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爆破噪声及其控制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过爆破工程的现场作业,对爆破噪声的调查研究,分析了爆破噪声的特性,提出爆破噪声控制的工程技术手段,指出了预防和防护爆破噪声的方法  相似文献   

So far, the prediction of blast wave generated from the Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion (BLEVE) has been already broadly investigated. However, only a few validations of these blast wave prediction models have been made, and some well-established methods are available to predict BLEVE overpressure in the open space only. This paper presents numerical study on the estimation of the near-field and far-field blast waves from BLEVEs. The scale effect is taken into account by conducting two different scale BLEVE simulations. The expansion of pressurized vapour and evaporation of liquid in BLEVE are both modelled by using CFD method. Two approaches are proposed to determine the initial pressure of BLEVE source. The vapour evaporation and liquid flashing are simulated separately in these two approaches. Satisfactory agreement between the CFD simulation results and experimental data is achieved. With the validated CFD model, the results predicted by the proposed approaches can be used to predict explosion loads for better assessment of explosion effects on structures.  相似文献   

The overpressure produced by the boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion (BLEVE) is still not well understood. Various methods have been published on the overpressure modeling in the far field. They mostly differ by the modeling of the expansion energy, used to scale the distance to the source where the overpressure needs to be calculated. But these methods usually include a experimentally fitted reduction factor, and are mostly overestimating the overpressures. Today there is a growing interest in modeling the BLEVE overpressure in the near field, for studying the blast effect on critical infrastructure such as bridges and buildings. This requires a much better understanding of the BLEVE blast. This paper goes deeper in the understanding of the physical phenomenon leading to the BLEVE blast wave generation and propagation. First, mid-scale BLEVE experiments in addition to new experimental data for near field blast from a small scale supercritical BLEVE are analyzed. And second, an analysis method of the shocks observed in the experiments is presented based on fundamental gas dynamics, and allows the elaboration of a new modeling approach for BLEVE overpressure, based on the calculation of the initial overpressure and radius of the blast.  相似文献   

隧道作为交通的咽喉要道,一旦发生火灾,给人员逃生带来很大的困难。利用隧道火灾模拟平台,分别对车顶和车底两个位置进行了细水雾灭火的模拟实验,研究不同风速对隧道火灾的温度、气体组分浓度和热辐射等参量的影响,据此研究细水雾灭火系统在隧道火灾中抑制、扑灭火灾,降低火场温度、净化火源附近空气以及隔绝热辐射的能力。结果表明:当风速增大时,火场烟气平均温度逐渐减小,CO浓度的峰值显著降低,热辐射强度也有效降低。在实验条件下,隧道纵向通风作用有利于保障火场安全。  相似文献   

In the event of a BLEVE, the overpressure wave can cause important effects over a certain area. Several thermodynamic assumptions have been proposed as the basis for developing methodologies to predict both the mechanical energy associated to such a wave and the peak overpressure. According to a recent comparative analysis, methods based on real gas behavior and adiabatic irreversible expansion assumptions can give a good estimation of this energy. In this communication, the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) approach has been implemented to predict the BLEVE mechanical energy for the case of propane and butane. Temperature and vessel filling degree at failure have been considered as input parameters (plus vessel volume), and the BLEVE blast energy has been estimated as output data by the ANN model. A Bayesian Regularization algorithm was chosen as the three-layer backpropagation training algorithm. Based on the neurons optimization process, the number of neurons at the hidden layer was five in the case of propane and four in the case of butane. The transfer function applied in this layer was a sigmoid, because it had an easy and straightforward differentiation for using in the backpropagation algorithm. For the output layer, the number of neurons had to be one in both cases, and the transfer function was purelin (linear). The model performance has been compared with experimental values, proving that the mechanical energy of a BLEVE explosion can be adequately predicted with the Artificial Neural Network approach.  相似文献   

