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Integrated assessment modelling has evolved to support policy development in relation to air pollutants and greenhouse gases by providing integrated simulation tools able to produce quick and realistic representations of emission scenarios and their environmental impacts without the need to re-run complex atmospheric dispersion models. The UK Integrated Assessment Model (UKIAM) has been developed to investigate strategies for reducing UK emissions by bringing together information on projected UK emissions of SO2, NOx, NH3, PM10 and PM2.5, atmospheric dispersion, criteria for protection of ecosystems, urban air quality and human health, and data on potential abatement measures to reduce emissions, which may subsequently be linked to associated analyses of costs and benefits. We describe the multi-scale model structure ranging from continental to roadside, UK emission sources, atmospheric dispersion of emissions, implementation of abatement measures, integration with European-scale modelling, and environmental impacts. The model generates outputs from a national perspective which are used to evaluate alternative strategies in relation to emissions, deposition patterns, air quality metrics and ecosystem critical load exceedance. We present a selection of scenarios in relation to the 2020 Business-As-Usual projections and identify potential further reductions beyond those currently being planned.  相似文献   

BackgroundAir pollution benefits assessments tend to be time and resource intensive. Reduced-form approaches offer computational efficiency, but may introduce uncertainty. Some reduced-form approaches apply simplified air quality models, which may not capture the complex non-linear chemistry governing the formation of certain pollutants such as PM2.5. Other approaches apply the results of sophisticated photochemical modeling, but characterize only a small number of source types in a limited geographic area.MethodsWe apply CAMx source apportionment photochemical modeling, coupled with a PC-based human health benefits software program, to develop a suite of PM2.5 benefit per ton estimates. These per-ton estimates relate emission changes to health impacts and monetized benefits for 17 sectors across the continental U.S., including Electricity Generating Units (EGU), mobile, area and industrial point sources.ResultsThe benefit per ton of reducing directly emitted PM2.5 is about an order of magnitude larger than reducing emissions of PM2.5 precursor emissions. On a per-ton basis, the value of reducing directly emitted PM2.5 and PM2.5 precursors in 2005 ranges between approximately $1300 (2010$) for reducing a ton of NOx from Ocean-Going Vessels to about $450,000 (2010$) for reducing a ton of directly emitted PM2.5 from Iron and Steel facilities. The benefit per ton estimates for 2016 are generally higher than the 2005 estimates. The values estimated here are generally comparable with those generated using photochemical modeling, but larger than those calculated using simplified air quality models.ConclusionsOur approach characterizes well the per-ton benefits of reducing emissions from a broad array of 17 industrial point, EGU and mobile sectors, while our use of photochemical air quality modeling gives us greater confidence that we have accounted for the non-linear chemistry governing PM2.5 formation. The resulting benefit per-ton estimates thus represent a compromise between approaches that may simplify the treatment of PM2.5 air quality formation and those techniques that are based in photochemical modeling but account for only a small number of emission sources.  相似文献   

This paper describes the historical development and current legislation to control photochemical oxidant pollution in OECD countries. Policies for implementing, attaining, and maintaining ambient air quality standards or goals are discussed, problems associated with the various steps are highlighted, and the possibility of international policy guidelines which could control pollution across national frontiers is considered. To date, only a few countries have formulated ambient air quality standards for ozone/ oxidants; these standards are usually short-term averages over 1 h, ranging from 0.06 ppm (μL/L) in Japan to 0.12 ppm (μL/L) in the United States. The current interest in air quality management on an international scale leads to the conclusion that successful control of photochemical oxidant pollution would be best accomplished through the establishment of internationally acceptable standards or goals for oxidants/ozone based on health effects and other relevant environmental impacts, in combination with control strategies developed and implemented on an international level.  相似文献   

