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Fifty samples of finished drinking waters (FDWs) from Spain covering 12 million inhabitants were tested for 53 pharmaceuticals pertaining to 12 different Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification system codes. The studied compounds are a combination of most commonly consumed pharmaceuticals with other barely reported in the literature. Five compounds, azithromycin, clarithromycin, erythromycin, sulfamethoxazole, and ibuprofen were tentatively identified by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) in some samples (2 to 15 %), but only ibuprofen and azithromycin could be confirmed when analyzed by liquid chromatography–high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS) with a quadrupole-Orbitrap instrument. Concentration levels of ibuprofen in the positive samples ranged from 12 to 17 ng/L (n?=?6) while for azithromycin values from 5 to 9.5 ng/L (n?=?3) were found. Ibuprofen fragmentation behaviour in different mass spectrometry instrument configurations (triple quadrupole, quadrupole-ion trap, and quadrupole-Orbitrap) was evaluated.  相似文献   


The concentrations and distribution of β-blockers, lipid regulators, and psychiatric and cancer drugs in the influent and effluent of the municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and the effluent of 16 hospitals that discharge into the wastewater treatment plant mentioned in this study at two sampling dates in summer and winter were examined. The pharmaceutical contribution of hospitals to municipal wastewater was determined. The removal of target pharmaceuticals was evaluated in a WWTP consisting of conventional biological treatment using activated sludge. Additionally, the potential environmental risk for the aquatic receiving environments (salt lake) was assessed. Beta-blockers and psychiatric drugs were detected in high concentrations in the wastewater samples. Atenolol (919 ng/L) from β-blockers and carbamazepine (7008 ng/L) from psychiatric pharmaceuticals were detected at the highest concentrations in hospital wastewater. The total pharmaceutical concentration determined at the WWTP influent and effluent was between 335 and 737 ng/L in summer and between 174 and 226 ng/L in winter. The concentrations detected in hospital effluents are higher than the concentrations detected in WWTP. The total pharmaceutical contributions from hospitals to the WWTP in summer and winter were determined to be 2% and 4%, respectively. Total pharmaceutical removal in the WWTP ranged from 23 to 54%. According to the risk ratios, atenolol could pose a high risk (risk quotient > 10) for fish in summer and winter. There are different reasons for the increase in pharmaceutical consumption in recent years. One of these reasons is the COVID-19 pandemic, which has been going on for 2 years. In particular, hospitals were operated at full capacity during the pandemic, and the occurrence and concentration of pharmaceuticals used for the therapy of COVID-19 patients has increased in hospital effluent. Pandemic conditions have increased the tendency of people to use psychiatric drugs. It is thought that beta-blocker consumption has increased due to cardiovascular diseases caused by COVID-19. Therefore, the environmental risk of pharmaceuticals for aquatic organisms in hospital effluent should be monitored and evaluated.




The ecological risks posed by three chlorophenols (CPs), 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP), 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (2,4,6-TCP), and pentachlorophenol (PCP) in Chinese surface waters were assessed.

Materials and methods

This was achieved by applying a tiered ecological risk assessment (ERA) approach ranging from deterministic methods to probabilistic options to measured concentrations of CPs in surface water of seven major watersheds and three drainage regions in China and the chronic toxicity data for indigenous Chinese species.

Results and discussion

The results show that the risks of three chlorophenols are ranked PCP>2,4-DCP??2,4,6-TCP. PCP posed little ecological risk while 2,4-DCP and 2,4,6-TCP posed negligible or de minimis risk in Chinese surface water. However, the risks varied with different river basins, for example, PCP posed some ecological risk in the Yangtze, Huaihe, and Pearl Rivers. The magnitude of 2,4-DCP and 2,4,6-TCP pollution in North China was more serious than that in South China.


