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Primary Biologic Atmospheric Particles (PBAPs) constitute an interesting and poorly investigated component of the atmospheric aerosol. We have developed and validated a method for evaluating the contribution of overall PBAPs to the mass concentration of atmospheric particulate matter (PM). The method is based on PM sampling on polycarbonate filters, staining of the collected particles with propidium iodide, observation at epifluorescence microscope and calculation of the bioaerosol mass using a digital image analysis software. The method has been also adapted to the observation and quantification of size-segregated aerosol samples collected by multi-stage impactors.Each step of the procedure has been individually validated. The relative repeatability of the method, calculated on 10 pairs of atmospheric PM samples collected side-by-side, was 16%.The method has been applied to real atmospheric samples collected in the vicinity of Rome, Italy. Size distribution measurements revealed that PBAPs was mainly in the coarse fraction of PM, with maxima in the range 5.6–10 μm. 24-h samples collected during different period of the year have shown that the concentration of bioaerosol was in the range 0.18–5.3 μg m 3 (N = 20), with a contribution to the organic matter in PM10 in the range 0.5–31% and to the total mass concentration of PM10 in the range 0.3–18%.The possibility to determine the concentration of total PBAPs in PM opens up interesting perspectives in terms of studying the health effects of these components and of increasing our knowledge about the composition of the organic fraction of the atmospheric aerosol.  相似文献   

A dynamic dose and risk assessment model is developed to estimate radiological consequences of atmospheric emissions from nuclear power plants. Internal exposure via inhalation and ingestion, external exposure from clouds and radioactivity deposited on the ground are included in the model. The model allows to simulate interregional moves of people and multi-location food supply in the computational domain. Any long-range atmospheric dispersion model which yields radionuclide concentrations in air and on the ground at predetermined time intervals can easily be integrated into the model. The software developed is validated against radionuclide concentrations measured in different environmental media and dose values estimated after the Chernobyl accident. Results obtained using the model compare well with dose estimates and activities measured in foodstuffs and feedstuffs.  相似文献   

This paper gives the yearly (85)Kr emissions of all known reprocessing facilities, which are the main sources of (85)Kr in the atmosphere since 1945, for the years 1945 until 2000. According to this inventory 10,600 PBq (Peta=10(15)) of (85)Kr have been globally emitted from the year 1945 until the end of 2000. The global atmospheric inventory at the end of the year 2000 amounts to 4800 PBq. These emissions have been incorporated into the ECHAM4 atmospheric general circulation model as point sources. Monthly mean model results are compared with measurements made at different locations and times. The influence of each source on the measured concentrations at various locations is studied. The calculated concentrations are found to give reasonably good agreement with the observations, indicating that the emission inventory is realistic. Although, at all northern hemispheric observation sites the model tends to slightly overestimate the concentrations. A possible reason for this overestimation can be found in model features (coarse resolution in time and space). The most prominent discrepancy that is consistently repeated at all northern hemispheric stations occurs in the early 1990s. This could most likely be related to an overestimate of sources. Possibly, the Russian emissions declined earlier than assumed in the current database. Another discrepancy between observations and simulations indicating an incompleteness of the release data is found at some southern hemispheric sites. The variability of their observations could only be explained by regional sources. However, several spikes occur after 1992 when no reprocessing facility is known to be in operation in the southern hemisphere. Production of isotopes for radiopharmaceuticals like technetium-99m from highly enriched uranium is the most likely explanation.  相似文献   

While many scientific assessments have been recommending general strategies for biodiversity conservation under climate change, translation of these recommendations into specific actions and practice has been limited. Focusing on two biomes, rainforest and wetlands in biodiverse South East Queensland, Australia, we demonstrate how general principles can be translated into specific actions for stakeholders and responsible agencies. We synthesize research that is contextualizing protection of refugia and habitat connectivity, establishing baseline data sets to detect change and developing strategic conservation planning scenarios to adjust reserve boundaries or situate new reserves. This has been achieved by coupling spatial information on biological assets (i.e. ecosystems and species) with future climate scenarios and process models to anticipate movement of critical habitats. Conservation planning software is also being used to prioritize investment to meet specific objectives. This approach is enabling us to identify at-risk biological assets, opportunities to ameliorate threats and obstacles to delivering regional adaptation actions. A larger total reserved area is needed, with proactive planning to capture areas further inland and along watercourses. Major obstacles include conflict between urbanization and priorities for habitat conservation and the need for greater levels of investment for monitoring programmes and to protect landward shifted wetlands on private land.  相似文献   