This paper presents an innovative, quantitative assessment of pollution avoidance attributable to environmental regulation enforced through integrated licensing, using Ireland's pharmaceutical-manufacturing sector as a case study. Emissions data reported by pharmaceutical installations were aggregated into a pollution trend using an Environmental Emissions Index (EEI) based on Lifecycle Assessment methodologies. Complete sectoral emissions data from 2001 to 2007 were extrapolated back to 1995, based on available data. Production volume data were used to derive a sectoral production index, and determine ‘no-improvement’ emission trends, whilst questionnaire responses from 20 industry representatives were used to quantify the contribution of integrated licensing to emission avoidance relative to these trends. Between 2001 and 2007, there was a 40% absolute reduction in direct pollution from 27 core installations, and 45% pollution avoidance relative to hypothetical ‘no-improvement’ pollution. It was estimated that environmental regulation avoided 20% of ‘no-improvement’ pollution, in addition to 25% avoidance under business-as-usual. For specific emissions, avoidance ranged from 14% and 30 kt a− 1 for CO2 to 88% and 598 t a− 1 for SOx. Between 1995 and 2007, there was a 59% absolute reduction in direct pollution, and 76% pollution avoidance. Pollution avoidance was dominated by reductions in emissions of VOCs, SOx and NOx to air, and emissions of heavy metals to water. Pollution avoidance of 35% was attributed to integrated licensing, ranging from between 8% and 2.9 t a− 1 for phosphorus emissions to water to 49% and 3143 t a− 1 for SOx emissions to air. Environmental regulation enforced through integrated licensing has been the major driver of substantial pollution avoidance achieved by Ireland's pharmaceutical sector — through emission limit values associated with Best Available Techniques, emissions monitoring and reporting requirements, and performance targets specified in environmental management plans. This compliant sector offers a positive, but not necessarily typical, case study of IPPC effectiveness.  相似文献   

Globally, more than 30 % of all food that is produced is ultimately lost and/or wasted through inefficiencies in the food supply chain. In the developed world this wastage is centred on the last stage in the supply chain; the end-consumer throwing away food that is purchased but not eaten. In contrast, in the developing world the bulk of lost food occurs in the early stages of the supply chain (production, harvesting and distribution). Excess food consumption is a similarly inefficient use of global agricultural production; with almost 1 billion people now classed as obese, 842 million people are suffering from chronic hunger. Given the magnitude of greenhouse gas emissions from the agricultural sector, strategies that reduce food loss and wastage, or address excess caloric consumption, have great potential as effective tools in global climate change mitigation. Here, we examine the challenges of robust quantification of food wastage and consumption inefficiencies, and their associated greenhouse gas emissions, along the supply chain. We find that the quality and quantity of data are highly variable within and between geographical regions, with the greatest range tending to be associated with developing nations. Estimation of production-phase GHG emissions for food wastage and excess consumption is found to be similarly challenging on a global scale, with use of IPCC default (Tier 1) emission factors for food production being required in many regions. Where robust food waste data and production-phase emission factors do exist—such as for the UK—we find that avoiding consumer-phase food waste can deliver significant up-stream reductions in GHG emissions from the agricultural sector. Eliminating consumer milk waste in the UK alone could mitigate up to 200 Gg CO2e year?1; scaled up globally, we estimate mitigation potential of over 25,000 Gg CO2e year?1.  相似文献   

Exposure to air pollution has been related with the most varied adverse health outcomes. This study aims to assess the impact of air pollution on the emergency hospitalization for respiratory disease in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The study was divided in two parts: Part I specifically addressing the air pollution assessment and Part II addressing the health assessment. Accordingly, this Part I aims to: i) evaluate the concentrations of PM10, SO2 and CO at two sites in Rio de Janeiro and compare them; ii) analyse the concentrations observed according to the national and international standards; and iii) analyse the air pollutants behaviour, namely, annually, seasonally, daily and considering weekdays/weekends variations. The pollutant concentrations were measured at two different sites in Rio de Janeiro and the analysis was performed for the period between September 2000 and December 2005. Results showed that PM10 concentrations in Rio de Janeiro exceeded the daily and annual standards imposed by the European Union, the Brazilian legislation and WHO guidelines. Regarding SO2 and CO, concentrations were, generally, below both European and Brazilian standards. Nevertheless, considering WHO guidelines, SO2 threshold for daily concentrations (20 μg m 3) was exceeded around 150 times. Behaviour assessment showed that the influence of traffic is a major factor affecting the air pollution in Rio de Janeiro.Considering the results achieved and the proven health effects of air pollution, strategies should be defined for its reduction, particularly concerning particulate matter, and consequently contribute to the protection of public health.  相似文献   

