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In this work, the efficiency of electrochemical oxidation (EO) was investigated for removing a dye mixture containing Novacron Yellow (NY) and Remazol Red (RR) in aqueous solutions using platinum supported on titanium (Ti/Pt) as anode. Different current densities (20, 40 and 60 mA cm?2) and temperatures (25, 40 and 60 °C) were studied during electrochemical treatment. After that, the EO of each of these dyes was separately investigated. The EO of each of these dyes was performed, varying only the current density and keeping the same temperature (25 °C). The elimination of colour was monitored by UV-visible spectroscopy, and the degradation of organic compounds was analysed by means of chemical oxygen demand (COD). Data obtained from the analysis of the dye mixture showed that the EO process was effective in colour removal, in which more than 90 % was removed. In the case of COD removal, the application of a current density greater than 40 mA cm?2 favoured the oxygen evolution reaction, and no complete oxidation was achieved. Regarding the analysis of individual anodic oxidation dyes, it was appreciated that the data for the NY were very close to the results obtained for the oxidation of the dye mixture while the RR dye achieved higher colour removal but lower COD elimination. These results suggest that the oxidation efficiency is dependent on the nature of the organic molecule, and it was confirmed by the intermediates identified. Figure
Chemical structures of a NY and b RR  相似文献   

Incinerators are claimed to be responsible of particle and gaseous emissions: to this purpose Best Available Techniques (BAT) are used in the flue-gas treatment sections leading to pollutant emission lower than established threshold limit values. As regard particle emission, only a mass-based threshold limit is required by the regulatory authorities. However; in the last years the attention of medical experts moved from coarse and fine particles towards ultrafine particles (UFPs; diameter less than 0.1 microm), mainly emitted by combustion processes. According to toxicological and epidemiological studies, ultrafine particles could represent a risk for health and environment. Therefore, it is necessary to quantify particle emissions from incinerators also to perform an exposure assessment for the human populations living in their surrounding areas. A further topic to be stressed in the UFP emission from incinerators is the particle filtration efficiency as function of different flue-gas treatment sections. In fact, it could be somehow important to know which particle filtration method is able to assure high abatement efficiency also in terms of UFPs. To this purpose, in the present work experimental results in terms of ultrafine particle emissions from several incineration plants are reported. Experimental campaigns were carried out in the period 2007-2010 by measuring UFP number distributions and total concentrations at the stack of five plants through condensation particle counters and mobility particle sizer spectrometers. Average total particle number concentrations ranging from 0.4 x 10(3) to 6.0 x 10(3) particles cm(-3) were measured at the stack of the analyzed plants. Further experimental campaigns were performed to characterize particle levels before the fabric filters in two of the analyzed plants in order to deepen their particle reduction effect; particle concentrations higher than 1 x 10(7) particles cm(-3) were measured, leading to filtration efficiency greater than 99.99%.  相似文献   


Background, aim, and scope  

Phosphorus loss from terrestrial to the aquatic ecosystems contributes to eutrophication of surface waters. To maintain the world's vital freshwater ecosystems, the reduction of eutrophication is crucial. This needs the prevention of overfertilization of agricultural soils with phosphorus. However, the methods of risk assessment for the P loss potential from soils lack uniformity and are difficult for routine analysis. Therefore, the efficient detection of areas with a high risk of P loss requires a simple and universal soil test method that is cost effective and applicable in both industrialized and developing countries.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This study investigated the removal of an organic drug called ibuprofen from the wastewater containing this drug. Iron oxide supported on modified...  相似文献   

A simple mathematical model for initial screening is presented that can aid in evaluating the relative risk to groundwater from applying nonpolar synthetic organic chemicals to soil. The basic premise is that the magnitude of the quotient of the chemical concentration of the water entering the aquifer and the maximum allowable concentration (as established by EPA or Health Departments) represents the health risk of a chemical. The chemical concentration of the soil water is estimated based on conservative, simplifying assumptions and requires only readily available data such as: basic soil properties (organic matter and saturated hydraulic conductivity), organic chemical properties (octanol-water partition coefficient and degradation rate) and environmental factors (recharge rate and depth to groundwater).The methodology was applied to assess the relative risk of organic chemicals in municipal sewage sludge and pesticides applied to agricultural land. The results are realistic.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - A Correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-12759-3  相似文献   

