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The thawing and subsequent decomposition of large stocks of soil organic carbon (SOC) currently stored in the northern circumpolar permafrost region are projected to result in a ‘positive’ feedback on global warming. The magnitude of this feedback can only be assessed with improved knowledge about the total size and geographic distribution of the permafrost SOC pool. This study investigates SOC storage in an under-sampled mountain permafrost area in the Russian High Altai. SOC stocks from 39 soil pits are upscaled using a GIS-based land cover classification. We found that the top 100 cm of soils in Aktru Valley and the adjacent Kuray Basin only holds on average 2.6 ± 0.6 kg C m−2 (95% confidence interval), of which only c. 1% is stored in permafrost. Global warming will result in an upward shift of alpine life zones, with new plant cover and soil development at higher elevations. As a result, this type of mountain permafrost area might act as a net C sink in the future, representing a ‘negative’ feedback on global warming.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1007/s13280-020-01433-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

CO concentration and its isotopic composition (13C, 14C, 17O and 18O) are used to characterize air pollution events observed at Schauinland, Germany, in August 2000. After determination of the background signal, we could identify and characterize five pollution events. Particularly, 14CO and δ18O variations help to determine the nature of the pollution source (fossil fuel or biomass combustion) and its origin (local or regional/continental). By using a box model, further information about the age of the polluted air mass is derived. We particularly establish that one polluted air mass was about 10 days old and that this event was due to long-range transport of products emitted from forest fires in Canada.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate long-term trends in nitrate concentrations and to try to identify the origin of nitrate using stable isotopes (15N(NO3-) and 18O(NO3-)) in the aquifers of the western Central Valley, Costa Rica, where more than 1 million people depend on groundwater to satisfy their daily needs. Data from 20 sites periodically sampled for 4 to 17 years indicate an increasing trend in nitrate concentrations at five sites, which in a period ranging from 10 to 40 years, will exceed recommended maximum concentrations. Results of isotopic analysis indicate a correspondence between land use patterns and the isotopic signature of nitrate in groundwater and suggest that urbanization processes without adequate waste disposal systems, followed by coffee fertilization practices, are threatening water quality in the region. We conclude that groundwater management in this area is not sustainable, and that land use substitution processes from agricultural activity to residential occupation that do not have proper sewage disposal systems may cause a significant increment in the nitrate contaminant load.  相似文献   

Vegetation samples from King George Island, Antarctica (62°05'S, 058°23'W) were collected in the austral summer of 2004-2005. Lichens (Usnea aurantiaco-atra and Usnea antarctica), mosses (Sanionia uncinata, Syntrichia princeps and Brachytecium sp.), and one angiosperm (Colobanthus quitensis) species were analyzed for persistent organic pollutants as well as δ(13)C and δ(15)N stable isotopes. The following contaminants were found above the method detection limit (MDL): HCB (0.141-1.06 ng g(-1) dry weight), HCHs (相似文献   

Trace elements (22) and stable isotope ratios (δ15N and δ13C) were analyzed in marine organisms from shallow (SW) and deep-water (DW) of the East China Sea to understand biomagnification and prey source of trace elements. In the benthic marine organisms from DW, δ15N values were negatively correlated with Ba, Cu, Ag, Mo, Sr, As, and Co concentrations. This may be due to the specific accumulation in lower trophic animals and/or the biodilution through the food web in DW. Relationships between δ15N and concentrations of Co, Cr, Bi, and Tl in fish and Ag, Bi, V, Hg, and Tl in crustaceans showed positive correlations, suggesting that trophic position was affecting the concentrations of those elements in phyla, with higher trophic animals retaining higher concentrations than the lower trophic animals. Positive correlations between δ13C and Rb were observed in marine organisms. Therefore, Rb may be a possible substitute of δ13C as tracer of prey source in the East China Sea although further investigation is required.  相似文献   

Hydrogen (δ2H), carbon (δ13C), oxygen (δ18O) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotopes of tree rings growing in field conditions can be indicative of past pollution effects. The characteristic δ13C trend is a positive shift generally explained by invoking closure of stomata, but experimental studies suggest that increased rates of carboxylation could also generate such trends. In many cases the δ18O and δ2H values decrease in trees exposed to pollution and exhibit inverse coinciding long-term trends with δ13C values. However, some trees exposed to diffuse pollution and experimental conditions can show an increase or no δ18O change even if δ13C values increase. These diverse responses depend on how stress conditions modify physiological functions such as stomatal conductance, carboxylation, respiration, and perhaps water assimilation by the root system. Recent studies suggest that δ15N changes in trees can be caused by soil acidification and accumulation of anthropogenic emissions with isotopic signals deviating from natural N.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) are used frequently in ecotoxicological investigations of birds to relate contaminant levels to trophic position (δ15N) or foraging location (δ13C) and many researchers using avian feathers in such investigations use δ13C or δ15N as a predictor of contaminant concentrations. Contaminants, especially mercury, however, are integrated into feathers over different time periods than are stable isotopes, resulting in spurious relationships that have no biological meaning. I show the fundamental principles behind the conclusion that relating δ13C or δ15N to contaminant concentrations in feathers is not appropriate in light of the number of recent studies that have employed this approach, and make recommendations for those wishing to investigate the relationship between contaminants and stable isotope ratios.  相似文献   

Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis was used to examine the food web of the Mar Piccolo of Taranto, a coastal basin experiencing several anthropogenic impacts. Main food sources (algal detritus, seaweeds, particulate organic matter (POM) and sediment organic matter (SOM)) and benthic and pelagic consumers were collected during two contrasting seasons (June and April), at four sites distributed over two inlets, and characterized by different level of confinements, anthropogenic inputs and the presence of mussels farming. δ13C values of organic sources revealed an important contribution of POM to both planktonic and benthic pathways, as well as the influence of terrigenous inputs within both inlets, probably due to high seasonal land runoff. Although δ13C of both sources and consumers varied little between sampling sites and dates, δ15N spatial variability was higher and clearly reflected the organic enrichment in the second inlet as well as the uptake of anthropogenically derived material by benthic consumers. On the other hand, within the first inlet, the isotopic composition of consumers did not change in response to chemical contamination. However, the impact of polluted sediments near the Navy Arsenal in the first inlet was detectable at the level of the macrobenthic trophic structure, showing high dominance of motile, upper level consumers capable to face transient conditions and the reduction of the more resident deposit feeders. We therefore underline the great potential of matching stable isotope analysis with quantitative studies of community structure to assess the effects of multiple anthropogenic stressors.  相似文献   

Three sediment cores, collected nearby the effluent of a chlor-alkali industry, were sliced in 0.5-cm layers and centrifuged for pore water extraction. Mercury, Fe and Mn were determined in the solids as total concentration, hydroxylamine extractable fraction and HCl extractable fraction. Sulphur was determined in the HCl extraction. Total and reactive mercury, chlorinity, S(2-), SO(4)(2-), total Fe, and total Mn were measured in pore waters. The solids contained 3.0-60 nmol g(-1) of total Hg and pore waters 70-5800 pM of total Hg and 1.8-76 pM of reactive mercury. Pore waters presented 2.3-94 times more sulphate than the overlying estuarine waters due to the input from the industry. In layers where hydroxylamine extractable Fe exhibited a broad maximum (precipitation of Fe-oxides) sulphate was reduced to S(2-). The competition between the high content of SO(4)(2-) and Fe(III) as electron acceptors, in chemical reactions occurring in the upper sediments, may explain the co-existence of S(2-) and Fe-oxides in the same layers. Mercury was detected in the hydroxylamine extracts (20-29 nmolg(-1)) in the layers where Fe-oxides were formed, and reactive dissolved Hg showed minimum concentrations. The excess of sulphate in pore waters favoured the abundant Fe-oxides in the upper solid sediments, which appear to work as a barrier limiting the escape of mercury to the water column.  相似文献   

Frozen topsoil samples (0-5 cm) were collected during March/April 1994 in eight Arctic catchments in northern Europe (four in Russia, three in Finland, one in Norway), at different distances and in different wind directions from the emissions of the Russian mining, roasting and smelting industry on the Kola Peninsula. Between 14 and 25 sites were sampled in each of the eight catchments ranging in size from 12 to 35 km2. Results show that close to the smelters in Monchegorsk and Nikel, topsoil is clearly enriched in Ag, As, Bi, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Te and V. Cu and Ni median contents in topsoils collected close to Monchegorsk are about 600 times higher than in the Finnish catchments. The effect of open-cast mining and waste dumps of alkaline rocks from the nephelinite industry near Kirovsk can be seen in the elevated contents of Al, Ba, K, La, Mn, Na, Sr, Ti, Y and Zn in topsoil collected in a nearby catchment. For many elements, however, variations observed in single catchments are as great as the total regional variation. Several elements (e.g. Cd, Hg, Cu, Ni, Pb, S, Zn) show strong positive correlation between the organic content of the sample and the element content observed. Thus it is necessary to determine the organic content of the samples and correct the element levels when using depth-related soil samples (here, the 0-5 cm topsoil layer) for regional mapping.  相似文献   