技术异质下中国大气污染排放效率的区域差异与影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来中国雾霾天气的频繁发生给人们的生产、生活以及身体健康构成巨大威胁。提高大气污染排放效率,深入挖掘大气污染减排潜力是改善中国大气环境质量,减少和消除雾霾天气发生的重要途径。本文根据生态效率理论,充分考虑到不同区域发展的不平衡因素与技术异质性特征,在共同前沿方法框架下科学测算2006—2014年间中国30个省份的大气污染排放效率,在此基础上分析效率的区域差异,利用"技术差距比(TGR)"这一指标衡量东部、中部与西部三大区域之间大气污染排放技术的差距,并从"技术"与"管理"两个维度进一步将各省份大气污染排放无效率分解为"技术差距无效率(TGI)"与"管理无效率(GMI)",以此定位各省份大气污染防治的薄弱环节,进而构建策略矩阵,将全国各省份归入四个不同排放效率特征的方阵,并给出相应的优化路径与措施;深入揭示大气污染排放效率与排放强度之间的内在联系,提出"大气污染排放强度效率"这一全新概念并考察其演化趋势;利用面板Tobit回归模型检验影响我国省际大气污染排放效率与排放技术的外部环境因素。实证结果表明:1中国大气污染排放效率整体水平偏低,年均仅为0.493,污染减排潜力巨大;2中国大气污染排放效率与排放技术的地区差异显著,无论是大气污染排放效率还是排放技术水平,东部地区都是明显高于中部与西部地区;3中国大气污染的实际排放强度明显高于潜在排放强度,这表明大气污染排放强度还存在很大的改进空间;4经济发展、产业结构升级与科技创新对大气污染排放效率与排放技术的提升均有显著促进作用,煤炭消费比重上升与人口密度过大则对其有显著抑制作用;5本文的研究结论支持"波特假说"与"污染避难所"假说。  相似文献   

The use of sophisticated air pollution modeling systems to evaluate the impact of different industrial plant emissions is currently done in an extensive way. MM5-CMAQ (PSU/NCAR and EPA, USA) is one of the most applicable air quality modeling systems to evaluate those impacts. In this contribution we present the methodology and results obtained when applying the MM5-CMAQ air quality modeling system for evaluating the potential impact of an incinerator in San Sebastián (Basque Country, Spain). We have used the EMIMO (UPM, Spain) emission model to simulate the emissions from biogenic and anthropogenic sources including traffic and tertiary sector sources. The study includes the air quality impact of a highway located near the incinerator named A8 and 6 industrial plants which already exist. The impact study has been compared with the results obtained from this highway impact and the 6 industrial plants which are normally operating during the last 30 years. The system has been prepared to simulate also Cadmium, Arsenic, Nickel, Lead and Benzo(a)pyrene air quality impacts. The PCDD/F air concentrations have been determined for the 16 toxic dioxins and furans as determined in the bibliography. The criteria pollutants such as CO, NOx, SO(2), PM(10) and O(3) have also been determined according to the different EU Directives which limit the values of such a pollutants for different periods of time.  相似文献   

This paper describes a series of tests carried out with a comprehensive transportation, land use and air quality simulation system, which has been designed for planning application at the metropolitan or regional scale, within the framework of the U.S. Government's Clean Air legislation. The urban location portion of the system was developed at the University of Pennsylvania under the direction of S. H. Putman. The air quality sections incorporate models formulated in earlier studies. The system was tested with data from the San Francisco Bay area, for the period 1975–1980. The test policies included changes in regional transportation costs and population totals; local interventions in the transportation network; and controls on pollutant emissions from mobile and stationary sources. To assess net impacts, the outcomes predicted for each policy were compared with the outcomes predicted in a “benchmark”, or base run of the system. The tests showed that the system is sensitive to a broad range of air quality policies, and that it is capable of predicting important air quality consequences of transportation and land use policies. Some further development will be needed before the system can be used in practical planning situations, but there is little doubt as to the soundness of its central theoretical constructs and logical structure.  相似文献   

