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The single and combined effects of ozone (O(3)) and Fusarium oxysporum on growth and disease expression of soybean genotypes differing in foliar sensitivity to O(3) were studied in the greenhouse. O(3) had no effect on root and hypocotyl rot severity of PI 153.283 (O(3)-sensitive, S) or PI 189.907 (O(3)-tolerant, T) maturity group I soybean lines. Plants of both genotypes infected with F. oxysporum and exposed to O(3) had greater reductions in relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR), and had more stippled leaves per plant than Fusarium-free plants exposed to O(3). O(3) alone had a greater impact on shoot dry weight, RGR, and NAR of PI 153.283 (S) than of PI 189.907 (T). O(3) alone reduced shoot and root dry weights primarily through a depression in NAR and less through reduced leaf area. F. oxysporum alone reduced root dry weight at 35 days; however, infected plants responded with increases in root dry weight from 49 to 63 days. Similarly, F. oxysporum alone lowered early RGR but subsequent RGR decline was less rapid while NAR remained high, particularly during later sampling intervals. Infection by F. oxysporum that causes root and hypocotyl rot increased soybean sensitivity to O(3) by prolonging active vegetative growth.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean environment, and most of the Italian peninsula, presents some peculiarities in terms of crop response to O3 since most physiological mechanisms activated upon O3 exposure, such as stomatal closure, often overlap and interact with those that underlie plant adaptation to drought and hyperosmotic stress, which are typical of these environments. OTC and EDU experiments have demonstrated that O3 causes strong yield losses when crops are grown without water limitations. However, exposure to water or saline stress significantly reduced O3 effects on crop yield. In this review, we present the methodological approaches that have been used to study plant-ozone interactions in Italy as well as biochemical, physiological and agronomic responses for representative cropping systems of the Mediterranean climate.  相似文献   

The effects of ozone (O3) exposure under different water availabilities were studied in two Mediterranean tree species: Quercus ilex and Ceratonia siliqua. Plants were exposed to different O3 concentrations in open top chambers (charcoal-filtered air (CF), non-filtered air (NF)) and non-filtered air plus 40 ppbv of O3 ((7:00–17:00 solar time) (NF+)) during 2 years, and to different water regimes (IR, sample irrigation, and WS, reduced water dose to 50%) through the last of those 2 years. AOT40 in the NF+ treatment was 59265 ppbv h (from March 1999 to August 1999) while in the NF treatment, the AOT40 was 6727 ppbv h for the same period. AOT40 was always 0 in the CF treatment. WS plants presented lower stomatal conductances and net photosynthetic rates, and higher foliar N concentrations than IR plants in both species. The irrigation treatment did not change the response trends to ozone in Q. ilex, the most sensitive species to O3 ambient concentrations, but it changed those of C. siliqua, the least sensitive species, since its ozone-fumigated WS plants did not decrease their net photosynthetic rates nor their biomass accumulation as it happened to its ozone-fumigated IR plants. These results show interspecific variations in O3 sensitivity under different water availabilities.  相似文献   

Twenty-two week-old Pinus taeda L. (loblolly pine) seedlings of 30 open-pollinated and five full-sib families, representing a wide range in geographic origin, were grown in charcoal-filtered (CF) air or CF-air supplemented with 160 or 320 nl liter(-1) ozone for 8 h day(-1), 4 days week(-1), for 9 weeks. Visible foliar injury (banded chlorosis, tip burn and premature senescence) was apparent in many families after 3 weeks in 320 nl liter(-1) and 6 weeks in 160 nl liter(-1) ozone. Decreases in relative height and root collar diameter growth rates, total dry weight, root dry weight, shoot dry weight, and root/shoot ratios were evident after 9 weeks of treatment with both 160 and 320 nl liter(-1) ozone. For relative height growth rates, family differences in response to ozone were observed. By the study's end, net photosynthesis rates were 15% less for the 320 nl liter(-1) ozone treatment as compared to the CF-air treatment. Total soluble sugar and total starch content of roots were not changed after 9 weeks of ozone exposure.  相似文献   

