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A Cd and Zn contaminated soil was mixed and equilibrated with an uncontaminated, but otherwise similar soil to establish a gradient in soil contamination levels. Growth of Thlaspi caerulescens (Ganges ecotype) significantly decreased the metal concentrations in soil solution. Plant uptake of Cd and Zn exceeded the decrease of the soluble metal concentrations by several orders of magnitude. Hence, desorption of metals must have occurred to maintain the soil solution concentrations. A coupled regression model was developed to describe the transfer of metals from soil to solution and plant shoots. This model was applied to estimate the phytoextraction duration required to decrease the soil Cd concentration from 10 to 0.5 mg kg−1. A biomass production of 1 and 5 t dm ha−1 yr−1 yields a duration of 42 and 11 yr, respectively. Successful phytoextraction operations based on T. caerulescens require an increased biomass production.  相似文献   

A comparative study of cadmium phytoextraction by accumulator and weed species   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Phytoextraction has shown great potential as an alternative technique for the remediation of metal contaminated soils. The objective of this study was to investigate cadmium (Cd) phytoextraction ability of high biomass producing weeds in comparison to indicator plant species. The pot study conducted with 10 to 200 mg Cd kg(-1) soil indicated that Ipomoea carnea was more effective in removing Cd from soil than Brassica juncea. Among the five species, B. juncea accumulated maximum Cd, but I. carnea followed by Dhatura innoxia and Phragmytes karka were the most suitable species for phytoextraction of cadmium from soil, if the whole plant or above ground biomass is harvested. In the relatively short time of this experiment, I. carnea produced more than 5 times more biomass in comparison to B. juncea. There were significant differences (p < 0.05) between the shoot length and shoot mass of control and treated plants.  相似文献   

The influence of humic acids on the phytoextraction of cadmium from soil   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cadmium poses a major environmental and human health threat because of its constant release through anthropogenic activities. A need, therefore, exists for cost-effective remediation procedures. Phytoremediation, the use of plants to extract contaminants from soils and groundwater, has revealed great potential. However, it is limited by the fact that plants need time, nutrient supply and, moreover, have a limited metal uptake capacity. Synthetic chelators have shown positive effects in enhancing heavy metal extraction through phytoremediation, but they have also revealed a vast number of negative side-effects. The objective of this research was to investigate the use of humic acids as an alternative to synthetic chelators. Humic acids were applied to a cadmium-contaminated soil at various dosages, and the uptake of cadmium into Nicotiana tabacum SR-1 was determined in relation to the amounts of total and bioavailable cadmium in the soil. It was found that the theoretical bioavailability of cadmium, as determined by diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) extraction, did not change, but its plant uptake was enhanced significantly, in some cases up to 65%. Humic acids added at a rate of 2 g kg(-1) soil increased the cadmium concentration in the shoots from 30.9 to 39.9 mg kg(-1). A possible reason for this enhancement is the decrease in pH, resulting in higher cadmium availability. Another possibility taken into account is that plants may take up cadmium complexes with humic acid fragments, which result from microbiological degradation or, self-dissociation.  相似文献   

Heavy metal soil contamination from mining and smelting has been reported in several regions around the world, and phytoextraction, using plants to accumulate risk elements in aboveground harvestable organs, is a useful method of substantially reducing this contamination. In our 3-year experiment, we tested the hypothesis that phytoextraction can be successful in local soil conditions without external fertilizer input. The phytoextraction efficiency of 15 high-yielding crop species was assessed in a field experiment performed at the Litavka River alluvium in the P?íbram region of Czechia. This area is heavily polluted by Cd, Zn, and Pb from smelter installations which also polluted the river water and flood sediments. Heavy metal concentrations were analyzed in the herbaceous plants’ aboveground and belowground biomass and in woody plants’ leaves and branches. The highest Cd and Zn mean concentrations in the aboveground biomass were recorded in Salix x fragilis L. (10.14 and 343 mg kg?1 in twigs and 16.74 and 1188 mg kg?1 in leaves, respectively). The heavy metal content in woody plants was significantly higher in leaves than in twigs. In addition, Malva verticillata L. had the highest Cd, Pb, and Zn concentrations in herbaceous species (6.26, 12.44, and 207 mg kg?1, respectively). The calculated heavy metal removal capacities in this study proved high phytoextraction efficiency in woody species; especially for Salix × fragilis L. In other tested plants, Sorghum bicolor L., Helianthus tuberosus L., Miscanthus sinensis Andersson, and Phalaris arundinacea L. species are also recommended for phytoextraction.  相似文献   