陈长坤  康恒 《火灾科学》2013,22(1):24-30
针对重载铁路隧道内重载列车运载大量可燃物贯穿整条隧道的情况,建立了500m双线重载铁路隧道模型,利用大涡模拟技术,采用数值模拟的方法探讨了可燃物极大丰富条件下重载铁路隧道内,不同初始火源功率、起火位置下可燃物(红松木)火灾蔓延规律,进而分析了重载列车起火后隧道内火灾沿纵向、横向的温度分布特点、变化规律及后果影响。结果表明:重载铁路隧道内重载列车一旦发生火灾,不同起火位置对火灾向周围的蔓延速度有着明显的影响,而当火灾发生大面积蔓延时,由于隧道内通风量受限,将最终形成两侧隧道口附近燃烧剧烈,而中部较长区域燃烧受到显著抑制的特点。这也导致了隧道内拱顶附近处的最高温度位置由初始火源正上方,沿纵向逐渐向隧道洞口移动,并最终稳定在两侧隧道口附近,同时隧道中部温度也发生大幅度降低,这种温度分布特征对隧道衬砌结构损伤及破坏将产生重要影响。  相似文献   

岩爆危险性预测的神经网络模型及应用研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
岩爆是高地应力区岩质隧道开挖施工过程中发生的主要施工地质灾害之一 ,它的发生对隧道施工企业的安全生产构成很大的威胁 ,对岩爆发生可能性及其程度的预测是这类隧道设计、施工及安全生产所面临的重大问题。依据隧道岩爆发生的条件 ,基于国内外隧道工程岩爆实例 ,应用人工神经网络方法 ,建立了岩爆危险性预测的评价模型并应用于实践。  相似文献   

针对难以迅速扑灭的隧道甲醇火灾场景,在截面积9.14 m~2,长38 m的全尺寸隧道内开展了一系列实验,研究了不同通风条件下多喷头细水雾系统对隧道甲醇火灾的抑制作用。通过分析火源周围温度分布、火源下风向隧道温度分布及隧道能见度等参数,综合评估了通风条件下细水雾系统抑制隧道火灾的效果。结果表明:纵向通风降低隧道温度的同时易引起人眼高度处温度升高;细水雾能迅速控制火灾发展并有效降低隧道温度,但细水雾雾滴的扩散与沉降易造成隧道能见度的下降。在本文条件下,风速为4.98 m/s的纵向通风和10 MPa压力下的6喷头细水雾系统共同作用能够有效降低火源周围温度和隧道温度,并显著提高隧道能见度。  相似文献   

Blast damage to storage tanks and steel clad buildings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The 2005 Buncefield vapour cloud explosion showed the huge cost associated with blast damage to commercial property surrounding a major explosion incident. In most cases there was serious disruption to business activity; in many cases the buildings had to be demolished or abandoned for long periods until extensive repairs were carried out.Another key feature of this and other recent vapour cloud explosions has been the damage done to storage tanks. The blasts almost invariably cause immediate top and bund fires in any tanks surrounded by the vapour – even if they contain relatively high flashpoint materials such as diesel.The first part of this paper describes the patterns of damage observed in buildings in the industrial estates around Buncefield. Methods for assessing the degree of external and internal damage are presented.The second part of the paper deals with failure modes and ignition of various types of liquid storage tank during vapour cloud explosions. Again, the Buncefield data provides excellent examples that illustrate the importance of tank design, fill level, location relative to the cloud, etc.  相似文献   

介绍了高炉矿槽槽上通风除尘的一种新技术,采用移动式通风口加除尘装置,效果良好。  相似文献   

应用TY型燃油添加剂促进柴油燃烧更充分,降低采用无轨运输方式进行施工的隧道中空气污染.结果表明洞内 CO、Nox浓度及尾气烟度均值降低46%、55%、42%.测定值经统计学方差柱验,有极显著差异(P<0.001).  相似文献   