Regional industrial growth is facing the problems of no control and disorder in rapidly transitioning China, especially in mega-regional areas. These problems have significantly intensified the use of regional resources and the level of environmental stress. The integration of industrial development and the environmental pollution pressure simulation at the mega-regional level must be supported at the planning stage. In this study, a Computational System for Regional Industrial Distribution Simulation and Environmental Impact Assessment (RESEA) that combines a multi-nominal logit model and uncertainty analysis was developed. This system aimed to explore efficient industrial spatial distribution simulations and potential environmental pressures at the mega-regional level. This study also developed an uncertainty analysis framework to identify and apply a bottom-up system with aggregate and sparse data following the basic processes of an HSY algorithm and Global-Formed Regional Sensitivity Analysis, which is capable of considering both input uncertainty and parameter uncertainty. By applying the RESEA system, a process of model estimation and sensitivity analysis was implemented based on historic data from 2002 to 2008 for the Bohai Sea rim region in China. The future industry distribution for the year 2015 was later aggregated based on the chosen sizes and locations of newly added industrial plants. Finally, the pollution loads of surface water into every sub-region were calculated, and the potential environmental impacts of different strategies were discussed.  相似文献   

Lichens as biomonitors and neutron activation analysis as analytical technique have been employed to study the distribution of trace elements (TE) in a mountain region of north Italy (Biella) characterized by settlements of wool industry. Samples of airborne particulate matter collected onto filters, different species of lichens and samples of soils have been analyzed for the calculation of the enrichment factors (EFs) of more than 25 TE. By comparison of the corresponding EFs, the most suitable lichen species (Parmelia caperata) was selected as specific TE biomonitor of the area investigated. Samples of this lichen were collected and analyzed for the evaluation of the TE distribution in four different locations. The results obtained from the analysis of the lichens gave information about the predominant direction of pollutants transportation, while those related to the concentrations found in the air particulate allowed the evaluation of the degree of the local TE atmospheric pollution.  相似文献   

The strategic use of science in regional policy-making forums often assumes collaborative interactions between stakeholders. However, other types of stakeholder interactions are possible. This paper uses the ecology of games to frame an investigation into stakeholder participation in the policy networks for regional climate change planning for South East Queensland, Australia. We tracked organisational participation in policy forums between 2008 and 2012. We then used a novel bipartite network theoretical approach to identify participation by different types of organisations across shared multiple forums, which we argue prefaces: cooperation, collaboration, support or advocacy. Network analysis was then combined with semi-structured interviews to access how scientific information was utilised across the regional network. Our results suggest that stakeholder interactions were predominately used to advocate for organisational agendas. Advocacy artificially narrows the scope of possible policy options and represents a biased, selective use of information. While advocacy is an important part of policy process, as a counter balance, explicit efforts are needed to recurrently expand the scope of policy options.  相似文献   

Regional Environmental Change - The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region emerges as one of the hot spots for worsening extreme heat, drought and aridity conditions under climate change. A...  相似文献   

Climate change is predicted to have a range of impacts on Pacific Island ecosystems and the services they provide for current and future development. There are a number of characteristics that can make adaptation approaches that utilise the benefits of ecosystems a compelling and viable alternative to other adaptation approaches. The objective of this paper is to determine what level of relative influence technical and planning considerations currently have in guiding the recognition and application of ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) approaches in the Pacific Islands context. The technical feasibility of EbA in relation to the expected impacts of climate change and the compatibility of adaptation planning processes of the Pacific Islands with EbA requirements was considered. The main barrier to fully implementing EbA in the Pacific Islands is not likely to be financial capital, but a combination of stable technical capacity within government departments to advise communities on EbA opportunities and the compatibility of planning frameworks.  相似文献   

