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Atmospheric total suspended particulate concentrations and metallic element concentrations were measured at three locations, characteristic of urban, suburban and rural sites. The sampling period was from July 2000 to August 2000. The results indicated that the urban sampling site had the highest total suspended particulate concentrations (average 108.61μ1m3), followed by the suburban site (average 60.11μ1m3) and the rural site (average 53.31μ1m3). The average PM2.5 concentrations (24.11μ1m3) were higher than the PM2.5-10 concentrations (12.81μ1m3) at the urban site. The average distributed ratios for PM2.5/PM2.5-10 were about 1.29, 1.53, 0.12, 1.12 and 2.31 for Pb, Zn, Fe, Ni and Cr, respectively. The average total suspended particulate mass ratios for daytime and nighttime were about 1.72. As for the elements Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe, Ni and Cr, these ratios were about 0.63, 0.97, 0.54, 1.66, 0.53 and 1.12, respectively. The total suspended particulate daytime concentrations of Pb and Zn were positively correlated (R = 0.925) at the urban sampling site. The elements Ni and Cr were positively correlated both during the daytime (R = 0.648) and the nighttime (R = 0.511), revealing that they came from the same emission source during daytime and nighttime, at the urban sampling site.  相似文献   

In this paper we show that oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (oxy-PAHs) are important cocontaminants that should be taken into account during risk assessment and remediation of sites with high levels of PAHs. The presented data, which have been collected both from our own research and the published literature, demonstrate that oxy-PAHs are abundant but neglected contaminants at these sites. The oxy-PAHs show relatively high persistency and because they are formed through transformation of PAHs, their concentrations in the environment may even increase as the sites are remediated by methods that promote PAH degradation. Furthermore, we show that oxy-PAHs are toxic to both humans and the environment, although the toxicity seems to be manifested through other effects than those known to be important for polycyclic aromatic compounds in general, that is, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity. Finally, we present data that support the hypothesis that oxy-PAHs are more mobile in the environment than PAHs, due to their polarity, and thus have a higher tendency to spread from contaminated sites via surface water and groundwater. We believe that oxy-PAHs should be included in monitoring programs at PAH-contaminated sites, even if a number of other toxicologically relevant compounds that may also be present, such as nitro-PAHs and azaarenes, are not monitored. This is because oxy-PAH levels are difficult to predict from the PAH levels, because their environmental behavior differs substantially from that of PAHs, and oxy-PAHs may be formed as PAHs are degraded.  相似文献   

Fang GC  Chang CN  Wu YS  Wang NP  Wang V  Fu PP  Yang DG  Che SC 《Chemosphere》2000,41(9):1349-1359
Aerosol samples for PM2.5, PM(2.5-10) and TSP were collected from June to September 1998 and from February to March 1999 in central Taiwan. Ion chromatography was used to analyze the acidic anions: sulfate, nitrate and chloride in the Universal samples. The ratios of fine particle concentrations to coarse particle concentrations displayed that the fine particle concentrations are almost greater than that of coarse particle concentrations in Taichung area. The average concentrations of PM2.5, PM(2.5-10) and TSP in urban sites are higher than in suburban and rural sites at both daytime and night-time. Chloride dominated in the coarse mode in daytime and in fine mode in night-time. Nitrate can be found in both the coarse and fine modes. Sulfate dominated in fine mode in both daytime and night-time.  相似文献   

Fang GC  Chang CN  Wang NP  Wu YS  Wang V  Fu PP  Cheng CD  Chen SC  Lin DY 《Chemosphere》2000,41(11):1727-1731
Ambient particle concentration was taken on the traffic sampling site over the Chung-Chi Road over bridge (CCROB) in front of Hungkuang Institute of Technology (HKIT). The sampling time was from August 1999 to December 1999. During the sampling period, Taiwan's biggest earthquake in more than a century registered 7.3 on the Richter scale (Taiwan Chi-Chi Earthquake). Besides, there were more than 20,000 aftershocks that followed the Taiwan Chi-Chi Earthquake within three months. Thus, the PM2.5, PM(2.5-10) particle concentrations were also collected then and compared with total suspended particle (TSP) in this study. The average PM(2.5-10), PM2.5 and TSP concentrations are 24.6, 58.0 and 106 microg/m3, respectively, after the Taiwan Chi-Chi Earthquake. The average TSP concentrations before and after Taiwan Chi-Chi Earthquake were 70 and 127 microg/m3, respectively. It is clearly shown that the average concentration of TSP after Taiwan Chi-Chi Earthquake was about 1.8 times as that of TSP concentration before Taiwan Chi-Chi Earthquake in the traffic site of central Taiwan. And the ratios of PM2.5/PM(2.5-10), PM2.5/PM10 and PM2.5/TSP are 2.2%, 67.2%, 38.9%, respectively. The results also indicated about Chi-Chi fine particle concentration (PM25) and the TSP increases in the traffic site of central Taiwan after Taiwan Chi-Chi Earthquake.  相似文献   