Oenothera picensis plants (Fragrant Evening Primrose) grow in the acid soils contaminated by copper smelting in the coastal region of central Chile. We evaluated the effects of the biodegradable chelate MGDA (methylglycinediacetic acid) on copper extraction by O. picensis and on leaching of copper through the soil profile, using an ex situ experiment with soil columns of varying heights. MGDA was applied in four rates: 0 (control), 2, 6 and 10 mmol plant−1. MGDA application significantly increased biomass production and foliar concentration, permitting an effective increase in copper extraction, from 0.09 mg plant−1 in the control, to 1.3 mg plant−1 in the 6 and 10 mmol plant−1 treatments. With 10 mmol plant−1 rate of MGDA, the copper concentration in the leachate from the 30 cm columns was 20 times higher than in the control. For the 60 cm columns, copper concentration was 2 times higher than the control. It can be concluded that at increased soil depths, copper leaching would be minimal and that MGDA applications at the studied rates would not pose a high risk for leaching into groundwater. It can thus be stated that applications of MGDA are an effective and environmentally safe way to improve copper extraction by O. picensis in these soils.  相似文献   

Chen YH  Mao Y  He SB  Guo P  Xu K 《Chemosphere》2007,67(8):1511-1517
Solution culture and pot experiments were carried out to investigate the effects of root damage on phytoextraction of heavy metals. In hydroponics, roots of corn (Zea mays L.) seedlings were pretreated with heating stress, and then were exposed to 250 microM Pb+250 microM EDTA solutions for 7d. The results showed that the preheating treatment significantly increased Pb transportation from roots to shoots. In pot experiments, the effect of hot EDTA solution (95 degrees C) on the accumulation of heavy metal in the shoot of corn and pea (Pisum sativum L.) was also examined. Compared to normal EDTA (25 degrees C) treatment, application of hot EDTA solution to the soil surface increased the total removal of Pb in shoots of corn and pea by about 8- and 12-fold, respectively, in an artificially multimetal-contaminated soil. In addition, hot EDTA solution increased the shoot Cu removal by about 6-fold for corn and 9-fold for pea, respectively, in a naturally Cu-contaminated soil. These results suggested that exposure of roots to high temperature could increase the efficiency of EDTA on the accumulation of heavy metals in shoots. This new approach can help to minimize the amount of chelate applied in the field and reduce the potential risk of heavy metals' leaching.  相似文献   

以广东省大宝山尾矿区植物根际土壤为分离样品,人工制备镉污染LB培养基,从中分离筛选出2株具有较强镉耐受能力的细菌,分别为TL3和DBS2,最高镉耐受浓度达300mg/L。结合其形态学特征、生理生化特性及16SrDNA序列分析,初步确定2株菌均为奇异变形杆菌(Proteusmirabilis)。随后以龙葵为实验植株,分别接种TL3、DBS2及TL3与DBS2混菌的培养液,通过盆栽实验检验2株菌对龙葵吸收土壤中镉的强化作用。结果显示,2株菌对龙葵吸收镉具有显著的提升作用,且能够促进植株的生长,3个实验组龙葵根部镉含量分别比对照组(122.7mg/kg)增加了17.2%、85.6%和130.1%。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In this study, a pot experiment was performed to evaluate the effects of foliar spray with sodium nitroprusside (200 μM SNP) and melatonin (100...  相似文献   

