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部分垃圾焚烧烟气干法脱酸处理工艺中急冷塔会出现湿灰、湿壁、湿底及堵灰现象。根据现场情况及对运行工艺的分析,进行了优化设计,达到了其功能要求,为类似项目的改造和设计提供了参考。  相似文献   

危险废物安全处置是固体废物管理的重点,杭州市危险废物及医疗废物处置项目采用回转窑焚烧炉,配合二燃室、余热锅炉以及烟气处理系统,采用急冷塔、反应塔、布袋除尘和洗涤塔对烟气进行处理。监测表明,通过对送入窑内焚烧的危险废物进行配比并在污染物脱除系统中添加消石灰和活性炭,以及采用布袋除尘后,可以实现污染物达标排放。  相似文献   

在高温、高湿、高盐、强紫外线严酷复杂海洋腐蚀环境下,飞机腐蚀现象及其隐患日益明显。近年来,国内越来越重视飞机在海洋环境下的腐蚀防护与控制问题,通过开展专项研究取得了重大进展,但整体技术水平与国际先进水平相比仍存在一定的差距,飞机腐蚀问题依然频繁出现。本文从管理、技术、标准、试验等方面系统介绍了海洋环境下飞机腐蚀防护与控制的现状,分析了国内外存在的差距,并提出了一系列措施,以推动我国飞机全寿命期的腐蚀防护与控制体系的建立以及防腐技术水平的提升。  相似文献   

车辆转向架装置在运行中会经历很多苛刻复杂的工况,例如液体腐蚀环境、沙尘环境、高温高湿环境、交变扭矩载荷、交变弯曲载荷等。在此工况下,最容易出现的问题是:橡胶密封圈在高温高湿环境、交变载荷下发生异常,导致密封失效,从而使得转向架内部的结构受到腐蚀断裂。故在转向架装置研发中,需要进行试验验证。本文将提供一种转向架装置在热腐蚀环境下平稳实现动力传输的试验方法,设计并搭建了一套试验系统,解决了转向架装置试验验证的技术难题。本方法与系统成功的复现了转向架装置的实际工况,并得到了相关试验数据。  相似文献   

为找出电气元器件在使用一段时间后出现腐蚀现象的原因,研究典型电气元器件在含H_2S环境中的腐蚀行为并提出防护措施。利用便携式多功能气体检测设备对电气元器件所在环境中H_2S、SO_2、NO_2以及NH_3等腐蚀性气体含量进行检测,并采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和能谱仪(EDS)手段分析电气元器件的腐蚀微观形貌及锈层中的腐蚀产物成分。电气元器件所处环境中存在腐蚀性气体H_2S,电气元器件在使用环境中发生不同程度的腐蚀反应,出现发黑或失去光泽等现象,表面形的腐蚀产物中均出现S元素。电气元器件在该环境中发生腐蚀现象的主要因素是环境中H_2S气体,建议采取整体净化服役环境中腐蚀性气体的防护措施,可减少或避免发生腐蚀反应。  相似文献   

黄祥声 《环境技术》2023,(2):19-23+34
福建海上风电机组在高温、高湿、高盐雾作用下会容易发生腐蚀,影响风电机组正常运行,需要定期监测机组部件服役环境,采取有效措施排除隐患。本文对海上风力发电机组内部腐蚀等级及速率、盐雾进行现场实时监测,检查塔筒涂层、结构件、电气设备腐蚀老化情况。根据环境监测检查结果和分析腐蚀老化原因,形成完整监测、检查方案,有助于保障风电机组长期正常运行。  相似文献   

针对转炉煤气系统内钢结构腐蚀问题,选取系统内腐蚀最严重的煤气柜为研究对象,通过考查气柜内腐蚀环境及分析腐蚀产物的成分等,探讨转炉煤气系统内钢结构腐蚀的原因与机理。结果表明,转炉煤气柜中钢结构表面腐蚀产物主要由FeCO_3、Fe_2O_3和CaCO_3组成;煤气冷凝水中含有大量的腐蚀性介质,如HCO_3~-与Cl~-等,因此,推测CO_2腐蚀是造成转炉煤气系统内钢结构腐蚀的主要原因。CO_2溶于煤气冷凝水后,在钢结构表面形成一层弱酸性腐蚀液膜,使碳钢表面发生CO_2腐蚀。SEM结果表明腐蚀产物疏松多孔,因此氧气和氯离子能通过腐蚀产物渗透到碳钢表面,加速腐蚀,使得煤气系统内钢结构表面产生多处腐蚀坑。  相似文献   

