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正Due to its long-range transport in the atmosphere,mercury is a pollutant of global concern with health risks to humans and ecosystems worldwide(Li et al.,2012;Lindqvist et al.,1991;Liu et al.,2012a;Tang et al.,2016;Wang et al.,2015;Shao et al.,2016).Atmospheric mercury,mainly from emission from various natural and anthropogenic sources and  相似文献   

Large-scale gold production(LSGP) is one of the five convention-related atmospheric mercury(Hg) emission sources in the Minamata Convention on Mercury. However, field experiments on Hg flows of the whole process of LSGP are limited. To identify the atmospheric Hg emission points and understand Hg emission characteristics of LSGP, Hg flows in two gold smelters were studied. Overall atmospheric Hg emissions accounted for 10%–17% of total Hg outputs and the Hg emission factors for all processes were 7.6–9.6 kg/ton. There were three dominant atmospheric Hg emission points in the studied gold smelters, including the exhaust gas of the roasting process, exhaust gas from the environmental fog collection stack and exhaust gas from the converter of the refining process. Atmospheric Hg emissions from the roasting process only accounted for 16%–29% of total emissions and the rest were emitted from the refining process. The overall Hg speciation profile(gaseous elemental Hg/gaseous oxidized Hg/particulate-bound Hg) for LSGP was 34.1/57.1/8.8. The dominant Hg output byproducts included waste acid, sulfuric acid and cyanide leaching residue. Total Hg outputs from these three byproducts were 80% in smelter A and 84% in smelter B. Our study indicated that previous atmospheric Hg emissions from large-scale gold production might have been overestimated.Hg emission control in LSGP is not especially urgent in China compared to other significant emission sources(e.g., cement plants). Instead, LSGP is a potential Hg release source due to the high Hg output proportions to acid and sludge.  相似文献   

The iron and steel industry is not only an important foundation of the national economy, but also the largest source of industrial air pollution. Due to the current status of emissions in the iron and steel industry, ultra-low pollutant emission control technology has been researched and developed. Liquid-phase proportion control technology has been developed for magnesian fluxed pellets, and a blast furnace smelting demonstration project has been established to use a high proportion of fluxed pellets (80%) for the first time in China to realize source emission reduction of SO2 and NOx. Based on the characteristics of high NOx concentrations and the coexistence of multiple pollutants in coke oven flue gas, low-NOx combustion coupled with multi-pollutant cooperative control technology with activated carbon was developed to achieve efficient removal of multiple pollutants and resource utilization of sulfur. Based on the characteristics of co-existing multiple pollutants in pellet flue gas, selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) coupled with ozone oxidation and spray drying adsorption (SDA) was developed, which significantly reduces the operating cost of the system. In the light of the high humidity and high alkalinity in flue gas, filter materials with high humidity resistance and corrosion resistance were manufactured, and an integrated pre-charged bag dust collector device was developed, which realized ultra-low emission of fine particles and reduced filtration resistance and energy consumption in the system. Through source emission reduction, process control and end-treatment technologies, five demonstration projects were built, providing a full set of technical solutions for ultra-low emissions of dust, SO2, NOx, SO3, mercury and other pollutants, and offering technical support for the green development of the iron and steel industry.  相似文献   