The probabilistic risk assessment approach, which can provide more information for risk managers and decision makers, was favored over the screening-level single-value estimate method. However, the results from all tiers of the ERA methods in the framework were consistent with each other.  相似文献   

The occurrence and estimated concentration of twenty illicit and therapeutic pharmaceuticals and metabolites in surface waters influenced by wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) discharge and in wastewater effluents in Nebraska were determined using Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Samplers (POCIS). Samplers were installed in rivers upstream and downstream of treated WWTP discharge at four sites and in a discharge canal at a fifth location. Based on differences in estimated concentrations determined from pharmaceuticals recovered from POCIS, WWTP effluent was found to be a significant source of pharmaceutical loading to the receiving waters. Effluents from WWTPs with trickling filters or trickling filters in parallel with activated sludge resulted in the highest observed in-stream pharmaceutical concentrations. Azithromycin, caffeine, 1,7-dimethylzanthine, carbamazepine, cotinine, DEET, diphenhydramine, and sulfamethazine were detected at all locations. Methamphetamine, an illicit pharmaceutical, was detected at all but one of the sampling locations, representing only the second report of methamphetamine detected in WWTP effluent and in streams impacted by WWTP effluent.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Ponds are important for their ecological value and for the ecosystem services they provide to human societies, but they are strongly affected by human...  相似文献   

This study evaluated the influence of the clomazone herbicide (2-[(2-chlorophenyl)methyl]-4,4-dimethyl-3-isoxazolidinone) contamination on the hematological parameters and histological changes in gills and liver of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) from Madre River, Santa Catarina State, Southern Brazil. Fish were collected between March 2010 and January 2012 at two different sites of the Madre River, one site receiving residual water (contaminated site) from rice culture (n = 49) and another that do not receive residual water (reference site) (n = 48). The herbicide clomazone analysis detected 3.40 ± 1.70 μg/L in the contaminated site and 1.1 ± 0.33 μg/L in the reference site. Fish from contaminated site showed increased (P < 0.05) number of monocytes suggesting the possible defense response as a result of chronic exposure to clomazone. On the other hand, no difference was found in the hematocrit percentage, red blood cell count, total thrombocyte number, white blood cell count, lymphocytes, and neutrophils number. Fish from both sites showed histopathological changes in gills and liver, possibly caused by chronic exposure to contamination. The influence of herbicide sub doses on fish health is also discussed.  相似文献   


Background, aim, and scope  

Quantitative risk comparison of toxic substances is necessary to decide which substances should be prioritized to achieve effective risk management. This study compared the ecological risk among nine major toxic substances (ammonia, bisphenol-A, chloroform, copper, hexavalent chromium, lead, manganese, nickel, and zinc) in Tokyo surface waters by adopting an integrated risk analysis procedure using Bayesian statistics.  相似文献   


Spatial variations of Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, and Zn in the surface sediments from 34 stations of the Kaohsiung coastal zone southwestern Taiwan were studied to address the current pollution status, sediment quality, and potential ecological risk. The study revealed that the concentrations of sediment metals in Kaohsiung Harbor were alarmingly high compared to the other region of Kaohsiung coast. The concentrations of Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, and Zn in the harbor sediments were as high as 351, 247, 1.93, 61.8, 60.9, and 940 mg kg−1, respectively. The current situation of metal pollution was assessed by different pollution indices and results showed moderate to severe enrichment of Cu, Hg, and Zn in the harbor sediments. According to the degree of contamination, pollution load index, and contamination severity index, the sediments from the inner Kaohsiung Harbor show high degree and high severity of metal contamination, while the rest of Kaohsiung coastal areas show uncontaminated or low-level pollution. Results of mean ERM quotient and potential ecological risk index also indicated that the harbor sediments posed a 49% probability of biological toxicity and very high ecological risk. The toxic units indicated that the negative biological effects of the six metals in the harbor sediments were Zn > Cu > Cr > Ni > Hg > Pb. In contrast to Kaohsiung Harbor as a trap where considerable amount of anthropogenic metal loadings accumulated in sediments, low metal concentrations were observed in most Kaohsiung coastal sediments. It probably resulted from the limited fine-grained sediment deposition. In the wave-dominated Kaohsiung coastal zone, fine-grained sediments associated with polluted metals tend to be easily resuspended and transported offshore via waves and wave-induced currents. The results of this study can provide valuable information for river and coastal zone management.


Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In recent years, the occurrence of microplastics in the aquatic environment has gathered increasing scientific interest. Several studies have shown...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Long-term spatiotemporal trends and health risk assessment of oyster arsenic levels in the&nbsp;coastal waters of northern South China Sea were...  相似文献   

分析了洛阳市3个污水处理厂脱水污泥中Cu、Zn、Ni、Cr和Pb的含量,采用BCR法研究了污泥中重金属的形态分布特征,并利用地累积指数法(Igeo)和潜在生态危害指数法(RI)评价污泥在农用过程中重金属的潜在生态风险。结果表明,涧西污泥中Cu、Zn和Ni含量超过了农用泥质A级标准的限值(CJ/T309-2009),而新区污泥和瀍东污泥显示出良好的农用性质。污泥中Cu和Cr主要以可氧化态存在,Zn主要以酸溶态和可还原态存在,迁移性强,Ni含量分布相对比较均匀,Pb主要以残渣态存在。Igeo表明,污泥中Cu、Zn是潜在的污染元素。RI表明,Cu表现出高潜在生态风险;Zn的总含量虽高,但Zn的生物毒性响应因子低,对污泥的潜在风险贡献较低。  相似文献   


The evaluation of the concentration of pesticides in drinking water presents a real concern. In this study, a simple and rapid method based on solid-phase microextraction (SPME) followed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and electron capture detectors was developed aiming at multiclass determination of 23 pesticides regulated by the Brazilian legislation. The extraction was carried out by direct immersion mode (DI-SPME) using DVB/Car/PDMS fiber coating. In order to improve the extraction efficiency, parameters such as temperature, salting-out effect, and extraction time were optimized. The method was evaluated using drinking water samples spiked with the analytes at different concentrations, and it showed good linearity in the range studied. The values obtained for limits of quantification (LOQ) were below the limits established by Brazilian regulations. Accuracy and precision of the method exhibited satisfactory results, providing relative recoveries from 70 to 123.34% at three spiked levels, and the relative standard deviations ranged from 0.53 to 24.8%. The method was applied in 20 drinking water samples from 13 cities in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil.


重庆市清水溪河流沉积物重金属污染及潜在生态风险评价   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
采用单因子指数法和Hakanson潜在生态风险指数法,通过分析清水溪流域18个采样点沉积物中典型重金属污染物Cd、Cr、Cu、Pb和Zn的含量,定量确定了清水溪沉积物中重金属的污染程度和潜在生态风险程度。结果表明,清水溪流域污染非常严重,上中游河段受到重金属的高强度污染,主要的重金属污染因子为Zn,污染因子的高低顺序为:Zn>Cu>Cr>Cd>Pb;潜在生态风险指数RI平均值为255.58,清水溪处于高值潜在生态风险,且上中游河段潜在生态风险指数很高,主要的潜在生态风险因子为Cd,潜在生态风险因子的大小顺序为:Cd>Cu>Cr>Zn>Pb。  相似文献   