Stable sulfur isotope ratios and major ions in bulk snowpack samples were monitored at a network of 52 high-elevation sites along and near the Continental Divide from 1993 to 1999. This information was collected to better define atmospheric deposition to remote areas of the Rocky Mountains and to help identify the major source regions of sulfate in winter deposition. Average annual δ34S values at individual sites ranged from +4.0 to +8.2‰ and standard deviations ranged from 0.4 to 1.6‰. The chemical composition of all samples was extremely dilute and slightly acidic; average sulfate concentrations ranged from 2.4 to 12.2 μeq l−1 and pH ranged from 4.82 to 5.70. The range of δ34S values measured in this study indicated that snowpack sulfur in the Rocky Mountains is primarily derived from anthropogenic sources. A nearly linear relation between δ34S and latitude was observed for sites in New Mexico, Colorado, and southern Wyoming, which indicates that snowpack sulfate in the southern part of the network was derived from two isotopically distinct source regions. Because the major point sources of SO2 in the region are coal-fired powerplants, this pattern may reflect variations in the isotopic composition of coals burned by the plants. The geographic pattern in δ34S for sites farther to the north in Wyoming and Montana was much less distinct, perhaps reflecting the paucity of major point sources of SO2 in the northern part of the network.  相似文献   

This study provides the first evidence of the sources and loads of perfluorochemicals (PFCs) to the NW Mediterranean Sea. Five PFCs were analyzed in 45 seawater samples collected along the Catalan coast. Total PFCs ranged from 0.07 to 13.0 ng/l, being the levels higher in ports than in coastal waters. To determine the sources of PFCs, 8 wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) effluents and 6 rivers discharging to the sea were also analyzed. WWTP effluents contained total PFCs levels ranging from 3.47 to 132 ng/l but due to the relatively low discharge flows, they contributed to 34.7 g/d to the sea. Total PFCs in rivers ranged from 2.24 to 21.9 ng/l and were the principal PFCs contributors to the sea. Overall, a total load of 190 g/d of PFCs are discharged to the NW Mediterranean coast. The effects and risk of PFCs discharges to the Mediterranean basin are discussed.  相似文献   


Understanding the spatial distribution patterns of microplastics (plastics?<?5 mm) contributes to the assessment of sources and sinks of pollution thus providing information for the management of biota safety and overall ecosystem functionality. We chose a semi-closed study area, Lake Bracciano (Italy), to assess the environmental variability of contamination, focusing on the water compartment and the exposure of biota, specifically fish, by analysing the ingestion of microplastics. The focus of this study is to evaluate the concentration of microplastics in water (surface and column) across the lake and the ingestion of microplastics by two fish species of economic interest: Atherina boyeri and Coregonus lavaretus, inhabiting demersal and pelagic habitats respectively. Results show a surface contamination of 392,000?±?417,000 items km?2 and a column one of 0.76?±?1.00 items m?3. Fragments were the most abundant in surface while fibres in the column. Microplastics were found in C. lavaretus specimens, corresponding to contamination frequency of 5% and concentration of 0.15 items/fish. The main polymer found in water was polyethylene (81%); of minor percentages, there were various other polymers, including polystyrene and acrylic, which were also found in fish. As scientific literature provides few research where water and fish are simultaneously sampled, this investigation wants to contribute filling this knowledge gap by investigating for the first time a volcanic lake.


The contamination levels of polychlorinated organic compounds (PCOCs) in waters, suspended solids and sediments of the Yangtse River (Nanjing part) were analyzed in this paper. Their concentrations determined by GC/MS were very low in comparison with those in European River. The average concentration of total HCH (alpha-HCH, beta-HCH, gamma-HCH) was much higher than that of other PCOCs in all waters, which made up 65% of total amount of PCOCs. Due to the complete dilution and mixture of pollutants in the mighty Yangtse River, the content of PCOCs at each sampling station demonstrated very similar spatial pattern for waters and suspended solids. Since the small suspended solid (<0.7 microm) passed through the filter was also considered as dissolved part, the dominant parts of HCHs, PCA and PCBs were found in dissolved phase with percentage proportion of 85-94%, 72-85% and 61-78%, respectively. For DDTs, HCB and PeCB, their contents in dissolved phase were slightly higher than in particulate phase. The contents of PCOCs in sediments were also very low and varied with high fluctuation at different sampling points, indicating the heterogeneous deposition. HCB and its metabolite (PeCB) presented the highest contamination levels among PCOCs in sediments.  相似文献   

Elevated concentrations of dissolved and particulate Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn have been determined in the waters of Kandalaksha Bay (White Sea, Russia), following the ice melt in the spring of 2000. Dissolved metal maxima in the surface waters were observed at some stations and concentrations generally decreased with depth. The suspended particulate matter (SPM) comprised a non-lithogenic fraction in the range 12-83%, and had elevated metal concentrations that showed no trend with depth or salinity and was compositionally distinct from the sediments. A log-linear relationship existed between the concentrations of metals in sediments and in SPM and their respective Al concentrations, indicating a source of metal-rich particles, with low Al content, to the Bay. The results suggest that Kandalaksha Bay has been impacted by industrial activity on the Kola Peninsula and that restricted water exchange will hinder its recovery from metal contamination.  相似文献   