Fang GC  Wu YS  Chang SY  Lin JB  Lin JG 《Chemosphere》2007,67(5):966-974
For reasonable and convenient assessments of the characteristics of the dry deposition velocities between Taichung harbor site and Wuchi town site in central Taiwan, the overall dry deposition velocities of several metallic elements were calculated as the particulate diameter (D(p)) distributions of large particles (D(p) > 10 microm), coarse particles (10 microm < D(p) < 2.5 microm), and fine particles (D(p) < 2.5 microm) based on the ambient measurements during March-December of 2004. In this work, the dry deposition fluxes showed the higher correlation with coarse particle concentrations than large particle concentrations; however, the least well correlation was observed between the dry deposition fluxes and the fine particle concentrations. The calculated best-fit overall dry deposition velocities obtained using coarse particle concentrations varied from approximately 0.2 cm s(-1) for Cr to 1.5 cm s(-1) for Pb and 0.2 cm s(-1) for Fe to 2.6 cm s(-1) for Pb at Taichung harbor and Wuchi town site, respectively. In general, the crustal elements had higher deposition velocities than anthropogenic elements. In addition, overall dry deposition velocities for crustal elements were higher in Wuchi town site than in Taichung harbor site. The results identified the dry deposition flux was mainly contributed from large and coarse particles due to their high deposition velocities. The results also indicated that the best approach to estimate overall dry deposition was by depending on the characteristics of particles with diameters larger than 2.5 microm.  相似文献   

Fang GC  Wu YS  Chen JC  Fu PP  Chang CN  Ho TT  Chen MH 《Chemosphere》2005,60(3):427-433
The concentrations of ambient air polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were measured in a farm area (Tunghai University Pastureland) between August 2001 and April 2002 in central Taiwan, Taichung. Particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were collected on quartz filters, the collected sample was extracted with a dichloromethane (DCM)/n-hexane mixture (50/50, v/v) for 24 h, and then the extracts were subjected to gas chromatography-mass spectrometric analysis. The PM2.5 (fine particulate) and PM2.5-10 (coarse particulate) total PAHs concentrations at the Tunghai University Pastureland sampling site were found to be 180.62 ngm(-3) and 164.98 ngm(-3), respectively. In general, the concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were higher in spring and winter than those of summer and autumn for either PM2.5 or PM2.5-10 in Pastureland in central Taiwan. Moreover, coarse particulates are the dominant species during the dust storm season (March and April) in central Taiwan.  相似文献   

In this study, plates for downward flux and upward flux were used to measure atmospheric dry deposition fluxes for particulate mass and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in TERC (Tsukuba), Japan. Ambient particles concentrations were also collected using a high-volume air sampler, and ambient particle size distributions between 0.01 μm and 13.1 μm were measured using a low-pressure cascade impactor to characterise the PAHs levels and dry deposition. The results indicated that the average cumulative fraction of dry deposition flux for particles and PAHs which attached with them was caused by the particle size of greater than 1.2-6.3 μm (97%).  相似文献   

