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Early non-invasive fetal sexing is widely available over the Internet, leading to concerns about its possible use for sex selection. The aim of this review is to summarise the results of surveys describing lay attitudes towards sex selection for non-medical reasons to help address or inform such concerns. A search of electronic databases and key journals was supplemented by an Internet search and citation-tracking. Twenty-one quantitative studies were identified. Most were conducted in the US, with five recent studies in the UK and Germany. Most studies found that, overall, people were not in favour of sex selection. However, this varied from 94 to 18%. People may hold more negative attitudes when the method of sex selection is specified, particularly if this involves termination of pregnancy (TOP). Attitudes towards the general availability of sex selection are less negative than those towards personal use. Attitudes were consistently negative in German surveys. Little is known of such attitudes outside the US, the UK and Germany, and how such attitudes may change as new sex selection technologies become available. Studies of use of early non-invasive fetal sexing for sex selection for non-medical reasons are needed to assess the extent to which concerns about usage are justified and to assist in debates on how these might be most appropriately addressed. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper explores the problem of China's ‘missing’ girls—estimated to run into many millions. It considers the impact of the underpinning Confucian value system in China that has produced a culture of son preference and which, together with China's compulsory family planning program and ‘one child policy’, has effectively established a ‘one son policy’. Discussion of the various means by which the birth or survival of daughters have traditionally been prevented provides the context for identifying the contribution of new sex selection procedures to the maintenance of son preference in contemporary Chinese society. The paper concludes that China's son preference is not simply a personal problem for the millions of ‘missing girls’ who were destined to live a shorter life and for the surviving girls who continue to face considerable discrimination simply because they are of the ‘wrong’ sex; it heralds a social and demographic disaster of major proportions for which neither the government nor the people of China appear to have the will or the means to forestall. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The arguments against the use of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) for non-medical sex selection are analysed. It is concluded that the distinction between medical and non-medical reasons is difficult to maintain, that the disproportionality of means and end is not a decisive counterargument and that the fear of damage to the reputation of PGD does not justify the refusal of controversial applications. Moreover, since non-medical sex selection does not belong to basic health care, it should not be equally accessible to all. The position defended in this article is founded on two basic principles: (1) medical reasons have priority on non-medical reasons, and (2) personal reasons do not qualify for public funding. In order to respect both principles, it is proposed that restrictions should be installed to control the number of requests for social sexing and that a tax should be imposed on these elective services. The tax should compensate the society for the investment it made in the training and education of the physician. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article reviews the current and potential laws relevant to post-implantation fetal social sex selection and considers whether they could provide an effective deterrent and control of the practice, if the United Kingdom decided that such control were desirable. It concludes that enacting, drafting and enforcing of any legislation throws up many difficult practical and ethical issues. These issues need to be debated and further information collected before any legislation is rushed into. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Toward the end of the twentieth century it was discovered that cell-free fetal DNA sequences could be detected in maternal blood plasma. Initially, Y-chromosome sequences originating from male fetuses were targeted in cell-free DNA extracted from maternal plasma in order to demonstrate proof of this concept towards the development of noninvasive prenatal diagnosis methods. Clinical application of this approach is now possible. Fetal sex can be detected through a procedure that is noninvasive with respect to the fetus. Specifically, the presence of Y-chromosome sequences in maternal blood plasma indicates that the fetus is male, whereas lack of a signal will indicate that the fetus is female. Fetal sex can be detected very early, from at least the 7th week of pregnancy (and even earlier, according to several studies), about two months before this information is available through ultrasound scanning. Although the controversial issue of fetal sexing is not new, it is expected that with the availability of an accurate noninvasive test, public interest will rise. It is therefore imperative that an authorized committee of experts in each country generates an official policy regarding application of the test. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to explore women's attitudes towards prenatal diagnosis of trisomy 21 and to examine some of the factors possibly responsible for these attitudes before implementing in real practice serological screening of pregnant women at risk for trisomy 21. We carried out a telephone survey on a representative sample of women who had recently had a normal livebirth delivery in the Marseille district in 1990. The participation rate was 80 per cent and the average age of the mothers was 28-9 years. Among the 514 women interviewed, 78 per cent stated that they would ask for an amniocentesis for a 1 per cent risk of trisomy 21 at their next pregnancy. When adjusting for confounding factors, the decision to have or not to have an amniocentesis was found to depend not only on the women's attitude towards induced abortion, but also on their understanding of the risk involved and on the social context (knowing a handicapped child, discussion with the father). It also depended on the women's age and on what they knew about amniocentesis from the medical point of view. The risk of miscarriage can influence a woman's choice but this objection was not found to affect the women's decisions significantly in our survey. The data showed the existence of a high potential demand for fetal karyotyping.  相似文献   

