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本文通过我国工业防火类防护服标准与欧美相关标准的比较,概括我国工业防护类防护服标准在标准构成以及标准中采用的性能参数、评价指标、检测方法等方面与欧美标准保障理念、技术水平、保障水平、检测水平之间差异、不足,提出我国工业防护类防护服产品研发、检测技术与设备开发、标准制定的工作建议.  相似文献   

防护服装的全面评价通常涉及安全性、工效学特性等多个方面。在常用高、低温防护服隔热性能研究基础上,对服装的舒适性进行了初步研究,以期为高低温防护服的选用和设计改进等提供依据。本研究应用热平板仪、人工气候室等研究设备以及真人着装实验,对高低温作业典型工种常用的耐高温防护服和低温防护服的舒适性能进行了研究。研究结果显示,不同类型高、低温防护服的透气性、透湿性、着装压力、肢体活动角度等均表现出一定差异,防护服的面料、结构和工艺等均影响到其整体舒适性,并提出了相应的改善建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to develop practical care procedures to help maintain the protective quality of flame resistant workwear laundered by workers in the field. Based on observed field conditions, experiments were conducted that simulated domestic laundry procedures. The first experiment involved two flame resistant (FR) fabrics, contaminated or not contaminated with oil. Independent variables also included detergent type and laundry pre-treatment. Other laundry parameters were controlled. Results indicated that it is easier to maintain the FR performance of the FR-treated blend than it is for the aramid fabric. It is hypothesized that energy generated by initial ignition of oil on the specimens triggers the FR mechanism of the treatment, which in turn inhibits further combustion. A second experiment using larger specimens and a domestic washing machine also supported the hypothesized mechanism.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of moisture on the heat transfer through clothing in relation to the water vapour resistance, type of underwear, location of the moisture and climate. This forms part of the work performed for work package 2 of the European Union THERMPROTECT project. Thermal manikin results of dry and wet heat loss are presented from different laboratories for a range of 2-layer clothing with similar dry insulations but different water vapour permeabilities and absorptive properties. The results obtained from the different manikins are generally consistent with each other. For each climate, total wet heat loss is predominately dependent on the permeability of the outer layer. At 10 degrees C, the apparent evaporative heat loss is markedly higher than expected from evaporation alone (measured at 34 degrees C), which is attributed to condensation within the clothing and to increased conductivity of the wet clothing layers.  相似文献   

Heat and mechanical protection properties of 6 fabric combinations commonly used in firefighters' protective clothing were assessed before and after different heat treatment. It was shown that after heat exposure, the values obtained were generally lower than in the original state. The mechanical properties of the materials were more affected by heat than by heat protective properties. In 2 cases, degradation started before a visible change in the material could be observed, which might be potentially dangerous for the end user who will not realize the alteration of the material.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to examine the effects of wearing an ice-vest (ca 1 kg) on physiological and subjective responses in fire fighters. The experiments were carried out on a treadmill in a hot-dry environment. The physical cooling effect of the ice-vest was measured with a thermal manikin. The ice-vest effectively reduced skin temperatures under the vest. On average, heart rate was 10 beats/min lower, the amount of sweating was reduced by 13%, and subjective sensations of effort and warmth were lower during work with the ice-vest compared to work without it. Thermal manikin tests indicated that the useful energy available from the vest for body cooling was rather high (58%). In conclusion, the ice-vest reduces physiological and subjective strain responses during heavy work in the heat, and may promote efficient work time by 10%.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to compare heat strain among different age groups of men in protective clothing during short-term physical work. Eight young (20-29 years), 6 middle-aged (41-55 years), and 6 older (58-65 years) men exercised for 30 min on a cycle ergometer (40% V(O2 max)) in 2 hot environments with a similar WBGT (ca. 26 degrees C): once with minimal clothing without infrared radiation (E1), and once with aluminized protective clothing under infrared radiation (E2). All subjects had sedentary jobs, but only the older subjects were physically active in their leisure-time. Body temperatures, heart rate, sweat rate, and subjective feelings were determined during the tests. Higher thermal strain was observed in E2 than in E1. No age-related differences in thermal strain were observed in either experiment indicating that active older men can tolerate short work periods with protective clothing in the heat as well as younger sedentary men.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse the transfer of steam through different types of textile layers as a function of sample parameters such as thickness and permeability. In order to simulate the human body, a cylinder releasing defined amounts of moisture was also used. The influence of sweating on heat and mass transfer was assessed. The results show that in general impermeable materials offer better protection against hot steam than semi-permeable ones. The transfer of steam depended on the water vapour permeability of the samples, but also on their thermal insulation and their thickness. Increasing the thickness of the samples with a spacer gave a larger increase in protection with the impermeable samples compared to semi-permeable materials. Measurements with pre-wetted samples showed a reduction in steam protection in any case. On the other hand, the measurements with a sweating cylinder showed a beneficial effect of sweating.  相似文献   