Fang GC  Wu YS  Huang SH  Rau JY 《Chemosphere》2004,56(6):509-518
Downward, upward dry deposition fluxes and total suspended particulate of particulate heavy metals (Fe, Pb, Zn, Cu, Mg and Mn) were measured in daytime and nighttime period in Sha-Lu, a small city in the central Taiwan during summer period of 2003. The results showed that the total suspended particulate concentrations of particulate mass in the daytime period (averaged 996.2 g/m3) were higher than in nighttime period (averaged 560.7 g/m3). And the downward dry deposition fluxes (averaged 54.07 g/m2s) were about two times as that of upward dry deposition fluxes (averaged 26.48 g/m2s) in the daytime period. Furthermore, the average downward dry deposition fluxes (averaged 26.22 g/m2s) were also about two times as that of upward dry deposition fluxes (averaged 12.11 g/m2s) in the nighttime period. In addition, the average downward dry deposition fluxes are greater than the upward dry deposition fluxes for all the heavy metals in either daytime or nighttime period. The proposed reasons are that the wind speed and concentration difference for daytime and nighttime period lead to these results at the traffic sampling site of central Taiwan. In addition, the deposition velocity for mass, heavy metals (Fe, Pb, Zn, Cu, Mg and Mn) during daytime and nighttime period were also calculated. The average daytime dry deposition velocity for downward particulate mass, upward particulate mass, Fe, Pb, Zn, Cu, Mg and Mn were 5.56, 2.66, 1.71, 0.18, 1.06, 0.24, 0.47 and 0.11 (cm/s), respectively. And the average nighttime dry deposition velocity for downward particulate mass, upward particulate mass, Fe, Pb, Zn, Cu, Mg and Mn were 4.70, 2.11, 1.66, 0.18, 0.86, 0.23, 0.32 and 0.07 (cm/s), respectively at traffic sampling site of central Taiwan.  相似文献   

Fang GC  Chang CN  Wu YS  Wang V  Fu PP  Yang DG  Chen SC  Chu CC 《Chemosphere》2000,41(5):639-644
Daily average concentrations of fine and coarse particulates, and TSP samples have been measured simultaneously at daytime and night-time periods by using Universal and PS-1 sampler in a suburban area of central Taiwan from June to August 1998. The samples were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry to determine the fine and coarse particulate concentrations of metallic elements (Ca, Fe, Mn, Pb, Cu, Zn and Cr). The concentration of PM2.5 and TSP showed a decreased trend for the daytime period. The fine particle concentrations were about two times as that of coarse particulate concentrations. The averaged fine particulate concentrations at daytime are higher than at night-time. Ca and Fe were mostly in the coarse particulate mode. The correlation coefficients were 0.63 and 0.69 for elements Ca and Fe in the coarse particle mode for day and night periods. Pb showed a similar distribution ratio with Mn for the fine to coarse particle ratios at both day and night period. Pb and Mn are highly correlated for the day (R = 0.78) and night period (R = 0.61) at particle size <2.5 microm. Cu and Zn were mainly in fine particles at both day and night period. Fe and Ca consist of the major parts of all the elements. Elemental Mn is the lowest among the rest of the heavy metals.  相似文献   

The concentrations of ambient total suspended particulates (TSP) and PM2.5, and the dry depositions at a sample site at Luliao Junior High School (Luliao) in central Taiwan were measured during smog and non-smog days between December 2017 and July 2018. The results are compared to those obtained during non-smog periods in the years 2015–2017. The mean TSP and PM2.5 concentrations and dry deposition flux were 72.41?±?26.40, 41.88?±?23.51?μg/m3, and 797.57?±?731.46?μg/m2 min, respectively, on the smog days. The mean TSP and PM2.5 concentrations and dry deposition flux on the non-smog days were 56.39?±?18.08, 34.81?±?12.59?μg/m3 and 468.93?±?600.57?μg/m2 min, respectively. The mean TSP concentration in the smog period was 28% greater than that in the non-smog period, and the mean PM2.5 concentration was 20% higher. The mean dry deposition flux in the smog period was 70% higher than that in the non-smog period at Luliao. The PM2.5 concentrations exceeded the standards set by the Taiwan EPA (35?μg/m3 daily, and 15?μg/m3 annually). Therefore, the TSP and PM2.5 concentrations and dry deposition must be reduced in central Taiwan on smog days. In addition, atmospheric TSP and PM2.5 concentrations at various sampling sites were compared, and those herein were not higher than those measured in other countries. Finally, apart from the local traffic emissions, during smog periods, the other pollution source originated from the transportation process of traffic pollutants emitted in the northwest side of Taiwan.  相似文献   

