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为提高微塑料检测的准确性,以10种不同材质的微塑料作为研究对象,使用7种常用的消解液,通过室内实验的方法对消解前后微塑料的质量、荧光强度、表面形态等进行了研究。结果表明:在7种不同的消解方法中,经H2O2(30%,25 ℃)消解后,微塑料质量减少了2%~5%,消解后微塑料表面荧光强度略有减弱,表面形态和元素组成变化轻微;在FT-IR红外图谱中,微塑料颗粒的特征峰仍存在,对于微塑料识别无显著影响;而其他6种消解方法均在不同程度上降低了微塑料的质量,并对微塑料表面造成了划痕、深裂缝和鳞状裂片等破坏。以上结果可为环境中微塑料的检测和定量分析提供参考。  相似文献   

Fate and mobility of pharmaceuticals in solid matrices   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The sorption and mobility of six pharmaceuticals were investigated in two soil types with different organic carbon and clay content, and in bacterial biomass (aerobic and anaerobic). The pharmaceuticals examined were carbamazepine, propranolol, diclofenac sodium, clofibric acid, sulfamethoxazole and ofloxacin. The sorption experiments were performed according to the OECD test Guideline 106. The distribution coefficients determined by this batch equilibrium method varied with the pharmaceutical tested and the solid matrix type. Ofloxacin was particularly strongly adsorbed (except of the case of using anaerobic biomass for the solid matrix) while clofibric acid was found to be weakly adsorbed. The fate of pharmaceuticals in soil was also assessed using lysimeters. Important parameters that were studied were: the pharmaceutical loading rate and the hydraulic loading rate for adsorption and the rate and duration of a "rain" event for desorption. Major differences in the mobility of the six pharmaceuticals were observed and correlated with the adsorption/desorption properties of the compounds.  相似文献   

This paper describes a comparison between horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and soybean peroxidase (SBP), the two most widely used commercial peroxidases for the removal of phenol from wastewater. Both enzymes achieve maximal removal efficiency in a neutral pH medium although they are still quite active in a pH range of between 6.0 and 8.0. The fact that both enzymes show similar phenol elimination levels at any temperature between 25 and 40 degrees C is also of interest. Studies were carried out in the absence and presence of different concentrations of a stabilisation additive, polyethylene glycol (PEG), in an attempt to optimise the phenol elimination procedure. The final choice of peroxidase will depend on the characteristics of the effluent, operational requirements and on economic considerations. Our findings show that HRP acts faster than SBP but is more susceptible to inactivation, although it is better protected by PEG. In consequence HRP will be the most suitable choice but the addition of a sufficient amount of PEG is critical.  相似文献   

利用自行开发的混合呼吸速率测量仪在接种污泥的条件下对重庆某城市污水处理厂污水进行了呼吸速率测试(短期BOD测试,以呼吸速率测量重新进入内源呼吸阶段为结束);同时应用美国产BI-2000电解质呼吸仪在不接种污泥的条件下对该污水进行了BOD测试(长期BOD测试,理论上以污水中所有有机物矿化为结束)。对2种测试方法及其结果进行了比较,结果表明,2种方法得到的BCOD存在很大差异,短期BOD测试方法得到的结果仅为长期BOD测试方法得到的结果的40%~60%。通过批式呼吸测量方法测定了原废水中的活性异养微生物浓度XH(0),结果表明,XH(0)与BCODst之和与BCODlt比较接近,两者之比在0.88~1.02之间,平均值为0.94。  相似文献   

