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对于节能产品惠民工程和家电下乡这两类享受国家财政补贴的惠民政策来说,产品的节能性是不容忽略的重要指标。9月初,本刊记者深入安徽省这两类惠民政策的中标企业,探访他们在节能标准方面的前世今生,追寻他们的节能标准之路。  相似文献   

<正>《新加坡绿色数据中心标准——能源与环境管理体系》6月颁布,这一标准旨在帮助各数据中心制定必要政策和程序,降低对环境的影响。由新加坡信息技术标准委员会、新加坡资讯通信发展管理局与新加坡标新局共同制定的这一标准是一个认证管理体系,它为数据中心实现节能提供了框架和方法。新加坡标新局副局长陈开河表示:"通过认证的数据中心不仅能降低成本和提高能效,还能凭借良好的节能和环境管理做法获得客户认可,为企业获得更多的市场机会。"  相似文献   

2002年3月28日,江泽民同志在中央人口与环境资源座谈会上发表重要讲话:"积极开展国际通行的环境管理体系认证和环境标志认证,促进对外贸易发展"。这一讲话说明环境标准工作已经引起了中央领导的高度重视,同时也为环境标志提出了任重道远的发展方向。《国务院关于印发节能减排综合性工作方案的通知》中明确表示对空调机、计算机、打印机等办公设备和照明产品、用水器具,由优先采购改为强制采购高效节能、节水、环境标志产品,建立节能和环境标志产品政府采购评审体系和监督制度,保证节能和绿色采购工作落到实处。  相似文献   

十二五期间,我国节能工作面临的压力不言而喻,我国节能标准也走到了重要的十字路口。业界人士普遍认为,长久以来,我国在节能标准化方面存在着工作措施缺乏长效机制、领先性节能标准和节能评估标准缺失、节能检测评价方法不统一、节能标准推  相似文献   

简介了目前我国环保产品标准的施行现状,以及环保产品认证的模式、依据、作用等,结合环保产品认证的三个环节中涉及环保产品标准实施的内容,阐述了全面开展环保产品认证对宣传贯彻环保产品标准的实施起到的积极推动作用。  相似文献   

国家绿色产品评价标准化总体组(以下简称"总体组")近日在北京组织召开了绿色产品评价国家标准预审会,对1颁完成制定的绿色产品评价标麵行了预审。据了解,绿色产品标准体系建设是2016年11月国务院办公厅发布《关于建立统一的绿色产品标准、认证、标识  相似文献   

<正>小功率电动机进行强制性产品认证暂不执行电磁兼容项目检测根据国家认监委2010年4号公告的要求,自2010年8月1日起,小功率电动机产品应依据GB12350-2009《小功率电动机的安全要求》标准(以下简称新版标准)实施认证。  相似文献   

德胜集团成立于1997年,是一家横跨川滇黔三省的大型现代民营企业集团,位列2011年中国民营企业500强第96位。四川德胜集团钢铁有限公司是集团核心企业之一,公司是四川省委省政府确定的四川钢铁行业"一大四骨干"重点骨干钢铁企业、省政府重点扶持的首批迅速做大做强的大企业大集团之一、四川省循环经济试点企业、"四川省AAA级企业质量信用等级企业"、国际质量管理体系、环境管理体系、测量管理体系及职业健康安全管理体系认证企业。公司始终坚持走节能减排、资源综合利用、发展循环经济的道路,抓住西部大发展、四川"加快建设灾后美好新家园、加快建设西部经济发展高地"机遇,面向市场,调整产品结构,依靠技术进步,实现钒钛磁铁矿资源综合利用,打造全线运用高新技术、节能减排、综  相似文献   

1997年4月,欧盟委员会召开会议,同意接受ISO14000系列标准中已颁布的一系列核心标准(ISO14001标准等),承认获得ISO14001标准认证的企业,其环境管理体系多数要素符合欧盟《环境保护管理审核规则》(简称EMAS)法规的要求。这些企业如进行EMAS注册,还需进一步符合一系列其它要求,但只需针对部分要素进行相对简单的审核。1997年6月,欧洲标准化组织(CEN)公布了一份EMAS法规与ISO14001标准的对比技术报告以及一份咨询性文件。这份被称为“桥梁”的咨询性文件将会着重推出,已获得ISO14001标准认证企业在进行EMAS注册时…  相似文献   

中环联合认证中心(以下简称CEC)是由生态环境部批准设立、经国家认证认可监督管理委员会批准、国内领先的环保、节能和低碳领域的综合性认证与服务机构。多年来始终致力于为国家生态文明建设服务,积极开展环保节能低碳发展策略和解决方案研究,不断完善和创新绿色产业评价体系,服务于行业绿色发展转型。通过独立、公正、高质量的评价与认证,服务于政府、企业及公众,为其搭建绿色生产与消费沟通的桥梁。  相似文献   

