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职业健康安全管理体系常见理解误区及应对方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于受传统安全管理思想的影响,许多企业在理解和运用职业健康安全管理方法时,常常存在着一些理解误区,影响体系运行的绩效。本文在分析、总结这些误区的基础上,提出了理解职业安全健康管理体系的正确思路和方法,以使职业安全健康管理体系能更好地为企业的安全生产服务。  相似文献   

安全评价在欧美各国被称为“风险评估”或“风险评价”(risk assessment)。在日本,为了顺应人们的心理,改称为“安全评价”。或许是受日本的影响,我国也多称之为“安全评价”。安全评价是以保障安全为目的,按照科学的程序和方法,从系统的角度出发对工程项目或工业生产中潜在的危险进行预先识别、分析和评估,为制定基础防灾措施和管理决策提供依据。  相似文献   

上篇介绍汽车在弯道行驶存在的风险因素,本篇主要介绍行车安全通过弯道应注意的事项。 一、要根据自己所驾的车型和要通过弯道的半径掌握好过弯车速。开大型车比开小型车过弯速度要更慢些,即或是驾驶小型汽车,也会有开吉普车与小轿车之分,因为小轿车与吉普车的瞬时摇摆中心不一样,吉普车前桥多是刚性桥结构,如北京吉普车前桥是工字桥,即便是高档吉普车也大多有前桥驱动,也是刚性桥结构。其车厢摇摆中心在弹簧吊耳平行中心处,车厢摇摆中心线在同一平面上。  相似文献   

道路弯道是指道路中心线呈曲线状态的路段,弯道是以,曲线半径的大小来度量的,急弯是指道路中心线曲线半径小于50米的路段。通过弯道风险多,许多事故就发生在弯道上,在谈弯道会车前,本篇先介绍汽车在弯道行驶中存在的风险因素,以便大家更好地掌握弯道安全会车的要领。  相似文献   

按《安全评价导则》的要求,从评价的前期准备、危险有害因素识别、评价单元划分,到通过分析评价,提出对策措施和做出评价结论,评价过程的各个阶段都可能存在问题,有些问题各自独立,有些还会相互关联。从提高评价报告的质量的角度看,工作基础是对工程项目情况,包括与国家法律和政府法令符合性的掌握。而从安全评价过程角度分析,最常见的问题归纳起来还是针对性问题、整体性问题、覆盖性问题、客观和准确性问题等。不管是哪类安全评价,其中最大的问题还是针对性问题,这个问题几乎渗透到评价报告的每一个环节.因为安全评价报告也存在质量不断提高的要求,更需要认识上的不断总结,相关科学技术的不断改进,以及理论水平的不断提高。  相似文献   

本质安全作为现代安全管理的重要理论,正确理解其内在意义,能够指导企业更好地开展风险管理,推行本质安全的理论及相关实践。安全管理是一个由人、机、环、管构成的庞大系统,各要素之间相互关联、相互影响、相互作用,将本质安全的理念融入到各个要素,使各个要素更加紧密、有机地连结在一起,从而有效地降低事故发生的后果和可能性。  相似文献   

近年来,县级安监机构认真贯彻落实国家、省、市安全生产工作会议精神,以贯彻实施《安全生产法》为抓手,切实加强安全生产组织领导,层层落实安全生产责任,认真开展安全生产检查,狠抓事故隐患整改,重点对危险化学品、道路和水上交通、公众聚集场所、农村建筑市场等方面进行了专项整治,就泰兴市而言,  相似文献   

运用解释结构建模方法对影响企业的安全因素进行分析,并确定了因素的级别和相互影响关系。  相似文献   

翁捷  王玉震 《劳动保护》2008,(12):81-81
忙碌了一上午,趁午休空闲时间,某单位检修安防器具班的班长——安全台账组织各安全用品在工机具室召开一次简短的安全例会。安全台账瞅瞅成员都到齐后,就亮开了嗓子:“大家都知道,今年上级领导一再强调反习惯性违章的重要性,近期又发动我们开展隐患排查治理工作。今天就请各位结合自身实际,检查、反省我们的违章过失及隐患所在。”  相似文献   

上期谈了,根据防护等级的要求和建筑物及环境的实际情况,按着分层次设计的原则、灵活多变地进行设计、安装和选择现场的实体防护、安全器材及各类防盗探测器组合使用,是确保安防系统工程的安全可靠性的基础。下面就系统的传输、分系统的设置及中心控制系统等方面谈谈安防系统工程的安全可靠性。 报警信号传输中的安全可靠性 目前国内报警信号传输方式:有电话线;有线(专线);总线;电源线;无线;光纤等。但城市、城区的联网大部分采用  相似文献   

