolitical changes early in the 20th century resulted in a shift to industry. This shift in the economy, and an increase in population, has resulted in an increase in urban areas. This study describes the rate and distribution of urban growth on the island of Puerto Rico from 1977 to 1994 and the resulting influence on potential agricultural lands. Urban extent and growth were determined by interpreting aerial photographs and satellite imagery. The 1994 urban coverage was combined with a soil coverage based on agricultural potential to determine the distribution of urban areas relative to potential farmlands. Analyses showed that in 1977, 11.3% of Puerto Rico was classified as urban. After 17 years, urban areas had increased by 27.4% and urban growth on soils suitable for agriculture had increased by 41.6%. This represents a loss of 6% of potential agricultural lands. If this pattern of encroachment by urban growth into potential farmlands continues, Puerto Rico's potential for food production in the future could be greatly limited.  相似文献   

Investigations using chlorophyll fluorescence induction kinetics provide the parameters Rfd, L, and Ap to characterize different specifications of the photosynthetic system (PS). The application of ozone, with concentrations between 100 microg m(-3) and 2000 microg m(-3) to spruce in closed chambers yields a reduction of Rfd between 6% and 23% for the current year's needles, which indicates a reduced potential photosynthetic capacity. Further measurements on the current year's needles of spruce of the damage classes S0/S1, S2 and S3 show also a reduction of Rfd of between 7% and 14% in 2 successive years. In addition, the parameter L increases for damaged trees by between 11% and 49%, indicating a change of the chlorophyll content and of the internal energy distribution between PSI and PSII. As no effect of L can be observed with ozone fumigation, it is concluded that the change of some specifications of the PS can be simulated well by ozone fumigation (e.g. Rfd) while other specifications cannot (e.g. L).  相似文献   

Metal distribution patterns in superficial soil horizons of agricultural land affected by metallurgical point-source pollution were studied using optical and electron microscopy, synchrotron radiation and spectroscopy analyses. The site is located in northern France, at the center of a former entry lane to a bunker of World War II, temporarily paved with coarse industrial waste fragments and removed at the end of the war. Thin sections made from undisturbed soil samples from A and B horizons were studied. Optical microscopy revealed the occurrence of yellow micrometer-sized (Ap horizon) and red decamicrometer-sized spherulites (AB, B(1)g horizons) as well as distinct distribution patterns. The chemical composition of the spherulites was dominated by Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb, Ca, and P. Comparison of calculated Zn stocks, both in the groundmass and in spherulites, showed a quasi-exclusive Zn accumulation in these neoformed features. Their formation was related to several factors: (i) liberation of metal elements due to weathering of waste products, (ii) Ca and P supply from fertilizing practices, (iii) co-precipitation of metal elements and Ca and P in a porous soil environment, after slow exudation of a supersaturated soil solution in more confined mineral media.  相似文献   

A dynamic aquatic model (DynA model) was previously developed to predict the fate of a chemical in aquatic scenarios characterized by daily or periodic changes in several input parameters. DynA model is here calibrated with data obtained from the literature in specific unsteady state scenarios, such as those of rice fields. The results obtained for two herbicides (cinosulfuron and pretilachlor) in rice paddy scenarios revealed the capability of the model to accurately predict water and sediment concentrations, as shown by some statistical indicators. Modelling efficiency (EF) values of 0.86-0.99 for the water compartment and of 0.77-0.84 for sediment show the good agreement between predicted and measured concentrations. An "external validation" was performed using measured data for a different herbicide (molinate) applied in a Portuguese paddy rice scenario. A sensitivity analysis for this volatile chemical revealed the influence of some climatic parameters (e.g. temperature) to the model outcomes, such as water and sediment concentrations. This confirmed the capability of DynA model as an efficient tool for the pesticide risk assessment in dynamic scenarios.  相似文献   

人工湿地作为一种高效处理农田退水的工程设施,其污染物去除效果会因系统内碳源缺失而降低。为了探究外加碳源强化人工湿地处理农田退水的效果,本研究选用芦苇、水葱作为外加碳源,分析了简单处理、碱泡处理、碱热处理3种预处理方式下植物碳源的静态释碳规律,并筛选优质碳源,探究了外加碳源对垂直流人工湿地净化农田退水的促进作用。结果表明,碱热处理后的芦苇具有持续析出碳源的能力,可显著提高人工湿地的脱氮除磷效能,其总氮和总磷平均去除率可达75.67%和91.37%;碱热处理后的芦苇自身析出的氮、磷含量较低,对湿地系统产生污染较小。此外,植物碳源添加的最适碳氮比为5,可实现同步强化脱氮除磷;在碳源充足的情况下,总氮、总磷在人工湿地底层的去除效果好于人工湿地中上层,底层微生物反硝化作用强,可促进系统脱氮,氧气可能是脱氮效果的限制因素之一。  相似文献   

The occurrence of 43 pharmaceuticals belonging to predominant therapeutic classes and their distribution in surface water, suspended solids and sediments has been investigated in the Ebro river basin in the Northeast of Spain. WWTP effluents were found to be a main source of contamination and the spatial distribution was affected by the river flow at the sampling point and corresponding dilution factor, resulting in higher concentrations and higher loads in small tributary rivers than in the Ebro river. The study showed that some compounds are preferentially found bound to suspended solids and not detected in river water. Generally, compounds with basic characteristics (pKa > 7) showed higher tendency to bind to suspended solids. The sediment samples generally presented lower concentrations than suspended solids.  相似文献   

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