中国燃煤部门大气汞排放协同控制效果评估及未来预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汞污染已成为一个全球性的环境问题,我国是世界上大气汞排放量最大的国家,在批准《关于汞的水俣公约》之后,我国的汞污染控制面临严峻的挑战.燃煤部门是我国大气汞排放的第一大部门,也是履约的重点部门.本研究建立了我国燃煤部门2010年和2012年的大气汞排放清单,评估了"大气污染防治行动计划"("大气十条")对燃煤部门大气汞排放的协同控制效果.同时,使用情景分析法,对2020年和2030年燃煤部门的大气汞排放进行了预测,分析了未来不同控制措施的减排效果.结果表明,2010年中国燃煤电厂、燃煤工业锅炉和民用燃煤炉灶的大气汞排放量的最佳估计值分别为100.0、72.5和18.0 t."大气十条"的实施可使我国燃煤部门到2017年比2012年减少92.5 t的大气汞排放.能源结构的调整、洗煤比例的提高和除尘设备的升级改造对于大气汞的减排效果最显著.在最佳估计情景下,2020年和2030年燃煤部门大气汞排放量分别为128.5和80.0 t,与2010年相比分别降低了33%和58%;在最严格控制情景下,2020年和2030年燃煤部门大气汞的排放量分别为103.2和50.9 t,相较2010年分别下降了46%和73%.  相似文献   

Extensive studies on aerosol chemistry have been carried out in megacities in China, however, aerosol characterization in Central China Plain (CCP) is limited. Here we conducted real-time measurements of fine particle composition with a time-of-flight aerosol chemical speciation monitor in Kaifeng, Henan province in October 2019. Our results showed that nitrate and organics constituted the major fraction of non-refractory PM2.5 for the entire study, on average accounting for 34% and 33%, respectively. However, aerosol composition was substantially different among four periods due to different meteorological conditions and chemical processing. For instance, nitrate presented the lowest contribution during the first period due to evaporative loss associated with high temperature (T), and then rapidly increased during polluted periods as a function of relative humidity (RH). Positive matrix factorization analysis showed the dominance of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) in OA, and also the changes in OA composition under different T and RH levels. In addition, this study is unique with two periods of local emission controls. Back trajectory and coefficient of divergence analysis showed that air pollution in CCP was overall homogeneously distributed. As a result, the effectiveness of local emission controls in this region was strongly affected by meteorological conditions and regional transport. We found that one of the periods with emission control even showed the highest concentrations for the entire study. Our results point towards the limited effect of local emission controls in mitigating air pollution in CCP, and highlight the importance of joint emission controls under unfavorable meteorological conditions.  相似文献   

2011年中国钢铁行业典型有害重金属大气排放清单   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据中国钢铁工业年鉴等统计资料,采用排放因子法,对2011年我国钢铁行业生产活动导致的汞(Hg)、铅(Pb)、镉(Cd)、砷(As)、铬(Cr)、镍(Ni)等6种有害重金属的大气排放及其分布特征进行了研究,并给出了分省区排放清单.结果表明,2011年中国钢铁行业汞、铅、镉、砷、铬、镍大气排放量分别约为18.8, 3745.8, 39.4, 132.2, 241.2, 105.3t;钢铁行业重金属大气排放集中在环渤海经济圈以及长三角地区,其中河北东部及中南部、山东中部等钢铁冶炼企业集中地区重金属大气排放强度较大;钢铁企业内部炼钢工艺对重金属大气排放贡献率较高,其中转炉工序对砷、铅排放贡献率较大,电炉工序对于镉、镍贡献率较大.  相似文献   

China’s emission control for nonroad diesel mobile machinery (NDMM) must deal with a fast increase in stock as well as regulations that are two decades behind those for on-road vehicles.This study provides the first large-scale review and evaluation of China’s NDMM policies,along with emission measurements and an investigation on diesel fuel quality.The sulfur contents of the investigated diesel declined from 430 ppm (median value) in 2011 to6-8 ppm during the 2017-2018 period.The emission contr...  相似文献   

