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In this study, a one-part alkali-activated slag (AAS) composed of ground-granulated blast furnace slag, desulfurized gypsum, and hydrated lime is proposed as alternative to cement for the production of cemented fine tailings backfill (CFTB), which is an environmentally friendly binder consisting of 93.72 wt.% industrial solid waste. Results show that AAS with 67.83 wt.% slag, 25.92 wt.% desulfurized gypsum, and 6.25 wt.% hydrated lime yields the highest strength, which is 1.7–3.2 times that of ordinary Portland cement (OPC). Aside from calcium silicate hydrate gel, appreciable quantity of ettringite characterized by interlocking needles structure and high bound water is also produced during the AAS hydration process. In addition, the hydration heat of the AAS binder is 48% less than that of OPC. Moreover, CFTB made of AAS provides better workability than that of CFTB with OPC up to 20 h. The findings of this study will contribute to the production of more cost-effective, durable, and environmental-friendly cemented fine tailings backfill. 相似文献
采用钢渣处理含铅废水,将吸附有Pb2+的钢渣作为混合材制得钢渣水泥。测定了钢渣水泥的标准稠度用水量、凝结时间、胶砂流动度、强度等物理性能,并通过X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)和水化热测试等手段分析钢渣水泥的微观水化性能与结构,测定钢渣水泥的Pb2+浸出浓度。结果表明,钢渣能有效处理含铅废水,当Pb2+与钢渣的投加质量比为1∶10时,废水中Pb2+的去除率可达80.04%,钢渣对Pb2+的吸附容量为80mg/g。将此含铅钢渣作为混合材制备钢渣水泥,当含铅钢渣掺杂量低于20%(质量分数,下同)时,制备的水泥试样强度等级达到52.5R;当含铅钢渣掺杂量为40%时,水泥试样强度等级达到42.5R;XRD与SEM分析表明,制得的钢渣水泥未出现异常水化产物;含铅钢渣未导致水泥水化延迟,且钢渣水泥中的Pb2+在酸性和中性环境下的浸出浓度均满足《危险废物鉴别标准浸出毒性鉴别》(GB 5085.3—2007)。 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In this study, the effect of K-feldspar on the behavior of alkali-activated slag pastes (AAS) before and after exposure to seawater was evaluated by... 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Mineral carbonation can simultaneously realize the effective treatment of CO2 and iron and steel slag; thus, it is of great significance for the low... 相似文献
The shrinkage of cement-based materials is a critical dimensional property that needs proper attention as it can influence the corresponding characteristics especially when the preparation of such cement-based material is done in hot weather. Studies have shown that the casting or curing conditions influence the performance of concrete. However, there is limited understanding of the combined role of casting temperature and curing conditions, especially for concrete made with unconventional binders. In this study, five supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) were utilized as the substitute of the ordinary Portland cement (OPC) at different ratios to produce greener concrete and improve its characteristics and sustainability. The influence of four casting temperatures (i.e., 25 °C, 32 °C, 38 °C, and 45 °C) and two curing regimes (i.e., covering of samples using wet burlap and applying curing compound on the surface of samples) on the corresponding