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Carriers of nonhomologous Robertsonian translocations (ROB) are at risk for having offspring with uniparental disomy (UPD). Although risk estimates have been calculated in several independent studies, the estimates have not been optimal because most studies are not of sufficient size and UPD events are rare. However, these collective data have provided the opportunity to derive an overall risk estimate for UPD in the fetus after the prenatal identification of a ROB. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Forty-two fetuses with non-homologous Robertsonian translocations were analyzed for uniparental disomy (UPD). One fetus with a de novo translocation t(13q;14q) had maternal isodisomy of chromosome 14. In a summary of the published data (including the present study), 315 cases were analyzed for UPD after prenatal diagnosis of balanced Robertsonian translocations, of these two fetuses had UPD, giving a risk estimate of 0.65% (CI 0.2–2.3). This risk justifies the recommendation of UPD analysis in fetuses diagnosed prenatally with Robertsonian translocations, with the emphasis on the chromosomes known to contain imprinted genes, such as 14 and 15. We also discuss the possibility of UPD in offspring of Robertsonian translocation carriers with normal karyotype. Based on the risk for UPD in fetuses with Robertsonian translocation we suggest to test these fetuses for UPD and to do so on amniocytes rather than chorionic villi when the risk for unbalanced karyotype is ∼1%, comparable to the risk for UPD. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Prenatal diagnosis of mosaicism involving an apparently unstable 13/14 Robertsonian trans-location is reported. This illustrates the difficulties encountered in counselling when mosaicism is ascertained prenatally. Other reported examples of apparently unstable Robertsonian translocations are discussed.  相似文献   

We report on the prenatal diagnosis and ultrasonographic findings of a second-trimester fetus with jumping translocation involving chromosome 22. A 28-year-old gravida 2, partus 1, Turkish woman was referred for genetic counselling and ultrasonographic examination at 18 weeks' gestation because of a high risk of trisomy 21 in triple test. Prenatal ultrasonography showed tetralogy of Fallot with a diverticular dilatation of the pulmonary artery, flattened brow, complete absence of the right upper limb, hypospadias, oligodactyly (three digits) in left hand and in both feet, and hyperechogenic abdominal foci. Amniocentesis revealed a karyotype of 46,XY[4]/46,XY,−8,+ der(8),t(8;22)(q24.3;q11.21)[2]/45, XY,−22,−8,+ der(8)t(8;22)(q24.3;q11.21)[22]/45,XY,−22,−5,+ der(5)t(5;22)(q35.3;q11.21)[44]. A C-banding and FISH study with a specific centromeric probe (D14Z1/D22Z1) for chromosome 22 was made. In our case, partial monosomy for the regions 22q11.21→22pter, 8q24.3→8qter and 5q35.3→5qter may partially explain the fetal malformations. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We report the finding of paternal isodisomy for chromosome 14 in a fetus found to have a der(14;14)(q10;q10) by amniocentesis. The pregnancy was complicated by severe polyhydramnios and elevated amniotic fluid alpha-fetoprotein (AFP). The infant showed features consistent with paternal uniparental disomy (UPD) including postnatal growth retardation, poor respiratory function, feeding difficulties, and evidence of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The present case, in addition to other reported cases of UPD involving balanced acrocentric rearrangements, supports testing for UPD in prenatally detected Robertsonian translocations and isochromosomes. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We report a case of paternal uniparental disomy for chromosome 11 that presented as severe intrauterine growth retardation. Autopsy following intrauterine death also revealed aberrant intestinal rotation and hypospadias. Chromosome analysis of direct preparations from placental biopsy showed an abnormal 47,XY,+11 karyotype. Analysis of long-term cultures from the placenta revealed 46,XY/47,XY,+11 mosaicism. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) studies on interphase nuclei confirmed trisomy 11 in multiple placental sites but detected only disomic cells in fetal skin. Investigation using microsatellite polymorphisms demonstrated paternal isodisomy at loci D11S909, D11S956, and D11S488, and paternal heterodisomy at locus D11S928.  相似文献   

A (14;21) homozygous Robertsonian translocation was detected by first-trimester prenatal diagnosis. The related parents were heterozygous for the same translocation. At birth the baby was physically normal and had a normal psychomotor development. Together with a few previous observations in living homozygotes for (13;14) translocations, this case corroborates the idea that these subjects with 44 chromosomes are healthy without dysmorphic features.  相似文献   