通过对三种常用管道烟气静压测定法进行理论和试验分析,推荐一种实用的静压间接测定法,并对该法进行理论分析和试验验证。  相似文献   

火灾中混合温场下隧道管片受力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张洋  马云东  崔铁军 《火灾科学》2013,22(4):201-206
对于以盾构方式修建的地铁,其隧道管片是主要的受力构件。在实际的火灾中,管片所在的温场往往是热对流及热辐射两种形式的混合温场。不同位置管片受热不均匀,整周管片内部将产生非均匀的热力荷载,与地应力荷载共同作用使模型中的应力分布更为复杂。从热量的角度进行温场融合,分别计算每个单元在两种温场下的温度及热量,将每个单元的两种热量分别相加求得每个单元的总热量,根据总热量再反算单元温度,从而确定这个混合温场。使用FLAC3D在模拟过程中随温度升高实时调整材料参数,使模拟结果更加准确。结果表明:当温度较低(〈500℃)时混合温场中以热辐射为主的均匀温场势力较强,当温度升高(〉500℃)后以热对流为主的非均匀温场势力较强。  相似文献   

叶美娟  纪杰  高子鹤  蒋勇  周扬  周帆 《火灾科学》2021,30(3):134-141
开展了一系列小尺寸实验研究隧道内不同火源受限情况下的火焰形态和顶棚射流火焰长度。实验中采用四个长宽比范围1~8的矩形气体燃烧器作为火源,并通过改变火源的摆放位置和贴壁方向(长边贴壁和短边贴壁)来改变火源的受限程度。结果表明:当火源置于开放空间非受限场景时,随着火源长宽比的增大,火源卷吸空气周长增大,导致火焰高度不断减小。对于贴壁火当矩形火源的长边贴壁时,随着长宽比的增大,其火焰高度同样不断减小;由于卷吸不对称,火焰贴着墙壁向上方蔓延,其火焰高度明显高于开放空间条件下的值。当火源短边贴壁时,火焰高度虽然仍随长宽比的增大而减小,但其火焰高度与开放空间相近,明显小于长边贴壁的情况,说明此时空气卷吸受限程度不大,火焰蔓延没有受到墙壁明显的影响。在前人对轴对称火源(方形和圆形火源)研究的基础上,本文对矩形火源位于隧道纵向中心线和紧贴隧道侧壁的火焰形态和火源长度进行了实验研究,定义了一个修正的无量纲火源功率?Q *mod,并引入了考虑矩形火源长宽比的无量纲特征参量(n+1)/n,建立了综合考虑火源功率、火源尺寸和贴壁方向的矩形贴壁火的火焰长度关系式。  相似文献   

结合某过江盾构隧道,基于三维流体动力学模拟仿真软件平台,建立三维仿真模型,研究火灾发生在隧道盾构段典型区段时,排烟开口在火源上下游不同的分布模式时烟气层的温度场分布。通过分析模拟结果可知:随着火源上游排烟开口逐步增加,火源上游烟气逆流长度和蔓延速度都相对稳定而后又逐步增长,火源下游的烟气蔓延长度先减小而后又基本趋于稳定,下游烟气沉降高度则有所升高;火源位置处正上方温度则随着上游排烟开口的个数逐步增加而逐渐升高。而从其他的排烟开口变化模式模拟结果可知:随着排烟开口面积或者开口间距的逐步增大,烟气蔓延的速度先增加而后又逐步减小,且开口间距为30m左右时烟气蔓延速度相对较慢;排烟开口宽高比对烟气蔓延影响较小。所获得的结论将有助于相关类型工程的设计和管理。  相似文献   

通过数值模拟方法对车辆阻塞效应下的隧道火灾烟气温度及烟气逆流长度的变化规律进行了研究。主要分两种车辆阻塞效应讨论:1辆设定大小车辆障碍物阻塞;2辆设定大小车辆障碍物阻塞,且在同一车道。通过改变火源高度、纵向通风速度探究了车辆阻塞效应下隧道火灾烟气温度及烟气逆流长度的变化规律。结果表明:两种车辆阻塞效应下,随着火源高度的升高,隧道内顶棚烟气温度的变化规律相同:随火源高度的升高而增大。2辆车辆阻塞下的隧道顶棚烟气温度略低;两种车辆阻塞效应下,随着火源高度的升高,隧道内烟气逆流长度的变化规律不同。1辆车辆阻塞下烟气逆流长度随火源高度的升高而增大,而2辆车辆阻塞效应下烟气逆流长度随火源高度的升高而减小。  相似文献   