Savage C 《Ambio》2005,34(2):145-150
This paper reviews the use of stable nitrogen isotopes (delta15N) to delineate the influence of sewage nitrogen (N) in coastal ecosystems, drawing extensively on the case of Himmerfj?rden, a Baltic Sea bay that receives 15N-enriched tertiary treated sewage that is discharged mainly as dissolved inorganic N (DIN). Gradients of delta15N in macroalgae (Fucus vesiculosus) and surface sediments traced sewage-derived N to 24 km from the outfall but elevated delta15N values (> 7 per thousand) indicated that the sewage influence was most pronounced within 10 km. Comparison of macroalgal delta15N values before and after enhanced tertiary treatment showed a decrease in the spatial impact of sewage N from about 24 km to 12 km from the outfall and a decrease to more marine delta15N values in more recent growth tissues. Sedimentary delta15N records showed that sewage has had a dominant influence on organic matter production in the bay with dramatic increases in sedimentary delta15N during the years of maximum sewage N loads. In cases where sewage N introduces a distinct isotopic signature into a system and where it has had a dominant influence on organic matter production, delta15N values in biota and sediments can be used to trace the spatial and temporal influence of sewage N in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   


Coastal rivers contributed the majority of anthropogenic nitrogen (N) loads to coastal waters, often resulting in eutrophication and hypoxia zones. Accurate N source identification is critical for optimizing coastal river N pollution control strategies. Based on a 2-year seasonal record of dual stable isotopes (\({\updelta}^{15}\mathrm{N}-{\mathrm{NO}}_3^{\hbox{-} }\) and \({\updelta}^{18}\mathrm{O}-{\mathrm{NO}}_3^{\hbox{-} }\)) and water quality parameters, this study combined the dual stable isotope-based MixSIAR model and the absolute principal component score-multiple linear regression (APCS-MLR) model to elucidate N dynamics and sources in two coastal rivers of Hangzhou Bay. Water quality/trophic level indices indicated light-to-moderate eutrophication status for the studied rivers. Spatio-temporal variability of water quality was associated with seasonal agricultural, aquaculture, and domestic activities, as well as the seasonal precipitation pattern. The APCS-MLR model identified soil + domestic wastewater (69.5%) and aquaculture tailwater (22.2%) as the major nitrogen pollution sources. The dual stable isotope-based MixSIAR model identified soil N, aquaculture tailwater, domestic wastewater, and atmospheric deposition N contributions of 35.3 ±21.1%, 29.7 ±17.2%, 27.9 ±14.5%, and 7.2 ±11.4% to riverine \({\mathrm{NO}}_3^{\hbox{-} }\) in the Cao’e River (CER) and 34.4 ±21.3%, 29.5 ±17.2%, 27.4 ±14.7%, and 8.7 ±12.8% in the Jiantang River (JTR), respectively. The APCS-MLR model and the dual stable isotope-based MixSIAR model showed consistent results for riverine N source identification. Combining these two methods for riverine N source identifications effectively distinguished the mix-source components from the APCS-MLR method and alleviated the high cost of stable isotope analysis, thereby providing reliable N source apportionment results with low requirements for water quality sampling and isotope analysis costs. This study highlights the importance of soil N management and aquaculture tailwater treatment in coastal river N pollution control.




The fallout of artificially produced radioactive isotopes has been recorded at a site in southern West Siberia (54°50′43.6″ N, 083°06′22.4″ E, Novosibirsk, Russia).  相似文献   

Pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) in urban receiving waters   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The transport pathways of pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCP) discharges within the urban water cycle include both combined and separate sewer systems with only the former receiving treatment. The dry-weather flow dilution patterns for selected PPCPs following discharge from a sewage treatment works (STW) to a North London stream indicate a persistent downstream increase in concentration. The dilution ratio analysis also indicates that the STW's final effluent only contributes a dilution of the endogenous concentrations already present in the river flow which reflects a progressive PPCP load with increasing urbanization; "worst-case" scenarios being probably related to wet-weather conditions. Maximum PPCP concentrations fall above the reported PEC levels and the analysis highlights the deficiencies of conventional acute toxicity for the evaluation of long-term effects of episodic urban discharges. Groundwater analysis points to sewer exfiltration which is limited in terms of PPCP impact to 25-50 cm depths.  相似文献   

Rain samples were collected during 9 months in 1985 at Gif-sur-Yvette, France, and their carbonyl sulfide content was measured. The majority of the 45 samples revealed the presence of significant OCS supersaturation. The average supersaturation index is 8.0 ± 5.8 and the excess of dissolved OCS is correlated positively with the acid content of the rain water. The cause of the OCS enhancement is still unknown. Several hypotheses are discussed to explain the origin of the supersaturation.  相似文献   

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