Modelling ozone (O3) deposition for impact risk assessment is still poorly developed for herbaceous vegetation, particularly for Mediterranean annual pastures. High inter-annual climatic variability in the Mediterranean area makes it difficult to develop models characterizing gas exchange behaviour and air pollutant absorption suitable for risk assessment. This paper presents a new model to estimate stomatal conductance (gs) of Trifolium subterraneum, a characteristic species of dehesa pastures. The MEDPAS (MEDiterranean PAStures) model couples 3 modules estimating soil water content (SWC), vegetation growth and gs. The gs module is a reparameterized version of the stomatal component of the EMEP DO3SE O3 deposition model. The MEDPAS model was applied to two contrasting years representing typical dry and humid springs respectively and with different O3 exposures. The MEDPAS model reproduced realistically the gs seasonal and inter-annual variations observed in the field. SWC was identified as the major driver of differences across years. Despite the higher O3 exposure in the dry year, meteorological conditions favoured 2.1 times higher gs and 56 day longer growing season in the humid year compared to the dry year. This resulted in higher ozone fluxes absorbed by T. subterraneum in the humid year. High inter-family variability was found in gas exchange rates, therefore limiting the relevance of single species O3 deposition flux modelling for dehesa pastures. Stomatal conductance dynamics at the canopy level need to be considered for more accurate O3 flux modelling for present and future climate scenarios in the Mediterranean area.  相似文献   

Long-term radial growth of bigcone Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga macrocarpa) was studied throughout its range in the San Bernardino Mountains of southern California, where ambient ozone has been high for approximately the past 40 years. A gradient of both ozone concentration and precipitation exists from west (high) to east (low). Growth rates of bigcone Douglas fir are considerably lower since 1950 throughout the San Bernardino Mountains, with the largest growth reductions in the western part of the range where ozone exposure is highest. Needle retention is also somewhat lower at high ozone sites. Lower annual precipitation since 1950 may have some impact on long-term growth reductions, and short-term growth reductions induced by drought are an important component of long-term growth reductions at sites with high ozone exposure. An ozone-climate stress complex may be responsible for recent reductions in the growth of bigcone Douglas fir.  相似文献   

Data from four crop yield-loss field trials were examined to determine if analysis using an imposed phenological weighting function based on seasonal growth stage would provide a more accurate indication of impact of ozone exposure. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. cv. Moapa 69), dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. California Dark Red kidney), fresh market and processing tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. 6718 VF and VF-145-B7879, respectively) were grown at 9-11 ambient field plots within southern California comprising an ambient gradient of ozone. The growing season for each crop was artificially divided into 'quarters' composed of equal numbers of whole days and roughly corresponding to specific growth stages. Ozone exposure was calculated for each of these 'quarters' and regressed against final crop yield using 163 different exposure statistics. Weighting functions were developed using reciprocal residual mean square (1/RMS) or percentage of the best 100 exposure statistics of the 163 tested (TOP100) for each of the quarters. The third quarter of the alfalfa season was clearly most responsive to ozone as measured by both of the weighting functions. Third quarter ozone was also weighted highest by both weighting functions for dry bean. Fresh market and processing tomato were each influenced the greatest by second quartero zone as demonstrated by both weighting functions. The occurrence of ozone during physiologically important events (flowering and initial fruit set in second quarter for tomato; pod development in third quarter for dry bean) appeared to influence the yield of these crops the greatest. Growth-stage-dependent phenological weighting of pollutant exposure may result in more effective predictions of levels of ozone exposure resulting in yield reductions.  相似文献   

The light, temperature and stomatal conductance dependencies of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from ten plant species commonly found in the Mediterranean region were studied using a fully controlled leaf cuvette in the laboratory. At standard conditions of temperature and light (30°C and 1000 μmol m−2 s−1 PAR), low emitting species (Arbutus unedo, Pinus halepensis, Cistus incanus, Cistus salvifolius, Rosmarinus officinalis and Thymus vulgaris) emitted between 0.1 and 5.0 μg (C) (total VOCs) g−1 dw h−1, a medium emitter (Pinus pinea) emitted between 5 and 10 μg (C) g−1 dw h−1 and high emitters (Cistus monspeliensis, Lavendula stoechas and Quercus sp.) emitted more than 10 μg (C) g−1 dw h−1. VOC emissions from all of the plant species investigated showed some degree of light dependency, which was distinguishable from temperature dependency. Emissions of all compounds from Quercus sp. were light dependent. Ocimene was one of several monoterpene compounds emitted by P. pinea and was strongly correlated to light. Only a fraction of monoterpene emissions from C. incanus exhibited apparent weak light dependency but emissions from this plant species were strongly correlated to temperature. Data presented here are consistent with past studies, which show that emissions are independent of stomatal conductance. These results may allow more accurate predictions of monoterpene emission fluxes from the Mediterranean region to be made.  相似文献   

Ozone impact on Mediterranean forests remains largely under-investigated, despite strong photochemical activity and harmful effects on crops. As representative of O3 impacts on Mediterranean vegetation, this paper reviews the current knowledge about O3 and forests in Italy. The intermediate position between Africa and European mid-latitudes creates a complex patchwork of climate and vegetation. Available data from air quality monitoring stations and passive samplers suggest O3 levels regularly exceed the critical level (CL) for forests. In contrast, relationships between O3 exposure and effects (crown transparency, radial growth and foliar visible symptoms) often fail. Despite limitations in the study design or underestimation of the CL can also affect this discrepancy, the effects of site factors and plant ecology suggest Mediterranean forest vegetation is adapted to face oxidative stress, including O3. Implications for risk assessment (flux-based CL, level III, non-stomatal deposition) are discussed.  相似文献   

