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Pair-bonded males often make substantial contributions to the care of their offspring. Male parental behavior may be affected by a range of factors, including previous experience (parental or alloparental), genetic influences, and contributions by the female partner. Previous studies have shown that a microsatellite polymorphism in the regulatory region of the avpr1a gene influences aspects of paternal behavior in male prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster). Specifically, males with longer avpr1a microsatellites groomed offspring more than did males with shorter avpr1a microsatellites. Previous experience with alloparental care also appears to influence subsequent paternal care in prairie voles. We investigated the influence of avpr1a microsatellite length and previous parental experience on paternal behavior in prairie voles two generations from the field and specially bred to exaggerate differences in avpr1a microsatellite length. We found that avpr1a microsatellite length alone did not affect any of the paternal behaviors that we measured. In contrast, males differed in parental behavior between first and second litters. Regardless of avpr1a microsatellite length, males licked/groomed the second litter less, and retrieved pups more quickly during the second compared to the first litter. Our results show that previous paternal experience may play a more important role than the length of the microsatellite in the regulatory region of the avpr1a gene in influencing paternal care.  相似文献   

To ensure proper development of young, mothers should react to offspring signals of need. Studies of such parent-offspring interaction often manipulated litter size to measure effects of changed offspring food demand. We used the extreme precociality of guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) pups to increase offspring demand without changing any other litter characteristic. As pups contribute to their own energy demands from birth by independent feeding, their food demand can be increased by withholding solid food early in lactation. We studied whether mothers reacted to increased food demand of offspring by enhanced parental care, especially by changes in the pattern of milk production and nursing. Pups deprived of solid food early in lactation grew more slowly and were in poorer body condition than pups in control litters, even after the former had access to solid food in late lactation. Mothers of deprived young reacted to offspring long-term need by maintaining nursing behaviour for longer than control mothers. However, this change in behaviour did not occur early in lactation when pup short-term need was greatest nor did it result in increased milk transfer at any time. Energy allocation of mothers measured by changes in their food intake, maternal body reserves, and milk production stayed the same whether offspring had early access to solid food or not. Thus mothers did not increase energy allocation to pups even though they apparently had information about the pups' poor state.  相似文献   

Lactation is the most energy-intense period in the life of a female mammal. This can cause severe conflict between mother and offspring over the duration of lactation but also between siblings over the amount of milk each pup gets from its mother. Thus, competitive interactions between siblings are expected, and competition is likely to increase with litter size, particularly in species where the number of offspring exceeds the number of teats. We studied sibling competition in the domestic guinea pig (Cavia aperea f. porcellus), which has two teats, but frequently bears litters of up to five pups. By cross-fostering we created non-competition (control) litters with two pups and competition litters with four pups and observed nursing behaviour on days 5, 10, 15 and 20 postpartum. Pups of larger litters had lower growth rates, indicating increased competition among siblings in these litters. Pups of larger litters had to wait longer for access to a teat and spent less time suckling than pups of smaller litters but ate more solid food instead. Additionally, we manipulated the individual short-term need of pups by separating half of the pups of each litter for 2 h from their mothers before observation. Within a litter, hungry pups achieved access to milk faster and spent more time suckling than non-hungry pups. Pups competed mostly by scramble competition. Aggressive interactions occurred only in large litters. Pups of large litters had higher cortisol levels than pups in small litters. These effects decreased with age as pups became increasingly independent of maternal milk. Pup behaviour appears to fit better with models of scramble competition than with those of honest signalling. This contribution is part of the special issue “Sibling competition and cooperation in mammals” (guest editors: Robyn Hudson and Fritz Trillmich).  相似文献   

