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Efforts towards the development and deployment of technologies based on renewable energy sources in India are described. A brief review of renewable energy programmes with an emphasis on the specific strengths of the different programmes in the context of India's renewable energy programme is presented. Renewable energy systems which appear to have a significant role to play in the sustainable energy programme of India are identified and their implementation discussed .  相似文献   

The promotion of renewable energy during the last decade did not result in widescale application of the technology. In many cases, technologies were promoted before they were commercially viable or were inappropriately selected for the particular end-use application. In other cases, a lack of local technical expertise and support infrastructure was absent to sustain the technology once it had been placed in the field. There was also a loss of donor interest and funding for renewables concomitant with the decline in oil prices. This paper attempts to summarize lessons learned from this decade of experience with renewable energy and to offer criteria and suggestions for future activities in transferring renewable energy technology.  相似文献   

This research has demonstrated that even in a small urbanised country like Britain, communities can still be remote. The paper analyses the nature of remote settlements and suggests that beyond the rural idyll, there are deprived communities. In order to obtain real data, a study area in the North Pennines was selected. The types of remote communities were evident throughout the study area and one of each type was selected for further study. It became clear that villages with an industrial base had most potential, due to high energy demand, vulnerability and community involvement. A village with a high measure of multiple deprivation and suffering from fuel poverty was chosen for a more detailed investigation. Energy demand profiles were developed and candidate technologies nominated. The latter were tested by filters that assessed fitness for application, robustness and autonomy. The most appropriate combinations of technologies were proposed. The residents and their community representatives were involved in the process and recognised the benefits of the proposals to themselves and others.  相似文献   

During the last 20 years Mexico has been fertile ground for rural projects using renewable energy technologies. In many cases, however, sustainability aspects were either improperly handled or essentially ignored. Such was the case, for instance, with solar thermal water pumping projects, solar water desalination, and even complete 'solar towns'. Painful but important lessons were learned from such failed projects. Now, sustainability is the focal point of a current rural electrification programme with renewable energy. As of this writing, over 24000 individual home photovoltaic lighting systems have already been installed in different regions of Mexico; another 12000 systems are estimated to have been installed in rural areas as a result of private commercial activities; seven village-size hybrid systems (photovoltaic–wind and photovoltaic–wind–diesel) have also been implemented. With this, the Mexican renewable energy rural electrification programme stands among the largest programmes of its kind in the world today. The question of the programme's sustainability has been a major concern at the Electrical Research Institute of Mexico (IIE), where activities have been under way since the start to lend it technical support. The lessons learned in the process will be discussed in this article .  相似文献   

This article describes biomass fuels as renewable and sustainable energy resources in Minnesota as well as across the United States. This country has long benefited from surplus supplies of diverse energy resources, while our dependency on foreign petroleum supplies and domestic coal reserves has only recently prompted Congress to recognize the importance of renewable and alternative fuels such as biomass energy. Our further utilization of biomass power and biofuels can be an important step in altering our dependency on both coal and petroleum while simultaneously reducing carbon dioxide emissions. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This study involves a meta-analytical review of several articles, using the closest assumptions for the independent variable (renewable energy consumption), to determine the relationship with its environmental impacts. Furthermore, Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) in 2015 pays attention to related problems in both developing and developed countries. The effects of carbon emissions, natural resources, renewable energy consumption, and non-renewable energy on the environment are also reviewed. Following the separation of studies, the closest assumption was observed for the independent variable (energy source applications) of renewable energy. The meta-analysis was obtained using OpenMEE and JASP, and the results show the observed outcome, which was expressed in percentage. Based on the analysis, the Renewable Energy model has a value of 0.15, with the largest forest plots of 0.73, 0.69, and 0.80, recorded for studies 13, 19, and 23, respectively, while the least forest plots were recorded for studies 6, 11, 12, 15, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, and 28. Therefore, renewable energy consumption, specifically in the mining industry, has the capacity to influence global warming. The respective industry has a unique influence on the processes that require renewable energy, for instance, the coal mining industry produces a smaller forest plot value, compared to oil and gas, or other mineral industries.  相似文献   

