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使用车载导航系统下驾驶员脑力负荷影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于试验数据,分析使用车载导航系统对驾驶员脑力负荷的影响,以及任务难度、时间压力、驾驶经验、性别差异等因素在该任务中的实际影响效果.通过编程模拟驾驶员使用车载导航系统进行驾驶的任务,采取主任务评价法作为脑力负荷的评价方法.选取偏离正确路线的次数、偏离的水平位移、到达预定目标所用时间、偏离方向的次数、根据导航系统提示完成相应动作的反应时间5个参数作为评价指标,选取40名大学生作为被试完成主任务(追踪)和辅任务(使用车载导航系统的脑力工作).对试验数据进行比较分析,结果表明,车载导航系统的使用在一定程度上加大了驾驶员的脑力负荷,并随驾驶难度的增加而加剧.任务难度、工作时间及驾驶经验等因素都对使用车载导航系统的驾驶员的脑力负荷产生影响,而性别差异的影响并不明显.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Motor-vehicle accidents are one of the major causes of injury in most motorized countries. Driver distractions have been suggested as a contributor to traffic accidents. Moreover, age of the driver seems to have a role in the relationship between distractions and car crashes. But very few studies have investigated the effect of driver's age on this relationship. This exploratory study investigated the association between distractions, both inside and outside the vehicle, and the increased risk of car crash injury among drivers across different ages. METHOD: This study used a case series design to analyze data routinely collected by the NSW police in Australia. A special focus of this study was on how drivers' age affects the risk of car crash injury, which was determined by using a well-documented risk estimation methodology. RESULTS: The results obtained indicated that drivers of all ages, on the whole, are more susceptible to distractions inside the vehicle than distractions coming from outside. Age was shown to affect the relationship between in-vehicle distraction and the risk of car crash injury. A separate analysis was also conducted on hand-held phone usage while driving with results supplementing previous findings reported in the literature. IMPACT TO INDUSTRY: Safety strategies to countermeasure in-vehicle distractions have been suggested and discussed.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: When installed and used correctly, child safety seats reduce the risk of fatal injury by 71% for infants and 54% for toddlers. However, four out of five safety seats are unintentionally misused. Yet, parents fail to participate in safety-seat checks and other child seat interventions aimed at correcting misuse. METHOD: Such lack of participation is the focus of this article, which argues that most caregivers are na?ve to their own vulnerability for misusing their child's seat. Research on risk perception is discussed as a guide to understanding both the high misuse rate and the lack of participation in interventions designed to correct this public safety problem. RESULTS AND IMPACT: A comprehensive intervention plan that incorporates risk communication techniques for maximum parental participation is proposed that includes three essential components: (a) establishing community locations for parents to turn for safety seat advice, (b) making these locations well known to the public, and (c) increasing caregivers' perceptions of risk of misusing their children's seats.  相似文献   

利用相差显微镜对大姚县土壤和岩石中青石棉矿物引起的农村大气环境石棉纤维浓度进行分析测定,并利用总癌症、肺癌和间皮瘤分析模型对大气环境石棉污染对当地居民的健康风险进行评价.结果表明,大姚县农村大气石棉纤维平均浓度为0.003 75 f/mL,最大浓度达到0.029 7 f/mL,表明其大气环境已经受到石棉纤维的普遍污染.环境石棉纤维污染的总癌症风险、肺癌风险和间皮瘤风险分别达到86.3×10-5、291.48×10-5和7.1×10-5,表明大姚县农村大气环境石棉纤维污染对当地居民身体健康具有严重的影响.另外,由于当地居民对环境石棉纤维的暴露为终生暴露,因此年龄越大的人群的总癌症风险、肺癌风险和间皮瘤风险越高.  相似文献   


Objective: The clinical evaluation of motor vehicle collision (MVC) victims is challenging and commonly relies on computed tomography (CT) to detect internal injuries. CT scans are financially expensive and each scan exposes the patient to additional ionizing radiation with an associated, albeit low, risk of cancer. Injury risk prediction based on regression modeling has been to be shown to be successful in estimating Injury Severity Scores (ISSs). The objective of this study was to (1) create risk models for internal injuries of occupants involved in MVCs based on CT body regions (head, neck, chest, abdomen/pelvis, cervical spine, thoracic spine, and lumbar spine) and (2) evaluate the performance of these risk prediction models to predict internal injury.