在当今环保新标准即将出台的大背景下,综合应用各种新技术是电除尘器应对挑战的有效方法之一。本文介绍了一种采用新一代控制系统和机电一体化技术的高效节能型电除尘器,介绍了多项新技术包括新型电晕线、新型双区、新型结构、节能技术以及新型高频电源等,并介绍了它们的应用情况。这些研究和讨论有助于广大用户对电除尘器新技术的综合应用加深理解。  相似文献   

从加强基础教育、提高产品标准及规范招投标市场等方面阐述了目前大多环保装备在技术含量上得不到升华的原因;介绍了一种拥有自主知识产权、节能、降耗、增效的新型倒伞曝气机;为节能、增效、减排、推动和优化发展我国环保装备产业提出了相关建议。  相似文献   


China is a developing country experiencing rapid economic growth. In recent years, increased urbanization has caused a tremendous rise of the energy consumption of buildings, and a corresponding need is to save this energy. In this article, the technologies and laws relative to building energy saving in China were presented which include building construction, the compound building energy system, policies, and the law etc. In order to fulfill the three stages of energy saving plan in building construction in China, the principal methods for developing building energy saving are introduced.  相似文献   

油气集输及处理节能减排的实践与探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析某作业区节能减排的现状、潜力及存在问题,结合典型实例,探讨了油田节能减排的途径和主要方法:应建立和完善各项节能减排制度,在推进能源节约、推行污染减排、加强资源综合利用等方面,实现全方位立体化节能减排。同时,应制定中长期工作规划,淘汰高能耗设备、应用新技术、加大监督检查力度等措施以实现油田企业可持续发展。  相似文献   

介绍了电除尘器节能的基本原理及一种新型电除尘器节能优化控制系统,以及该节能技术在电厂的应用实例。  相似文献   

The willingness of private individuals in Israel to invest in energy-saving retrofit of the envelope of residential buildings was studied by means of a survey. Responses show that awareness of the need to conserve energy is high, but that willingness to participate in a retrofit project is modest and is limited to relatively small outlays. The decision on whether to retrofit at all, and then how much to invest in the project, is characterized as a two-stage process in which different factors may affect the outcome of each of the two stages. The major barrier to building retrofit is the perception (justified, in most cases) that the direct economic benefit to the homeowner from the resulting energy saving is small, and that given Israel's relatively mild climate, the payback period is very long. The stamp of approval provided by a government subsidy of 25% would have a large non-proportional effect on willingness to undertake building retrofit. Funding for the subsidy could be obtained from a Pigovian levy on electricity, applied for a limited period, and its environmental benefits outweigh the cost of the subsidy itself.  相似文献   

文章针对煤矿矿井水因含有油污和大量轻质悬浮物时存在处理能耗高、混凝刑消耗量大,导致处理成本高的情况,以华蓥山煤业股份公司龙滩煤矿水处理系统技改为例,探讨矿井水处理节能降耗的可行性和途径。本文介绍了根据矿井水特性及排放规律,以及混凝沉淀机理,通过优化设计矿井水处理工艺精减耗电设备,合理选择混凝药剂和投药方式等措施,达到提高沉淀效率,节能降耗的目的。  相似文献   

Domestic energy practices are a topical policy issue, with implications for climate change, energy security and fuel poverty. Accordingly, a growing body of literature examines ways of promoting energy conservation and generation by individuals. However, there has been relatively little discussion of how status and stigma are implicated in these practices, and may act as facilitators or barriers to “behaviour change”. To help address this gap, this article draws both on existing literature and a new UK-based study of people who are attempting to live sustainable lives, to provide insights into how domestic energy practices may be status-enhancing or stigmatising, and how these risks and opportunities can be managed. While energy practices are often understood as “inconspicuous”, it is argued here that in some circumstances individuals may actively manage the visibility of their energy practices. The discussion considers these findings with regard to social power relations, and identifies issues warranting further exploration within the emerging research agenda on energy and equity.  相似文献   

Since establishment of the ISO 14001 environmental management system in 1996, Japanese facilities have led the world in numbers of certifications. This research utilises survey data from more than 1700 Japanese facilities as well as follow-up interviews to identify the determinants of ISO certification, to examine the differences between early, recent and in-process certifiers, and to understand how ISO 14001 certification affects various environmental and managerial outcomes in Japan. Findings show that ISO certified facilities are larger and report higher levels of environmental management capacity. In addition, early certifiers are more likely to have established voluntary environmental agreements and are more active in international trade and business. Findings also provide evidence that while many facilities believe that ISO 14001 certification is excessively costly, they also report that certification has resulted in the establishment of new energy efficiency and waste reduction targets and higher target levels. Nevertheless, evidence indicates that certification does not generally result in longer-term outcomes such as post-certification adjustment of non-regulated targets.  相似文献   

天然气集输系统节能减排措施研究与实施   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以丘东采油厂为例,从能源消耗结构、管理和技术三个方面,对天然气集输过程中能源消耗情况及清洁生产方案措施实施效果进行分析,确定影响节能减排的关键因素;通过节能减排技术的应用,采取节能管理措施,降低能源消耗,减少污染物排放,取得一定的效果。  相似文献   

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