This paper aims at contributing to the efficient design of explosion protection systems against confined explosions. The issue addressed concerns the quantitative estimation of the protective effect of explosion relief vents in the case of confined explosions inside tunnels. A series of virtual experiments performed by computer simulation, revealed how the number of vents, their diameter, as well as the angle between the vents and the tunnel, influences the blast wave attenuation. The computational study was performed considering a complicated large-scale tunnel configuration with branches on its half portion. The purpose was the calculation of the attenuation effect due to the presence of vents by comparing the total explosion-specific impulse developing at antidiametric positions inside the tunnel. Simulations were carried out via a three-dimensional numerical model built in the computational fluid dynamics code CFX 5.7.1, which has been validated in previous papers against experimental overpressure histories data demonstrating reasonable performance. Computer results showed that the use of branch vents provides an effective method for shock wave attenuation following an explosion, whereas their statistical elaboration revealed that the attenuation is mainly affected by the number of vents and their diameter. In contrast, the angle between the side vents and the main tunnel appeared to slightly affect the pressure wave weakening. Eventually, the quantitative influence of the above parameters was effectively illustrated in functional diagrams, so that the total attenuation effect may be promptly estimated, if the design variables are known. In addition, two statistical models with reasonable fitting to the calculated data are proposed, which express the attenuation effect as a dependent variable of the design variables including their interactions.  相似文献   

The 2017 Ahmedpur Sharqia oil tanker explosion and fire, costing 219 lives, is one of the biggest ever road transportation disasters in history. This paper presents a detailed investigation and analysis of the accident circumstances and the series of events that contributed to the calamity. The investigation follows a holistic approach that examines the whole system including driver management, vehicle design, road design, and police management of the spillage scene.The analysis shows that although the first cause was driver dozing off behind the wheel, it was a complete system failure which created a domino effect. If all safety systems were in place, there would have not been any serious consequences of that first error. The investigation revealed that there were serious lapses in the design and fabrication of the vessel and truck in violation of UN-ADR safety standards and Pakistan's OGRA-RT standards andno proper protocols or SOPs were followed for driver workload and shift management by Shell Pakistan Ltd. and its contractors. Mismanagement of the post crash scenario by local law enforcement agencies was also a major serial failure. The study provides crucial lessons on the domino nature of such disasters.  相似文献   

为研究双火源隧道火灾所需临界风速的变化规律,利用火灾动力学软件FDS模拟了三种双火源隧道火灾,即两等火源功率的火灾、上风流火源功率较大火灾、上风流火源功率较小火灾。根据各火灾情景下所得临界风速u_(cr),分析两火源距离d、火源功率、上下风流位置关系对临界风速u_(cr)的影响规律。结果表明:随着两火源距离d的增加,所需临界风速u_(cr)逐渐减小,当两者达到临界距离d_x时,临界风速u_(cr)为稳定值,该值由两火源上下风流位置关系和总火源功率共同决定;同种双火源火灾随着总火源功率增大,所需的临界风速u_(cr)增大;随着两火源间距离d增大,各双火源火灾所需临界风速u_(cr)的减小幅度不同;两火源距离d为零时,所需临界风速u_(cr)略大于同火源功率的单火源火灾所需的临界风速。  相似文献   

为优选高风险城市环境中小净距隧道近接施工方案,依托北京地铁19号线新草区间新建小净距隧道近接隧道群工程,利用有限差分软件FLAC3D,对工程采取管棚管幕预加固措施和改变施工顺序2种施工方案,并对2种方案下的位移控制效果进行研究.研究结果表明:采用管棚管幕预加固措施,并以东侧隧道完工后西侧隧道开挖的顺序施工,可有效控制位...  相似文献   

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