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We have found numerous eggs of neritic copepods in sea-bottom sediments. Eggs of 6 species of calanoid copepods: Tortanus forcipatus Giesbrecht, Calanopia thompsoni A. Scott, Acartia erythraea Giesbrecht, A. clausi Giesbrecht, Centropages abdominalis Sato and C. yamadai Mori are described and illustrated. The possibility that these eggs “rest” in the sediments, and their biological significance, are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The “resting” eggs of a marine neritic copepod, Tortanus forcipatus Giesbrecht, recovered from sea-bottom sediment were hatched in the laboratory. Hatching occurred at temperatures of 13° to 30°C, no eggs hatched at 10°C. Temperatures around 25°C were found to be optimal for hatching, although the range of optimal temperatures for hatching was approximately 5°C lower in eggs stored for 14 to 15 months than in those stored for 1 to 2 months. A wide range of salinity, from 18 to 54%S, was favourable for hachting. Eggs failed to hatch within the sediment mud, which suggests that they are in a state of dormancy in the mud. Hatching was successful under both light and dark conditions.  相似文献   

A warm-water neritic calanoid copepod, Tortanus forcipatus, has been found to lay two physiologically different types of eggs (subitaneous and diapause eggs), which are separately spawned in response to different seasonal environmental conditions. Subitaneous eggs are produced when the planktonic populations are at their numerical maxima, and are only shed until late summer. After peak spawning, true resting eggs are spawned which undergo diapause for 1 to 3 months. The eggs recover from their diapause around mid-winter, but hatching does not take place until the water temperature at the sea bottom exceeds 15°C in early summer.  相似文献   

The seasonal cycles of abundance of populations of dominant calanoid copepods in the water column and of their eggs recovered from the bottom sediment in the central part of the Inland Sea of Japan are described. The numbers of both copepods and eggs fluctuated markedly with season in an essentially similar pattern among the 6 species studied (Tortanus forcipatus Giesbrecht, Calanopia thompsoni A. Scott, Acartia erythraea Giesbrecht, A. clausi Giesbrecht, Centropages abdominalis Sato, C. yamadai Mori). The density of eggs in the sea bottom was highest shortly before the population of adults and late copepodids disappeared from the plankton; the numbers of eggs then gradually decreased until the appearance of the next planktonic population.  相似文献   

N. H. Marcus 《Marine Biology》1990,104(3):413-418
In Ireland, mussels on exposed rocky shores constitute an interbreeding mixture of two forms of mussels,Mytilus edulis L. and the Mediterranean musselM. galloprovincialis Lmk. This paper presents an in-depth analysis, carried out between October 1984 and December 1986, of genetic variability at two partially diagnostic loci,Odh andEst-D, in two exposed-shore populations ofMytilus spp. in the west of Ireland. Significant differences at theOdh locus were observed in the genetic composition of adult mussels from different tidal levels. These differences were repeatable whether one was analysing replicate samples at a single point in time, samples collected at different points in time, i.e., in different years, or samples collected from different shores. Mussels recruiting to artificial substrates set out for a period of one month at different tidal levels at one of these sites were also observed to be genetically different; mussels higher up the shore exhibited higher frequencies of those alleles characteristically at high frequency inM. galloprovincialis for both theOdh andEst-D loci. Hence, the genetic differences observed in adult mussels are much more exaggerated in juveniles and are already apparent within the first month of benthic life. Possible reasons for the observed microgeographic differentiation are discussed. It is concluded that the observed genetic differences between mussels at different tidal levels arise either in the pelagic/attachment stage or very shortly after settlement.  相似文献   

M. Viitasalo 《Marine Biology》1992,114(3):397-405
Resting eggs of Acartia spp. (presumably A. bifilosa Giesbr.) at densities between 65 and 125 eggs cm-2 were found in sediment off the southern coast of Finland and represent the first observations of dormant calanoid eggs in the Baltic Sea. The highest egg densities were found at sediment depths between 4 and 8 cm. The hatching percentage varied between 0 and 90% in the different sediment layers and at different experimental temperatures (13, 16 and 19°C). Some nauplii emerged from the eggs extracted from sediment layers 9 to 10 cm beneath the surface layer and other nauplii emerged from eggs after 82 d of dark storage at 3°C. Light was not needed to trigger hatching; the nauplii were able to hatch in darkness when the eggs were resuspended in filtered seawater. Indirect evidence suggests that the marked spring peak of Acartia spp. nauplii seen in a monitoring data from the years 1973 to 1984 was derived from benthic eggs and not from spawning. The possible mechanisms for induction of hatching and the adaptive benefits of resting egg production for A. bifilosa are discussed.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory observations on the occurrence and viability of eggs of Labidocera aestiva Wheeler show that eggs of this temperate species which are laid in late fall remain viable on the bottom and hatch in late spring. These eggs thereby provide the means of repopulating temperate areas with this species after its winter disappearance from the plankton.  相似文献   