Communal rearing of offspring may help mothers maximize their investment in offspring at a reduced cost to their own bodily condition, thus maximizing their potential for reproductive success. The objective of this study was to quantify the costs and benefits of communal rearing to prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster) pups and mothers. Mothers were assigned to one of three social units: solitary mothers, singularly breeding groups (i.e. one mother and one non-reproductive sister) and plurally breeding groups (i.e. two lactating sisters). For each type of social unit, some replicates were provided with food ad libitum, while others were provided with limited food. The body mass of focal mothers (i.e. the first mother to produce a litter) was a significant predictor of pup growth. Regardless of food availability, litters of focal mothers in plurally breeding groups gained more weight than litters reared by solitary mothers. Pups reared in singularly breeding groups were intermediate in weight gain, but did not gain significantly more weight than solitary offspring. There was no difference in the body mass of focal mothers from each type of social unit, regardless of food availability. Within plurally breeding groups, the weight gain of the two litters and body mass of focal and second mothers did not differ. However, focal mothers from plurally breeding groups nursed fewer pups than solitary mothers and also fewer pups than their nestmates when food was limited. Our results suggest that plural breeding results in greater fitness to mothers than solitary and singular breeding.Communicated by E. Korpimäki  相似文献   

Summary The theory that female mammals in poor condition may increase individual fitness by skewing the sex ratio of their offspring toward daughters and by investing more resources in daughters than in sons was tested in hamsters. Newly mated experimental females were food-restricted during pregnancy and lactation (RR) or during lactation only (AR). Controls received food ad libitum. Maternal body weights were assessed daily from mating to 25 days postpartum. Litter survival (% litters with at least one pup surviving on any day), litter size, offspring sex ratios (=% males), and pup weights were monitored daily from birth (Day 1) to Day 25. All control and AR dams gave birth 16 days after mating. Gestation was extended by 1–3 days for 35.4% of RR dams. RR dams weighed significantly less at parturition than controls and AR females. During lactation, AR females showed the greatest weight loss and control females the least. AR weight loss exceeded that of RR females, possibly because the former maintained larger litters. Survival was highest for controls, intermediate for AR, and lowest for RR litters. Mean sex ratio at birth was significantly less for RR (40.7%) than for control (49.6%) and AR (48.8%) litters. RR sex ratio did not change significantly postnatally. Sex ratios of control and AR litters never differed statistically from 50%. Control male pups were significantly heavier than their sisters throughout the experiment. No significant gender differences were observed for AR pup weights after Day 2 postpartum. RR female offspring weighed more than their brothers throughout the experiment, and this difference was statistically significant immediately prior to the time that pups began to feed independently (Days 14–17). RR female pup weights were similar to, and sometimes significantly greater than, weights of control daughters during the period of postnatal maternal investment. Control males were always heavier than males from the other treatments. Patterns of weight gain by AR and RR males varied with age. We conclude that underfed female hamsters are able to adjust the sex ratio of offspring prenatally and parental investment postnatally to favor daughters.  相似文献   

Length of maternal care, i.e. the interval between successfully raised litters, is the most important factor explaining the variation in reproductive rate among brown-bear (Ursus arctos) populations. In this paper, we examine the variation in length of maternal care in radio-marked brown bears and its effect on their offspring in northern Sweden. Young stayed with their mothers for 1.4–1.5 or 2.4–2.5 (in one case 3.5) years and were weaned with body masses varying from 17 to 69 kg. The probability of yearling litters staying with their mother for a 2nd year increased with decreasing yearling body mass, and was higher for litters with two offspring than for litters with one or three to four offspring. Staying with their mothers for a 2nd year had a positive effect on mass gain in yearlings and this effect was more pronounced in litters with two than three to four offspring. Body mass of 2-year-olds was not related to age of weaning, suggesting that keeping offspring for an additional year mainly compensated for low yearling body mass. If large offspring body mass positively affects later offspring survival and reproduction, mothers may be able to optimize the length of maternal care according to the litter size and the size of their yearlings.Communicated by F. Trillmich  相似文献   

Within a family there are conflicts of interest between parents and offspring, and between male and female parents, over the supply of parental care. The observed pattern of parental care is the outcome of negotiations within the family, and may be influenced by environmental factors such as food abundance. We experimentally increased food supply to ten Tengmalm’s owl (Aegolius funereus) nests from hatching to fledging, mimicking natural cached prey. Ten un-supplemented nests served as controls. Parents and offspring were fitted with radio-tags. Food provisioning by parents was measured both in the (1) mid- and (2) late nestling stage and in the (3) early and (4) late post-fledging stage. In response to food supplementation, both males and females reduced food provisioning, but the effect was more pronounced in females. Females generally contributed much less to food provisioning than males, and food supplementation increased the difference between the sexes. Mass loss during the brooding stage was substantially lower for supplemented than for control females. Food supplementation did not improve offspring survival, and had no effect on body measurements of nestlings. In conclusion, parents of both sexes used the increased food supply to reduce the costs of caring for their current offspring, but females responded more strongly than males.  相似文献   