Methods: All Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) 2008 injury codes were classified based on which CT body region would be necessary to scan in order to make the diagnosis. Cases were identified from the NASS-CDS. The NASS-CDS data set was queried for cases of adult occupants who sought medical care and for which key crash characteristics were all present. Forward stepwise logistic regression was performed on data from 2010–2014 to create models predicting risk of internal injury for each CT body region. Injury risk for each region was grouped into 5 levels: very low (<2%), low (2–5%), medium (5–10%), high (10–20%), and very high (20%). The models were then tested using weighted data from 2015 in order to determine whether injury rates fell within the predicted risk level.

Results: The inclusion and exclusion criteria identified 5,477 cases in the NASS-CDS database. Cases from 2010–2014 were used for risk modeling (n?=?4,826). Seven internal injury risk models were created based on the CT body regions using data from 2010–2014. These models were tested against data from 2015 (n?=?651). In all CT body regions, the majority of occupants fell in the very low or low predicted injury rate groups, except for the head. On average, 57% of patients were classified as very low risk and 15% as low risk for each body region. In most cases the actual rate of injury was within the predicted injury risk range. The 95% confidence interval overlapped with predicting injury risk range in all cases.

Conclusion: This study successfully demonstrated the ability for internal injury risk models to accurately identify occupants at low risk for internal injury in individual body regions. This represents a step towards incorporating telemetry data into a clinical tool to guide physicians in the use of CT for the evaluation of MVC victims.  相似文献   

大连市人群对多环芳烃的暴露及健康风险评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来大连市多环芳烃污染日益严重.为研究大连市多环芳烃类有机污染物对居民产生的潜在健康危害,结合大连地区人群状况,采用多介质-多途径暴露模型,评价大连市居民暴露于多环芳烃的暴露量及由此导致的健康风险,分析不同环境介质、暴露介质及暴露途径的风险贡献率,并结合蒙特卡罗方法分析研究过程中的不确定性.在实际评价时,根据大连市的实际情况,选用了部分美国环保局推荐的参数,剩余的评价参数根据国内的相关文献进行了修正.结果表明,大连市居民中男性和女性对环境中多环芳烃的日平均暴露量分别为2.59× 10-4 mg/(kg·d)和2.79×10-4 mg/(kg·d).主要暴露途径是膳食暴露,此外呼吸暴露也占有一定的比重,皮肤暴露作用很小.膳食暴露中对总暴露贡献最大的食品是谷物和蔬菜.相应的男性和女性的健康风险度分别为2.68×10-5a-1和2.90×10-5 a-1,大连市多环芳烃类污染物居民人体健康风险度高于可接受健康风险度标准.大连市女性对多环芳烃的暴露量高于男性,女性健康风险平均值亦高于EPA标准值.大连市多环芳烃人群暴露与天津、北京和兰州相比存在一定的差异.各项参数中,粮食、蔬菜摄食量和相应的多环芳烃(PAHs)残留浓度是影响暴露的重要因素.通过蒙特卡罗模拟得到各年龄段人群对多环芳烃(PAHS)的日均暴露量的分布特征,各输出变量均服从对数正态分布.  相似文献   

针对有路段风险约束的危险品运输网络优化问题,讨论了不同路段上车辆限速区间的变化对危险品运输风险和成本的影响.基于最小最大准则构建了双层规划模型:上层规划表示政府部门通过对不同路段设置不同的限速区间来最小化最大运输网络总风险和路段最大风险的上界值,并通过增加路段最大风险的上界约束来实现风险分布的公平性;下层规划表示危险品运输商选择鲁棒成本最小的路径.为求解模型,设计了粒子群优化算法.根据算例分析发现,政府管理部门通过实施车辆限速区间策略,在考虑风险公平性的同时,可以有效地控制危险品运输网络的最大总风险.  相似文献   

This study examined the hypothesis that burnout syndrome mediates effects of psychosocial risk factors and intensity of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) among hospital nurses. The sample was composed of 415 nurses from various wards across five hospitals of Iran's Hamedan University of Medical Sciences. Data were collected through three questionnaires: job content questionnaire, Maslach burnout inventory and visual analogue scale. Results of structural equation modeling with a mediating effect showed that psychosocial risk factors were significantly related to changes in burnout, which in turn affects intensity of MSDs.  相似文献   