Application of riverbed sand for the adsorptive separation of cadmium(II) from aqueous solutions has been investigated. Removal increased from 26.8 to 56.4% by decreasing the initial concentration of cadmium from 7.5 x 10(-5) to 1.0 x 10(-5)M at pH 6.5, 25 degrees C temperature, agitation speed of 100 rpm, 100 microm particle size and 1.0 x 10(-2) NaClO4 ionic strength. Process of separation is governed by first order rate kinetics. The value of rate constant of adsorption, k(ad), was found to be 2.30 x 10(-2)per min at 25 degrees C. Values of coefficient of mass transfer, beta L, were calculated and its value at 25 degrees C was found to be 1.92 x 10(-2)cm/s. Values of Langmuir constant were calculated. Values of thermodynamic parameters delta G0, delta H0 and delta S0 were also calculated and were recorded as -0.81 kcal/mol, -9.31 kcal/mol and -28.10 cal/mol at 25 degrees C. pH has been found to affect the removal of cadmium significantly and maximum removal, 58.4%, has been found at pH 8.5. Process can be used for treatment of cadmium(II) rich wastewaters.  相似文献   

采用氯碱工业的含镁盐泥对直接染料废水进行脱色处理.以直接大红、直接深蓝和直接黑3种直接染料水溶液作为模拟染料废水,考察了盐泥活化温度、盐泥用量等对脱色效果的影响,重点分析了吸附动力学特征,并对盐泥的循环再生利用进行了初步考察.经400℃煅烧活化的盐泥对直接大红、直接深蓝和直接黑3种直接染料均有很高的脱色效果,直接大红、直接深蓝和直接黑3种染料在盐泥吸附剂上的吸附动力学过程符合拟二级动力学方程,20 min左右时,吸附接近平衡.饱和吸附的盐泥经过煅烧后可以循环使用.研究结果为盐泥的综合利用提供了一种新途径.  相似文献   

采用生物预处理/常规与常规工艺处理西江微污染原水,对主要污染物的去除效果工艺进行了比较。结果表明,生物预处理/常规工艺对CODMn、氨氮的平均去除率达48.9%、62.3%,比常规工艺提高了18.9%、28.4%。2种工艺对浊度的去除率相当,皆为95%左右。生物预处理采用高速给水曝气生物滤池工艺,反冲洗采用气水联合方式,48 h过滤水头损失<2 kPa,冲洗前后过滤水头损失变化量均值<0.4 kPa。  相似文献   

针对水泥窑协同处置飞灰水洗预处理过程中水洗盐产生量不清,资源化利用潜力不明晰的问题,采用情景分析方法预测水洗盐产生量,评估其资源利用潜力。首先采用改进的灰色马尔科夫模型和产废系数法预测2021-2030年京津冀地区飞灰产生量;然后选择水泥窑协同处置比、厨余垃圾分拣率和塑料垃圾分拣率3个参数,利用组合情景预测协同处置和生活垃圾分类对水洗盐产生的影响。结果显示,到2030年,水洗盐产生量为9.2×104~16.5×104 t;在实现“十四五”时期飞灰资源化和生活垃圾分类发展要求的情景下,水洗盐产生量为12.7×104 t,比低发展水平情景提高28.7%。提高垃圾分拣率,推进高效、低耗能分盐技术发展,可以降低水洗盐处理压力并提高氯化钾自给率,支持水洗盐资源可持续利用。  相似文献   


Contamination of aquatic systems mainly by urbanization and poor sanitation, deficient or lack of wastewater treatments, dumping of solid residues, and run off has led to the presence of particles, including manmade polymers, in tissues of many marine and freshwater species. In this study, the prevalence of microplastics (MPs) in freshwater fish from farmed and natural sources was investigated. Oreochromis niloticus from aquaculture farms in the Huila region in Colombia, and two local species (Prochilodus magdalenae and Pimelodus grosskopfii), naturally present in surface waters were sampled. Of the particles identified, fragments were the predominant type in the three tissue types (stomach, gill, and flesh) derived from farmed and natural fishes. MicroFT-IR spectroscopy was conducted on 208 randomly selected samples, with 22% of particles identified as MPs based on spectra with a match rate ≥ 70%. A total of 53% of identified particles corresponded to cellophane/cellulose, the most abundant particle found in all fish. Not all fish contained MPs: 44% of Oreochromis farmed fish contained MPs, while 75% of natural source fish contained MPs in any of its tissues. Overall, polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyester (PES), and polyethylene (PE) were the prevalent MPs found in the freshwater fish. A broader variety of polymer types was observed in farmed fish. The edible flesh part of fish presented the lower prevalence of MPs compared to gill and stomach (gut), with gut displaying a higher frequency and diversity of MPs. This preliminary study suggests that the incidence and type of MPs varies in farmed verses natural fish sources as well as across different tissue types, with significantly less detected within the edible flesh tissues compared with stomach and gill tissues.


