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三峡库区支流回水区水体分层与藻类生长   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
三峡水库自2003年蓄水以来,库区支流形成了长短不一的回水河段,缓慢的水流和蓄积的营养盐导致回水河段由库区蓄水之初在短时间内出现水华,逐步发展到一年内水华可维持数月。为了研究回水区水环境与水华发生的关系,从2013年4月—12月,对库区北岸最大支流澎溪河的长年回水区——高阳平湖进行了定点监测。监测结果显示,季节性变化及三峡库区特殊的调度方式,导致高阳平湖水体在春、夏和秋季有明显分层。春季水华期间藻类群落结构单一,只出现4门9属,以蓝藻门的微囊藻(Microcystis)、绿藻门的实球藻(Pandorina)和空球藻(Eudorina)为主,秋季藻类结构组成增至7门52属,优势属逐渐被硅藻门的小环藻(Cyclotella)和针杆藻(Synedra)取代,水体各层藻类细胞密度差异消失。研究结果说明高阳平湖水体分层状况影响藻类生长和分布。  相似文献   

将莆田市东圳水库垂向划分为表层、中层、和深层,研究其藻类群落的分布特征及其受环境因子影响的演变规律,进而明晰“水华”爆发机制。结果表明,水库中共检出浮游藻类7门39属,群落结构主要以蓝藻、绿藻、硅藻和隐藻为主,在不同季节沿水库垂向分布呈现显著差异性。表层和中层水体中优势藻类为绿藻门和蓝藻门,受水温、光照、DO和TN影响;深层水体优势藻类为硅藻和隐藻,主要受水温和TN影响。对水库中营养盐分析结果表明,东圳水库N/P平均值达到32.4,呈典型磷限制性特征,水库氮污染主要来自农业面源输入和内源释放。底泥中氮类物质易于在夏季分层期发生释放,并与DO结合发生形态转化后输入至上层水体,由此导致“水华”现象的发生。针对东圳水库水华防范与治理,需严格防控点源和农业面源污染,并建设水力扰动设施以及增设原位修复装置等措施,全方位防控水华现象的发生。本研究通过分析东圳水库藻类功能组时空演替,有助于确定东圳水库藻类爆发机制,可为水库藻类治理、水环境生态保护提供参考。  相似文献   

藻垫对湖泊水体水华发生是否有影响及影响机制是目前水体富营养化研究的一个前沿课题。本文以北京南海子湖为例,研究湖底藻垫对水体水华爆发的影响。通过对干燥藻垫和水华过程新产生的藻垫进行培养对比实验,揭示不同时期形成的藻垫对水体藻生物量的影响即水华的影响。结果表明,不同干燥时间的藻垫均对水体藻生物量有影响,进入藻生长平台期,水体叶绿素a浓度范围为15~20μg/L,而灭菌后的藻垫培养水体中叶绿素a浓度低于10μg/L;水华爆发后新生成的藻垫对水体藻生物量也有贡献,培养水体叶绿素a范围也达到15-20μg/L;干燥时间对藻垫培养后水体浮游植物生物量的影响较弱。  相似文献   

临江河回水区营养盐及富营养化特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以2008年3~9月对库区次级河流临江河回水区水质的调查为依据,分析了临江河回水区氮、磷营养盐的污染分布及富营养化特征。结果表明,临江河回水区氨氮(NH3-N)、总氮(TN)的浓度在7月中旬达到最小值,分别为1.963和5.128 mg/L, 之后在9月初出现峰值,而磷酸盐(PO3-4-P)和总磷(TP)的浓度却呈现出先增加后下降的变化规律;氮主要来自点源污染,而磷受面源污染影响较大;溶解性无机氮(DIN)和PO3-4-P是TN与TP的主要存在形态,平均分别占TN和TP的85.3%和77.8%,而DIN又以NH3-N为主。营养盐浓度呈现出回水区中游最高,回水末端次之,河口处最低的空间分布特征。叶绿素a(Chl-a)的浓度在4月和9月出现峰值,其空间分布特征与营养盐的类似。研究表明,临江河回水区在重度污染的情况下,即便是河流型水体也可能发生富营养化;流速对Chl-a浓度的显著影响呈指数关系。  相似文献   