以江苏省如东县的危险废物焚烧处置工程为例,探讨了危险废物焚烧系统的工程原理和性能特点。结果表明:采用"回转窑+二燃室+余热锅炉+急冷塔+旋风除尘器+干式脱酸塔+布袋除尘器+湿式洗涤塔"工艺,回转窑温度控制在850℃左右,危险废物在回转窑停留的时间约60min;二燃室温度1100℃,烟气在二燃室内的停留时间2s;余热锅炉出口烟气温度约为550℃;两级除尘、干法与湿法相结合的工艺,可实现危险废物的无害化、减容、减量处理,为其他工程应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

选取某飞机铝合金/高强度钢连接件开展西沙暴露试验,掌握连接件腐蚀变化趋势。结果表明,连接件保护涂层耐老化性能良好,采用湿装配有效避免了电偶腐蚀和缝隙腐蚀,连接件背面螺栓、螺母和铆钉(30CrMnSiA,表面镀镉)为其腐蚀薄弱环节,需加强防护。  相似文献   

电子元器件的腐蚀   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁晓东 《环境技术》2007,25(3):32-34
电子元器件在大气环境下,因潮湿及其它条件下会发生大气腐蚀,从而导致其材料产生腐蚀,电子结构系统发生故障如短路、点接触不良等.本文简单论述了因空气污染、塑料和有机物分解气体等导致的电子元器件的大气腐蚀原理及原因.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT There are several possible ways in which wastewater from municipalities may be reclaimed and reused so as to minimize the need for imported water in North Central Texas. The rationale for reuse is enhanced by the fact that new water quality requirements in the Trinity River system will necessitate a very high degree of treatment at municipal sewage plants, just for discharge to surface streams. The largest potential market for municipal effluent is the steam-electric power industry. Within the next decade the generating capacity for electric power in North Central Texas will have to be more than doubled to meet increasing demand. Adequate supplies of condenser cooling water for such expansion will be difficult to obtain and assure. New large power stations might advantageously be located adjacent to municipal wastewater treatment plants, to utilize effluent as make-up water for cooling towers. Experience elsewhere has shown that well-treated wastewater can be used for cooling tower make-up with a minimum of trouble, with a considerable saving in overall cost, and with conservation of pristine water for other uses.  相似文献   

A hybrid cooling system consisting of both a dry section and wet section is proposed in this paper as a means to conserving energy and water by combining the benefits of both dry and wet cooling modes. A new thermodynamic coupling characteristics computing model was established to identify the best combination of dry and wet cooling subsystems in the hybrid tower throughout year-round operation based on its air thermodynamic state under the “no plume” principle. A hybrid cooling tower in Inner Mongolia, China, consisting of an elliptical tube heat exchanger with rectangular fins and counter-flow wet packing, was designed as an example under the no plume principle. The minimum number of heat exchanger units in service and the corresponding thermodynamic operating parameters were obtained under a year-round operation. The tower exhibited notable advantages in regards to water conservation compared to the traditional evaporative cooling tower at an estimated yearly savings of 3.74 × 107 kg water.  相似文献   

黄庆  高洁 《四川环境》2012,31(2):103-112
高速公路项目由于其线路长、工程量大等特点,不可避免会对生态环境、土地资源、水土流失、人居环境等造成不利影响,本文根据四川各区域的地形地貌、水文地质、生物多样性等环境特点,提出了在不同地区高速公路建设中的环境影响评价要点,从而使环境影响评价内容更具有针对性。  相似文献   

刘圣 《四川环境》2012,31(2):57-60
发电厂闭式循环冷却水系统是采用钢筋混凝土结构自然通风冷却塔,其噪声污染治理是一个难题。本文以攀钢电厂双曲线自然通风冷却塔为例,介绍其噪声特性、控制措施及治理效果。  相似文献   