We report a case of maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 10 discovered after chorionic villus sampling (CVS). Direct preparations revealed mosaic trisomy 10, while cultured CVS cells, as well as amniotic fluid cells, showed only a normal 46,XY complement. DNA analysis using microsatellite markers showed both chromosomes 10 to have been inherited from the mother. The pregnancy was complicated by polyhydramnios. A phenotypically normal male infant of appropriate size was delivered by Caesarean section at 41 weeks' gestation. Since only the direct preparations showed trisomy 10, this case illustrates the importance of CVS direct preparations in the detection of pregnancies at risk of uniparental disomy (UPD). Although the increased frequency of confined placental mosaicism (CPM) diagnosed when direct preparations are performed has been viewed negatively, identification of both CPM and UPD may have biological and clinical significance for a pregnancy. Even though only a single case of maternal disomy 10 is reported here, the apparently normal phenotype provides evidence that there are no major imprinted loci on chromosome 10 that affect in utero growth and development. However, other potential effects such as mental retardation will require long-term follow-up of this as well as additional cases.  相似文献   

We report the prenatal diagnosis of an extra der(4) resulting from 4:2 malsegregation of a maternal balanced complex translocation involving chromosomes 4, 10, and 11. The woman was referred for amniocentesis because of recurrent miscarriages. Fluorescence in situ hybridization was performed in order to characterize the complex chromosome rearrangement. Following genetic counselling, the couple decided to terminate the pregnancy. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The frequency of mosaicism and pseudomosaicism in the prenatal diagnosis of cytogenetic disorders is reported, based on 3000 pregnancies studied in our laboratory. Diagnosis of true mosaicism was only made when an abnomality was detected in two or more independent cultures established from an amniotic fluid sample. On this basis, 0.37 per cent of all cases were diagnosed as true mosaics. 1.07 per cent of all cases had pseudomosaicism involving more than one cell from the same culture with an identical abnormality. 4.13 per cent of cases had a single abnormal cell with an extra chromosome, loss of a sex chromosome (or part of a sex chromosome), or translocation. Details of the outcome and follow-up of cases is given. Particularly problematical were cases where multiple cells from one culture contained an abnormality which could have been clinically significant. A crude estimate of the extent to which true mosaicism might currently be misinterpreted as pseudomosaicism or entirely missed has been made, based on data from the U.S. survey (Hsu and Perlis, in press). It was concluded that even when two, and if necessary a third culture is extensively analysed with an average of 24 cells per culture counted, at least 4.5 per cent of cases of true mosaicism may be completely missed and at least 7 per cent could be misdiagnosed as pseudomosaicism. There is an urgent need for improved laboratory techniques which allow growth of a greater number of cell colonies and therefore a more broadly based analysis. Detailed long term follow-up of prenatally diagnosed mosaics is also essential for assessing the clinical significance of the laboratory findings.  相似文献   

Two balanced reciprocal translocations were found in an amniotic fluid cell culture undertaken because of maternal age. One translocation had been inherited from each parent. Both translocations were traced through three generations of each family. The importance of banding techniques in diagnostic cytogenetics is stressed.  相似文献   

An amniocentesis was performed on a gravida 1, para 0 23-year-old female because of high maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein and nuchal thickening/cystic mass apparent on the fetal ultrasound. Detailed ultrasound examination revealed multiple anomalies including brain abnormalities. The fetus was found to have a mosaic female karyotype: 45,XX, - 6/46,XX,r(6) (p25q27) (62 per cent:38 per cent). This is the first report of a prenatally diagnosed case of ring chromosome 6.  相似文献   

We describe a 4-year-old female child with severe global mental retardation, myoclonic epilepsy, proximal hypotonia and dysmorphisms, whose prenatal diagnosis following amniocentesis revealed a constitutional female karyotype carrying a t(1;15)(q10;p11) familial reciprocal translocation. Post-natal high-resolution karyotype, Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) screening for subtelomeric rearrangements, VNTR search for UPD15 in the blood and fibroblast, and WCP1 and 15 in the mother, failed to provide an explanation for the complex clinical phenotype of the proband. Since the pachytene configuration of the translocated chromosomes defines a high probability of 3:1 segregation, an extensive workup was undertaken to look for a possibly cryptic mosaicism. Four percent of the cells with trisomy 15 was found in the peripheral blood lymphocytes examined by classical cytogenetic technique and interphase FISH analysis. The clinical features associated with cryptic trisomy 15 mosaicism and the problems concerning prenatal diagnosis and genetic counselling for carriers of translocations at high risk of 3:1 segregation are discussed. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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