自下而上建立2018年中国高分辨率钢铁企业大气污染物排放清单(HSEC,2018),定量模拟中国钢铁企业2018年和未来年情景下排放各种大气污染物对环境的影响情况.结果表明:2018年,中国钢铁行业共排放SO2、NOx、PM10、PM2.5、PCDD/Fs、VOCs、CO、BC、OC、EC、氟化物分别为29.02万t、66.57万t、28.73万t、11.69万t、2.24kg、89.21万t、4057.49万t、0.45万t、0.61万t、0.06万t、0.88万t,焦化、烧结、球团、高炉4个铁前工序是中国钢铁行业大气污染物主要排放环节,中国钢铁行业对各省份SO2、NOx、PM2.5年均浓度贡献比例平均值分别为2.85%、3.37%、1.54%;未来年,中国钢铁企业SO2、NOx、PM10排放量分别为4.94万t、7.58万t、4.11万t,分别下降了82.98%、88.61%、85.69%,中国钢铁行业对各省份SO2、NOx、PM2.5年均浓度贡献比例平均值分别为0.31%、0.22%、0.02%.  相似文献   

选取涵盖钢铁炼制全流程的典型企业,综合采用不同核算方法估算比较了该企业挥发性有机物(VOCs)排放结果;并在此基础之上,通过氟聚化合物气袋、SUMMA罐采样及气相色谱质谱联用仪(GC-FID/MS)分析方法,对烧结、焦化、热轧和冷轧等工序废气中VOCs浓度水平及排放特征进行监测.结果表明,整个厂区VOCs年排放量为430.82t,其中工艺有组织排放占66.0%,储罐18.5%;烧结机头和焦炉推焦排放口VOCs及非甲烷总烃(NMHC)浓度高于其他点位;各工序排放的芳香烃占比较高,其中焦化装煤除尘和焦炉推焦排放口芳香烃占90%以上;烧结工序CS2占比最高(36.6%),其次为苯和甲苯;焦化工序占比靠前的物种为1,2,4-三甲基苯、邻甲乙苯、1,4-二乙基苯、1,2,3-三甲基苯和1,3,5-三甲基苯等;热轧工序与其他工序有一定区别,车间无组织排放芳香烃和烷烃占比均在35%左右,排放靠前的物种除芳香烃外还有高碳烷烃,如十一烷、十二烷和正丁烷等;冷轧工序有组织和无组织排放主要物种较为类似,均为芳香烃物种,如乙基苯、间/对二甲苯、甲苯、苯和邻二甲苯.不同工艺环节排放物种存在一定差异,但主要以焦化副产物(芳香烃)和烧结燃烧产物(CS2)为主,建议钢铁行业有针对性地加强浓度高、活性高和毒性大的组分控制.  相似文献   

选取涵盖钢铁炼制全流程的典型企业,综合采用不同核算方法估算比较了该企业挥发性有机物(VOCs)排放结果;并在此基础之上,通过氟聚化合物气袋、SUMMA罐采样及气相色谱质谱联用仪(GC-FID/MS)分析方法,对烧结、焦化、热轧和冷轧等工序废气中VOCs浓度水平及排放特征进行监测.结果表明,整个厂区VOCs年排放量为430.82t,其中工艺有组织排放占66.0%,储罐18.5%;烧结机头和焦炉推焦排放口VOCs及非甲烷总烃(NMHC)浓度高于其他点位;各工序排放的芳香烃占比较高,其中焦化装煤除尘和焦炉推焦排放口芳香烃占90%以上;烧结工序CS2占比最高(36.6%),其次为苯和甲苯;焦化工序占比靠前的物种为1,2,4-三甲基苯、邻甲乙苯、1,4-二乙基苯、1,2,3-三甲基苯和1,3,5-三甲基苯等;热轧工序与其他工序有一定区别,车间无组织排放芳香烃和烷烃占比均在35%左右,排放靠前的物种除芳香烃外还有高碳烷烃,如十一烷、十二烷和正丁烷等;冷轧工序有组织和无组织排放主要物种较为类似,均为芳香烃物种,如乙基苯、间/对二甲苯、甲苯、苯和邻二甲苯.不同工艺环节排放物种存在一定差异,但主要以焦化副产物(芳香烃)和烧结燃烧产物(CS2)为主,建议钢铁行业有针对性地加强浓度高、活性高和毒性大的组分控制.  相似文献   