Summary Prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster) family groups were examined to determine possible indirect fitness benefits from the presence of juvenile helpers at the natal nest. The reproductive performance of family groups retaining two juveniles was compared with that of families in which all juveniles were removed when the subsequent litter was born. Litter sizes at birth of the second litter and pup survival rates were the same in the two treatments. Offspring quality was affected by the presence of juveniles however. Pups reared with juveniles weighed 13% more at weaning than pups reared without juveniles. Pups also opened their eyes sooner when juveniles were present. Differences in growth and development may have been affected by the amount of time pups were alone in the nest since pups in families with juveniles were left alone less frequently than were pups without juveniles. Maternal behavior patterns were not affected by the presence of juveniles. In contrast, fathers in families with juveniles spent more time in non-parental behaviors such as feeding, drinking, and foraging. In families with large litters, mothers delivered a subsequent litter sooner if juveniles were present. Subsequent litter sizes were the same in both treatments. Overall, both infants and parents benefited from the presence of juveniles, suggesting that helping may enhance the helper's indirect fitness in multiple ways.  相似文献   

Summary This paper analyzes the flexibility of maternal care in wild house mice (Mus domesticus) under different reproductive conditions in the laboratory. All maternal activities were both qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed over a period of 28 days after birth of a litter. The standard behavior of a lactating house mouse with 7–8 young can be described as follows: During days 1–16 the offspring fully depend on the mother for nutrition. Due to rapid growth of the litter, the energetic demands of lactation reach a peak for the female during days 13–16. During days 17–22, the weaning period, the young begin to eat solid food. This period is characterized by behaviors that indicate different interests of the mother and offspring, and thus the existence of a parent-offspring conflict sensu Trivers (1974). Resting alone and remaining far from the litter indicate the female's interest in avoiding the offspring's demands, which are expressed in frequent attempts to initiate sucking. There is no aggression towards the young during weaning. House mice are weaned at 23 days. The relationship between mother and young appears free of conflict after weaning. Nursing is replaced by resting with body contact, but the offspring do not try to suck. The following results suggest that during the weaning period the offspring do not get more milk than corresponds to the maternal optimum—despite their frequent sucking attempts:(a) When the mother is simultaneously lactating and pregnant, offspring are smaller at weaning than under standard conditions. (b) Small litters are weaned earlier than large ones. Despite a longer nursing period, offspring from large litters are lighter at weaning than those from small ones. (c) Under high energy demand, as after postpartum mating and with large litters, females wean their young at a body weight which corresponds to the earliest physiologically possible state of independence.Parity of the female has no effect on maternal activities, nor has the presence of the father. In the latter case, however, offspring are less often left alone and unprotected.Females seem to adjust their investment according to the body weight of the progeny by delaying or advancing the date of weaning (Table 2). This behavior allows the production of the largest possible number of offspring that can be raised to a minimal physiological threshold corresponding to a body weight of approximately 9 g. Such flexibility in parental care may enhance maternal fitness under different and unpredictable environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Summary The roles of male and female lesser snow geese (Anser caerulescens) in offspring care are well documented, but we know little about flexibility in these roles and how essential they are for offspring survival. We asked whether uni-parental care was adequate, which sex was required at various stages of the reproductive cycle, and what the costs and consequences were of variable amounts of parental care. We found that two parents were important in acquiring nest sites and producing clutches. Widows losing mates during the latter part of laying or in early incubation experienced similar rates of success in hatching clutches to paired females, but males losing mates during incubation experienced total nest failure. Partial clutch loss, hatch loss, intraspecific nest parasitism, duration of incubation periods and gosling weights at hatch did not differ for pairs or widows. In 1983 at La Pérouse Bay, Manitoba, Canada, widows and pairs had similar incubation behaviour, but widows were harassed more and spent more time in full alert posture while on their nests. In 1952 and 1953 at Southhampton Island, Northwest Territories, widows were significantly lighter in body weight prior to hatch than paired females. Thus while widows can bring clutches to hatch successfully, the loss of mates may result in additional physiological costs. Although all possibilities have not been tested experimentally, it appears that costs to uni-parental care up to hatch are not significant. Data collected so far on consequences of uni-parental care provided during the post-hatch period are equivocal, as in one year survival of goslings from single parent broods seemed poor and in another it did not appeart to differ from pairs. The minimum amount of parental care required to raise snow goslings from hatch to recruitment has yet to be determined.  相似文献   