The aim of this work was the evaluation of QuEChERS extraction method for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) determination in various types of tea. In the experiment, different kinds of extraction solvents, sorbents and a final method of sample preparation were compared. The final extracts were analysed by gas chromatography-selected ion monitoring-mass spectrometry. The results suggest that acetonitrile extraction, clean up with SAX and final liquid–liquid extraction was the best combination giving the most purified extracts and acceptable compound recoveries for different types of teas. In the study of real samples, compounds belonging to light PAHs were mostly detected, and heavy polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, including benzo[a]pyrene, were not identified in any of samples.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the construction and use of a set of bioluminescent yeast strains for the detection of compounds that can affect androgen or estrogen receptor mediated hormonal signalling. The set includes Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains expressing human androgen receptor (AR), estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) or estrogen receptor beta (ERbeta), along with firefly luciferase controlled by a respective hormone responsive promoter. A constitutively luminescent strain was included in the set for determining the cytotoxicity of the sample. Yeast cells were incubated with pure chemicals or complex samples for 2.5 h, after which the signal could be detected from the cell-sample mixture after simply adding the D-luciferin substrate. The assays could be completed in one day and they required no cell lysis or centrifugation steps, which makes them suitable for high-throughput analysis of samples. Due to a short incubation time the assays are directly applicable to different sample matrices, requiring no pretreatment of the samples. The assays were used to assess the hormonal activity in moisturizing lotions as an example of a complex sample matrix known to contain endocrine disrupting chemicals. Six out of eight tested moisturisers showed high estrogenic activity, whereas no androgenic activity was observed in the samples.  相似文献   

The suitability of the salt-marsh species Halimione portulacoides, Scirpus maritimus, Juncus maritimus and an association of the last two for remediation of petroleum hydrocarbons (PHC) in soil was investigated. An outdoor laboratory experiment (microcosm-scale) was carried out using contaminated soil collected in a refinery, as a complement of another study carried out in the refinery environment (mesocosm-scale). Soil samples with old contamination (mainly crude oil) and with a mixture of the old and recent (turbine oil) contamination were tested. Studies in both micro- and mesocosm-scale provided results coherent in substance. The presence of S. maritimus caused removal of old contamination which was refractory to natural attenuation (after 7 months of exposure, efficiency was 13% when only old contamination was present and 40% when the soil also contained recent contamination). H. portulacoides (only included in the microcosm-scale study) revealed also potentiality for PHC remediation, although with less efficiency than S. maritimus. Degradation of recent contamination was also faster in the presence of plants (after 7 months: 100% in the presence of S. maritimus vs. 63% in its absence). As these species are common in salt marsh areas in Atlantic coast of Europe, it is probable they will be also useful for recovering coast sediments. In contrast, J. maritimus and association did not reveal capability to remove PHC from soil, the presence of J. maritimus inhibiting the capability of S. maritimus.  相似文献   

不同高级氧化法对水中低浓度药物甲硝唑降解过程的比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用UV、H2O2、UV/H2O2、Fenton、UV/Fenton和UV/TiO2方法,对水中低浓度的药物甲硝唑进行降解。通过HPLC和UV-Vis光谱得到的甲硝唑去除率。详细讨论了Fe2+、TiO2和H2O2的初始浓度以及溶液的初始pH值对降解效率的影响。结果表明,UV/Fenton和UV/TiO2 2种系统对水中低浓度甲硝唑均有很好的去除效果,但前者的光催化效率更高。在甲硝唑浓度=6 μmol/L,H2O2和Fe2+的初始浓度分别为0.5 mg/L和2.94 μmol/L,pH=4的条件下,UV/Fenton方法对甲硝唑水溶液光催化的最佳效率为95.8%。  相似文献   