To test the sensitivity of using atmospheric (85)Kr to detect undeclared separation of plutonium from irradiated nuclear-reactor fuel, measurements of atmospheric (85)Kr taken in Tsukuba, Japan are analyzed to determine: (1) a lower limit of detection for discovering anthropogenic (85)Kr emissions, (2) the probability of detecting plutonium separation at the Tokai Reprocessing Plant, and (3) the extent to which these results can be generalized to other sites. A LLD of at least 3.4 sigma=0.14 Bq/m(3) with a theoretical false-positive rate of 0.05% is recommended for safeguards' purposes. At this threshold, the continuous separation of 100, 300, and 900 g equivalent weapon-grade plutonium per day was found to correspond to 10%, 50%, and 80% probability of detection, respectively. The smallest detected concentration was for the continuous separation of 45 g/day, with a probability of detection of about 0.6%. It was found that the detection rate is determined predominantly by the weather.  相似文献   

A method is described that allows rapid and easy calculation of collective dose. Doses for inhalation of 131I and its ingestion with milk for the Windscale accident of 1957 are calculated as an example. They show good agreement with values obtained in a more detailed analysis. The method should provide reliable estimates when activity is evenly dispersed or when population and land use are fairly evenly distributed. In other circumstances, useful upper and lower limits of collective dose can be readily estimated.  相似文献   

We investigate the release of radioactive contaminants from Moruroa Atoll in a global high-resolution off-line model. The spread of tracer is studied in a series of simulations with varying release depths and time-scales, and into ocean velocity fields corresponding to long-term annual mean, seasonal, and interannually varying scenarios. In the instantaneous surface release scenarios we find that the incorporation of a seasonal cycle greatly influences tracer advection, with maximum concentrations still found within the French Polynesia region after 10 years. In contrast, the maximum trace is located in the southeast Pacific when long-term annual mean fields are used. This emphasizes the importance of the seasonal cycle in models of pollution dispersion on large scales. We further find that during an El Ni?o/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event reduced currents in the region of Moruroa Atoll result in increased concentrations of radioactive material in French Polynesia, as direct flushing from the source is reduced. In terms of the sensitivity to tracer release time-rates, we find that a gradual input results in maximum concentrations in the near vicinity of French Polynesia. This contrasts the instantaneous-release scenarios, which see maximum concentrations and tracer spread across much of the South Pacific Ocean. For example, in as little as seven years radioactive contamination can reach the east coast of Australia diluted by only a factor of 1,000 of the initial concentration. A comparison of results is made with previous studies. Overall, we find much higher concentrations of radionuclides in the South Pacific than has previously been predicted using coarser-resolution models.  相似文献   

In the past, most emphasis in planning for and response to an emergency situation has been placed on selected protective measures in the early phase of an emergency to keep the doses received below levels where severe deterministic health effects can be excluded and/or where the risk of stochastic effects in the population is considered “acceptable”. Less emphasis has been placed on the development of comprehensive protection strategies which include considerations of the consequences of all exposure pathways and all phases, e.g. long-term rehabilitation. In its new publication 103, ICRP proposed a coherent conceptual framework for protection in all types of exposure situations including “emergency exposure situations” and “existing exposure situations”. In the context of developing protection strategies for these exposure situations, the Commission recommends that national authorities set reference levels between, typically, 20 mSv and 100 mSv annual effective dose (emergency exposure situation) and 1 mSv and 20 mSv (existing exposure situation). In order to optimise protection strategies, it is necessary to identify the dominant exposure pathways, the timescales over which the dose will be received, and the effectiveness of available protection options. The characteristics of the development and implementation of such protection strategies is described.  相似文献   

This review surveys current literature on the measurement of pH and acidity of atmospheric precipitation. Current practices for calibrating pH-measuring systems for atmospheric precipitation applications are reviewed and possible sources of error are discussed. Determinations of acidity are grouped in accordance with the type of end-point selected for titration: color indicator, fixed pH, Gran plot, and closed loop.  相似文献   

The ideas concerning the spatial and temporal variation of acidity and composition of atmospheric fallout in forests of the boreal zone are discussed. The role played by the atmospheric component in the functioning of these forests depends on the acidity and composition of fallout and the extent of their transformation by the biocenosis. The most profound transformation of fallout occurs during the growing season. In spaces between crowns, the corresponding changes are atmogenic; in undercrown areas, they are obviously biogenic (autogenic). Spruce transforms the fallout more intensively than pine. Under conditions of industrial pollution, the atmobiogenic character of fallout is supplemented with a technogenic component, as its acidity and concentration of pollutants and other elements sharply increase. Concentrations of principal cations reach high values because of their leaching from the crown by acid precipitation. The traditional concept of atmospheric load on boreal forests should be reconsidered taking into account their spatial structure.  相似文献   