扬水曝气作为湖泊、水库水体修复技术之一,在国内多个水源水库水质改善工程中得到应用。为进一步研究扬水曝气技术对湖库藻类的控制效果及其机理,在对北方温带季节性分层水库-周村水库垂向水体的理化指标及藻类参数进行常年监测的基础上,于2015年8月—9月扬水曝气运行前后对垂向水体理化指标及浮游植物生物量、群落结构及丰度进行了连续监测和对比分析。结果表明,扬水曝气破坏了水体分层,藻类生物量锐减,多样性水平提高,藻类密度垂向差异消失,优势种群由威胁性较大的蓝藻、绿藻变为威胁性较小的硅藻,水体生态状况良好。扬水曝气系统对氮营养盐含量、热分层结构和光照条件的影响是促进了藻类群落结构改变的主要原因。  相似文献   

为探究梯级电站作用下北江河流藻类水华的关键因子,采集了北江非水华和水华期间水质监测数据,通过相关性和冗余分析探讨北江藻类水华暴发与影响因子之间的关系。结果表明,北江水华正相关影响因子为水温、pH、溶解氧、高锰酸盐指数和总磷,负相关影响因子为总氮、氨氮和流速及流量。在营养盐满足条件的情况下,秋季水温上升,梯级电站作用下水体流动慢,水体分层明显,导致具备悬浮能力的微囊藻处于有利的理化环境,成为绝对优势种,并大量聚集从而发生蓝藻水华。  相似文献   

为探究温州市鳌江水系氮、磷污染特征,选取17个采样断面,于2022年1月、2022年6月进行两次水样采集,并据此对水体理化指标、氮磷浓度与叶绿素a(Chl-a)的时空分布特征进行研究,利用灰色关联度分析方法判别理化指标、氮磷营养盐与Chl-a的相关性。同时运用氮磷比判定鳌江水系的营养限制因子,并初步判定鳌江水系的富营养化程度。结果表明:Chl-a、氮磷营养盐浓度存在时空差异;根据灰色关联度判定总氮、溶解性无机氮、氨氮是鳌江水系枯水期Chl-a的主要影响因子,氨氮、溶解性总磷和可溶性磷酸盐是丰水期Chl-a的主要影响因子;鳌江水系在丰水期主要表现为磷限制状态,枯水期主要表现为氮、磷共同限制状态;鳌江水系富营养化评价结果显示丰水期富营养化较严重,下游河段较上游河段严重。  相似文献   

在广州市黄埔区某公园池塘进行现场围隔对比实验,通过投加固定化生物催化剂(IBC)治理藻类水华。结果表明,在IBC中细菌的直接或间接杀藻的作用下,水体中的藻类生物量迅速降低,叶绿素a去除率达到81.5%;微生物的快速生长及酶和酶活因子的协同作用下,水中污染物被快速降解,使水体中的总氮、氨氮和COD的浓度快速下降,去除率分别达到81.9%、80.3%和65.3%,并维持在低水平,进一步抑制了藻类水华的形成和发展,加快水体的净化。  相似文献   

长春南湖营养盐与叶绿素a的分布与富营养化评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在研究长春南湖水体中TP、TN和叶绿素a的时空分布及相关性的基础上,采用综合富营养化指数法对南湖水体进行评价。结果表明:(1)常温期,TP、TN和叶绿素a含量均为9月5月;9月的TP、TN为表层底层,叶绿素a含量为底层表层;5月的TP、TN和叶绿素a的含量均为底层表层;TP为渔场保护区人为活动区荷花池区,TN和叶绿素a含量均为渔场保护区荷花池区人为活动区。(2)冰封期,TP、TN和叶绿素a含量为水层冰层;TP、叶绿素a含量为渔场保护区人为活动区,TN为人为活动区渔场保护区。与常温期相比,TP、TN和叶绿素a含量总体上均为9月5月2月;各区水体中TP和叶绿素a含量的分布与常温期保持一致,而TN的分布有一定的变化。(3)相对于氮,磷含量的高低是控制藻类及浮游生物生长更为关键的因子。(4)9月的营养级别是中度富营养,2月的营养级别是中营养,5月的营养级别是轻度富营养。综合营养状态指数大小依次为9月5月2月。常温期不同功能区的营养级别均属轻度富营养。  相似文献   