公路建设中水土流失分析及对策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以天津地区公路建设为例,分析了公路建设过程中水土流失主要受降雨、植被的减少、地形、土壤、人工因素等方面的影响。根据水土流失方程式对公路施工前后水土流失的情况进行了分析,结果显示公路建成一般需要2~3年,由于植被的恢复,水土流失可恢复到施工前的水平,并且随着植被的生长,道路沿线的水土流失会比施工期减轻。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Problems of water quality and quantity are critical to development of the energy resources of the Western U. S. Based on a number of independent measures, the Upper Colorado River Basin will experience severe water availability problems in a few decades if projected energy and agricultural development occurs. Given the impending collision between the competing interests of various Western water users, water resource management and conservation deserves the utmost attention. Substantial opportunities for conservation exist in energy and agricultural development. Selection of both conversion and cooling technologies and careful siting decisions can sharply reduce the water requirements of energy development. Agricultural water conservation strategies include improving irrigation and cultivation practices, removing phreatophytes, removing marginal lands from production, and changing crop patterns. In order to accomplish significant conservation, however, there must be changes in those aspects of Western water law that remove conservation incentives from the water use system.  相似文献   

王茹静 《四川环境》2014,(1):119-123
大多数内陆核电厂将采用大型自然通风冷却塔作为其二次循环冷却方式,本文基于美国核管会推荐的SACTI程序,给出了该模型的基本原理和框架结构,并以江西彭泽核电厂为例,采用该程序预测分析了该核电厂大型自然通风冷却塔所造成的雾羽和太阳辐射损失的影响。并进一步研究了不同环境风速、相对湿度条件下对冷却塔造成的太阳辐射损失的影响。SACTI模型可以根据厂址逐时气象观测数据,较好地计算可见雾羽的长度、抬升高度和太阳辐射损失,其结果可以作为冷却塔环境影响评价的依据。  相似文献   

In this study, an experimental investigation on the performance of a small-scale residential-size solar-driven adsorption (silica gel-water) cooling system that was constructed at Assiut University campus, Egypt is carried out. As Assiut area is considered as hot, arid climate, field tests for performance assessment of the system operation during the summer season are performed under different environmental operating conditions. The system consists of an evacuated tube with a reflective concentration parabolic surface solar-collector field with a total area of 36 m2, a silica gel-water adsorption chiller of 8 kW nominal cooling capacity, and hot and cold water thermal storage tanks of 1.8 and 1.2 m3 in volume, respectively. The results of summer season field test show that under daily solar insolation varying from 21 to 27 MJ/m2, the solar collectors employed in the system had high and almost constant thermal efficiency. The daily solar-collector efficiency during the period of system operation ranged from about 50% to 78%. The adsorption chiller performance shows that the chiller average daily coefficient of performance (COP) was 0.41 with the average cooling capacity of 4.4 kW when the cooling-water and chilled-water temperatures were about 31°C and 19°C, respectively. As the chiller cooling water is cooled by the cooling tower in the hot arid area, the cooling water is at a higher temperature than the design point of the chiller. Therefore, an experiment was carried out using the city water for cooling. The results show that an enhancement in the chiller COP by 40% and the chilling power by 17% has been achieved when the city water was 27.7°C.  相似文献   

以山阴电厂2×300MW机组烟气排放系统采用的烟囱、间冷塔、吸收塔"三塔合一"项目为例,分析了湿法脱硫技术运用在烟塔合一项目中的特点及所需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Sinkholes and subsidence in areas subject to dewatering of carbonate formations have been documented in several geologic and hydrologic investigations. Excessive ground-water pumpage has been cited as a causative factor in areas of increased sinkhole activity. Subsurface erosion of unconsolidated materials underlain by carbonate rocks is one cause of the collapses. Infiltrating water from retention basins may cause subsurface erosion and eventual failure by collapse of the structure. The resulting ground-water contamination would be great as the pollutants spread throughout the solution-cavity system.  相似文献   

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