A novel experimental system, electrodynamic levitation, is used to measure the evaporation of liquids from microparticles of sand. The levitator is used to measure the evaporation rate of diethylphthalate (DEP) from microparticles of Saudi Arabian sand at 1 atm pressure and 25 degrees C. Evaporation experiments were conducted for both inland- and coastal-sand microparticles, the diameter of which is 50 microm. The DEP-evaporation rate is determined from gravimetric changes in the DEP-sand-mixture particle, the weight of which is directly proportional to the levitating electric-field intensity. From telemicroscopical observations, it is found that, when the sand particle is enclosed in DEP liquid, the sand-DEP-mixture particle evaporates like a pure DEP droplet. However, when sufficient DEP liquid has evaporated and the DEP is adsorbed into the sand microparticle, the DEP evaporation rate is reduced by a factor of 3-5 as compared with a pure DP droplet.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The climate change is one of the leading problems in the today’s world. The rise of the renewable energy meets the sustainable growth objectives...  相似文献   

The laboratory experiments were carried out to study the sorption process of gaseous toluene in the peel of different fruits as well as in the chemically prepared material based on silica support (multiligand-adsorbent). For the sorption experiments, a vapor generating system was used that allows the exposure of sorbents to a constant flux of polluted air. The concentration of toluene in the tested sorbents was followed as a function of exposure time. The obtained results were correlated to the mathematical models describing the sorption kinetics in the leaves. The investigation with the plant material showed dual-phase behavior of the toluene partition ('mixed' sorption mechanism), in the case of multiligand-adsorbent a typical adsorption process was observed. Sorption kinetics to fruit material was well correlated to the two-compartment model, while for the chemically prepared material to the first-order model.  相似文献   

Burke ER  Holden AJ  Shaw IC 《Chemosphere》2003,50(4):529-535
A method has been developed for the analysis of organochlorine pesticides in human milk using solvent extraction, Florisil solid phase extraction clean-up and analysis by gas chromatography with an electron capture detector. The recovery of analytes from spiked milk samples was in the range 53 +/- 1% to 109 +/- 7% (n = 9). A small number of samples were obtained from women in a rural and an urban area of Indonesia and analysed using the developed method. The results are reported on a milk fat basis. All samples contained detectable residues of p,p'-DDT (urban mean 0.11 +/- 0.18 mgkg(-1) (n = 5), rural mean 0.07 +/- 0.03 mg kg(-1) (n = 5)) and p,p'-DDE (urban mean 0.05 +/- 0.04 m kg(-1) (n = 5), rural mean 0.76 +/- 1.46 mg kg(-1) (n = 5)). Residues of HCB, betaHCH, alpha-endosulfan and dieldrin were also detected in some samples. There was no significant difference (at the 95% confidence level) in levels of pesticides between urban and rural areas. The levels of organochlorine pesticides in milk from Indonesian women were lower than those reported from Indonesian women exposed to DDT through malaria eradication schemes and were similar to levels reported from UK and Japan.  相似文献   

总结了当前地方党政领导环保绩效考核中存在目的简单化、缺乏科学性、沟通与反馈不足、只注重环保绩效考核结果而忽视环保绩效管理的过程、激励功能弱化和结果利用不充分等问题.分析了从传统地方党政领导环保绩效考核到现代地方党政领导环保绩效管理是管理方式的深刻变革,体现了人本管理的思想、渗透了过程管理的理念,实现了从奖惩依据向绩效提升、能力开发目的的转换,凸显了沟通激励的功能,满足了环保绩效反馈和改进的需要.提出了从地方党政领导环保绩效计划,环保绩效实施、环保绩效考核、环保绩效反馈面谈和环保绩效结果应用等环节来系统构建地方党政领导环保绩效管理体系.  相似文献   