In the second half of 1997, large areas in Southeast Asia were severely affected by a smoke-haze pollution episode caused by the emissions of an estimated 45,600 km2 of vegetation that burnt on the Indonesian islands Kalimantan and Sumatra. To document the impacts of these fires on air quality, data for total suspended particulate matter (TSP) and for particulate matter below or equal to 10 microns in diameter (PM10) from selected sites in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore are analysed in this paper. These data are supplemented by meteorological data, satellite images and a summary of related research. TSP was above 2,000 μg m–3 for several days in Indonesian locations close to the most extensive fire activity. In Malaysia and Singapore, ambient particle concentrations increased to several times their average September levels. Characteristically for emissions from vegetation burning, the additional atmospheric particle loading during the smoke-haze episode was predominantly due to an increase of the fraction below or equal to 2.5 microns in diameter (PM2.5). Due to the dominance of respirable particles (PM2.5) in the smoke-haze, air quality reporting based on TSP or PM10 may be inadequate to assess the health risk. Upgrading of PM2.5 monitoring facilities is therefore needed. Reducing the probability of similar smoke-haze events in future would require appropriate fire use and smoke management strategies. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

BackgroundMotor vehicle emissions contribute nearly a quarter of the world's energy-related greenhouse gases and cause non-negligible air pollution, primarily in urban areas. Changing people's travel behaviour towards alternative transport is an efficient approach to mitigate harmful environmental impacts caused by a large number of vehicles. Such a strategy also provides an opportunity to gain health co-benefits of improved air quality and enhanced physical activities. This study aimed at quantifying co-benefit effects of alternative transport use in Adelaide, South Australia.MethodWe made projections for a business-as-usual scenario for 2030 with alternative transport scenarios. Separate models including air pollution models and comparative risk assessment health models were developed to link alternative transport scenarios with possible environmental and health benefits.ResultsIn the study region with an estimated population of 1.4 million in 2030, by shifting 40% of vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT) by passenger vehicles to alternative transport, annual average urban PM2.5 would decline by approximately 0.4 μg/m3 compared to business-as-usual, resulting in net health benefits of an estimated 13 deaths/year prevented and 118 disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) prevented per year due to improved air quality. Further health benefits would be obtained from improved physical fitness through active transport (508 deaths/year prevented, 6569 DALYs/year prevented), and changes in traffic injuries (21 deaths and, 960 DALYs prevented).ConclusionAlthough uncertainties remain, our findings suggest that significant environmental and health benefits are possible if alternative transport replaces even a relatively small portion of car trips. The results may provide assistance to various government organisations and relevant service providers and promote collaboration in policy-making, city planning and infrastructure establishment.  相似文献   

The air quality impacts of hazardous waste disposal sites can be assessed on the basis of their contribution to each of the toxic contaminants. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the available methods of air quality assessment and their drawbacks. The need of air quality assessment is to assure that ambient concentrations of specific contaminants resulting from emissions will not exceed the acceptable levels for protection of public health and the ecosystem. Ambient concentrations of toxic contaminants are generally obtained by field measurements or air monitoring. However, field measurements and air monitoring of low-level toxic contaminants are costly and time consuming. As a result, most hazardous waste land disposal sites have not been adequately assessed. This paper describes current regulatory requirements in the United States for air quality assessment of hazardous waste land disposal sites. Emphasis is directed toward air quality assessment methodology. The paper also discusses emission predicting models based on the waste quantity and composition, scientific analysis of the waste conversion process together with meteorological conditions. The emission models are especially useful where emission cannot be reliably monitored or where a new disposal site is proposed.  相似文献   

区域气象条件及空气质量或与全球气候变化关系密切。研究通过分析不同气候条件下成都地区1951~2017年主要气象要素及其2013~2017年大气污染物浓度变化趋势,并结合大数据挖掘技术探究厄尔尼诺/拉尼娜事件与成都地区气象及空气质量的关系。结果表明,全球气候变化对区域气象及空气质量影响明显。异常气候造成成都地区气温、降水、风速、日照时长等气象条件发生明显变化。这些变化通常利于大气扩散条件的改善而使污染物浓度下降,但相应时期的臭氧浓度却有所升高。研究同时利用KNN大数据挖掘算法评估不同气候条件下气象和减排对空气质量改善的贡献。结果显示,在全球厄尔尼诺发生频繁的2015年,成都地区重污染天数明显减少,气象和减排的贡献率分别为27%和73%;而在全球拉尼娜现象频发的2016年,成都地区空气质量也有明显改善,重污染天数的减少有42%归功于气象条件的变化,几乎与大气污染物的减排贡献相当。因此,为实现空气质量的有效改善,空气质量改善管理政策的制定,既要从源头上控制污染物的排放,同时也应考虑全球气候变化的影响。  相似文献   