Liu S  Xia X  Zhai Y  Wang R  Liu T  Zhang S 《Chemosphere》2011,82(2):223-228
The concentrations of black carbon (BC), total organic carbon (TOC) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have been determined in soils from urban and rural areas of Beijing. The rural area can be divided into plain and mountainous areas which are close to and relatively far from the urban area, respectively. Concentration of BC (5.83 ± 3.05 mg g−1) and BC/TOC concentration ratio (0.37 ± 0.15) in Beijing’s urban soil are high compared with that in world background soils and rural soils of Beijing, suggesting the urban environment to be an essential source and sink of BC. Concentration of BC in the urban area decreases from the inner city to exterior areas, which correlates with the urbanization history of Beijing and infers accumulation of BC in old urban soils. Black carbon in Beijing soils mainly comes from fossil fuel combustion, especially traffic emission. Median PAH concentration in the urban area (502 ng g−1) is one order of magnitude higher than that in the rural plain (148 ng g−1) and mountainous area (146 ng g−1) where PAHs are supposed to mainly come from atmospheric deposition from the urban area. Concentrations of BC correlate significantly with those of PAHs (p < 0.01, except naphthalene) in the urban area and with those of heavier 4-, 5- and 6- ring PAHs (p < 0.01) in the adjacent rural plain area, while there is no significant correlation with any PAH in the farther rural mountainous area.  相似文献   

This study characterized the dry deposition flux and dry deposition velocity (Vd) of metallic elements attached on particulate matter. Specifically, large particles (>10 μm), coarse particles (10 μm~2.5 μm), and fine particles (<2.5 μm) were studied at the Gong Ming Junior High School (Taichung Airport) and Taichung Harbor sampling sites in central Taiwan. Ambient air samples were collected to determine total suspended particulate matter (TSP), dry deposition plate (DDP), Vd, coarse particulate matter (PM2.5–10) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5), and metallic elements concentrations at the Airport and Taichung Harbor sites between June 17, 2013, and November 14, 2013. The results revealed that the average TSP, DDP, Vd, PM2.5–10, and PM2.5 particulate at the Airport were 54.55 (μg/m3), 902.25 (μg/m2-min), 17.11 (m/sec), 0.003 (μg/m3), and 0.010 (μg/m3), respectively; while these values at Taichung Harbor were 63.66 (μg/m3), 539.69 (μg/m2-min), 9.94 (m/sec), 0.003 (μg/m3), and 0.014 (μg/m3), respectively. In addition, the results showed that the average Cu and Pb concentrations were higher than Cr, Ni, and Cd for both the airport and harbor sampling sites. Furthermore, Cr, N, Cu, Cd, and Pb had the highest average concentrations versus those reported for other study areas, with one exception: The results obtained in Kacanik, Kosovo, during 2005. The average metallic elements concentrations order was Cu > Pb > Cr > Ni > Cd.  相似文献   

Soil samples from five contaminated sawmill sites in Sweden were characterized with respect to chlorophenols (CP), chlorinated phenoxy phenols (PCPP, hydroxylated chlorinated diphenyl ethers), chlorinated diphenyl ethers (PCDE), chlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF) and chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD). The composition of chlorinated compounds in the soil samples was compared to the composition of two preservatives commonly used in the Scandinavian wood impregnation industry: the 2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenol preservative called Ky-5 and the pentachlorophenol preservative Dowicide G. The levels of CPs in the soil samples ranged from 0.1 to 4500 mgkg-1 d.w., PCPPs from <0.15 to 940 mgkg-1 d.w., PCDEs from <38 to 6800 microgkg-1 d.w., PCDFs from 7.4 to 18000 microgkg-1 d.w. and PCDDs from 9.9 to 35000 microgkg-1 d.w. The resulting WHO-TEQ of PCDD/Fs in the soil samples ranged from 0.14 to 3000 microgkg-1 d.w. Despite a wide range of concentrations the congener compositions were similar within tetrachlorophenate and pentachlorophenate contaminated soils respectively. The contamination at each sawmill site may be linked to the use of either a tetrachlorphenol preservative, e.g. Ky-5, or a pentachlorophenol preservative, e.g. Dowicide G. Best-fit calculations were used to compare the chlorinated phenol contents of the preservatives to those of the soil samples. This revealed a positive correlation between the hydrophobicity (logKow) of contaminants and the ratio of their levels in soil to preservatives. The relative abundance of the chlorinated compounds varied greatly between the five sites studied, suggesting that their transport parameters differ substantially.  相似文献   