Objective: Active safety devices such as automatic emergency brake (AEB) and precrash seat belt have the potential to accomplish further reduction in the number of the fatalities due to automotive accidents. However, their effectiveness should be investigated by more accurate estimations of their interaction with human bodies. Computational human body models are suitable for investigation, especially considering muscular tone effects on occupant motions and injury outcomes. However, the conventional modeling approaches such as multibody models and detailed finite element (FE) models have advantages and disadvantages in computational costs and injury predictions considering muscular tone effects. The objective of this study is to develop and validate a human body FE model with whole body muscles, which can be used for the detailed investigation of interaction between human bodies and vehicular structures including some safety devices precrash and during a crash with relatively low computational costs.

Methods: In this study, we developed a human body FE model called THUMS (Total HUman Model for Safety) with a body size of 50th percentile adult male (AM50) and a sitting posture. The model has anatomical structures of bones, ligaments, muscles, brain, and internal organs. The total number of elements is 281,260, which would realize relatively low computational costs. Deformable material models were assigned to all body parts. The muscle–tendon complexes were modeled by truss elements with Hill-type muscle material and seat belt elements with tension-only material. The THUMS was validated against 35 series of cadaver or volunteer test data on frontal, lateral, and rear impacts. Model validations for 15 series of cadaver test data associated with frontal impacts are presented in this article. The THUMS with a vehicle sled model was applied to investigate effects of muscle activations on occupant kinematics and injury outcomes in specific frontal impact situations with AEB.

Results and Conclusions: In the validations using 5 series of cadaver test data, force–time curves predicted by the THUMS were quantitatively evaluated using correlation and analysis (CORA), which showed good or acceptable agreement with cadaver test data in most cases. The investigation of muscular effects showed that muscle activation levels and timing had significant effects on occupant kinematics and injury outcomes. Although further studies on accident injury reconstruction are needed, the THUMS has the potential for predictions of occupant kinematics and injury outcomes considering muscular tone effects with relatively low computational costs.  相似文献   

In recent years, significant progress has been made to ensure that process industries are among the safest workplaces in the world. However, with the increasing complexity of existing technologies and new problems brought about by emerging technologies, a strong need still exists to study the fundamentals of process safety and predict possible scenarios. This is attained by conducting the corresponding consequence modeling and risk assessments. As a result of the continuous advancement of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tools and exponentially increased computation capabilities along with better understandings of the underlying physics, CFD simulations have been applied widely in the areas of process safety and loss prevention to gain new insights, improve existing models, and assess new hazardous scenarios. In this review, 126 papers from 2010 to 2020 have been included in order to systematically categorize and summarize recent applications of CFD for fires, explosions, dispersions of flammable and toxic materials from accidental releases, incident investigations and reconstructions, and other areas of process safety. The advantages of CFD modeling are discussed and the future of CFD applications in this research area is outlined.  相似文献   

It is indeed an honour to be invited to contribute the inaugural Trevor Kletz & Sam Mannan Guest Perspective on Process Safety. Unfortunately I did not ever meet Trevor, though I worked at a plant he was a design consultant on, but I worked with Sam for several years, together focused on how we could improve process safety outcomes.For this paper I want to write about a key area in process safety that I believe underpins everything we do. If we get it really wrong, we can't come back from the brink. If we get it a little wrong, we can usually recover, with a lot of work and effort. If we get it right, things just work. So, what am I talking about, is it design, maintenance, operations? No, I am talking about leadership. This underpins everything else we do in process safety yet is an oft neglected aspect. I think this is a fitting start to this series, because both Trevor and Sam believed in effective communication, which is a key element of leadership. I hope it will set the scene for future articles to incorporate aspects of leadership when others will delve into more detailed topics.  相似文献   

根据系统管理原理并在深入研究典型管理体系的基础上,提出要实现我国民航的持续安全,就要构建并不断完善保障持续安全的管理体系,即持续安全保障体系。对该体系的构成要素和运行机制进行了科学的设计,论述了各要素的内涵,对部分要素进行了创新性的诠释。建立了以信息为驱动力的体系的运行机制,并对进一步完善体系提出了建议。该体系的构建与完善将使民航的安全管理逐步实现自我监督和自我完善。  相似文献   

针对水电工程智能安全管控体系建设的问题,根据以信息化建造、数字大坝、智能大坝为特征的发展阶段趋势,运用安全系统理论,结合大数据、人工智能及云计算等最新信息技术,提出水电工程智能安全管理的内涵特征、层次结构、基础要素及技术体系,建立基于安全系统理论的水电工程智能安全管控模型。该模型借助数据感知技术,以推动人、机、环境三元融合为目标,形成基于群智数据协同的水电工程智能安全管控体系。以大渡河金川水电站为例,在该模型下实现了安全管理的风险识别、全面感知、智能管控和实时预警,为水电工程智能安全管控和智慧高效决策提供支撑。  相似文献   