Recognition has grown among policy-makers that early in the decision-making process, there is a need for an environmental assessment of the effects of the policy, plan, and program (PPP) and their alternatives. Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) is widely recognized as a supporting tool that systematically integrates environmental aspects into strategic decision-making processes, thereby contributing to sustainable development. In this study, SEA was applied for an integrated assessment of environmental, social, and economic impacts of a wide range of scenarios for transport-related air quality policies to help decision-makers in identifying the most sustainable scenario with the purpose of reducing carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations from transport emissions in Hanoi City, Vietnam. In conducting SEA process, the urban air dispersion model MUAIR was used as a quantitative tool in prediction of CO concentrations. To evaluate the predicted impacts of scenarios, the SEA objectives concerning sustainability and the corresponding sustainable indicators were identified. Based on the likely significant predicted impacts on landscape, biodiversity, and health benefits, mitigation measures were proposed. These included planning in infrastructure development and implementation of public education campaign. The results of predicted and evaluated impacts of scenarios as well as proposed mitigation measures were taken into account for supporting sound decision-making that is consistent with the principles of sustainable development. Considering sustainable impacts of the scenarios, the SEA result clearly indicates that a combination of policy for public transport development and policy for installation of oxidation catalytic converter for motorcycles is the most sustainable scenario for reducing CO concentrations from transport emissions.  相似文献   

In 2010, the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) came into force in the EU and establishes a framework for achieving legally binding greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions. Only sustainable biofuels can be counted towards Member State targets. The aim of this paper is to calculate realistic and transparent scenario-based CO2-emission values for the GHG emissions savings of palm oil fuel compared with fossil fuel. Using the calculation scheme proposed by the RED, we derive a more realistic overall GHG emissions saving value for palm oil diesel by using current input and output data of biofuel production (e.g. in South-East Asia). We calculate different scenarios in which reliable data on the production conditions (and the regarding emission values during the production chain) of palm oil diesel are used. Our results indicate values for the GHG emissions savings potential of palm oil biodiesel not only above the 19 % default and 36 % typical value published in RED but also above the 35 % sustainable threshold. Our findings conclude the more accurate GHG emissions saving value for palm oil feedstock for electricity generation to be 52 %, and for transportation biodiesel between 38.5 and 41 %, depending on the fossil fuel comparator. Our results confirm the findings by other studies and challenge the official typical and default values published in RED. As a result, the reliability of the Directive to support the EU’s low-carbon ambitions is being undermined, exposing the EU and commission to charges of trade discrimination and limiting the ability of Member States to achieve their legally binding GHG emission reductions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of reductions of reactive organic gases (ROG) and NOx emissions on short-term O3 and NO2 concentrations and annual average NO2 concentrations in the California South Coast Air Basin. Short-term air quality predictions were obtained by applying the Systems Applications Airshed Model to summer O3 and autumn NO2 episodes. Effects of emission controls on annual NO2 concentrations were estimated using CDM and a new parcel tracking model NOXTRAK. Results for the summer O3 episode indicate that ROG emission reduction in an effective means for reducing peak O3 concentrations. NOx emission reduction imposed in addition to ROG emission reductions are counterproductive in reducing peak O3 concentrations. The modeling results also suggest that attainment of the 1-h federal O3 standard requires ROG emission reductions on the order of 80% from 1987 levels. Results for the autumn NO2 episode indicate that NOx emission reductions approximating those recommended in a proposed Air Quality Management Plan (about 22%) will result in only small (about 5%) reductions in the peak NO2 concentrations. ROG emission reduction may be more effective than NOx emission reduction in reducing the peak NO2 concentration. For the episode studied, a reduction of 36% in ROG emissions is estimated to result in a reduction in peak NO2 concentrations commensurate with that required to attain the 1-h state NO2 standard. Model calculations also indicate that the federal NO2 standard may not be meet by 1987 at one or two stations, but may blosely approached.  相似文献   