This paper discusses international aid issues related to energy supply and sustainable development in the Pacific Islands. Certain foreign donors have focused their aid to the region mainly on poverty alleviation, and have failed to support critical sectors, such as the energy sector, which is one of the main driving forces in socio-economic development. As an example, this paper analyses the international aid program of Australia for renewable energy in the Pacific Island region. It is recommended that, in future, foreign aid take up the challenge of promoting recipient countries' capabilities in sustainable development. A key strategy to be adopted by foreign aid should be strengthening recipients' energy sectors, particularly renewable energy systems. It is argued that this approach will assist the long-term socio-economic development and environmental management of the region.  相似文献   

作为能源相对匮乏的国家,德国将发展可再生能源作为其能源战略的一个重要组成部分。德国政府认为,发展可再生能源对保证能源多样性、减少环境污染以及把握技术革新先机都至关重要。德国2004年8月生效的新《可再生能源法》对2000年出台的类似法律进行了修订和补充,保证20年内为可再生能源电力给予一定的补偿。新法规明确提出,到2020年使可再生能源发电量占总发电量的20%。德国2004年还新出台了市场刺激措施,用优惠贷款及补贴等方式扶持可再生能源进入市场。德国联邦政府曾从长远出发,制定了促进可再生能源开发的《未来投资计划》,迄今已投入…  相似文献   

Supply to electrical pumpsets for irrigation purposes accounts for about 25% of the total electricity sold in India. The number of electrical pumpsets is expected to increase from 8.5 million in 1989–90 to 10.5 million in 1994–95. Low load factors (10–12%) and low densities (1–4 pumpsets/km2) mean large investments for the electric utility in order to supply electricity for irrigation. It is reported that there exists a potential to save at least 10% of the electricity supplied to this sector by means of simple retrofit measures. However, conditions in the field pose constraints to such retrofits. Some of those constraints are highlighted in this paper. It is also suggested that immediate attempts be made to ensure that all new connections are energy efficient. This paper suggests that the additional cost incurred to ensure new energy efficient connections and to maintain retrofit energy efficient pumpsets must be looked on as a necessary cost for energy efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper explores a large-scale and growing popular movement to augment groundwater recharge in the Saurashtra region of western India, an area that has been facing acute water scarcity and other associated problems. As a social phenomenon, the movement is at an early stage of its development. However, it is interesting to study it for many reasons. First, even a decade after it began, it is still growing in scale and following. Second, it is entirely spontaneous and internally driven, necessitating no public resources or support. Third, early indications are that its social and ecological impacts are beneficial and highly significant. Fourth, the movement was catalysed and spearheaded by spiritual and religious institutions, which made ingenious use of non-economic messages and motivators in forging a new natural resource ethic based on a broad, collective rationality among movement members. It appears, however, that beyond a threshold, the movement acquired a logic and energy of its own which might fuel its future sustainability and growth. Finally, the movement has important lessons to offer because mobilising social energy on such a scale and intensity can perhaps be one of most effective responses to many of the environmental challenges the world faces today.  相似文献   

可再生能源技术在我国旅游循环经济发展中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
可再生资源代替常规能源使用,是旅游可持续发展的客观要求,是旅游循环经济应用的重要方面。太阳能、风能、水能、生物质能、地热能和海洋能利用技术可广泛应用于旅游循环经济系统中的旅游区(点)、旅行社、住宿、餐饮、交通、购物、娱乐等旅游企业。应采取观念更新、政府支持、技术支持等措施推进可再生资源技术在发展旅游循环经济中的研发、推广与运用。  相似文献   