In this study, a consistent basin-wise monthly time series of the atmospheric nutrient load to the Baltic Sea during 1850-2006 was compiled. Due to the lack of a long time series (1850-1960) of nutrient deposition to the Baltic Sea, the data set was compiled by combining a time series of deposition data at the Baltic Nest Institute from 1970 to 2006, published historical monitoring data and deposition estimates, as well as recent modeled Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) emission estimates. The procedure for nitrogen compounds included estimation of the deposition in a few intermediate reference years, linear interpolation between them, and the decomposition of annual deposition into a seasonal deposition pattern. As no reliable monitoring results were found for the atmospheric deposition of phosphorus during the early period of our study, we used published estimates for the temporal and spatial pattern of the phosphorus load.  相似文献   


The application of agrichemicals is a highly inefficient process and one of the main causes of the environmental and health risks currently associated with pesticide usage. Efforts to mitigate this inefficiency have largely been unsuccessful, due principally to the poor understanding of the processes involved in the spray application of pesticides, from atomization to biological effect. A generalized model of the application system for pesticides from atomization to biological result is described in this overview. The model allows the investigation of the biological consequences of altering the application parameters for the bacterial insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis when used against the diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella L.) with cabbage as the substrate. Parameters input into the model include the in‐flight droplet size frequency distribution of the spray cloud, spatial distribution of the deposit, spread and subsequent environmental degradation of the deposit, and behavioral and toxicological effects.

It is hoped that such a modelling approach can afford insights into the application process, and, through a better understanding of the inefficient but still highly effective hydraulic application systems used worldwide, reduce that inefficiency to tolerable levels.  相似文献   

Ashley K  Cordell D  Mavinic D 《Chemosphere》2011,84(6):737-746
The element phosphorus has no substitute in sustaining all life and food production on our planet. Yet today’s phosphorus use patterns have resulted in both a global environmental epidemic of eutrophication and led to a situation where the future availability of the world’s main sources of phosphorus is uncertain. This paper examines the important history of human interference with the phosphorus cycle from initial discovery to present, highlighting key interrelated events and consequences of the Industrial Revolution, Sanitation Revolution and Green Revolution. Whilst these events led to profound advances in technology, public health and food production, they have fundamentally broken the global phosphorus cycle. It is clear a ‘Fourth Revolution’ is required to resolve this dilemma and ensure humanity can continue to feed itself into the future while protecting environmental and human health.  相似文献   

Natural mineral dust storms (DS) from the Arabo-African region blow over the Mediterranean, reach Israel, and add to the anthropogenic particulate pollution. The effects of mineral dust on air quality in Israel were investigated using only PM10 and PM2.5 automatic measurements. The method does not require any other inputs such as satellite observations, model back-trajectories, dust forecast models, or mineralogical analyses. The method employs an automatic algorithm with three thresholds: the half-hour PM10 average must be above 100, this level is maintained for at least 3 h, and the maximum concentration recorded is above 180 μg m?3. The algorithm was designed for Israel, but can be adapted for other locations.The contribution of DS caused PM10 values to exceed the Israeli annual standard of 60 μg m?3 year?1 in 6 of the 12 years examined. The DS contribution to PM10 annual average ranged from 9.4% to 29.5%. The level recommended by WHO, 20 μg m?3 year?1, was exceeded every year even without the DS contribution. The number of days in which the daily Israeli standard (150 μg m?3) was exceeded during the 12 years was 6–20 days per year. The number of days in which the daily standard was exceeded shows an increasing trend of 7 days per decade.PM2.5 in Israel is in the range 40–56% of PM10. PM2.5 values were over the recommended standard with and without DS. The contribution of DS to annual average of PM2.5 ranged from 3.6% to 19.1%.The automatic algorithm was calibrated with a list of Dust Storms identified by visual means supported by mineralogical analysis. Mineralogical analyses of single particles were performed using Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM). Two representative samples are given. The main difference is that the particles of the Saudi-Arabian storm had much more palygorskite, while the North-African storm had more sea-salt and organic particles. The mineral composition differences indicate that analysis can differentiate between sources.  相似文献   