We experimentally investigated the effect of different densities of the burrowing, deposit-feeding amphipod Monoporeia affinis on the recruitment of zooplankton from benthic resting eggs. Intact sediment cores with in situ density and species composition of zooplankton resting eggs and benthic fauna were collected in the northern Bothnian Sea, part of the Baltic Sea. We removed as many M. affinis as possible from the cores and then added different numbers of M. affinis to the cores to generate a range of densities. The cores were exposed to different densities of M. affinis for either 3 or 40 days, after which the hatched zooplankton was registered. One subset of the cores were initially incubated under low temperature (2–3 °C, to prevent hatching) for 37 days (the resting phase), to allow for effects of M. affinis on unhatched resting eggs. These cores were then incubated under higher temperature (13 °C) for 3 days (the hatching phase), to induce hatching and allow for effects on hatching or hatched specimens. In a second subset of cores with the same time and temperature schedule, the M. affinis density was experimentally reduced at the start of the hatching phase, to evaluate the effect of M. affinis during the hatching phase. To a third subset of cores, we immediately initiated the hatching phase, without an experimental resting phase, to evaluate the effects induced during the resting phase. The most common zooplankton species that hatched was Eurytemora affinis (Copepoda), followed by Bosmina longispina maritima (Cladocera). In all cores that were subjected to a resting phase, the numbers of hatched E. affinis were log-linearly negatively related to density of M. affinis. An increase of M. affinis density from 1,000 to 5,000 individuals m−2, normal field densities, reduced the hatching by 60–70%. The negative impact was mainly exerted during the hatching phase, suggesting predation on, burial of or physical injury of hatching nauplii or eggs in a late development stage as likely mechanisms. Also, the number of B. longispina maritima that hatched was reduced by M. affinis during the hatching phase, but no clear relation to density of M. affinis could be identified. The results show that M. affinis can reduce recruitment to zooplankton from benthic resting eggs. Such impact by the benthos on resting stages of zooplankton is therefore a potentially significant link between the benthic and pelagic systems. Received: 10 August 2000 / Accepted: 13 November 2000  相似文献   

T. Næss 《Marine Biology》1991,110(2):261-266
Abundance and distribution of calanoid resting eggs in sediment were examined in 1988–1989 in an enclosed marine basin (Svartatjønn; western Norway). The basin undergoes rotenone treatment and draining every winter. Egg densities were highest in autumn, when up to 2 × 106 eggs m–2 were found, and lowest in summer. Egg densities were also highest in the deeper parts of the basin and in the upper 1 cm of sediment. Hatching was initiated in late January by pumping warmer deep water from the outside area into the basin. Evidence is given for resting-egg formation inEurytemora affinis Poppe, 1880 andAcartia clausi Gurney, 1931 (present phenotype reclassified asA. teclae by Bradford 1976: N. Z. Jl mar. Freshwat. Res. 10: 159–202). Seasonal differences in inhibition of hatching, together with the longevity and tolerance of these eggs, strongly suggest that they are diapause eggs.  相似文献   

Hatching of the eggs of four species of copepods, Acartia tonsa, Labidocera aestiva, Tortanus discaudatus, and Centropages hamatus was suppressed at oxygen concentrations less than 0.02 ml O2/l. When such eggs were subsequently exposed to normal oxygen concentrations, hatching varied among the species, indicating variability in the capacity of eggs to survive exposure to low oxygen. Incubation of eggs at low oxygen concentrations resulted in an increase in the duration of embryonic development. Experiments were conducted in closed systems and oxygen concentration was determined by thermal conductivity using gas chromatography.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the development and hatching of resting eggs of the Ponto-Caspian Cercopagis pengoi was studied experimentally in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea. Morphological changes were monitored as the development of the resting eggs proceeded. Sexual reproduction of the C. pengoi population in the Gulf of Finland was evaluated by combining the data from hatching experiments and resting egg abundances in the sediment. Development time of resting eggs was dependent on temperature: increase in the temperature shortened the time needed until hatching. Hatching success was also dependent on incubation temperature. Almost sixfold increase in hatching success was detected when temperature increased two degrees above the storage temperature. Average resting egg abundances varied between 0.16 and 0.49 eggs cm−3 in the 0–6 cm sediment layer.  相似文献   

Egg production, fecal pellet production and hatching success are reported for Acartia clausi females sampled during three cruises in February 1997, 1998 and June 1997 at 20-24 stations along 4 transects in the North Adriatic Sea. Dramatically low hatching rates were recorded during both diatom bloom events in February as opposed to much higher rates during post-bloom conditions in June, even though A. clausi productivity during the bloom was apparently high. These results are discussed in the light of recent findings on the negative impact of diatoms on copepod reproductive potential.  相似文献   

