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Fish tissues from different fishery types (freshwater farmed, seawater farmed and seawater wild) were analyzed for organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), with the aim to further our understanding of bioaccumulation, and reflect the state of different fishery environments. Significantly higher SigmaOCP levels were found in seawater farmed fish than others, and among three freshwater farmed species, the lowest levels occurred in filter-feeding fish (bighead carp). Liver contained the highest SigmaOCP levels, while no significant differences were found among other tissues. Among DDT components, p,p'-DDT was abundant in seawater fish, while for freshwater fish, p,p'-DDE was the predominant congeners, except for northern snakehead (34% for p,p'-DDE and 30% for p,p'-DDT). The new source of DDTs to freshwater fish ponds was partly attributed to dicofol, whereas sewage discharged from the Pearl River Delta and anti-fouling paint were likely the DDTs sources to seawater farmed fish.  相似文献   

The persistence of fenamiphos (nematicide) in five soils collected from different geographical regions such as Australia, Ecuador and India under three temperature regimes (18, 25 and 37 degrees C) simulating typical environmental conditions was studied. The effect of soil properties (soil pH, temperature and microbial biomass) on the degradation of fenamiphos was determined. The rate of degradation increased with increase in temperature. Fenamiphos degradation was higher at 37 degrees C than at 25 and 18 degrees C (except under alkaline pH). The degradation pathway differed in different soils. Fenamiphos sulfoxide (FSO) was identified as the major degradation product in all the soils. Fenamiphos sulfone (FSO2), and the corresponding phenols: fenamiphos phenol (FP), fenamiphos sulfoxide phenol (FSOP) and fenamiphos sulfone phenol (FSO2P) were also detected. The degradation of fenamiphos was faster in the alkaline soils, followed by neutral and acidic soils. Under sterile conditions, the dissipation of the pesticide was slower than in the non-sterile soils suggesting microbial role in the pesticide degradation. The generation of new knowledge on fenamiphos degradation patterns under different environmental conditions is important to achieve better pesticide risk management.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The transition to a circular economy is a key concern for the fashion industry. The emerging second-hand market is a practice that could enable the...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Microplastics (MP) pollution is an emerging threat to life and the environment. These particles are not restricted to human-inhabited lands but also...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In the background of global climate and environmental change, the hydrochemical characteristics of water bodies present significant instability to all...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The growing volumes of food globally are lost or wasted along the entire food chain. However, a high effort in investigating why food waste (FW)...  相似文献   

电厂NOx控制政策与技术:美国的经验及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国NOx排放的快速增长导致其环境和生态影响日益加剧,已经引起全球关注,但是现行的NOx污染控制技术和政策远远落后于实际需求.为减少酸雨、臭氧和颗粒物带来的环境问题,美国采取排放控制和排污交易等方式削减了燃煤电厂的NOx排放.系统分析了美国NOx污染控制法规、标准、规划和控制技术应用情况,总结了其NOx控制的成功经验,...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The authors analyzed certain species and varieties of fruit tree in which applied crop technology is used and also undergoes the effects of climate...  相似文献   

South Australian freshwaters from a wide variety of environments were analysed for bromide and the results correlated with both chloride and total dissolved solids (TDS) concentrations. A linear relationship was obtained which allows chloride data to be successfully used to estimate bromide concentrations. Bromide displayed a slightly better correlation with TDS indicating that an improved estimate of bromide could be made by reference to TDS data which is more easily and commonly obtained, and generally available extensively as historical data. The bromide content in relation to its ratio with both chloride and TDS contents was around seventy percent of the corresponding ratios found in seawater, a finding reported in other published data. The ability to estimate bromide concentrations is a potentially useful tool in the drinking water industry as it enables the assessment of the extent of bromate formation (predicted through the use of mathematical models and other water quality data) which is an important factor when ozonation is being considered as a treatment option, particularly as many water industry regulatory bodies have imposed stringent limits on the levels of acceptable bromate.  相似文献   

Fracture mapping in a tunnel system and at nearby outcrop on the Runcorn Penninsula, UK, suggests the need for a review of the potential pathways for pollutant transport in Permo-Triassic sandstone aquifers. Sediment infilling is pervasive in the largest sub-vertical multi-layer fractures in the study area, both at the surface and to a depth of about 40 m below ground level. Sediment infill is inferred to have formed in situ. The conventional models of pollutant transport in fracture networks assume that they comprise open fractures, with pollutant mobility depending on fracture connectivity (a function of density, length, orientation and intersection) and aperture. The presence of extensive sediment fills in fractures will materially change their permeability, thereby reducing pollutant flux, and be of significance in the assessment of risks arising from chemical spillages. There has been little or no substantive evidence for such fills in Permo-Triassic sandstones in the UK, apart from observations at outcrop and anecdotes of sand being pumped from boreholes. Here, we report surface and rare, but complementary, subsurface observations of extensive fills in the Cheshire basin, and argue that they will only act as preferential pathways where they crosscut low-permeability horizons such as mudstones.  相似文献   

The distribution of Pb, Ni and Zn in two contaminated soils was determined before and after treating the soils with an EDTA solution. After the EDTA extraction, the proportion of Pb accumulated in the acid-extractable fraction considerably increased, which was related to the greater degree of metal extraction from the other fractions. EDTA was also able to extract certain amounts of Pb, Zn and Ni from the silicate matrix, which implied that these extractable amounts were not so strongly fixed to the residual fraction as previously supposed. As a consequence, after EDTA application, metal content (especially Pb) remained more weakly adsorbed to soil components (more easily leachable), potentially favouring the application of phytoremediation technologies. The extraction recoveries (for only one application) were generally low for the three metals (33-37% for Pb, 5-11% for Ni and 14-19% for Zn), although this fact is an advantage as plants would not be able to assimilate very high mobilised contents of metals.  相似文献   