compressive strength and drying shrinkage at various ages was studied. The outcomes of this research revealed that the composition of the binders has a substantial impact on the characteristics of concrete. In addition, the casting temperature and curing regimes also have a huge role on the compressive strength of concrete produced with binary binders. For example, the compressive strength at 3 days of concrete made at 25 °C made with binary binders was reduced up to 31% compared to that made with only OPC as the binder when cured using wet burlap. Nonetheless, less than 38 ℃ was suitable to minimize the durability issues in the studied blended cement mixes. 相似文献
利用水泥窑尾的高温废气干化污泥是处理污泥且节约能源的新方法。为了模拟窑尾废气干化污泥的生产工艺,试验对污泥与石灰共热干化,研究了石灰(CaO)在污泥热干化过程中作用,可提高污泥的干化速率,减少有害气体排放及提高干化污泥的稳定性。研究表明,当石灰掺量质量百分含量达到10%时,250℃下污泥干化速率同比提高了19.6%;释放的H2S气体减少了95.1%;污泥中有机物含量减少了77.87%。 相似文献
以自制的钢渣水泥(钢渣用量达到60%)为主要的胶凝材料,利用双氧水分解反应的化学发泡法制备发泡水泥,分别研究发泡剂掺量、催化剂二氧化锰、发泡时的搅拌水温、水胶比及玻璃纤维对发泡过程及制备的发泡水泥性能的影响。实验结果表明:催化剂二氧化锰对双氧水分解反应的速率影响较大,加入催化剂后的发泡速率成阶段性变化,但发泡后的最终体积趋于一致;当双氧水用量为4%时,发泡水泥7 d的抗压强度为0.61 MPa,干密度达到556 kg·m-3;发泡时搅拌水温控制在30℃时,发泡过程基本在24 min内结束,发泡效果较好;发泡水泥的抗压强度、干密度随着水胶比的增加而降低;玻璃纤维对发泡水泥孔结构的形成有影响,当玻璃纤维量为0.4%时,其在0~1 mm、1~2 mm内分布的孔较多,整体上孔分布较为均匀,7 d的抗压强度达到0.72 MPa。 相似文献
针对城市污水处理厂污泥含水率高、体积大、泥质成分复杂且易造成二次污染的特点,采用石灰干化后利用水泥工业协同处置是其实现资源化的途径之一。实验结果表明,在煅烧温度1 400℃、保温时间60 min的条件下,掺加适量的石灰干化污泥有利于提高水泥生料的易烧性,熟料中f-CaO含量符合国家标准;掺加质量比为12%的石灰干化污泥煅烧所得熟料与空白参比熟料的物相组成基本相同,当石灰干化污泥掺量过大时应根据泥质成分对生料配比进行相应的调整,以确保熟料达到水泥生产的质量要求。研究成果可为水泥工业协同处置城市污泥提供借鉴与技术参考。 相似文献
通过比较连续浸出、碳酸化保存间歇浸出和密封保存间歇浸出3种浸出条件下,废物水泥窑共处置产品--混凝土中Cr、Ni、As、Cd和Pb的浸出量,研究了干湿交替的环境中碳酸化对混凝土中重金属浸出的影响.结果表明,不同的漫出条件对混凝土中重金属的浸出产生了一定的影响.间歇浸出过程降低了重金属在混凝土固相与孔隙水(液相)中的浓度... 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - 相似文献
泡沫混凝土是一种环保、节能的保温隔热材料,以其优良的保温性能,受到越来越多研究者的关注。对钢渣的特性进行了分析测试,对钢渣不同掺量对泡沫混凝土砌块特性的影响进行了研究,结果表明,采用添加5%~35%钢渣所制备的钢渣泡沫混凝土砌块,其密度等级为JC/T1062—2007中的B10级,掺人5%、15%钢渣的泡沫混凝土抗压强度达到A3.5等级,掺人25%、35%钢渣的泡沫混凝土抗压强度达到A2.5等级。随着钢渣掺量的增大,抗压强度、抗折强度降低,吸水率增大。在同一钢渣掺量的情况下,泡沫混凝土砌块的抗压强度变化率增加显著,而且随着钢渣的加入量升高而增大。钢渣的加入有利于提高泡沫混凝土砌块的后期抗压强度。 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Ladle furnace (LF) slag is a type of steel slag, which has limited applications due to its high S content. Aqueous carbonation is a prospective method... 相似文献
针对以煤化工电石渣为主要原料的全废渣水泥生料中氯质量分数较高的问题,通过开展掺氯质量分数为0.1%~0.5%的CaO-SiO 2-Al 2O 3-Fe 2O 3-MgO-Cl体系热力学相图计算和水泥烧制实验,结合XRD表征、水泥强度测定和物质流分析等方法,探索了生料中质量分数高的氯元素对熟料物相和水泥性能的影响规律。结果表明,氯元素可促进f-CaO结合C 2S生成C 3S,并使得熟料中C 2S、C 3A和C 4AF质量分数降低。氯质量分数由0.1%上升至0.5%时,C 3S质量分数增加了16.58%,其中包含着少量Alinite相,C 2S质量分数在氯质量分数为0.4%时达最低值19.36%。当氯质量分数超过0.4%后,其促进C 2S向C 3S转化作用变弱,而Alinite相增长速率变大,在氯质量分数较高的体系中CaO、SiO 2和Al 2O 3倾向于与MgO和含氯物质结合生成Alinite相和Ca 12Al 14O 32Cl 2相。氯元素对熟料物相的影响规律映射到水泥强度上表现为,氯质量分数由0.1%上升至0.5%时,水泥3 d强度增长了约30%,但28 d强度上升空间不大。本研究结果可为附有旁路除氯系统的高氯水泥生产工艺生料氯质量分数的控制提供参考。 相似文献
为了提高转炉钢渣质陶瓷地砖的性能,对其最佳配方进行了研究。利用转炉钢渣和滑石等常用建筑陶瓷原料,在没有特殊添加剂的情况下,经过模压成型制备了陶瓷地砖。通过X射线衍射和高倍电镜分析,研究了原料成分对转炉钢渣质陶瓷地砖结晶过程中的影响规律。结果表明,压制成的坯体最佳烧结温度为1220 ℃。转炉钢渣、滑石和高岭土在用量分别为45%、42%和13%时,原料中的CaO/MgO质量比在1.4附近,转炉钢渣质陶瓷的性能最佳。当转炉钢渣占陶瓷原料30%~70%时,钢渣中Fe2O3和Cr2O3可起到促进转炉钢渣陶瓷晶化成核时形成透辉石相和降低烧成温度的作用。本工作为转炉钢渣大规模资源化及综合利用奠定基础。 相似文献