用水浮莲(Pistia stratiotes)和水葫芦(Eichhornia crassipes)组合构建生态净化塘深度处理污水处理厂尾水,监测了尾水沿程的氮、磷浓度变化,分析两种漂浮植物生物量、根冠比、叶绿素a、全氮、全磷、根系活力、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性、丙二醛(MDA)含量等的生理响应。结果表明,污水处理厂尾水经生态净化塘处理后,TN、硝酸盐氮、TP和可溶性磷酸盐去除率分别可达72.36%、79.00%、78.57%、80.64%,氨氮和TP达到了《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838—2002)的Ⅱ类标准,有效地减轻了周边受纳水体的污染负荷。在水流沿程方向上,水浮莲和水葫芦的生物量、全氮、全磷、叶绿素a和根系活力均显著降低,根冠比、叶片和根系的SOD活性显著升高(P0.05);同时两种漂浮植物叶片和根系的MDA含量明显上升,说明植物体内膜脂过氧化加剧。由此可见,水浮莲、水葫芦对氮、磷等营养盐比较敏感,这是其可以有效去除氮、磷的原因。  相似文献   

二(口/恶)(口/英)是世界公认的强致癌物质,对人体健康危害极大.近年来,大气中二(口/恶)(口/英)的研究已成为各国环境化学家研究的热点.本文总结了近年来国际上有关大气中二(口/恶)(口/英)研究的进展情况,以及所取得的主要研究成果,并在此基础上指出了我国目前研究中存在的问题及以后所应开展的工作.  相似文献   

Rice can be a major contributor to dietary arsenic exposure because of the relatively high total arsenic concentration compared to other grains, especially for people whose main staple is rice. This study employed in vitro gastrointestinal fluid digestion to determine bioaccessible or gastrointestinal fluid extractable arsenic concentration in rice. Thirty-one rice samples, of which 60 % were grown in the United States, were purchased from food stores in New York City. Total arsenic concentrations in these samples ranged from 0.090 ± 0.004 to 0.85 ± 0.03 mg/kg with a mean value of 0.275 ± 0.161 mg/kg (n = 31). Rice samples with relatively high total arsenic (>0.20 mg/kg, n = 18) were treated by in vitro artificial gastrointestinal fluid digestion, and the extractable arsenic ranged from 53 % to 102 %. The bioaccessibility of arsenic in rice decreases in the general order of extra long grain, long grain, long grain parboiled, to brown rices.  相似文献   


Cotton‐producing areas of the Centrol Sudan, bordered by the Blue and the White Nile, have been subjected to repeated applications of pesticides. This region is irrigated by a series of canals, the Gezira canals, which hold large amounts of fresh water. Lake Nubia at the Sudan‐Egypt border is another important fresh water reservoir and fisheries ground. Fish from both the Gezira and Lake Nubia showed elevated concentrations of pesticides, suggesting that continued pesticides application would endanger the equatic fauna of this region and the proposed fresh water fishery.  相似文献   

Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5), a high production volume chemical used in personal care products, enters the environment both via air and sewage treatment plant (STP) recipients. It has been found in fish, and there is concern that it may be a bioaccumulative substance. In this work D5 was analyzed in perch from six Swedish lakes that did not receive STP effluent, and in perch and sediment from six lakes that received STP effluent. In the lakes receiving the STP effluent, the D5 concentrations in sediment varied over three orders of magnitude and were correlated with the number of persons connected to the STP normalized to the surface area of the receiving body. In the lakes not receiving effluent, the D5 levels in perch were all below the LOQ, while D5 was above the LOQ in almost all perch from lakes that received effluent. The D5 concentrations in perch and sediment from the lakes receiving STP effluent were correlated. This shows that STP effluent is a much more important source of D5 to aquatic ecosystems than atmospheric deposition, and that the risk of adverse effects of D5 on aquatic life will be greatest in small recipients receiving large amounts of STP effluent. The bioaccumulation of D5 was compared to that of PCB 180 on the basis of multimedia bioaccumulation factors (mmBAFs), which describe the fraction of the contaminant present in the whole aquatic environment (i.e. water and surface sediment) that is transferred to the fish. In four of the six lakes the mmBAF of D5 was >0.3 of the mmBAF of PCB 180. Given that PCB 180 is a known highly bioaccumulative chemical, this indicates that the bioaccumulation of D5 in perch is considerable.  相似文献   

由于化肥的过度使用 ,造成地下水中硝酸盐的污染日益严重。饮用水中高浓度的硝酸盐对人类健康会产生极大的威胁。本文综述了催化还原脱除水中硝酸根的研究进展和现状 ,并对其发展趋势进行了简单的论述。  相似文献   