Biotic pressure in and around protected areas (PA) is the primary cause of biodiversity loss in many developing countries across the globe. The pressure comes partly from biomass energy dependency in the form of heavy extraction of fuelwood from the forests. Although biomass fuels provide easily accessible and affordable sources of domestic energy to the rural masses, their combustion results in environmental and health‐related hazards. The objectives of this paper are to assess the patterns of household energy use in a subsistence forest economy and analyze the factors that influence their energy use choice for cooking and lighting. The paper uses primary data collected randomly from 244 households located in and around the Similipal Tiger Reserve (STR), situated in the eastern Indian state of Odisha. Age of the household head, number of days in wage employment, number of adult males and females in a household, education of the household head and landholding size are found to be the major variables that determine household fuelwood collection sources inside the reserve. Considering household structure as an income indicator, the analysis clearly shows that non‐poor households prefer to use clean energy (i.e. solar) for lighting, while poor households tend to use solid fuel. Energy policies for development should be based on the realistic proposition that fuelwood will remain the major source of energy for cooking for substantial proportions of the world’s population. Promotion of public education, social forestry schemes and fuel‐efficient improved chulhas should be encouraged in order to reduce household dependence on fuelwood. Moreover, devolving sufficient property rights over forest resources to local communities may help secure their broad‐based and active participation in the decision‐making process, which may result in a positive change in the attitude of the local people towards biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

This paper presents projections of motor vehicles, oil demand, and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions for India through the year 2040. The populations of highway vehicles and two‐wheelers are projected under three different scenarios on the basis of economic growth and average household size in India. The results show that by 2040, the number of highway vehicles in India would be 206‐309 million. The oil demand projections for the Indian transportation sector are based on a set of nine scenarios arising out of three vehicle‐growth and three fuel‐economy scenarios. The combined effects of vehicle‐growth and fuel‐economy scenarios, together with the change in annual vehicle usage, result in a projected demand in 2040 by the transportation sector in India of 404‐719 million metric tons (8.5‐15.1 million barrels per day). The corresponding annual CO2 emissions are projected to be 1.2‐2.2 billion metric tons.  相似文献   

Three Egyptian industrial wastewater management programmes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A pre-treatment programme for wastewater from factories, representing three main industrial sectors in Egypt, has been developed. The first case study was a factory producing potato-chips. Wastewater discharged from this factory was characterized by high values of BOD, SS and oil and grease (6000 mgO2 l–1, 6577 mg l–1 and 119 mg l–1 respectively). Chemical treatment using lime and lime aided by polyelectrolyte achieved good results. Residual values of BOD and SS after treatment were 97 mg l–1 and 49 mg l–1, respectively. Oil and grease concentrations were reduced by 91 percent. Treatment via activated sludge at a detention time of 4 hrs produced good quality effluent. The second case study was an automobile company, representing the metal finishing industry. Analyses of wastewater samples from the degreasing, phosphating and painting departments, as well as the end-of-pipe effluent were conducted. The end-of-pipe effluent contained high concentrations of oil and grease (366 mg l–1), phosphorous (111 mg l–1) and zinc (81 mg l–1). Chemical treatment of end-of-pipe wastewater using ferric chloride aided by lime, produced high quality effluent. The third sector was the chemical industry. For this purpose a paint factory was selected. Characteristics of raw wastewater varied widely according to the production rate. Average values of COD and BOD were 1950 mg l–1 and 683 mg l–1. Oil and grease ranged from 63 to 1624 mg l–1. Chemical treatment using ferric chloride in combination with lime at the optimum operating conditions achieved good results. Residual values after treatment of COD, BOD and oil and grease reached 120, 36 and 8.6 mg l–1, respectively. An engineering design for each case study has been prepared.  相似文献   

Structure and function of environmental programmes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary In this article, the need for integrated curricula in environmental science/studies programmes is reviewed. The required competencies/outcomes for understanding and solution of environmental problems, the requirement for interdisciplinarity and incorporation of innovative skills/methods into environmental curricula, examples of ways to integrate curricula, teaching methodologies and their rationales, impacts of environmental programmes, and academic support for programmes, are also examined in this context.Dr John Lemons is Professor of Biology and Environmental Science, and Chairperson of the Department of Life Sciences at the University of New England. He is also Editor-in-Chief ofThe Environmental Professional, the official journal of the National Association for Environmental Professionals.  相似文献   

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