淀山湖沉水植物——苦草群落恢复影响因子研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在淀山湖0.5、1.0、1.5、2.0 m水层进行苦草(Vallisneria natans)现场生长实验,试图找出淀山湖苦草植被恢复的适宜环境条件。试验期间每天测量光照强度和水体溶解氧等环境因子,每隔10 d监测苦草的根长、株高、鲜重等生长指标的变化情况。结果表明:水深对苦草的生长具较显著影响,光照强度、溶氧分别和苦草日相对生长率具显著相关性;苦草的株高、叶片数、根长等生物学生长指标在0.5、1.0 m水层生长良好,1.5 m与2.0 m均出现不同程度的负增长状况。光照强度与苦草日相对生长率之间具有显著相关性(r=0.905),0.5、1.0 m水层的光照强度下苦草的相对生长率分别为0.14和0.11,而1.5、2.0 m水层的光照强度下苦草出现负增长的情况。水中的溶解氧含量与苦草成活率之间具有显著相关性(r=0.935)。随着水深的增加,溶氧逐渐降低,苦草的成活率也逐渐下降。在2.0 m水层处,溶氧均值为2.76 mg.L-1,苦草的成活率为46.5%,在1.0 m水层处,溶氧为5.66 mg.L-1,苦草成活率为86.5%,因此,淀山湖苦草群落恢复宜先在1.0 m以浅的沿岸带开展。  相似文献   

在淀山湖0.5、1.0、1.5、2.0 m水层进行苦草(Vallisneria natans)现场生长实验,试图找出淀山湖苦草植被恢复的适宜环境条件。试验期间每天测量光照强度和水体溶解氧等环境因子,每隔10 d监测苦草的根长、株高、鲜重等生长指标的变化情况。结果表明:水深对苦草的生长具较显著影响,光照强度、溶氧分别和苦草日相对生长率具显著相关性;苦草的株高、叶片数、根长等生物学生长指标在0.5、1.0 m水层生长良好,1.5 m与2.0 m均出现不同程度的负增长状况。光照强度与苦草日相对生长率之间具有显著相关性(r=0.905),0.5、1.0 m水层的光照强度下苦草的相对生长率分别为0.14和0.11,而1.5、2.0 m水层的光照强度下苦草出现负增长的情况。水中的溶解氧含量与苦草成活率之间具有显著相关性(r=0.935)。随着水深的增加,溶氧逐渐降低,苦草的成活率也逐渐下降。在2.0 m水层处,溶氧均值为2.76 mg.L-1,苦草的成活率为46.5%,在1.0 m水层处,溶氧为5.66 mg.L-1,苦草成活率为86.5%,因此,淀山湖苦草群落恢复宜先在1.0 m以浅的沿岸带开展。  相似文献   

Adult female Acartia tonsa and Labidocera aestiva were obtained from inshore marine waters near Turkey Point, Florida (29°54.5N;84°31W) during April and May 1991. For each species, eggs spawned overnight in the laboratory were collected, mixed with sediment, and added to a plastic tube (26 to 29 cm longx5 cm diam) to yield a 2 cm-thick layer. This tube was connected to a 245 cm-long tube, seawater was added and the contents were thoroughly mixed by turning the assembly end-over-end several times. The vertical distribution of eggs in the sediments following resuspension varied according to the grain size of the sediments. For sediments of 125 m particle-diameter, 68 to 72%, and 70 to 73% of the eggs of A. tonsa and L. aestiva, respectively, occurred in the upper 4 mm.For sediments 63 to <125 m particle-diameter, 34 to 36% of the eggs of A. tonsa and L. aestiva, respectively, occurred in the upper 4 mm. For sediments of <63 m particle-diameter, egg distribution was uniform for both species throughout the 2 cm layer. The results indicate that the vertical distribution of eggs in the sea bed following a resuspension event should be highly dependent upon the grain-size composition of the sediments.  相似文献   

环境因子及外源化学物质对植物花色素苷的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
花色素苷对彩叶植物叶片呈色以及果实果皮着色的作用受到广泛重视,但关于环境因子以及外源化学物质对花色素苷的影响研究缺乏系统评述.依据国内外近10年来的相关文献.在阐述花色素苷的生理作用和实用价值的基础上,综述了光照、温度、水分、pH值等有关环境因子和有机物、植物生长调节剂、矿质元素等外源化学物质对植物花色素苷积累、含量变化以及稳定性的影响及其生理机制;结果表明,对多数彩叶植物而言,全光照和较强光照、较低的生长温度、适度的土壤和大气干旱以及低pH值介质条件有利于花色素苷的合成、稳定和积累;而外源物质中,可溶糖、柠檬酸等有机物能促进花色素苷的合成和积累,乙烯、脱落酸(ABA)、金雀异黄素(GNT)、5.氨基乙酰丙酸(ALA)和茉莉酸(JA)等生长调节物质具有促进花色素苷合成和积累的作用,铜、钾、钙等矿质元素可促进花色素苷的合成和积累.论文还分析归纳了该领域尚待解决的问题(如外界因子对不同种类的花色素苷合成及比例变化的影响有何不同?),并指出了今后的研究方向,重点应明确环境因子是如何影响花色素苷的代谢路径以及不同种类植物中的花色素苷对外界影响因子响应机制的差异等.  相似文献   