为了使高铝粉煤灰提取氧化铝后所产生的硅钙渣被大量的用作水泥混合材,通过水泥强度、水化放热和干缩性实验研究了原状硅钙渣和脱碱硅钙渣对水泥强度和稳定性的影响。结果表明,当硅钙渣掺量达30%时,硅钙渣水泥强度仍可满足P·C 32.5水泥要求。且随硅钙渣掺入量的增加,水泥早期水化放热速率增加的同时水泥累计水化放热量和干缩率还会显著降低。与原状硅钙渣相比,在同等掺量的情况下,脱碱硅钙渣更有利于保持水泥强度,降低其水化热和改善干缩性。 相似文献
The reactivity of cement pastes made by blending Portland cement with slag from municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) fly ash was investigated to assess the potential of recycling MSWI fly ash slag. The slag, prepared by melting MSWI fly ash at 1400 degrees C for 30 min, was pulverized and ground, then blended with ordinary Portland cement (OPC), using various substitution levels to make slag-blended cement (SBC). The pozzolanic reactivity of the ecocement was then characterized by determining variations in the compressive strength, degree of hydration, microstructure, speciation, and mineralogical crystalline phases. The results suggest that the strength of the pastes at an early age decreased with increasing substitution levels, whereas the strength at a later age of the tested pastes (with substitution levels less than 10%) outperformed OPC paste because of typical SBC properties. The development of strength at a later age was also confirmed by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy techniques. This implies that active silica (Si) and alumina (Al) react with the hydration product, calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2), to form calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H), which contributed to strength development at a later age by the filling up of pores in the SBC pastes. The pozzolanic activity of the SBC pastes indicates that it is suitable for use as a substitute for OPC in blended cement. 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Peridotite and serpentinites can be used to sequester CO2 emissions through mineral carbonation. Olivine dissolution rate is directly proportional... 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Quartz powder sourced from industrial wastes is very hazardous. It is because it contains large amounts of fine particles. Thus, it has the potential... 相似文献
以锰酸钾生产过程中产生的氧化锰矿渣为原料,制备了一系列Mn基SCR脱硝催化剂。研究了活性炭、二氧化钛、以及含锰量的变化对催化剂的脱硝活性的影响。结果表明,直接由矿渣制备的催化剂和添加活性炭、二氧化钛制备的催化剂,其最大脱硝率分别为40%和78%。XPS表征发现催化剂中的锰元素存在多种氧化价态,活性炭的加入在一定程度上改变了不同价态之间的相对含量;在矿渣中加入硫酸锰后,发现总锰含量达到10%时,催化剂的最大脱硝率从78%降低至57%,XRD测试发现硫酸锰的加入导致S2O27-物种的生成,可能是引起催化剂活性下降的原因之一;而加入醋酸锰至总锰含量达到10%时,增大了催化剂的活性温度窗口,当总锰含量达到20%时,在空速10 000 h-1条件下,催化剂的最大脱硝率达到86.7%。 相似文献
针对水泥生料开展了氮吸附与SEM测试分析,研究了水泥生料的比表面积,孔径结构和微观表面积。同时,利用管式回转炉和控温立式炉联用装置研究了砷元素在水泥生料上的吸附冷凝特性。结果表明,水泥生料的比表面积很小,微观表面结构致密无孔,砷元素主要是冷凝在生料表面上。进入吸附冷凝炉的重金属可以分为3部分,第1部分冷凝在管壁上,占80%左右;第2部分吸附/冷凝在生料上,占10%左右;第3部分随烟气释放到空气中,不到10%。水泥生料对砷的吸附冷凝量随时间的增加而增加,随温度的升高而降低。水泥生料对砷的吸附冷凝特性可用双常数速率方程拟合,拟合效果较好,计算得表观活化能在6~7 kJ/mol之间。此外,砷的初始浓度对水泥生料的吸附冷凝特性影响很小。 相似文献