5种吸附剂对水中离子液体的吸附性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验研究了蒙脱土、活性白土、人造沸石、活性炭和水滑石5种吸附材料在25℃和50℃下对[Bmim]Cl的吸附过程,结果表明,蒙脱土对离子液体的去除效果最好,温度对活性炭的吸附有一定的影响,而对其他吸附剂的影响不大,说明这些无机矿物发生了离子交换型吸附过程。实验进一步研究了蒙脱土在25℃下对[Bmim]Cl、[Bmim]BF4、[Bmim]PF6、[Bmim]DBP、[Hmim]Cl和[Omim]Cl 6种离子液体的吸附行为,结果表明,对于阳离子相同的离子液体,阴离子对吸附影响不大;对于阴离子相同的离子液体,其饱和吸附量随着阳离子链长的增加而减小。  相似文献   

垃圾焚烧飞灰中不同粒径的毒性特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对广州市某垃圾焚烧发电厂的焚烧飞灰进行粒径分级毒性分析研究。主要研究了粒径在35~1 000μm范围内的飞灰的腐蚀性和短期浸出毒性,包括Cr、Cd、Mg、Pb、Mn、Fe、Cu、Zn、Ni、Co等重金属,SO24-,Cl-,NO3--N和NO2--N,同时也研究了飞灰的物质组成和矿物特性。研究结果表明,所有粒径飞灰的浸出液pH值在12.3~12.5之间,属于有腐蚀性的危险废物,重金属Mg、Pb、Zn的浸出浓度最高,分别为168.78、53.94和86.40 mg/L。飞灰浸出液和含量最高分别达到8.87g/L和1.38 g/L,同时浸出液中测出一定量的硝态氮和亚硝态氮,证明飞灰吸附了垃圾焚烧过程中产生的氮氧化物气体。另外,研究得出飞灰的基本组成元素为Ca、Si、Cl、K、Na、S、Al、Mg和Fe,而重金属则以Zn、Pb、Mn、Cu、Cr等为主。矿物相主要为含硅和钙的化合物及NaCl和KCl等氯化物。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The presence of a large number of micropollutants in the environment, including priority and emerging substances, poses a significant risk to surface...  相似文献   

Emission measurements of black carbon (BC) mass were conducted on a T63 turboshaft engine, operated at idle and cruise power with conventional and alternative fuels, using an Artium LII-300 laser-induced incandescence analyzer (LII) and AVL model 483 micro soot sensor (MSS) photoacoustic instrument using the manufacturer’s calibration for both instruments. These measurements were compared with elemental carbon (EC) determined by manual and semicontinuous thermal-optical transmission analyses according to National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) method 5040 as the reference method. The results indicate that both the LII and MSS instruments show good linear correlation with EC for the two fuels and two engine power conditions evaluated. The LII measurements were observed to be biased high (27–49%) and the MSS measurements were biased low (24–35%) relative to EC. The agreement between the instruments and the reference method was substantially improved by applying a calibration of the instruments against a common BC aerosol source. Test data also suggest that the two instruments show some sensitivity to particle size (or properties related to size), specifically for particles with a geometric mean diameter (GMD) <30 nm. This sensitivity is problematic, since new engines or certain combustion conditions in current engines will produce smaller particles compared with the T63 model tested in this study. Further assessments of instrument performance for particles within this size range are therefore warranted.

Implications: Accurate black carbon emission measurements are needed to certify new and in-production commercial aircraft engines. Both the Artium LII-300 and AVL 483 micro soot sensor are currently approved by the International Civil Aviation Organization for this purpose. This study compares the two instruments against elemental carbon (EC) using NIOSH method 5040 as the reference using a T63 turboshaft engine. The results indicate that both instruments correlate reasonably well with EC, and the correlation substantially improved when applying a calibration against a common aerosol source. Sensitivity to particle size may be an issue for both instruments.  相似文献   

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