Summary Previously we reported that inter-litter competition reduces the survival of pups born to pairs of female rats living and breeding in the same nesting environment. Inter-litter competition occurred when females gave birth asynchronously; specifically, when a female gave birth in the presence of 15 to 28-day-old pups, her newborn pups were likely to die as a result of nest intrusion by the older pups. In contrast, inter-litter competition occurred rarely when the two females gave birth synchronously. Because theories of facultative sex ratio adjustment predict that mothers giving birth in unfavorable circumstances should bias their offspring towards the more viable or less expensive sex, we predicted that litters born asynchronously would be female biased. Conversely, we also predicted that females giving birth under favorable conditions, i.e., synchronously, would bias their litters toward males. We found a female bias in asynchronous litters, but did not find a male bias in synchronous litters. Moreover, in contrast to other reports in the literature, the female bias in asynchronous litters was achieved without a reduction in litter size. Based on correlational data, we suggest several mechanisms that could produce this female bias: conditions at fertilization and implantation, time since the male last mated and number of pups suckling concurrently during gestation. Correspondence to: M.K. McClintock  相似文献   

In polygynous and sexually dimorphic mammals, parents may be expected to bias their investment towards sons because variation in reproductive success is usually higher among males than among females. Moreover, male reproductive success often depends on adult body size, which, in turn, may depend on the level of parental investment. We therefore predicted that in the grey seal (Halichoerus grypus), a polygynous and sexually dimorphic phocid seal, females should invest more in individual sons than in individual daughters. We found that male pups were born heavier than female pups, but that the growth rates and suckling behaviour were similar for the two sexes. The growth rates and the birth weights were not correlated for the pups of either sex. Mothers did not behave differentially towards offspring of the two sexes, except that mothers of male pups spent more time in visual contact with their pups. Male and female pups had similar activity levels and begged at similar rates. We argue that reports of equal expenditure on the two sexes can be accepted as evidence of equal investment, provided that three assumptions are fulfilled. First, parental care must be costly to the parent. Second, energy expenditure must be the most important component of parental investment. Third, there must be no negative correlation between maternal body condition and the ratio of sons to daughters produced. We argue that these assumptions are met in our study, and that our results provide evidence of equal maternal investment in the sexes in grey seals.  相似文献   

According to life-history theory, there will often be a conflict between investment in current versus future reproduction. If a predator appears during breeding, parents must make a compromise between ensuring the growth and survival of offspring (nest defence, feeding and brooding of young), and reducing the risk of predation to ensure their own survival. We model three hypotheses for the outcome of this conflict which are particularly relevant for altricial birds. They are not mutually exclusive, but focus on different costs and benefits. (1) Parental investment is determined by the parents’ own risk of predation. This hypothesis predicts that a lone parent should take smaller risks than a parent that has a mate. (2) Parental investment is related to the reproductive value of the offspring: Parents are predicted to take greater risks for larger broods, larger-sized or older offspring. (3) Finally, we present the new hypothesis that parental investment is related to the harm that offspring would suffer during a period of no parental care (incubation, brooding, feeding). This hypothesis predicts that parents should take greater risks for younger offspring, or for offspring in poorer condition, because the marginal benefit of parental care is largest in such cases. Hence, one may also expect that lone parents should take greater risks than two parents because their offspring are more in need of care. We tested these hypotheses on the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) by presenting a stuffed predator of the parents (a sparrowhawk, Accipiter nisus) close to the nest when parents were feeding the young. Risk taking was measured as the time that elapsed until the first visit to the nest. Most support was found for the ‘‘harm to offspring’’ hypothesis. Previous studies have usually measured the intensity of nest defence against typical nest predators, and have found evidence for the ‘‘reproductive value of offspring’’ hypothesis. However, our model predicts that the importance of the reproductive value of the offspring should decrease relative to the harm that offspring would suffer if they were not cared for when the predator type changes from a nest predator to a predator of adults, and when conditions for breeding turn from good to bad. Received: 13 April 1995/Accepted after revision: 11 March 1996  相似文献   