This study describes a quantitative relationship between mean O3 flux density and the length of exposure needed for the occurrence of visual injury to Phaseolus vulgaris L. Similar relationships were found for 14 day old and 6 week old plants using a whole leaf gas exchange cuvette system. Cultivars Seafarer (O3 sensitive) and Gold Crop (O3 resistant) exhibited similar responses at flux densities > 3 mg m−2 h−1 but only Seafarer was injured below this flux density. O3 concentration and length of exposure period alone did not contain sufficient information to describe the onset of visual foliar injury. The use of O3 concentrations in excess of normal ambient conditions compensated for low leaf conductances so that flux densities in the cuvette were similar to those found in the field.  相似文献   

Recent results from EU-sponsored projects have shed new light on the workings of the atmosphere in the Mediterranean Basin, where a large airmass becomes trapped and nearly stagnant over the sea during the summer. This work reviews the developments which have led to our present understanding of air pollution dynamics and associated meteorological processes in this region. In summer, the sea breezes combine with upslope winds to create recirculations along the coasts and within the western Mediterranean basin, with residence times in the order of days. Under strong insolation these recirculations become "large natural photo-chemical reactors" where most of the NOx emissions and other precursors are transformed into oxidants, acidic compounds, aerosols and ozone, which can exceed European Union directives for several months of the year. The objective of this paper is to evaluate available experimental evidence and complementary modelling results to help in the interpretation of observed ozone cycles and to anticipate possible scenarios for anthropogenic nitrogen deposition in the region.  相似文献   

This study identified 83 species from existing publications suitable for inclusion in a database of sensitivity of species to ozone (OZOVEG database). An index, the relative sensitivity to ozone, was calculated for each species based on changes in biomass in order to test for species traits associated with ozone sensitivity. Meta-analysis of the ozone sensitivity data showed a wide inter-specific range in response to ozone. Some relationships in comparison to plant physiological and ecological characteristics were identified. Plants of the therophyte lifeform were particularly sensitive to ozone. Species with higher mature leaf N concentration were more sensitive to ozone than those with lower leaf N concentration. Some relationships between relative sensitivity to ozone and Ellenberg habitat requirements were also identified. In contrast, no relationships between relative sensitivity to ozone and mature leaf P concentration, Grime's CSR strategy, leaf longevity, flowering season, stomatal density and maximum altitude were found. The relative sensitivity of species and relationships with plant characteristics identified in this study could be used to predict sensitivity to ozone of untested species and communities.  相似文献   

Field-grown black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) seedlings were treated with the antioxidant ethylenediurea (EDU) to evaluate height, diameter, and above-ground dry-weight biomass growth response to ambient ozone over four years. Nine blocks with 44 trees/block were used in a randomized complete block design with three foliar spray treatments: (1) 1000 ppm EDU mixed with a surfactant and water; (2) surfactant mixed with water; and (3) water only. In each growing season treatments were applied seven times at approximately 10-day intervals. Repeated measures analysis of variance indicated significant (P< or =0.05) treatment and year effects for log-transformed height and diameter growth over the four-year period. After four years, EDU-treated trees were approximately 17% taller and stem diameters were 21% greater than non-EDU-treated trees. Total above-ground dry-weight biomass at the end of four years was 47% greater for EDU-treated trees compared to non-EDU-treated trees.  相似文献   

Plant growth inhibition by ozone is significantly affected by previous exposure to nitrogen dioxide. Experiments on the early growth of four crop species showed that daily pretreatment with NO2 (0.08–0.10 ppm for 3 h) immediately prior to exposure to O3 (0.08–0.10 ppm for 6 h) increased the inhibition of radish and wheat growth, decreased the inhibition of bush bean growth, but had no effect on the growth of mint. The magnitudes of the interactive effects indicate that in regions where relatively high concentrations of O3 are produced by photochemical processes, for example, downwind from urban centres, assessments of the impact of O3 on vegetation based on knowledge of response to O3 alone may be seriously flawed.  相似文献   