Fourteen locations were sampled along the Alexandria coast to assess the occurrence and fate of alkyllead compounds in water, sediments and biota. Tetraalkyllead was not observed in any of the samples analyzed. PbMe(3)(+) dominated the methyllead species in water (constituting 62-64% of total alkyllead) reaching 1506 ng kg(-1) opposite the alkyllead production plant. PbEt(3)(+) dominated the ethyllead species constituting 18-20% of total alkyllead species with a maximum concentration of 902 ng kg(-1) PbEt(2)(+2) > PbMe(2)(+2) > PbMe(2)Et(+) > PbMeEt(2)(+) appeared mostly in nearshore stations with maximum levels being reached opposite to the alkyllead production plant and traffic light locations on the highway running parallel to the seashore, especially during summer. Seasonal variations were mainly related to traffic activity. The average concentration ratio of PbMe(3)(+) : PbEt(3)(+) is 3.2 +/- 2.4 reflecting the use of PbMe(4) as a petrol additive. Alkyllead compounds behaved nonconservatively on reaching seawater due to their removal from solution by uptake onto suspended particles. The PbMe(3)(+) :PbMe(2)(+2) concentration ratio in sediments fluctuated between 30:1 for nearshore to 5:1 for offshore samples while that for PbEt(3)(+) :PbEt(2)(+) was 1.6:1 and 2.9:1 for the same areas. Methylethyllead species were not detected in offshore sediments. Low triand dialkyllead levels were observed for anaerobic sediments. Alkyllead species concentration in biota inhabiting the coastal waters of Alexandria increased in the following order: Mixed plankton < Mugil capito (pelagic fish) < Mullus burbatus (demersal fish) < Donax trunculus (bivalve) < Ulva rigida (algae) < Neptunus pelagicus (crab) indicating higher levels in demersal rather than pelagic organisms. The maximum concentration factors for crabs are: 2850, 4985, 12970 and 6690 for PbMe(3)(+), PbEt(3)(+), PbMe(2)(+2) and PbEt(2)(+2), respectively, during summer. Alkyllead concentrations in some individuals reached high levels. These levels are considered hazardous with respect to the future discharge strategy of alkyllead to coastal waters, rendering these compounds more bioavailable. However, a health hazard criterion has not yet been established.  相似文献   

The occurrence of 14 mostly used pharmaceuticals from different classes (antibiotics, β-blockers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and stimulant) and hormones in surface water in Istanbul, Turkey was investigated in this study. An important drinking water source, Buyukcekmece Lake and main rivers flowing into the lake were selected for the monitoring of the compounds. Sampling was conducted five different times in a year in order to observe seasonal changes. A rapid, robust and sensitive method using solid phase extraction and ultra-performance liquid chromatograph coupled with triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometer was established for quantification of both pharmaceuticals and hormones. Limit of quantifications were between 0.5 and 1.1 ng L?1. Recoveries were between 72–119% and 61–98% for ultra-pure water and for surface water, respectively. All selected compounds were detected at least once in the samples. Some pharmaceuticals were detected as high as a few of micrograms per liter levels in the rivers. Most frequently detected compounds were caffeine and antibiotics (amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin and sulfamethoxazole). Synthetic hormone (17α-ethynylestradiol) was detected only 4 times corresponding least detected compound in whole sampling period. Field data confirms that amoxicillin is more prone to degradation with respect to other antibiotics. Estrone and 17-β estradiol are converted to estriol by natural processes in surface water.  相似文献   

为了解污泥中重金属污染状况,分析了合肥市5家污水处理厂污泥中As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Pb和Zn的总量、形态特征与生物毒性,并采用内梅罗指数法和潜在生态危害指数法对污泥中重金属生态风险进行了评价。结果表明,污泥中各重金属元素总量为Zn(639.00~2 094.50mg/kg)Cu(107.22~415.86mg/kg)Cr(48.06~388.24mg/kg)Pb(4.50~35.40mg/kg)As(11.72~47.51mg/kg)Cd(2.02~16.68mg/kg)。形态分布特征分析结果显示,Cr、Cu和Pb较稳定,As的稳定性相对较差,Zn在污泥中稳定性最差,而Cd在不同污泥样品中的形态分布差异较大;水平振荡法和毒性特征沥滤方法对污泥中重金属浸出浓度较低,未超过相应限值。内梅罗综合污染指数法和潜在生态危害指数法对污泥中重金属总量评价结果表明,5家污水处理厂(分别命名为WT、WXY、JKQ、ZZJ、CTP)污泥样品表现为CTPJKQWXYZZJWT,各重金属元素污染顺序为CdCu(Zn)AsCrPb。  相似文献   