选取包括山体和城市活动区域等下垫面在内的典型区域,对山地城市地表径流污染迁移特征、降雨等级和降雨强度对污染迁移的影响进行了研究,并分析了从小雨到暴雨等5场典型降雨条件下污染物赋存形态的变化。结果表明,受迁移段人为活动区域的影响,污染物呈现先升高再降低的趋势,入湖前化学需氧量(COD)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)和氨氮(NH3-N)的浓度分别在26.6~87.1、0.87~6.96、0.08~0.28和0.52~1.48 mg/L之间。溶解性COD(DCOD)、溶解性TN(DTN)、溶解性TP(DTP)和溶解性NH3-N(DNH3-N)分别占总污染物的55%~79%、83%~98%、18%~61%和55%~79%。除DTN外,其他3种污染物溶解态浓度占总浓度的百分比随降雨等级和雨强的增大而增大。NH3-N、COD、TP浓度与TSS浓度呈正相关,DCOD、DTN、DTP浓度与总悬浮物(TSS)浓度无相关性。TSS与场降雨的最大雨强呈现正相关。  相似文献   

2012年3-8月对北京西三环地区大气颗粒物进行分级采样,利用气相色谱(GC)/质谱(MS)联用仪对颗粒物中多环芳烃(PAHs)含量进行测定.结果表明,检出的16种PAHs总质量浓度(∑16PAHs)平均为46.73ng/m3;苯并[a]蒽(BaA)等6种单体浓度与∑16PAHs呈良好线性关系;PAHs粒径分布特征表明,其更易富集在细颗粒物上;不同环数PAHs分布特征为:3环>4环>5环>6环>2环,随着颗粒粒径减小,高环数PAHs含量增加.温度、湿度和紫外线(UV)指数与∑16PAHs呈负相关.通过特征化合物比值分析法对PAHs进行源解析发现,采样期间PAHs主要来源为燃烧源,交通源影响微弱.  相似文献   


The effect of the presence of photosensitizers, methylene blue (MB) and rose Bengal (RB), on the degradation of carbofuran (2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethylbenzofuran-7-yl methylcarbamate) in water in a solar photocatalytic system was investigated. It was found that as compared to MB, RB generally showed a stronger effect on the decomposition of carbofuran under comparable conditions. Among the conditions studied, adding 2 × 10?6 M of RB, that corresponding to 2% of the initial concentration of carbofuran solution in the system, rendered the most effective degradation of carbofuran. As a result, a carbofuran removal percentage of 69.9%, a mineralization efficiency of 28.0%, and a microtoxicity reduction of 65.0% could be achieved. The degradation and mineralization of carbofuran was found to follow the pseudo-first order reaction kinetics. The decomposition mechanism of carbofuran was further investigated through identification of the intermediates to elaborate the influence of dye photosensitizer on the solar photocatalysis of carbofuran in water. On the basis of the intermediates identified, including carbofuran phenol, 3-hydroxy carbofuran phenol, and substituted alcohols (3-phenoxy 1-propanol, 2-ethyl 1-hexanol, 2-butoxyl ethanol), it appears that hydrolysis and hydroxylation were the two key mechanisms for decomposing carbofuran during the process of solar photocatalysis with the aid of dye photosensitizer.  相似文献   

An analytical procedure involving a three-step sequential extraction was used to determine the chemical association of heavy metals (Zn, Cr, Mn and Fe) with the major phases (exchangable, reducible and oxidizable) in samples from a fishpond of estuarine sediments. The pond is located in the Capibaribe River estuary, within the boundaries of the city of Recife, in the State of Pernambuco in the northeast of Brazil. The total metal content was determined as well. All metals were extracted from the residual fraction at a percentage greater than 50%.  相似文献   

Rice can be a major contributor to dietary arsenic exposure because of the relatively high total arsenic concentration compared to other grains, especially for people whose main staple is rice. This study employed in vitro gastrointestinal fluid digestion to determine bioaccessible or gastrointestinal fluid extractable arsenic concentration in rice. Thirty-one rice samples, of which 60 % were grown in the United States, were purchased from food stores in New York City. Total arsenic concentrations in these samples ranged from 0.090 ± 0.004 to 0.85 ± 0.03 mg/kg with a mean value of 0.275 ± 0.161 mg/kg (n = 31). Rice samples with relatively high total arsenic (>0.20 mg/kg, n = 18) were treated by in vitro artificial gastrointestinal fluid digestion, and the extractable arsenic ranged from 53 % to 102 %. The bioaccessibility of arsenic in rice decreases in the general order of extra long grain, long grain, long grain parboiled, to brown rices.  相似文献   

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