为评价常用类型高、低温防护服的防护性能,本研究应用热平板仪、人工气候室和暖体假人等研究设备,对高低温作业典型工种常用的耐高温防护服和低温防护服的隔热性能进行了研究。研究结果显示,不同类型高、低温防护服的服装面料、服装整体的隔热性表现出一定差异,模拟环境下的着装生理学测试结果也存在不同,防护服的面料、结构和工艺等均影响到其整体隔热性能。防护服装的全面评价通常涉及安全性、工效学特性等多个方面,有必要从服装的舒适性、工效学特性等方面进一步研究,并开展大规模的现场人体穿着实验,从而为高低温防护服的选用和设计改进等提供依据。  相似文献   

常温条件下服装热阻测试方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对常温环境条件下模拟低温环境用暖体假人测试服装热阻的实验技术进行了研究。通过提高假人皮肤温度的控制水平,适当提高皮肤温度与环境湿度的差值,只要保证△T在一定的范围内,常温与低温下热阻的测试结果就无明显差异。这样,常温条件下服装的热学性能实验就能代替低温条件下的测试实验,克服实验条件的限制,从而促进暖体假人测试技术的推广应用。  相似文献   

One of the objectives of the European SUBZERO project was to study the influence of sweat evaporation and condensation on the heat transmission properties of cold protective clothing. With the sweating thermal manikin Coppelius, water vapour transfer through and water condensation in the clothing can be determined simultaneously with the thermal insulation. In this study, 4 cold protective ensembles, intended for use temperatures between 0 and -50 degrees C, were measured with the dry manikin and at 2 different sweating rates. In addition, the ensembles were measured with non-sweating thermal manikins and in wear trials.  相似文献   

当前,建于市区的变电站为了节约用地,其消防系统通常不建设消防水池,消防用水直接从市政管网取水,该消防模式下的取水安全及管网响应情况值得关注.论文以某城市中心城区为例,采用EPANET 2.0构建了供水管网模型,针对供水高峰、流量转输和事故爆管3种不利供水条件,开展了无消防水池变电站的消防系统5种不同火灾工况的水力计算与...  相似文献   

The moisture from skin sweat and atmospheric water affects the thermal protective performance provided by multilayer protective clothing. Four levels of moisture content were selected to evaluate the impact of moisture on thermal protection under dry (thermal radiation) and wet (thermal radiation and low-pressure steam) heat exposure. Also, the role of moisture and its relationship with exposure time were analyzed based on skin heat flux and Henriques integral value. The addition of moisture to a fabric system was found to result in differences in second-degree and third-degree skin burn times. When moisture is added to a fabric system, it both acts as a thermal conductor to present a negative effect and provides a positive effect owing to thermal storage of water and evaporative heat loss. The positive or negative effects of moisture are mainly dependent on the thermal exposure time, the moisture content and the presence of hot steam.  相似文献   

随着工业的飞速发展,人们在工作、生活中面临着越来越多的威胁。如物理因素(高温、低温、风、雨、水、火、粉尘、静电、放射源等)、化学因素(毒剂、油污、酸、碱等)和生物因素(昆虫、细菌、病毒等)。为了抵御这种威胁,减少不必要的损失,人们运用了各种防护装备,防护服就是其中重要的一种。它能有效地保护作业人员现场作业免受环境中物理、化学、生物等因素的伤害。但是传统的工作服无论是从性能还是款式上均不能适应现代化生产的需要,随着科学技术的发展和人们生活质量的提高,  相似文献   