Local ozone concentration and visible foliar injury were measured over the 1994 growing season on open-grown black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) trees of varying size (age) within forest stands and adjacent openings at a site in north-central Pennsylvania. Relationships were determined between visible ozone injury and ozone exposure, as well as calculated between injury and ozone uptake expressed as the product of stomatal conductance and ozone concentration. In addition, simultaneous measurements of visible symptoms and leaf gas exchange were also conducted to determine the correlation between visible and physiological injury and ozone exposure. By September, the amount of leaf area affected by visible foliar ozone injury was greatest for seedlings (46%), followed by canopy trees (20%) and saplings (15%). A large amount of variability in foliar ozone symptom expression was observed among trees within a size class. Sum40 and Sum60 (ozone concentration > 40 and > 60 nl liter(-1)) cumulative exposure statistics were the most meaningful indices for interpretation of foliar injury response. Seedlings were apparently more sensitive to ozone injury than larger trees because their higher rates of stomatal conductance resulted in higher rates of ozone uptake. Seedlings also had higher rates of early leaf abscission than larger trees with an average of nearly 30% of the leaves on a shoot abscised by 1 September compared to approximately 5% for larger trees. However, per unit ozone uptake into the leaf, larger trees exhibited larger amounts of foliar injury. The amount of visible foliar injury was negatively correlated (r(2) = 0.82) with net photosynthetic rates, but was not related to stomatal conductance. Net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance thus became uncoupled at high levels of visible foliar injury.  相似文献   

The effect of ozone flux density on leaf conductance to ozone in Phaseolus vulgaris was examined. The change in conductance was measured within the first two hours of fumigation for mature, fruiting 6-week-old plants of an ozone sensitive cultivar (Seafarer); for young, 14-day-old plants of the same cultivar; and for an ozone resistant cultivar (Gold Crop). Young Seafarer plants showed no change in conductance to ozone over a wide range of ozone flux densities. Gold Crop showed a decrease in conductance of −3.1 % /(mgO3 m−2 h−1) whereas mature Seafarer plants exhibited a stronger decrease of −7.7% /(mgO3 m−2 h−1). Diffusion porometer measurements taken on fruiting Seafarer plants in the field illustrated that a decrease in leaf diffusive conductance to water is related to visual ozone injury.  相似文献   

A systematic analysis of surface ozone observations in rural areas surrounding Athens is presented. The analysis is based on ozone data for the rural station Aliartos about 80 km NW of Athens center and for two stations on the northern periphery of the Athens basin: Demokritos, located 10 km NE of Athens center and Liossia, 12 km to the north. The data for these two stations are screened for cases of strong air flow from rural areas. Average hourly summer afternoon ozone mixing ratios are similar for all three stations about 60 ppb and thus exceed for the hours 12:00–20:00 LST the 55 ppb WHO guideline for human health for 8 h ozone exposure. The corresponding winter afternoon mixing ratios are at 35 ppb. However, due to the large diurnal variation, mean monthly ozone mixing ratios at Aliartos, for the months April–September vary from 32 to 40 ppb, which is comparable to the higher average ozone levels at rural stations in south-central Europe. In cases of southerly air flow in the summer in the Athens basin, afternoon ozone levels at Demokritos and Liossia are generally the highest of any in the monitoring network. Hourly average concentrations, however, are only 40% greater than rural values. A background ozone level of such magnitude will have a significant impact on estimates for the effectiveness of pollution control measures for Athens.  相似文献   

Plants of one evergreen oak (Quercus ilex) and three deciduous oaks (Q. faginea, with small leaves; Q. pyrenaica and Q. robur, with large leaves) were exposed both to filtered air and to enhanced ozone levels in Open-Top Chambers. Q. faginea and Q. pyrenaica were studied for the first time. Based on visible injury, gas exchange, chlorophyll content and biomass responses, Q. pyrenaica was the most sensitive species, and Q. ilex was the most tolerant, followed by Q. faginea. Functional leaf traits of the species were related to differences in sensitivity, while accumulated ozone flux via stomata (POD1.6) partly contributed to the observed differences. For risk assessment of Mediterranean vegetation, the diversity of responses detected in this study should be taken into account, applying appropriate critical levels.  相似文献   

The advantages and disadvantages, benefits and limitations, of a number of published mathematical models representing the effects of ozone on crops and native vegetation are described. Several levels of modeling are addressed: word models, graphic models, mathematical models, and computer simulation implementation. Special attention is given to evaluating: (1) how the interaction between ozone exposure and vegetation effects is quantified, (2) the status of field testing of the model, and (3) the adequacy of information for enabling other investigators to replicate the model for further testing. Original contributions, not previously published, are made in this evaluation in the form of: (1) graphic model flow charts for published models, (2) clarification of mathematical equations for existing models, (3) graphic forms of functional relations comprising portions of models, and (4) graphic displays of model output performance versus observed data. The models that are evaluated cover acute exposure-response models, statistical and mechanistic-process models, including a partial model of ambient exposure versus ozone flux, and uptake. They also cover chronic exposure statistical approaches, including time-series modeling, mechanistic-process models, 'disintegrated' models of forest system simulations, chronic flux density-uptake-response, and models for regional effects assessment in forests and agricultural lands.  相似文献   

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