In 1996 the Swedish Poisons Information Centre performed a follow-up study concerning poisonings related to ‘do-it-yourself’ activities. The study was supported by the National Institute of Public Health in Sweden. The objectives were to investigate and define monthly variations, route of exposure, type of products and, in particular, exposures to corrosives, age and sex groups, place of treatment, severity of symptoms, place of the accident, special risk products and risk situations. The Poisons Information Centre was contacted concerning 1609 cases, with a peak during the summer months. There was no or uncertain connection between exposure and symptoms in 117 cases. This means that 1492 cases were left to study. Inhalation and eye exposure were the predominant routes, followed by skin exposure and ingestion. Cleaning agents were the most common type of products involved. Of the 1492 cases included in the study 1033 were possible to follow up. Among these, 20–29 year olds and 30–39 year olds predominated, and there was a dominance for men. In total, 28% of those exposed were subject to medical attention, either in hospital or in outpatient clinics. According to the Poisoning Severity Score 78% had mild (grade 1) and 7% moderate (grade 2) symptoms. There were no severe intoxications and no deaths. Severity grade 2 occurred 3.6 times more often among those with exposures involving risk of corrosive damage than among others in the study population. Most accidents occurred in the home. Special risk products and risk situations were exposure to corrosive products, release of chlorine when mixing hypochlorite and acid, ‘fire-eating’, siphoning gasoline and diesel fuel, welding, and inhalation of carbon monoxide from exhaust gases. The Swedish Poisons Information Centre registered 1609 cases of poisoning accidents during ‘do-it-yourself’ activities, which means an average of four to five cases per day. Although this type of accidents is not uncommon, significant poisoning seems to be rare. Some special risk situations were identified.  相似文献   

赵兰祥 《劳动保护》2009,(12):19-20
中国海洋石油总公司(以下简称“中国海油”)自1982年成立以来,一直保持着良好的发展态势,从一家单纯从事海上油气开采的上游公司,发展成为主业突出、产业链完整的综合型能源集团,形成了上游、中下游、专业技术服务、金融服务以及新能源等产业板块。近年来,中国海油通过改革重组、资本运营、收并购、上下游一体化等重大举措的成功实施,实现了跨越式发展,综合竞争实力不断增强。  相似文献   

Introducing safety devices does not always reduce the frequency of accidents. Operators adjust their response to technological improvements. Protection mechanisms may be used to support “unsafe” working practices so that the net risk of failure remains unchanged or may even rise. Regulatory bodies have reacted against this risk compensation. Rules and procedures have been imposed upon the day-to-day operation of protection equipment. Unfortunately, these constraints often fail to preserve the safety of an application. Inattention, fatigue, poor training and willful neglect can lead to rules and guidelines being ignored. In this paper alternative means of reducing threats posed by risk compensation are explored. In particular, it is argued that designers must exploit an integrated approach to the development of high-risk applications. By this we mean that both human factors and systems engineering must be recruited to support the development of protection equipment.  相似文献   

IntroductionResidential fires represent the largest category of fatal fires in Sweden. The purpose of this study was to describe the epidemiology of fatal residential fires in Sweden and to identify clusters of events.MethodData was collected from a database that combines information on fatal fires with data from forensic examinations and the Swedish Cause of Death-register. Mortality rates were calculated for different strata using population statistics and rescue service turnout reports. Cluster analysis was performed using multiple correspondence analysis with agglomerative hierarchical clustering.ResultsMale sex, old age, smoking, and alcohol were identified as risk factors, and the most common primary injury diagnosis was exposure to toxic gases. Compared to non-fatal fires, fatal residential fires more often originated in the bedroom, were more often caused by smoking, and were more likely to occur at night. Six clusters were identified. The first two clusters were both smoking-related, but were separated into (1) fatalities that often involved elderly people, usually female, whose clothes were ignited (17% of the sample), (2) middle-aged (45–64 years old), (often) intoxicated men, where the fire usually originated in furniture (30%). Other clusters that were identified in the analysis were related to (3) fires caused by technical fault, started in electrical installations in single houses (13%), (4) cooking appliances left on (8%), (5) events with unknown cause, room and object of origin (25%), and (6) deliberately set fires (7%).ConclusionsFatal residential fires were unevenly distributed in the Swedish population. To further reduce the incidence of fire mortality, specialized prevention efforts that focus on the different needs of each cluster are required.Practical applicationsCooperation between various societal functions, e.g. rescue services, elderly care, psychiatric clinics and other social services, with an application of both human and technological interventions, should reduce residential fire mortality in Sweden.  相似文献   