大气污染物的源排放是形成灰霾天气的内因,气象条件是形成灰霾天气的外因。本研究通过构建PM_(2.5)浓度的两段式分布滞后模型,结合自然环境因素及经济因素对PM_(2.5)的影响因素进行了综合分析。在第一段模型中构建了PM_(2.5)和大气污染物排放量的分布滞后模型,第二段模型中构建了不同的大气污染源对大气污染物排放量的影响因素模型。大气污染物排放源主要包括工业源、生活源、机动车源、集中式污染治理设施源。在工业源中,工业废气重度污染行业是大气污染物排放主要的贡献者;在生活源中,燃煤消费量对大气污染物排放影响很大,这也是冬季供暖期间PM_(2.5)剧增的原因;在机动车源中,尽管黄标车的保有量仅占汽车保有量的10%左右,但却占据了颗粒物排放量的绝大部分。利用京津冀代表性城市PM_(2.5)日度数据研究得出平均气温、平均风速、日照时数、平均气压、降雨量、平均相对湿度、沙尘暴等因素对PM_(2.5)浓度的负向与正向作用。研究发现,大气污染物排放量对PM_(2.5)浓度具有聚集的滞后效应,当期大气污染物排放量、滞后一期、滞后两期、滞后三期大气污染物对PM_(2.5)浓度具有显著的正向作用,且影响依次递减。构建的大气污染物排放量的污染源影响因素模型揭示一个地区煤炭消费量、工业废气重度污染行业工业增加值、黄标车保有量对该地区大气污染物排放量具有显著影响。本研究对优化能源消费结构和产业结构,减少空气污染物排放提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

The paper calculates the implications of including monetary measurements of environmental emission changes for the welfare impacts of ecological tax reforms in Italy and Sweden. Taxes on emissions of SO2, NOx and CO2 are investigated. Country-specific computable equilibrium models are used for estimating net welfare changes of the introduction of these taxes, the incomes of which are used for reducing distorting labour taxes. The results indicate that the inclusion of environmental benefits reduces the costs of ecological tax reforms considerably for both countries, and may even turn into net welfare gains.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of the effects of various air pollutants on lung collagen biosynthesis have been performed. A hitherto unexpected synergism between the oxidant air pollutants ozone or nitrogen dioxide and a respirable-sized aerosol of ammonium sulfate was observed during controlled exposures of rats to these substances. In an assay system, measuring collagen biosynthesis by lung minces prepared from rats exposed for 1 week to either filtered air or to these pollutants gases, dose-response curves to either O3 or NO2 are altered in the presence of 5 mg/m3 of (NH4)2SO4 aerosol. These observations may have broad implications for the appropriate evaluation of laboratory data in the setting of ambient air quality standards and/or the setting of threshold limit values for maintenance of occupational health and safety.  相似文献   

A typology of land characteristics for the Humber catchment in central/eastern England is identified in relation to land use, hydrology and demographic, topographic and geological characteristics, using GIS and statistical analyses. Empirical relationships between land characteristics and water quality were examined in relation to the spatial variability in water quality across the Humber catchment. Analyses of relationships between land characteristics and water quality were undertaken at two hierarchical scales: (1) individual catchments and (2) localities of 10 km radius draining to each sampling site. The importance of urban and agricultural sources was identified, together with a hydrological component linked to dilution of point source inputs and mobilisation of specific sediment-associated contaminants in higher-energy (higher-flow) environments. High-solubility (dissolved) chemical determinands (such as B, Cl and SO4), which undergo conservative transport through the river network, show the strongest linkages with land characteristics at the catchment scale. Cr, Zn and Ca show stronger correlations with land characteristics at the locality rather than the catchment scale, indicating that the concentrations of these determinands are more closely linked to the availability of localised sources. This work provides a starting point for investigating how changes in land use and management of drainage basins might impact river water quality at the regional scale and fluxes to the coastal zone, by providing a mechanism for examining linkages between regional-scale land characteristics and river water quality. The next step requires development of the approach within a more rigorous statistical framework and the extension of the regional analysis within a wider national and international context. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

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