中国燃煤电厂汞的物质流向与汞排放研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为研究中国燃煤电厂中汞的去向,基于2010年中国各省份燃煤中的汞含量、燃煤消耗量、燃煤电厂大气污染控制设备的安装比例以及粉煤灰、脱硫石膏的二次利用方式,计算了我国燃煤电厂2010年向大气、水体、土壤中排放汞的量.2010年我国电厂燃煤共输入汞271.7t (147.1~403.6t).煤炭在电厂燃烧一次排放到大气中的汞为101.3t (44.0~167.1t),进入燃煤副产物、水体的汞分别为167.4t (84.3~266.3t),3.0t (1.2~5.0t).燃煤副产物二次利用过程向大气排放的汞为32.7t (12.5~56.1t),进入土壤中的汞为58.6t (33.6~103.9t),还有76.1t (30.3~108.6t)汞留在了产品中.结果表明,粉煤灰用于水泥生产和粉煤灰制砖是副产物向大气中二次排放的重要源,分别占总二次排放量的81.7%和15.3%.  相似文献   

Based on the developed neural-fuzzy control system for anaerobic hybrid reactor (AHR) in wastewater treatment and biogas production, the neural network with backpropagation algorithm for prediction of the variables pH, alkalinity (Alk) and total volatile acids (TVA) at present day time t was used as input data for the fuzzy logic to calculate the influent feed flow rate that was applied to control and monitor the process response at di erent operations in the initial, overload influent feeding and the recovery phases. In all three phases, this neural-fuzzy control system showed great potential to control AHR in high stability and performance and quick response. Although in the overloading operation phase II with two fold calculating influent flow rate together with a two fold organic loading rate (OLR), this control system had rapid response and was sensitive to the intended overload. When the influent feeding rate was followed by the calculation of control system in the initial operation phase I and the recovery operation phase III, it was found that the neural-fuzzy control system application was capable of controlling the AHR in a good manner with the pH close to 7, TVA/Alk < 0.4 and COD removal > 80% with biogas and methane yields at 0.45 and 0.30 m3/kg COD removed.  相似文献   

Wet purification technology for nonferrous metal smelting flue gas is important for mercury removal; however, this technology produces a large amounts of spent scrubbing solution that contain mercury. The mercury in these scrubbing solutions pose a great threat to the environment. Therefore, this research provides a novel strategy for removing and recycling mercury from the scrubbing solution, which is significant for decreasing mercury pollution while also allowing for the safe disposal of wastewater and a stable supply of mercury resources. Some critical parameters for the electrochemical reduction of mercury were studied in detail. Additionally, the electrodeposition dynamics and electroreduction mechanism for mercury were evaluated. Results suggested that over 92.4% of mercury could be removed from the scrubbing solution in the form of a Hg-Cu alloy under optimal conditions within 150 min and with a current efficiency of approximately 75%. Additionally, mercury electrodeposition was a quasi-reversible process, and the controlled step was the mass transport of the reactant. A pre-conversion step from Hg(Tu)42+ to Hg(Tu)32+ before mercury electroreduction was necessary. Then, the formed Hg(Tu)32+ on the cathode surface gained electrons step by step. After electrodeposition, the mercury in the spent cathode could be recycled by thermal desorption. The results of the electrochemical reduction of mercury and subsequent recycling provides a practical and easy-to-adopt alternative for recycling mercury resources and decreasing mercury contamination.  相似文献   

生态工业园是一种新型工业组织形态,是根据循环经济理论和工业生态学原理建立的一种与生态环境和谐共存的新型工业园区。论述了钢铁企业在搞好企业内部循环经济的基础上,向生态工业园发展的必要性;提出建设以钢铁企业为核心的生态工业园的三种模式;并对钢铁企业如何适时有效地发展生态工业园提出建议。  相似文献   