This study investigated the concentration of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) including Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, V, and Zn in 102 soils (in the Near and Far areas of the mine), 7 tailings, and 60 plant samples (shoots and roots of Artemisia sieberi and Zygophylum species) collected at the Gol-E-Gohar iron ore mine in Iran. The elemental concentrations in tailings and soil samples (in Near and Far areas) varied between 7.4 and 35.8 mg kg?1 for As (with a mean of 25.39 mg kg?1 for tailings), 7.9 and 261.5 mg kg?1 (mean 189.83 mg kg?1 for tailings) for Co, 17.7 and 885.03 mg kg?1 (mean 472.77 mg kg?1 for tailings) for Cu, 12,500 and 400,000 mg kg?1 (mean 120,642.86 mg kg?1 for tailings) for Fe, and 28.1 and 278.1 mg kg?1 (mean 150.29 mg kg?1 for tailings) for Ni. A number of physicochemical parameters and pollution index for soils were determined around the mine. Sequential extractions of tailings and soil samples indicated that Fe, Cr, and Co were the least mobile and that Mn, Zn, Cu, and As were potentially available for plants uptake. Similar to soil, the concentration of Al, As, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, and Zn in plant samples decreased with the distance from the mining/processing areas. Data on plants showed that metal concentrations in shoots usually exceeded those in roots and varied significantly between the two investigated species (Artemisia sieberi > Zygophylum). All the reported results suggest that the soil and plants near the iron ore mine are contaminated with PTEs and that they can be potentially dispersed in the environment via aerosol transport and deposition.  相似文献   

The wintertime concentrations and diel cycles of n-alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) associated to atmospheric particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter lesser than 10 μm were determined at the biggest student residence in Algeria located in Bab-Ezzouar, 15 km southeast from Algiers city area. Samplings were carried out from December 2009 to March 2010, and organic compounds were characterized using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometric detection. Volatile PAHs were also monitored inside some student residence rooms in order to evaluate the impact of indoor air pollution to student health. For the sake of comparison, aerial concentrations of n-alkanes and PAHs were determined in parallel in the Oued Smar industrial zone and two suburban areas, all located in Algiers. Total concentrations recorded in CUB1 student residence ranged from 101 to 204 ng?m?3 for n-alkanes and from 8 to 87 ng?m?3 for PAHs. Diel cycles have shown that, while concentrations of n-alkanes peaked at morning and afternoon–evening and dropped at night, those of PAHs exhibited higher levels at morning and night and lower levels at afternoon–evening, likely due to the reactivity of some PAHs. As expected, the indoor levels of PAHs were larger than in the outdoor of the student residence and were of serious health concern. Overall, the concentrations of n-alkanes and PAHs were as high as those observed in the industrial zone and higher than the two suburban sites.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Meat comprises the main part of the diet in many countries around the world. The present study aimed to assess potentially toxic elements (PTEs) lead...  相似文献   

Urban lakes are vulnerable to the accumulation of semivolatile organic compounds, such as PAHs from wet and dry atmospheric deposition. Little was reported on the seasonal patterns of atmospheric deposition of PAHs under Asian monsoon climate. Bulk (dry + wet) particle deposition, air-water diffusion exchange, and vapour wet deposition of PAHs in a small urban lake in Guangzhou were estimated based on a year-round monitoring. The total PAH particle deposition fluxes observed were 0.44-3.46 μg m−2 day−1. The mean air-water diffusive exchange flux was 20.7 μg m−2 day−1. The vapour deposition fluxes of PAHs ranged 0.15-8.26 μg m−2 day−1. Remarkable seasonal variations of particulate PAH deposition, air-water exchange fluxes and vapour wet deposition were influenced by seasonal changes in meteorological parameters. The deposition fluxes were predominantly controlled by the precipitation intensity in wet season whereas by atmospheric concentration in dry season.  相似文献   

The toxic effects of waters collected from irrigation channels in a Mediterranean wetland (Albufera Natural Park, Valencia, Spain) were tested with the Microtox assay and compared with six pollution indices (PIs) defined from analytical parameters. Chemical oxygen demand (COD), biological oxygen demand (BOD), nutrients, heavy metals and pesticides were measured. The bioassay result (concentrations of the water sample (% V/V) that reduced light emission to 10%, 20% and 50%, EC10, EC20 and EC50, respectively (ECs)) was compared with the PIs. This comparison has demonstrated a general agreement between ECs and PIs, except in the case of irrigation channels affected by herbicides used in rice farming (molinate and thiobencarb). No pronounced inhibition was detected in the bioluminescence in relation to the eutrophic parameters in the irrigation waters for EC50 values, indicating that this parameter does not suffice to detect eutrophic waters. Data derived from irrigation water pollution and bioassay were assembled by multivariate statistical techniques (principal component analysis). These components were associated with various contamination sources.  相似文献   

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