关键要素构成及关联排序是安全氛围研究的基础性内容.通过文献回顾和事故案例分析,提取出由安全思想与理念、领导重视、危险源识别与风险分析控制、管理方式、员工参与、安全机构及方法、安全培训、标准化和其他共9维度构成的安全氛围架构,建立了72个指标要素和要素层级模型.运用层次分析法计算出各要素的权重,实现了要素的重要性排序,指标要素总的排序结果基本反映出企业现状.研究表明, 企业领导层应保持重视安全的持续性和一致性,工作中宜改变以管理和处罚等负面刺激为主的传统模式,设法激励员工主动参与.在具体实践中,宜重点加强关于个体行为改善、安全教育培训、管理科学、交流与沟通等方面工作.  相似文献   

In this research Risk Assessment of Safety and Health RASH method for building construction has been developed with risks classified into Safety Risks and Health Risks. 11 factors representing safety risks and 8 factors representing health risks were identified based on field survey in Oman. 40 Safety and Health specialists were involved in carrying out risk assessment using the existing method of risk analysis RA and the proposed RASH method. It was found that RASH method resulted in superior accuracy for assessment of risk zones than the existing RA method. The accuracy by RASH was almost twice the accuracy by RA. The overall percentages of the correct answers for the four scenarios using the RASH method and the RA method were 72.5 percent and 40 percent respectively. The proposed RASH method gave fewer errors than the existing RA method for all scenarios. Two scenarios were found to be the most problematic ones with largest overestimation of risks occur when using the existing RA method. Wilcoxon Ranked Test showed that the two methods are significantly different (z = −3.357, p > 0.01). The new method RASH is statistically acceptable and it resulted in better response in terms of estimating the risk than the RA method.  相似文献   

为探讨煤矿企业对安全创造效益认知水平的现状,为企业的安全投入提供方向和思路参考,通过测量国内7个煤炭集团的34个样本煤矿的安全文化水平量值,利用SPSS软件对测量数据进行分析。结果表明,样本煤矿企业在"安全创造经济效益"方面的总体量值水平约占世界较好企业的94%,相差5.6分;四类人员总体平均值都低于世界较好企业,分别相差4.176分、3.521分、7.265分和5.859分;"安全创造经济效益"与"伤亡事故可预防程度"和"安全部门的工作"非常显著相关;安全业绩和安全文化元素得分方面呈现一定的正相关关系。  相似文献   

The nature of safety culture: a review of theory and research   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper reviews the literature on safety culture and safety climate. The main emphasis is on applied research customary in the social psychological or organisational psychological traditions. Although safety culture and climate are generally acknowledged to be important concepts, not much consensus has been reached on the cause, the content and the consequences of safety culture and climate in the past 20 years. Moreover, there is an overall lack of models specifying either the relationship of both concepts with safety and risk management or with safety performance. In this paper, safety culture and climate will be differentiated according to a general framework based on work by Schein (1992 Schein) on organisational culture. This framework distinguishes three levels at which organisational culture can be studied — basis assumptions, espoused values and artefacts. At the level of espoused values we find attitudes, which are equated with safety climate. The basic assumptions, however, form the core of the culture. It is argued that these basic assumptions do not have to be specifically about safety, although it is considered a good sign if they are. It is concluded that safety climate might be considered an alternative safety performance indicator and that research should focus on its scientific validity. More important, however, is the assessment of an organisation's basic assumptions, since these are assumed to be explanatory to its attitudes.  相似文献   

油气站场一般设置有紧急停车系统(ESD)等存在操作员介入的非常规安全仪表功能(SIF),为解决已有的安全完整性等级(SIL)评估方法不能针对此类SIF进行功能安全评价的情况。对存在操作员介入的非常规SIF进行研究,将其中的人为因素细分为观察、决策和执行3个阶段;根据各类人因可靠性分析方法优缺点,筛选CREAM和HCR方法分别分析紧急情景环境和应急响应时间对非常规SIF人因失效概率的影响,建立考虑人因可靠性的SIL验证模型;基于此模型选取某输油站典型SIF开展SIL评估,分析人因失效对SIF整体可靠性的影响水平,并提出改善措施。结果表明:将操作员应急响应过程中的人因失效概率引入传统的SIL验证模型中,可实现对非常规SIF的功能安全评价;人因失效对非常规SIF具有显著影响,筛选的人因可靠性模型可准确计算人因失效概率。  相似文献   

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