The mating patterns and reproductive success of the bushy-tailed woodrat (Neotoma cinerea) were investigated over a 3-year period (1992–1994) using DNA fingerprinting. Paternity was determined by genetic analysis of 58 juveniles of known maternity from 35 litters. Analysis of DNA fingerprints revealed that all offspring within a litter were fathered by a single male; the statistical probability of detecting multiple males mating with a female was high, indicating that multiple paternity would have been detected had it occurred. However, individual males did not father more than one litter from a given female either within or between years. At least 75% of females and 57% of males successfully produced offspring each year. The finding that all littermates are first-order relatives may contribute to the high level of female cooperation in this species. Received: 28 May 1997 / Accepted after revision: 22 March 1998  相似文献   

Species differ widely with regard to parental investment strategies and mechanisms underlying those strategies. The passing of benefits to likely genetic offspring can be mediated through a number of different computational and behavioral systems. We report results from an agent-based model in which offspring maintain proximity with parents and parents transmit benefits to offspring without the capacity of either parent or offspring to “recognize” one another. Instead, parents follow a simple rule to emit benefits after reproducing and offspring follow a simple rule of moving in the direction of positive benefit gradients. This model differs from previous models of spatial kin-based altruism in that individuals are modeled as having different behavioral rules at different life stages and benefits are transmitted unidirectionally from parents to offspring. High rates of correctly directed parental investment occur when mobility and sociality are low and parental investment occurs over a short period of time. We suggest that strategies based on recognition and bonding/attachment might serve to increase rates of correctly directed parental investment under parameters that are shown here to otherwise lead to high rates of misdirected and wasted parental investment.  相似文献   

Optimal parental investment usually differs depending on the sex of the offspring. However, parents in most organisms cannot discriminate the sex of their young until those young are energetically independent. In a species with physical male–male competition, males are often larger and usually develop sexual ornaments, so male offspring are often more costly to produce. However, Onthophagus dung beetles (Coleoptera; Scarabaeidae) are highly dimorphic in secondary sexual characters, but sexually monomorphic in body size, despite strong male–male competition for mates. We demonstrate that because parents provide all resources required by their offspring before adulthood, O. atripennis exhibits no sexual size dimorphism irrespective of sexual selection pressure favoring sexual dimorphism. By constructing a graphic model with three fitness curves (for sons, daughters, and expected fitness return for parents), we demonstrate that natural selection favors parents that provide both sons and daughters with the optimal amount of investment for sons, which is far greater than that for daughters. This is because the cost of producing small sons, that are unable to compete for mates, is far greater than the cost of producing daughters that are larger than necessary. This theoretical prediction can explain sexual dimorphism without sexual size dimorphism, widely observed in species with crucial parental care such as dung beetles and leaf-rolling beetles, and may provide an insight into the enigmatic relationship between sexual size dimorphism and sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

Offspring should be selected to influence maternal effort to maximize their own fitness, whereas mothers are selected to limit investment in present progeny. In mammals, this leads to a conflict over the amount of milk provided and the timing of weaning. The intensity and time course of such conflict has so far mostly been investigated experimentally in altricial rodents. However, it is expected that offspring options for conflict will depend on developmental state. We therefore investigated in the highly precocial domestic guinea pig (Cavia aperea f. porcellus) who decides over nursing performance and weaning and how pup state influences these decisions. Specifically, we tested whether a threshold mass of pups predicts weaning time. By exchanging older litters against neonates and vice versa, we produced a situation in which females differed in lactational stage from the cross-fostered pups. Our results indicate that females decide about the timing of weaning, as cross-fostered younger pups were weaned at a much younger age than controls and older pups benefited from continuing lactation of foster mothers. Growth rates did not differ in the treatment groups, and different weaning ages resulted in differing weaning mass refuting the hypothesis that weaning is based on a threshold mass of offspring. This constitutes clear evidence that in a precocial rodent, the guinea pig, decisions about maternal care are primarily determined by maternal state and little influenced by pup state despite the extreme precociality of offspring. We suggest that precocial pups show little resistance to early weaning when food is abundant, as they reach sufficient nutritional independence by the middle of lactation to enable independent survival.  相似文献   