To quantify the pandemic specific impact with respect to the risk related to the chemical industry, a novel risk analysis method is proposed. The method includes three parts. Firstly, the two types of “window of opportunity” (WO) theory is proposed to divide an accident life cycle into two parts. Then, a qualitative risk analysis is conducted based on WO theory to determine possible risk factors, evolution paths and consequences. The third part is a quantitative risk analysis based on a complex network model, integrating two types of WO. The Fuzzy set theory is introduced to calculate the failure probabilities of risk factors and the concept of risk entropy is used to represent the uncertainty. Then the Dijkstra algorithm is used to calculate the shortest path and the corresponding probability of the accident. The proposed method is applied to the SCR denitrition liquid ammonia storage and transportation system. The results show that it is a comprehensive method of quantitative risk analysis and it is applicable to risk analysis during the pandemic.  相似文献   

为明确正念对应急疏散行为的影响机制,提高应急疏散效率,构建包含应急正念、风险感知、自我效能、掩蔽效应和应急疏散行为的概念模型,基于调查问卷结果,利用结构方程模型进行实证研究。研究结果表明:正念、风险感知和自我效能对应急疏散行为存在正向影响,正念通过风险感知和自我效能对应急疏散行为产生部分中介效应;掩蔽效应在自我效能影响应急疏散行为过程中具有显著调节作用;正念通过风险感知能力提高自我效能,进一步对应急疏散行为产生影响。研究结果可为缓解突发事件带来的不良情绪及压力,增强个体自信程度及风险感知能力,提高应急疏散效率提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

IntroductionAlthough much is known about the distribution of occupational injury in terms of various job and employment factors, considerably less is known about other possible risk factors, particularly those involving psychosocial and organizational factors. These factors have not been emphasized in most injury surveillance systems or large scale, population based surveys.MethodIn this study, data from the 2002 General Social Survey (GSS) and NIOSH Quality of Work Life (QWL) module were used to examine the risk of occupational injury in terms of socio-demographic factors, employment characteristics, and organizational factors.ResultsThe most informative results were obtained from Poisson regression analyses, which identified race, occupational category, and work-family interference as risk factors, and safety climate and organizational effectiveness as protective factors for occupational injury. These results provide guidance for targeting interventions and protective measures to curtail occupational injury in the United States.  相似文献   

Introduction: Given the growing research on potential adverse outcomes related to concussion and other serious brain injuries and the increased susceptibility for concussion among youth athletes, primary prevention is vital to protect the health and safety of this population. The purpose of this study is to summarize the current research on risk factors and primary concussion prevention strategies focused on specific youth sports, and to identify research gaps. Methods: A literature search was conducted using six electronic databases. A scoping review method was used to identify studies that addressed risk factors or primary concussion prevention strategies focused on youth athletes (ages 5–18 years) in six sports (football, ice hockey, soccer, lacrosse, basketball, and wrestling). Results: Of the 18 publications identified, the publications focused on risk factors (N = 11), policy (N = 1), rule changes (N = 3), education (N = 2), equipment (N = 2), and playing technique (N = 0). Some articles had information related to multiple topics. Conclusions: Current research on concussion prevention has primarily been focused on risk factors. There are a dearth of studies that examine primary concussion prevention in sports. When studies do exist, most focus on football and ice hockey. Only a small number of studies focus solely on risk factors or primary prevention in soccer, lacrosse, basketball, and wrestling—all sports in which concussions are common. Practical applications: This scoping review summarizes current research on concussion risk factors and primary prevention strategies in specific sports focused on youth athletes and identifies research gaps to help inform future efforts.  相似文献   

The influence of inlet parameters on the production and thermal risk of complex chemical systems can be cumbersome to evaluate. To determine the optimum safe operating conditions, one needs to solve complex differential equations derived from energy and material balances. This robust approach cannot be made on-site, and it is essential to propose simplest tools to evaluate rapidly the performance and safety of some operating conditions. This is the aim of this paper that establishes explicit relationships between the production and thermal risk parameters, and the inlet parameters. In addition, it also proposes a Pareto chart that can be used to make the tradeoff between safety and performance. Such relationships and chart were developed for the production of epoxidized cottonseed oil under isoperibolic and semi-batch mode. The kinetic model developed by Zheng et (Zheng et al., 2016). was used. First, a numerical approach, i.e., least square method, was used to find explicit relationships between thermal risk parameters, production parameters and six inlet parameters. The use of such an approach allows a better understanding of this process. Second, safety and performance indicators are proposed and discussed to evaluate the operating conditions thanks to a simple and intuitive schema. Besides, this approach can be used to find the optimum conditions more rapidly.  相似文献   

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