Jeong S  Moon HS  Nam K  Kim JY  Kim TS 《Chemosphere》2012,88(2):204-210
In this study, phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PSB), Bacillus megaterium, were used to enhance Cd bioavailability and phytoextractability of Cd from contaminated soils. This strain showed a potential for directly solubilizing phosphorous from soils more than 10 folds greater than the control without inoculation. The results of pot experiments revealed that inoculation with B. megaterium significantly increased the extent of Cd accumulation in Brassica juncea and Abutilon theophrasti by two folds relative to the uninoculated control. The maximum Cd concentrations due to inoculation were 1.6 and 1.8 mg Cd g−1 plant for B. juncea and A. theophrasti after 10 wk, respectively. The total biomass of A. theophrasti was not significantly promoted by the inoculation treatment, yet the total biomass of B. juncea increased from 0.087 to 0.448 g. It is also worth to mention that B. juncea predominantly accumulates Cd in its stems (39%) whereas A. theophrasti accumulates it in its leaves (68%) after 10 wk. The change of the Cd speciation indicated that inoculation of B. megaterium as PSB increased the bioavailabilty of Cd and consequently enhanced its uptake by plants. The present study may provide a new insight for improving phytoremediation using PSB in the Cd-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

In a pot experiment the effects of nitrilotriacetate (NTA) and citric acid applications on Cd extractibility from soil as well as on its uptake and accumulation by Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) were investigated. Plants were grown in a sandy soil with added CdS at four levels ranging from 50 to 200 mg Cd kg(-1) soil. After 30 days of growth, pots were amended with NTA or citric acid at 10 and 20 mmol kg(-1). Control pots were not treated with chelates. Harvest of plants was performed immediately before and one week after chelate addition. Soil water-, NH(4)NO(3)- and EDTA-extractable Cd fractions increased constantly with both increasing soil metal application and chelate concentration. Shoot dry weights did not suffer significant reductions with increasing Cd addition to the soil except for both NTA treatments in which at 200 mg Cd kg(-1) a 30% decrease in dry matter was observed. Generally, following NTA and citric acid amendments, Cd concentration in shoots increased with soil Cd level. However, due to Cd toxicity, at the highest metal application rate both NTA treatments lowered Cd concentration in the above-ground parts. Compared to the control, at 10 mmol kg(-1) citric acid did not change Cd concentration in shoots, whereas NTA-treated plants showed an about 2-fold increase. The addition of chelates at 20 mmol kg(-1) further enhanced Cd concentration in shoots up to 718 and 560 microg g(-1) dry weight in the NTA and citrate treatments, respectively.  相似文献   


In this study, farmland and mining ecotypes of Solanum photeinocarpum (a potential cadmium (Cd) hyperaccumulator plant) were reciprocally hybridized each other, and the Cd accumulation characteristics of the F1 hybrids were studied. In pot experiments, higher biomasses and Cd extraction abilities were found for two S. photeinocarpum F1 hybrids than for the parents, but the Cd contents in various organs were lower in the hybrids than the parents. However, the differences between the Cd contents in the two hybrids were not significant. The antioxidant enzyme (superoxide dismutase and peroxidase) activities were higher for the S. photeinocarpum F1 hybrids than the parents. Less DNA methylation was found in the hybrids than the parents because more demethylation occurred in the hybrids than the parents. The biomass, Cd content, and Cd extraction ability effects in field experiments were similar to the effects in the pot experiments. It was concluded that reciprocally hybridizing different S. photeinocarpum ecotypes improved the ability of S. photeinocarpum to be used to phytoremediate contaminated land.


热预处理能够提高后续厌氧消化效率,改善污泥脱水性能。对国内外污泥热预处理的研究进行了归纳,包括热与碱、超声波和氧化法的联合预处理,重点介绍了热预处理对污泥溶解作用、厌氧消化、脱水性和流变性的影响,分析了热处理与厌氧消化整体的能量平衡。最后提出了热预处理研究中存在的问题,并展望了今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Photovoltaic (PV) panels are one of the most important solar energy sources used to convert the sun’s radiation falling on them into electrical...  相似文献   