As the biggest iron and steel producer in the world and one of the highest CO2 emission sectors, China’s iron and steel industry is undergoing a low-carbon transition accompanied by remarkable technological progress and investment adjustment, in response to the macroeconomic climate and policy intervention. Many drivers of the CO2 emissions of the iron and steel industry have been explored, but the relationships between CO2 abatement,investment and technological expenditure, and their connections with the economic growth and governmental policies in China, have not been conjointly and empirically examined. We proposed a concise conceptual model and an econometric model to investigate this crucial question. The results of regression, Granger causality test and impulse response analysis indicated that technological expenditure can significantly reduce CO2 emissions, and that investment expansion showed a negative impact on CO2 emission reduction. It was also argued with empirical evidence that a good economic situation favored CO2 abatement in China’s iron and steel industry, while achieving CO2 emission reduction in this industrial sector did not necessarily threaten economic growth.This shed light on the dispute over balancing emission cutting and economic growth.Regarding the policy aspects, the year 2000 was found to be an important turning point for policy evolution and the development of the iron and steel industry in China. The subsequent command and control policies had a significant, positive effect on CO2 abatement.  相似文献   

低碳经济是以低能耗、低污染、低排放为基本特征的一种经济发展模式。介绍了发达国家及我国为了发展低碳经济,所制定的法律法规及采取的措施。指出我国发展低碳经济所面临的困难和挑战,特别是我国钢铁工业发展低碳经济所面临的困难更大。提出钢铁企业创新理念、迎难而上,实现钢铁企业低碳化、生态化目标的具体思路。  相似文献   

作为经济发展的重要基础产业,钢铁工业在我国国民经济建设中发挥了不可替代的作用。针对钢铁工业发展过程中存在的矛盾和问题,提出发展循环经济,建设资源节约型、环境友好型钢铁工业重点要解决的几个问题。  相似文献   

A rapid reaction occurs near the exhaust nozzle when vehicle emissions contact the air. Twenty diesel vehicles were studied using a new multipoint sampling system that is suitable for studying the exhaust plume near the exhaust nozzle. The variation characteristics of fine particle matter (PM2.5) and its components in diesel vehicle exhaust plumes were analyzed. The PM2.5 emissions gradually increased with increasing distance from the nozzle in the plume. Elemental carbon emissions remained basically unchanged, organic carbon and total carbon (TC) increased with increasing distance. The concentrations of SO42?, NO3? and NH4+ (SNA) directly emitted by the vehicles were very low but increased rapidly in the exhaust plume. The selective catalytic reduction (SCR) reduced 42.7% TC, 40% NO3? emissions, but increased 104% SO42? and 36% NH4+ emissions, respectively. In summary, the SCR reduced 29% primary PM2.5 emissions for the tested diesel vehicles. The NH4NO3 particle formation maybe more important in the plume, and there maybe other forms of formation of NH4+ (eg. NH4Cl). The generation of secondary organic carbon (SOC) plays a leading role in the generation of secondary PM2.5. The SCR enhanced the formation of SOC and SNA in the plume, but comprehensive analysis shows that the SCR more enhanced the SNA formation in the plume, which is mainly new particles formation process. The inconsistency between secondary organic aerosol (SOA) and primary organic aerosol definitions is one of the important reasons for the difference between SOA simulation and observation.  相似文献   

日本钢铁工业发展循环经济简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍日本钢铁工业发展循环经济的实践经验和主要做法,与之相比,指出我国钢铁工业发展循环经济存在的差距,并提出我国钢铁工业依法率先发展循环经济应采取的主要措施。  相似文献   

大力发展短流程钢铁企业,是钢铁工业节能减排、发展循环经济、实现可持续发展的重要途径。介绍了国内外电炉短流程钢铁企业的发展情况,阐述了短流程钢铁企业三低两高发展循环经济的模式,提出提高我国短流程炼钢产量占总产量比重必须采取的战略措施,以及短流程钢铁企业发展循环经济亟需解决的关键问题。  相似文献   

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