Organic wastes from intensive agriculture are a major cause of surface-water pollution in Great Britain. There are a large number of possible sources for such pollution, and there is a need to target the efforts of pollution-control authorities to the worst-affected parts of catchments. This paper describes the development of a rapid method for the identification of polluted streams based upon the macro-invertebrate fauna. An indicator key was developed by TWINSPAN classification of data from benthic sampling at 55 sites in West Wales. The key requires assessment of the abundance of four macroinvertebrate taxa and of the extent of 'sewage-fungus' growth, all of which can be determined by examination in the field. The key can separate sites into three groups representing different levels of pollution impact as indicated by differences in biotic indices and chemical data. The system was tested successfully at a further 146 sites in West Wales resulting in the notification of 49 farms to the pollution-control authorities. Non-biologists were able to use the key efficiently after a short period of training. A further test involving 51 sites in Devon indicated that the technique may be adaptable to other parts of Great Britain. It is envisaged that indicator systems designed to suit local fauna may have a major role in a pro-active strategy developed to combat pollution from farms because they have potential advantages over more complex biological methods currently in use.  相似文献   

This study proposes a copula-based chance-constrained waste management planning (CCWMP) method. The method can effectively reflect the interactions between random parameters of the waste management planning systems, and thus can help analyze the influences of their interactions on the entire systems. In particular, a joint distribution function is established using preestimated marginal distributions of random variables and an optimal copula selected from widely used Gaussian, Student’s t, Clayton, Frank, Gumbel, and Ali-Mikhail-Haq copulas. Then a set of joint probabilistic constraints in the chance-constrained programming problems is converted into individual probabilistic constraints using the joint distribution function. Further, this method is applied to residential solid waste management in the city of Regina in Canada for demonstrating its applicability. Nine scenarios based on different joint and marginal probability levels are considered within a multiperiod and multizone context to effectively reflect dynamic, uncertain, and interactive characteristics of the solid waste management systems in the city. The results provide many decision alternatives under these scenarios, including cost-effective and environmentally friendly decision schemes. Moreover, the results indicate that even though the effect of the joint probability levels on the system costs is more significant than that of the marginal probability levels, the effect of marginal probability levels is notable, and there exists a trade-off between the total system cost and the constraint-violation risk. Therefore, the results obtained from the present study would be useful to support the city’s long-term solid waste management planning and formulate local policies and regulation concerning the city’s waste generation and management.Implications: The CCWMP method not only can solve chance-constrained problems with unknown probability distributions of random variables in the right-hand sides of constraints, but also can effectively reflect the interactions between the random parameters and thus help analyze the influences of their interactions on the entire systems. The results obtained through applying this method to the city of Regina in Canada can provide many decision alternatives under different joint probability levels and marginal probability levels, and would be useful to support the city’s long-term solid waste management planning.  相似文献   

For the first time, the concepts of limit of detection and limit of quantification, commonly used in analytical chemistry, are applied to the field of active biomonitoring with terrestrial mosses, using the controls as blanks so that the limits indicate the error associated with the transplant technique. The application of these concepts to data corresponding to Hg concentrations in the surroundings of a chlor-alkali plant and a power plant, makes interpretation of the results easier by providing better spatial and temporal coherence. This procedure may allow improvement in the standardization of active biomonitoring techniques as it is applicable to all kinds of biomonitors. One disadvantage of the application of the limit of detection and limit of quantification is that they only take into account the alpha error, or risk of false positives, and do not take into account the beta error, or risk of false negatives.  相似文献   

A method for predicting the performance of packed columns that control gaseous air pollutants has been developed that exploits the advances in both computer software and hardware commonly used by practicing engineers. The solution of the simultaneous partial differential equations that describe the absorption process in packed columns that occurs in the presence of chemical reaction is obtained by converting the partial differential equations to systems of ordinary differential equations. These systems of ordinary differential equations are then solved using the method of lines along with a variable step, variable order numerical method. The method is applicable to systems in which there are multiple reactions within the liquid phase. The reactions can be of any order and can be reversible. The programming is simple and the machine running time is minimal. The method is illustrated here with an example.  相似文献   

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