Concentration levels of 21 elements were analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis (Rb, Cs, Ca, Sr, Ba, Sc, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn, Se, As, Sb, Th, U, Br, Hf, Ta, Zr, and Ag) in seven different seaweed species (Codium cuneatum, Sargassum sinicola, Padina durvillaei, Laurencia johnstonii, L. papillosa, Gracilaria pachidermatica and Hypnea pannosa), collected in a shallow coastal zone from Bahia de Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Measured concentrations in algal tissue spanned almost eight orders of magnitude (from 2.0 x 10(-3) microg g(-1) for Hf to 1.2 x 10(5) microg g(-1) for Ca). Ca was consistently the most abundant element in all analyzed seaweeds, followed by Fe and Sr. Brown algae showed a tendency to incorporate higher concentrations of elements than red and green algae. Additionally, there were significant linear correlations (P < 0.05 to P < 0.001) between a total of 76 different pairs of elements, some of them (e.g. Rb-Ni, Rb-Ag, Sc Cr, Sc-Fe, Sc Ni, Sc Hf, Cr Fe, Fe Ni, Fe-Hf and Ni-Th) highly correlated (r2 > 0.900). A significant correlation (r2 = 0.701, n = 18, P < 0.001) exists between our measurements in the tissue of algae and their corresponding average elemental concentrations in oceanic water from the North Pacific Ocean. Hence, overall elemental abundance in algal tissue apparently is controlled by the elemental abundance in oceanic water, whereas metabolic processes as well as environmental factors relevant to each region modify the final concentration of a given element in the body of a macroalgae.  相似文献   

A two-stage micro-analytical scheme for the determination of metals and ions in atmospheric particulate matter collected on only one Teflon filter was developed. In the first stage the collected particles are chemically fractionated for their solubility in a pH-buffered extracting solution; in the second stage the residue is mineralised. The major non-volatile inorganic ions (Cl, NO3, SO42−, Na+, NH4+, Ca2+, Mg2+) are determined in the first fraction by ion-chromatography (IC), while metals and metalloids (Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, S, Sb, Se, Si, Ti, V, Zn) are determined in both the acetate extractable and the mineralised residual fractions by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES).The procedure was applied to ambient 24-h PM10 samples collected on Teflon filters during two field campaigns carried out at two sites in the area of Rome (Italy). The variations in the chemical composition of the collected particles during the two periods were interpreted in the light of the dilution properties of the lower atmosphere and of the back-trajectories of the air masses. The difference in the results between the two locations was interpreted in the light of their proximity to the emission sources. It was found that the acetate extractable and the mineralised residual fraction of some metals exhibit a different temporal pattern, suggesting the existence of different emission sources of the two fractions.  相似文献   

Water quality in terms of nutrient concentrations, turbidity, suspended solids, and chlorophyll a, was studied during 2000–2001 at a total of 27 beaches in the Kihei and West Maui–Lahaina districts of Maui, Hawaiian Islands. Nitrate concentrations varied widely and averaged as much as 15–20 μM at some beaches. Most turbidities fell in the range 1–10 nephelometric turbidity units. Resuspension of bottom sediments on shallow reef flats appeared to be a cause of some of the highest turbidity. Onshore-offshore transect studies showed that turbidity and concentrations of nitrate and chlorophyll a declined dramatically with distance from the shoreline. The dramatic gradients in water quality within the first 100 m from the shoreline and the fact that some violations of water quality criteria within that zone appear to be the result of natural phenomena, underscore the difficulty of assessing the quality of coastal waters based on traditional parameters.  相似文献   

Based on the basic characteristics of municipal solid waste (MSW) from regional small cities in China, some optimal management principles have been put forward: regional optimization, long-term optimization, and integrated treatment/disposal optimization. According to these principles, an optimal MSW management model for regional small cities is developed and provides a useful method to manage MSW from regional small cities. A case study application of the optimal model is described and shows that the optimal management scenarios in the controlling region can be gained, adequately validating and accounting for the advantages of the optimal model.  相似文献   

Organic wastes from intensive agriculture are a major cause of surface-water pollution in Great Britain. There are a large number of possible sources for such pollution, and there is a need to target the efforts of pollution-control authorities to the worst-affected parts of catchments. This paper describes the development of a rapid method for the identification of polluted streams based upon the macro-invertebrate fauna. An indicator key was developed by TWINSPAN classification of data from benthic sampling at 55 sites in West Wales. The key requires assessment of the abundance of four macroinvertebrate taxa and of the extent of 'sewage-fungus' growth, all of which can be determined by examination in the field. The key can separate sites into three groups representing different levels of pollution impact as indicated by differences in biotic indices and chemical data. The system was tested successfully at a further 146 sites in West Wales resulting in the notification of 49 farms to the pollution-control authorities. Non-biologists were able to use the key efficiently after a short period of training. A further test involving 51 sites in Devon indicated that the technique may be adaptable to other parts of Great Britain. It is envisaged that indicator systems designed to suit local fauna may have a major role in a pro-active strategy developed to combat pollution from farms because they have potential advantages over more complex biological methods currently in use.  相似文献   

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