为考察高分子纳米微球对微污染物镉的吸附性能,以高分子空心微球为吸附剂,以废水镉微污染物为吸附对象,探讨高分子空心微球的重金属吸附性能,重点考察水热时间和水热温度对高分子微球表面基团的影响。结果表明:水热温度升高,高分子微球出现粘连;当水热温度为180℃,水热时间为4 h时,镉微污染物去除率最佳。强酸性条件有利于高分子微球吸附镉微污染物,当pH4时,镉微污染物去除率超过95%;而中碱性条件的去除率不超过70%。高分子空心微球镉离子吸附过程不属于放热过程,最大吸附量超过75 mg·g~(-1)。经盐酸再生利用时,高分子空心微球的镉吸附率没有出现下降,超过95%以上。高分子微球对微污染物镉具有良好的吸附性能。  相似文献   

Assessment of the phytoextraction potential of high biomass crop plants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A hydroponic screening method was used to identify high biomass crop plants with the ability to accumulate metals. Highest values of shoot accumulation were found in maize cv. Ranchero, rapeseed cv. Karat, and cardoon cv. Peralta for Pb (18 753 mg kg(-1)), Zn (10 916 mg kg(-1)), and Cd (242 mg kg(-1)), respectively. Subsequently, we tested the potential of these three cultivars for the phytoextraction of a metal spiked compost, finding out that, in cardoon and maize plants, increasing Zn and Cd concentrations led to lower values of root and shoot DW. By contrast, rapeseed shoot growth was not significantly affected by Cd concentration. Finally, a metal polluted soil was used to check these cultivars' phytoextraction capacity. Although the soil was phytotoxic enough to prevent the growth of cardoon and rapeseed plants, maize plants phytoextracted 3.7 mg Zn pot(-1). We concluded that the phytoextraction performance of cultivars varies depending on the screening method used.  相似文献   

In this study, cadmium (II), lead (II), copper (II) and zinc (II) were determined in Polygonum thunbergii and soil from the Mankyung River watershed, Korea. Soil samples contained detectable lead (<17.5 g g(-1)), copper (<8.4 g g(-1)) and zinc (<24.5 g g(-1)), whereas cadmium was undetectable. Whole plants of P. thunbergii contained detectable lead (<320.8 g g(-1)), copper (<863.2 g g(-1)) and zinc (<2427.3 g g(-1)), whereas cadmium was detectable only in the stem (<7.4 g g(-1)) and root (<10.1 g g(-1)). Whole plant concentrations were very different for each metal, particularly in the case of zinc. The mean content of heavy metal in the whole plants increased in the order of cadmium (8.5 g g(-1))相似文献   

农用地重金属污染植物提取修复技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农用地重金属污染具有污染范围广、风险筛选值和风险管制值相对较低等特点,使常规土壤修复技术如客土法、化学淋洗法、固化稳定化等的应用受到限制,植物提取技术是修复农用地重金属污染的有效手段。介绍了富集植物种类、超富集植物的评判依据、富集植物对重金属提取机制,重点分析了植物提取技术在农用地修复应用中的效果、影响因素、存在的问题及强化措施,最后对植物提取技术修复重金属污染农用地的未来发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

The effect of inoculation with indigenous naturally occurring microorganisms (an arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus and rhizosphere bacteria) isolated from a Cd polluted soil was assayed on Trifolium repens growing in soil contaminated with a range of Cd. One of the bacterial isolate showed a marked PGPR effect and was identified as a Brevibacillus sp. Mycorrhizal colonization also enhanced Trifolium growth and N, P, Zn and Ni content and the dually inoculated (AM fungus plus Brevibacillus sp.) plants achieved further growth and nutrition and less Cd concentration, particularly at the highest Cd level. Increasing Cd level in the soil decreased Zn and Pb shoot accumulation. Coinoculation of Brevibacillus sp. and AM fungus increased shoot biomass over single mycorrhizal plants by 18% (at 13.6 mg Cd kg(-1)), 26% (at 33.0 mg Cd kg(-1)) and 35% (at 85.1 mg Cd (kg(1)). In contrast, Cd transfer from soil to plants was substantially reduced and at the highest Cd level Brevibacillus sp. lowered this value by 37.5% in AM plants. Increasing Cd level highly reduced plant mycorrhization and nodulation. Strong positive effect of the bacterium on inocula, are important in plant Cd tolerance and development in Cd polluted soils.  相似文献   

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