Effects of pH, temperature, and oxygen on the production and release of phosphine in eutrophic lake sediments were investigated under laboratory tests. Results indicated that the elimination of matrix-bound phosphine was accelerated under initial pH 1 or 12. Phosphine levels could reach maximum under initial pH 10. The contents of phosphine increased with the addition of alkali under pH 4–12. The rates of phosphine production and release from lake sediments varied with temperature. 20°C was the most favorable temperature for the production of matrix-bound phosphine. Oxygen showed little effect on matrix-bound phosphine. Matrix-bound phosphine concentrations in lake sediments were concluded to be dependent on a balance of natural generation and depletion processes.  相似文献   

不同氮磷比对淡水藻类生长的影响及水环境因子的变化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在实验室水族箱内建立微型生态系统,研究氮磷比[m(N)/m(P)]对微型生态系统中叶绿素-a、总有机碳、溶解氧、pH的影响,并用多重比较检验法分析试验所得数据。试验发现,Chl-a、TOC、DO、pH在不同氮磷比的处理间均有一定的差异,其中DO、pH在不同处理间的变化比Chl-a、TOC更为显著。但它们随氮磷比的变化均没有表现出明显的规律性。还发现在各处理中,Chl-a与DO、pH间存在明显的正线性相关性;与TOC的相关性不显著。结果认为,氮磷比对这些环境因子的影响主要还受制于它对处理中浮游植物生长的影响,氮磷比对这些环境因子的影响并不显著。  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of different densities of the burrowing deposit-feeding amphipod Monoporeia affinis on the potential for recruitment of zooplankton from benthic resting eggs. Hatching of resting eggs was induced in the laboratory on sliced and resuspended 1-cm depth-sections of sediment cores, collected at six stations in an archipelago area of the Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea. The uppermost 5 cm of the sediment was studied. The most common species that hatched was Eurytemora affinis (Copepoda). Individuals from another copepod genus, Acartia, hatched in significant numbers only in the cores from two stations with low amphipod abundance. Cores from stations with high amphipod densities showed a deeper distribution of emerging E. affinis nauplii compared with stations with few amphipods; the oxidised sediment layer was also deeper at high M. affinis densities than at low. Total (0 to 5 cm strata pooled) number of hatched E. affinis nauplii was independent of amphipod density. This indicates that the effect of M. affinis on E. affinis eggs involves deeper burial due to bioturbation, rather than predation. Decreased benthic recruitment of zooplankton at localities with high M. affinis density is suggested, since more deeply positioned eggs are less likely to hatch. When hatching was induced in intact, non-sliced cores from one station, the number of E. affinis nauplii that hatched was on average 43% of the number that hatched in the upper centimetre of the sliced cores from the same station. This fraction (43%), if applied to the other stations, implied a potential for benthic recruitment of up to 80 000 ind m−2 for E. affinis. Due to its high abundance, M. affinis is likely to greatly reduce benthic recruitment of zooplankton in this system. Received: 17 September 1999 / Accepted: 23 February 2000  相似文献   

White  J. R.  Dagg  M. J. 《Marine Biology》1989,102(3):315-319
The estuarine copepod Acartia tonsa was collected on several occasions between 4 April and 14 August 1985 from Terrebonne Bay, Louisiana (29°08N; 90°36W) and the effects in its diet of suspended sediments, collected from the same area, were measured at five different concentrations of sediment (100 to 1 000 ppm) and six phytoplankton concentrations (500 to 13 000 cells ml-1 Thalassiosira weissflogii). Egg production rate was used as an index of diet quality. At low phytoplankton concentrations (500 cells ml-1), and at intermediate phytoplankton concentrations (2 000 cells ml-1) for previously starved copepods, egg production was reduced by up to 40% at a sediment concentration of 250 ppm and further reduced at higher sediment concentrations. At higher food concentrations (4 000 to 13 000 cells ml-1), suspended sediment had no effect on egg production rates at sediment concentrations up to 500 ppm. Rates were reduced only at the highest sediment concentration of 1 000 ppm. Under most natural conditions, suspended sediment would not significantly affect egg production rates in A. tonsa.  相似文献   

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