热防护服是热环境下人体安全防护的主要装备,其标准的科学性和系统性对热环境下的人体安全防护具有重要的支持作用.国外对热防护服相关的技术标准予以充分重视,以性能测试技术方法为主体,建立了较为科学、完善的标准,并体现出新的发展趋势.通过对国外热防护服技术标准的调研,总结性能测试标准的共性内容,包括主要性能测试方法、实验设备、实验步骤、烧伤评估、人体模型和测试报告等.整套防护服装的性能测试技术及标准是研究的重点,出汗暖体假人将在防护服装性能测试领域被更为广泛的应用.最后,提出我国研制热防护服性能测试技术标准的建议.  相似文献   

文中用CFD技术对甲苯池火灾进行数值模拟,首先对甲苯火焰进行数值计算,得到在稳定的横向风条件下,甲苯燃烧的峰温、产物组分、瞬时速度等火焰特征参数以及其空间分布情况:火焰温度的最高点在对称面y=0上,最高温度为1778K,火焰倾斜角度为26°(与竖直方向夹角),火焰高为22.5m。然后应用CFD软件F luent对池火灾进行热辐射模拟,模拟结果表明:对于锰钢材料、内径为20m甲苯储罐,稳态有风池火灾情况下,相邻两储罐之间安全距离在上风向为59m,下风向为72m。由于描述燃烧过程和湍流情况的数学物理模型还不太完善、对大气状况的简化等原因,结果偏保守,文中对此进行了分析讨论。此项研究为CFD技术研究碳氢化合物火灾的一个尝试。  相似文献   

Fire fighters are normally overprotected during their working hours because of the tendency to keep the personal protection level sufficiently high in case of the worst possible scenarios. This study investigated the effects of task-fitted protective clothing on thermal strain in fire fighters as compared to EN 469:2005 protective clothing during a prolonged (2 1/2 hrs) job-related rescue drill under neutral and hot climates. The subjects were 23 healthy, physically fit professional male fire fighters aged 26-44 years. Measurements included cardiovascular and thermal responses and subjective assessments. Wearing task-fitted clothing during rescue tasks in a neutral climate considerably reduced total thermal and cardiovascular strain in prolonged rescue work. The fire fighters also perceived physical work as significantly harder on average, and reported more intense subjective discomfort while wearing EN 469:2005 as compared to task-fitted clothing.  相似文献   

Phase-change materials (PCM) can be used to reduce thermal stress and improve thermal comfort for workers wearing protective clothing. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of PCM in protective clothing used in simulated work situations. We hypothesized that it would be possible to optimize cooling performance with a design that focuses on careful positioning of PCM, minimizing total insulation and facilitating moisture transport. Thermal stress and thermal comfort were estimated through measurement of body heat production, body temperatures, sweat production, relative humidity in clothing and subjective ratings of thermal comfort, thermal sensitivity and perception of wetness. Experiments were carried out using 2 types of PCM, the crystalline dehydrate of sodium sulphate and microcapsules in fabrics. The results of 1 field and 2 laboratory experimental series were conclusive in that reduced thermal stress and improved thermal comfort were related to the amount and distribution of PCM, reduced sweat production and adequate transport of moisture.  相似文献   

生化防护,是指保护穿着者不受危险的化学剂、有毒的物质以及微生物的伤害。根据不同的外界环境和防护水平,生化防护服可以采用不同的防护材料、服装款式和服装闭合体。多年来,世界各国的工业界、医学界和军事界对原有的生化防护体系进行了相当大的改进和二次开发。目前的防护体系足以保护穿着者不受生物化学剂和微生物的伤害。  相似文献   

对芳纶1313纤维的发展历程、性能特点、生产加工、产品应用等各个方面进行了详细的阐述。芳纶1313纤维是一种性能优异的阻燃耐热纤维,在安全生产领域有着广阔的应用前景。自问世以来历经半个多世纪的发展,其在安全生产领域的应用价值已经得到广泛的认可。由于芳纶1313纤维具备一系列的突出优点,同时也存在某些缺陷,因此建议扬长避短,充分发挥这种纤维的种种优点,同时通过纤维改性、改进和优化生产工艺等方法,充分发挥其在安全生产领域的应用,使之产生应有的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

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