According to the Evolutionary Theory of the Family, the replacement of one pair-member by an intruder may have profound consequences for the existing offspring. Step-parents are expected to provide less care towards unrelated immatures than to genetic offspring, unless caring also serves as a mating strategy. Furthermore, because an intruder will be a potential mate for opposite-sexed offspring, relationships between offspring and same-sex parents are predicted to deteriorate. To test these predictions, we studied an Azara’s owl monkey (Aotus azarai) population in Argentina exhibiting serial monogamy and bi-parental care. Since 1997, we have collected demographic data from ca. 25 groups and inter-individual distance data from ca. 150 marked individuals. First, we compared survival and dispersal age of immatures in groups with and without replacements to investigate whether parental care serves as a mating strategy. Second, we compared sex-specific age at dispersal for groups with replacement of opposite-sex parents, same-sex parents, or in stable groups in order to test whether relationships between offspring and same-sex parents deteriorated after the replacement of the other parent. Survival and dispersal ages were not negatively associated with replacements, suggesting that male care might serve, at least partly, as a mating strategy. The time lag between a replacement and the subsequent dispersal of female offspring was greater if the intruder was a male, while the offspring and same-sex parents were less often nearest neighbors after replacements than before. Our results suggest that family disruption through the replacement of a parent is not associated with decreased offspring survival or early dispersion of juveniles, but deteriorates parent–offspring relationships.  相似文献   

Summary The amount of parental milk investment determines not only the number of young the parent can produce, but also affects the offspring's fitness. The antagonism between quantity and quality of offspring was investigated in laboratory mice.In nursing first litters containing 2,4, ..., 14 pups, mothers invested increasing amounts of milk. This mainly extended the intervals between their first and second litters and slightly increased the size of their second litters, whilst third litters were not affected. In the female young, the decreasing amount each individual received as a result of increasing litter size led to delayed birth and reduced the size of their first litters. The intervals between their first and second litters and the size of the second litters were also affected, although to a lesser extent.Taking these results into consideration on a standard lifetime pattern of reproduction, the effects were calculated on net reproductive rates as an expression of fitness. Death rates were assumed that referred to population equilibrium or population growth. In both situations, the fitness curves of mothers and young showed that the actual level of milk investment and the level yielding optimal reproduction were in agreement. There was no significant deviation towards increased investment, as might result from parent-offspring conflict.  相似文献   

Communal nursing in the evening bat,Nycticeius humeralis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Nursing observations over two summers involving 76 lactating female evening bats, Nycticeius humeralis, and 128 pups in an attic in northern Missouri indicate that communal nursing occurs rarely until 2 weeks before weaning during which time over 18% of nursing bouts involve nondescendant offspring. The average relatedness among female pairs nursing non-descendant offspring, based on identity-by-descent estimates using allozyme data, was 0.04 (SE=0.12). Mitochondrial DNA d-loop sequence comparisons confirm that at most only 2 of 20 female pairs nursing non-descendant offspring came from the same matriline. Thus, females do not nurse matrilineal kin preferentially despite female natal philopatry. In addition, the average degree of relatedness within a colony (r=0.01, SE =0.03) is too low to provide any indirect benefits from communal nursing. Female error alone is insufficient to explain these observations because females tended to allow female nondescendant young to nurse but excluded nondescendant males, particularly when they had all-male litters. Furthermore, communal nursing bouts did not differ in duration from parental nursing bouts and involved 31 % of all banded females and 24% of all banded pups observed nursing. Communal nursing occurred most frequently when pups began hunting on their own and when lactating females attained their lowest average pre-fed body weight. Mortality during this period was higher for male than female pups, and relative weights implicate starvation as the cause. Time-lapse video records of four families of bats in captivity showed that the number of nursing bouts was proportional to daily weight change. I propose that these results are consistent with both immediate and delayed benefits accruing to females which experience variable hunting success. If a female with extra milk reduced her weight by dumping milk prior to her next foraging trip, she could obtain an immediate energetic benefit and maintain maximum milk production. By restricting such milk donations to nondescendant females she may also increase colony size and thereby enhance her future acquisition of information about foraging and roosting sites.  相似文献   

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