In previous studies, feathers of adult predatory birds have been evaluated as valid non-destructive biomonitor matrices for persistent organic pollutants (POPs). In this study, we assessed for the first time the usefulness of nestling raptor feathers for non-destructive biomonitoring of POPs. For this purpose, we collected body feathers and blood of nestlings from three avian top predators from northern Norway: northern goshawks (Accipiter gentilis), white-tailed eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla) and golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos). We were able to detect a broad spectrum of legacy POPs in the nestling feathers of all three species (Σ PCBs: 6.78-140ng g(-1); DDE: 3.15-145ng g(-1); Σ PBDEs: 0.538-7.56ng g(-1)). However, these concentrations were lower compared to other studies on raptor species, probably due to the aspect of monitoring of nestlings instead of adults. Besides their analytical suitability, nestling feathers also appear to be biologically informative: concentrations of most POPs in nestling feathers showed strong and significant correlations with blood plasma concentrations in all species (p<0.050; 0.775相似文献   

This paper describes a new model of sustainable development planning based on a case study of a successful planning process for the Great Bear Rainforest on Canada’s west coast. The planning region is an area of international ecological significance that contains one-quarter of the world’s remaining ancient coastal temperate rainforest. An innovative collaborative planning process was initiated in 1996 to develop a plan for the region that balances social, economic, and environmental values. The plan, which was accepted by consensus agreement of all stakeholders in 2006, uses a new model for sustainable regional development that is based on collaborative planning, collaborative implementation, informal conflict resolution, contextual adaptation incorporating comanagement with indigenous peoples (First Nations), joint fact finding, ecosystem-based management, and integration of social, economic, and environmental objectives.  相似文献   

The implementation of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty is resulting in the construction of a world-wide system of 80 monitoring stations that will be able to detect air-borne radioactivity, not only from atomic bombs but also from other anthropogenic and natural sources. A prototype monitoring station has been operating since April 1996 in Vancouver, BC, Canada. This station provides daily reports of natural radioactivity, including 7Be and decay products of 220Rn (thoron). Data for 212Pb concentrations have been analyzed over a 6-month period. The concentration is reduced by rainfall, high wind velocity, and low temperatures and it also depends on the wind direction, but atmospheric inversions appeared to have little impact. We present a relatively simple model, which is easy to use and which offers predictive powers that can be applied to other similar environmental situations.  相似文献   

Bulk atmospheric deposition of 7Be and 210Pb has been measured at Versoix, close to Geneva, Switzerland. Collectors were continuously deployed from November 1997 through November 1998 for periods from 1 to 22 days depending on the frequency of rain. The activities of 7Be and 210Pb integrated over the sampling interval were moderately well correlated with rainfall (r2 of 0.66 and 0.55, respectively; p < 0.001) and well correlated one with the other (r2 of 0.91; p < 0.001). The 7Be/210Pb activity ratio is close to 13.5, except for samples collected in the periods of very low precipitation which have a distinctly lower ratio. A simple model accounting for rainfall, seasonal variations and reload of the local atmosphere after a rain event explains 90% of the variance of 7Be and 210Pb deposition. Concentrations of 210Pb and Ca++ in rain were correlated with transport time of air masses over the continent as indicated by reconstruction of air mass trajectories over three days.  相似文献   

A new spectrophotometric method for the determination of benzene in air is described. The method is based upon the nitration of benzene to m-dinitrobenzene and subsequent reduction to m-phenylenediamine. m-Phenylenediamine is determined by diazotization-coupling reaction. α-Naphthol is used as a coupling reagent. Beer's law is obeyed in the range of 10–80 μg of m-dinitribenzene per 25 mL sample. The dye shows a wavelength of maximum absorption at 530 nm. The dye is stable for ~ 30 h. Toluene, the major interferent, can be separated. Beer's law, sensitivity, reproducibility, and other reaction conditions such as time, temperature, and acidity were studied. Formation of stable dye is the main advantage of the method over the butanone method for benzene, in which the colored complex is stable for only 5 min. It is possible to determine traces of benzene (0.05–0.30 μg/mL) by extracting the azo dye in 10 mL iso-amyl alcohol; this also increases the stability of the dye up to 42 h.  相似文献   

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