太湖贡湖湾是无锡和苏州重要的水源地,对其周边主要入湖河流的重金属含量进行调研,并对生态风险进行评价十分必要。通过分析环贡湖湾主要河流表层沉积物中Cu、Zn、Pb、Cr、Cd、Ni金属元素的含量特征,利用Hakanson潜在生态危害指数法评价其生态危害,同时考察了重金属间的相关性,旨在为预防和治理贡湖湾重金属污染提供科学依据。研究结果表明,各重金属元素含量平均值为w(Cu):(36.26±1.21)mg/kg,w(Zn):(116.53±7.01)mg/kg,w(Pb):(90.76±2.39)mg/kg,w(Cr):(76.46±3.48)mg/kg,w(Cd):(3.22±0.11)mg/kg,w(Ni):(34.04±2.19)mg/kg,通过对比《土壤环境质量标准》(GB 15618-1995)和沉积物重金属环境背景值,发现贡湖湾周边河流的主要污染是元素Cd和Pb。由潜在生态危害指数RI可知,4号点位(小溪港河口)污染最重,达到强生态危害。单因子潜在危害系数值表明各点位表层沉积物主要生态风险因子是元素Cd,达到中等危害程度。各元素生态风险影响程度从高到低依次为:CdPbCuNiZnCr。生态修复工程对重金属生态危害降低起到了一定的作用,但是小溪港流域的变化较小;重金属相关分析表明,Cu-Cr,Zn-Pb之间呈极显著正相关的关系(R20.01),具有较好的同源性。  相似文献   

Pesticides in the surface waters of the Camanducaia River watershed,Brazil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Camanducaia River is part of the Piracicaba watershed responsible for pumping water into the Cantareira System, which is one of the main water sources for the metropolis of São Paulo and Campinas, Brazil. Intensive use of pesticides and hilly topography represents a situation of high risk for river water contamination. Therefore, water samples from 12 locations were collected along the Camanducaia River and its tributaries, over a period of 4?mo during the rainy season, and analyzed by GC-MS/MS or UPLC- MS/MS for the presence of 46 pesticides. Seven pesticides (fipronil, methyl parathion, metolachlor, atrazine, carbofuran, diuron, and simazine) were positively detected. Only atrazine (the most frequently detected) and diuron were present at concentrations above the limit of quantification of the analytical method (0.32 and 0.57?μg L?1 for atrazine and diuron, respectively). Pesticides detection frequency was higher than expected for a river system where only 11.8% of the land area is under agriculture. The vulnerability of the Camanducaia basin to pesticide contamination is attributed to the high annual precipitation (> 1.5?m y?1 in the headwaters), associated with topographical features (steep terrain) and soil types that favor surface runoff, which has been exacerbated by poor soil management practices.  相似文献   


In order to assess the risk of exposure of human populations to dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and mercury, muscles of five fish species were analysed, along with the surface sediment of 14 Iriri River sampling sites. The fish specimens were sacrificed by the spinal section, prior to sex identification, body weight determination and total length. Considering the fish specimens studied, 11% of them showed concentrations of mercury higher than the maximum established by the World Health Organization for safe human consumption. A positive correlation between fish body weight and mercury concentration was observed, besides a positive correlation between the fish size and Hg concentration. Significant differences (P?<?0.05) were found between mean concentrations of DDT and metabolites among species of fish studied. In the Plagioscion squamossissimus species, the highest concentration of total DDT (151.4?ng/g) was found, while in Eugerres Brasilianus species, the lowest. However, the DDT levels in fish muscle of studied species are below the maximum set by FAO-Alimentarius CODEX. In the sediments, total DDT ranged from 11.58?ng/g to 48.4?ng/g, which is associated with the historical DDT use in the Amazon. According to sediment quality guidelines, these levels have a moderate toxic effect in almost all of the studied region.  相似文献   

Perus J  Bonsdorff E  Bäck S  Lax HG  Villnäs A  Westberg V 《Ambio》2007,36(2-3):250-256
A new method for classifying soft-bottom zoobenthic assemblages along the Finnish coasts (northern Baltic Sea) is presented and tested against traditional physicochemical monitoring data in the complex Archipelago Sea. Although multivariate methods for assessing the state of the marine environment have become widely used, few numerical indices can operate over a wide salinity range. We compare indices currently in use and propose a new index, BBI (brackish water benthic index), for the low-saline and species-poor Baltic coastal waters. BBI offers a salinity-corrected tool for classification of the soft-bottom zoobenthos under the demands of the European Union Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   

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