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The aim of this study was to evaluate the detection of fetal structural abnormalities by the 11–14 week scan. 2853 pregnant women were submitted to a routine ultrasound scan between the 11th and 14th week and the fetal skull, brain, spine, abdominal wall, limbs, stomach and bladder were examined. Following the scans the patientes were examined in the second or third trimester of pregnancy. An isolated increased nuchal translucency was not considered an abnormality. However, these patients had an early echocardiography assessment. Fetal structural abnormalities were classified as major or minor and of early or late onset. A total of 130 (4.6%) defects were identified and 29 (22.3%) of these were diagnosed at the 11–14 week scan, including nine cardiac defects associated with increased nuchal translucency. The antenatal ultrasound detection rate was 71.5%, and 31.2% were detected in the first-trimester assessment. 78.8% of the major defects were diagnosed by the prenatal scan and 37.8% by the 11–14 week scan. Fetal structural abnormalities at the 11–14 week scan were detected in approximately 22.3% of the cases, therefore, a second-trimester anomaly scan is important in routine antenatal care to increase the prenatal detection of fetal defects. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The advances in ultrasound technology have made it possible to identify fetal structural abnormalities and genetic syndromes in the first trimester. First trimester prenatal diagnosis of fetal central nervous system, renal, gastrointestinal, cardiac, and skeletal abnormalities is reviewed. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ultrasound screening for fetal abnormalities is increasingly becoming part of routine antenatal care in Europe and the UK. However, there has been very little formal evaluation of this practice. In this article reports of routine ultrasound screening are reviewed and the advantages and disadvantages discussed. The majority of routine anomaly scanning is done in the second trimester but there may be a case for screening at other times in pregnancy and alternative anomaly screening policies are discussed.  相似文献   

Ultrasound for routine fetal malformation screening has been polemical from its early beginning because of the very broad range of diagnosis rates disclosed, i.e. from 13% to 82%, average 27.5%. A review of available studies is proposed to assess objectively the efficacy of ultrasound, considering also economical, ethical and methodological aspects as influential factors for choosing a routine screening policy. The utility of fetal malformation diagnosis before birth is brought forward, including second opinion, karyotyping, poly-disciplinary case discussion prior to management. Method and material of reviewed studies considerably vary and might influence the sensitivity results, as the choice of the population sample and selection of pregnant women, gestation age at screening, distribution of malformation among systems or tracts, exclusion of some fetal malformation and the routine practice of autopsy. Efficiency of screening studies is compared, and among them Radius and Eurofetus studies. Average sensitivity is finally considered as satisfactory in the daily practice when operated by trained personnel. The importance of additional factors for successful screening are emphasized such as education, equipment quality and fetal ultrasound examination at different gestation age for a better understanding of natural history of fetal morphology. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This report describes the early prenatal diagnosis of the Pena Shokeir phenotype in an at-risk patient at 14 weeks' gestation. The diagnosis was based on an abnormal fetal movement profile, in association with an abnormal position of the fetal limbs. Pena Shokeir phenotype describes an inherited condition characterized by arthrogryposis and dysmorphic features as a result of fetal akinesia. It is a lethal abnormality and early diagnosis allows safer surgical methods of termination.  相似文献   

Nuchal translucency (NT) is the sonographic appearance of a subcutaneous collection of fluid behind the fetal neck. The measurement of fetal NT thickness at the 11–14-week scan has been combined with maternal age to provide an effective method of screening for trisomy 21; for an invasive testing rate of 5%, about 75% of trisomic pregnancies can be identified. When maternal serum free-β human chorionic gonadotrophin (β-hCG) and pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) at 11–14 weeks are also taken into account, the detection rate of chromosomal defects is about 90%. Increased NT can also identify a high proportion of other chromosomal abnormalities and is associated with major defects of the heart and great arteries, and a wide range of skeletal dysplasias and genetic syndromes. In monochorionic twins, discordancy for increased NT is an early marker of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS). As with the introduction of any new technology into routine clinical practice, it is essential that those undertaking the 11–14-week scan are adequately trained and their results are subjected to rigorous audit. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There are a number of potential biochemcial markers that may have some role in predicting renal function postnatally. These include urinary sodium, calcium and β2‒microglobulin. The latter may also be measured in fetal serum. However, the accuracy of these parameters at a point in time is far from perfect as urinary tract obstruction is a progressive disease which may be best defined by repeated observations throughout pregnancy. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Transcervical samples collected by lavage, aspiration, and cytobrush from women between 6 and 13 weeks of gestation were tested for the presence of fetal cells using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with probes for chromosomes X, Y, 1, and 21, and by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of DNA sequences derived from chromosomes X, Y, and 21. With a few exceptions, a good correlation was observed between the results of sexing the fetuses using FISH or PCR on transcervical cell (TCC) samples retrieved by lavage and those obtained by testing fetal (placental) tissue. In a comparative study between TCC samples collected by lavage or cytobrush, the sex of the fetus was correctly diagnosed by PCR amplification of a Y-derived DNA sequence. Variable results were observed with samples obtained by aspiration, mainly because this procedure was found to be more prone to failure to remove thick mucus without previous injection of physiological saline. Chromosome 21-derived small tandem repeats (STRs) of fetal origin were successfully detected in about 40 per cent of TCC samples recovered by lavage. Two cases of chromosomal abnormalities, one of trisomy 21 and one of triploidy, were detected in TCC samples in the course of our investigations.  相似文献   

The use of prenatal ultrasound has proven efficacious for the prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities. The first sonographic sign of Down syndrome, the thickened nuchal fold, was first described in 1985. Since that time, multiple sonographically-identified markers have been described as associated with Down syndrome. The genetic sonogram, involving a detailed search for sonographic signs of aneuploidy, can be used to both identify fetuses at high risk for aneuploidy and, when normal, can be used to decrease the risk for aneuploidy for a pregnancy when no sonographic markers are identified. Combining the genetic sonogram with maternal serum screening may be the best method of assessing aneuploidy risk for women who desire such an assessment in the second trimester. Trisomy 18, Trisomy 13, and triploidy are typically associated with sonographically identified abnormalities and have a high prenatal detection rate. The use of the described sonographic signs in low-risk women requires further investigation, however, patients at increased risk for aneuploidy due to advanced maternal age or abnormal serum screening can benefit from a genetic sonogram screening for sonographic signs of aneuploidy to adjust their baseline risk of an affected fetus. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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