从某避孕药生产厂污水处理站好氧池活性污泥中通过富集驯化,分离到一株降解甾体雌激素(3-甲氧基-17a羟基-1,3,5(10),8(9)-雌甾-4-烯,简称MHE)的细菌ZY3菌株.经形态及16SrDNA序列分析初步鉴定,该菌株属于Raoultella属(Raoultellasp.).经过对ZY3菌株以MHE为唯一碳源生长和降解特性的分析表明,ZY3菌株利用MHE生长的最适温度和pH值分别为35℃和10.0,72h内的最适降解浓度为10mg/L.加入营养物质麦芽糖和蛋白胨能促进菌株对底物的降解,在72h内降解率达到了87%和85%.  相似文献   

北京市居家空气微生物粒径及分布特征研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
室内外空气微生物对人们健康的危害不仅与微生物的种类和浓度有关,而且还与微生物粒子的大小及粒径分布特征密切相关,并且不同粒径的空气微生物对人们健康影响的作用机制不同.在北京市不同方向选取31户有1~10岁儿童的家庭进行空气微生物取样,系统研究了室内家庭空气微生物粒径及分布特征.结果表明,室内空气细菌和真菌粒径分布特征不随家庭环境、季节特征、儿童性别、房屋结构的变化而变化,但空气细菌和真菌的粒径分布特征不同.总体上空气细菌和真菌粒径均呈对数正态分布,但空气细菌粒子百分比从Ⅰ级(>8.2μm)到Ⅴ级(1.0~2.0μm)逐渐增加,Ⅵ级(<1.0μm)细菌粒子百分比急剧下降,最高值出现在Ⅴ级,而空气真菌粒径百分比从Ⅰ级~Ⅳ级(2.0~3.5μm)逐渐增加,而后从Ⅳ级~Ⅵ级真菌粒径百分比急剧下降,最高值出现在Ⅳ级.不同优势真菌属的粒径分布也不相同,枝孢属、青霉属和曲霉属呈对数正态分布,最高值出现在Ⅳ级,而链格孢属为偏态分布,最高值出现在Ⅱ级(5.0~10.4μm).室内空气细菌的中值直径明显大于空气真菌,1 a中空气细菌和真菌春、夏、秋季的粒径明显大于冬季.  相似文献   

Current debates about sex selection start from a paradox: on the one hand, the ‘liberal’ argument in favour of sex selection is often thought to be sound; but on the other hand there is widespread public opposition to sex selection. So it is worth spending some time examining the arguments against sex selection. Four different types of argument are identified: (i) religious arguments; (ii) consequentialist arguments, mainly concerning disturbance to the sex ratio; (iii) arguments to the effect that sex selection involves a failure to respect the autonomy of a child; (iv) arguments to the effect that the motivation for sex selection brings with it an instrumental attitude to children not compatible with a child's need for unconditional acceptance and love. In the end the conclusion is reached that none of these arguments provide decisive arguments against the liberal thesis that sex selection ought to be permitted, especially where 'family balancing' is envisaged. In the light of this conclusion the issue of fetal sexing followed by selective feticide as a method of sex selection is discussed. It is argued that sex selection is not in general a good reason for abortion, but that this practice may become unstoppable. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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