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英语教学中要进行素质教育和培养学生的创造能力,教师必须摒弃过时的教学方法,建立起一种新型的教育战略的思想.在课堂上,为学生的学习活动构建一种和平的、民主的、创造性的情景,诱发学生的好奇心,鼓励学生大胆的尝试和互相协作,培养学生自己提出质疑,发展更广泛的思想,发挥更丰富的想象力.实践证明,这些方法有助于学生的素质的提高.  相似文献   

珠海市香洲区第十二小学,以“君子和而不同”为校训,实施和谐教育,为提高学生的科学和人文素养,发展学生个性,培养学生具有创新精神和实践能力,  相似文献   

论环境审美教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境教育的目的就是提高学生的环境道德意识.促使他们用自觉的行动去保护美丽的大自然.而审美教育的目的是有目的、有组织地通过各种美的事物.培养学生的审美欣赏、审美表现和审美创造能力.进而促进他们德、智、体、美、劳诸多素质的全面和谐发展。因此.环境审美教育对青少年的个性全面发展具有积极的推动作用,它引导青少  相似文献   

周佳 《环境教育》2014,(1):104-106
青岛同安路小学充分利用学校特色教育开展德育工作有诸多可鉴之处。学生的成长就是学校特色的一面镜子,处理共性与个性的关系,既要求把学校办得规范,又要有鲜明的特色;既要全面提高学生品行,又要注意培养学生的兴趣、爱好和特长。  相似文献   

张冠秀 《环境教育》2010,(10):56-58
随着低碳生活系列活动的开展,而且带动了家庭以及周围市民,低碳生活教育不仅仅局限于校园,她已经上升为公民环境道德的教育,不仅让更多的志愿者加入到保护环境的行列中来,更完善了学生们的个性,增强了学生们的社会责任感、公民意识和奉献精神。  相似文献   

无锡市新安中学,重视学生个性的发展,为学生提供了优美的校园环境、现代化的教学设施、精良的教师队伍。学校因此获得了"无锡市心理健康示范学校"、"无锡市健康促进学校"、"无锡市绿色学校"等荣誉称号。特色管理促和谐成功,从良好的习惯开始。学校在管理上,有颇具特色的"361"和"335"管理。361,即学校施行的行政精细化管理模式。轮到值班的行  相似文献   

“南方北方一个样,大城小城一个样,城里城外一个样”。而‘干城一面”所造成的缺憾,随着时间的流逝而愈加显现。“千城一面”无疑是现今中国的城建、城改之悲。  相似文献   

小学生毛毛是学校有名的环保先锋,《毛毛的环保日记》中那些极具个性的环保行为时时让人忍俊不止,而且看后,你会获得了一些关于日常环保行为的新启示……本刊将连载刊发以飨读者,敬请关注。  相似文献   

小学生毛毛是学校有名的环保先锋,《毛毛的环保日记》中那些极具个性的环保行为时时让人忍俊不止,而且看后,你会获得了一些关于日常环保行为的新启示……本刊将连载刊发以飨读者,敬请关注。  相似文献   

小学生毛毛是学校有名的环保先锋,《毛毛的环保日记》中那些极具个性的环保行为时时让人忍俊不止,而且看后,你会获得了一些关于日常环保行为的新启示……本刊将连载刊发以飨读者,敬请关注。  相似文献   

论现代设计材料与环境的和谐   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了艺术设计的思维方式、新材料的具体运用以及如何使新材料的设计与环境达到和谐统一.这种统一是人文与自然的统一,是现代艺术设计新材料与自然环境的高度和谐.  相似文献   

Environmental art can be used by government as an engaging medium to encourage pro-environmental behaviour and a sense of place at a grassroots level. By stimulating discussion and reflection, environmental art offers an imaginative format to promote environmental engagement. In this case, by placing artworks in nature, a community's focus was drawn to the beauty of their everyday environment and the ideas communicated by the works, in an effort to encourage environmental awareness and stewardship. This study explores audience responses to Floating Land – a local-government-initiated environmental art festival held in the Noosa Biosphere in Australia. A multi-layered perspective of the festival's impact on pro-environmental behaviours and sense of place was investigated via questionnaires administered to the audience, workshop participants and local residents. Data offered insights into attitude differences between those who intended to change their behaviour and those who did not; understandings about the influence of workshop facilitators; and revelations about a community finding opportunities to re-imagine their place through environmental art. Recommendations are offered as a way for governments to incorporate environmental art into their role of educating for the environment. This study contributes to the under-researched area of audience responses to environmental art by providing qualitative and quantitative analysis that draws out understandings of the impact of art that promotes environmental awareness and a sense of place. The study reveals that Floating Land contributed to reinforcing the essential role of local people in engendering positive change, thus manifesting the aims of the Biosphere Reserve and Agenda 21.  相似文献   

The end of the Cold War presents new challenges for the dynamics associated with mineral resources development. Broader approaches are needed to help mineral rich developing countries develop their minerals sector. These countries need to embark upon programmes of policy reform and privatization in order to make their mineral resources industries more efficient and responsive to free market forces (such as supply and demand and price), and to turn mineral sector decision making over to the private sector. This article examines the use of policy reform and privatization strategies to increase mineral resource production in developing countries, thereby contributing to both developing country economic growth and developed country access to mineral supplies .  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study and general thinking devoted to the development of deepwater offshore hydrocarbon potential and evaluates the technical, economic and financial constraints related to such projects. To work out development prospects in these areas requires an examination of the different technological solutions put forward and their impact on the economic aspects of these projects. The study concludes that technologies already exist which make it economically feasible to develop deepwater offshore petroleum deposits if the price of petroleum is about US$20 barrel−1.  相似文献   

3 and C4 plant species consumed by animals. Sheep sample vegetation continuously throughout a year, and as their wool grows it integrates and stores information about their diet. In subtropical and tropical rangelands the majority of grass species are C4. Since sheep prefer to graze, and their wool is an isotopic record of their diet, we now have the potential to develop a high resolution index to the availability of grass from a sheep's perspective. Isotopic analyses of wool suggest a new direction for monitoring grazing and for the reconstruction of past vegetation changes, which will make a significant contribution to traditional rangeland ecology and management. It is recommended that isotopic and other analyses of wool be further developed for use in rangeland monitoring programs to provide valuable feedback for land managers.  相似文献   

This article proposes an integrated procedure to assess sustainability indicators that organizations can use to satisfy international requirements for sustainability. The indicators are related to key aspects of organizations, and their development includes comparing them to the results and policies of various other organizations that are seeking to achieve sustainability. The methodology we used is based on a bibliographic review, and it is intended to:
  • Diagnose the state of the art of organizational sustainability,
  • Provide organizations with tools to perform benchmarking based on the results, and
  • Provide processes to identify best sustainability practices.
After benchmarking, organization managers will be able to adjust the methodology to quantify the sustainability indicators that are most suited to their organization's profile in regard to the activities, products, and services that it offers. Critical factors for organizational sustainability are identified and integrated into the systematic approach proposed in this article to assess indicators, communicate results, and make recommendations for corrective action and continual improvement considering the organization's baseline condition (the starting condition of the organization).  相似文献   

Many mathematical programs have been developed over the past 50 years to aid agricultural experts and other farming decision-makers. The application of these mathematical programs has seen limited success because their development has focused on mathematical theory as opposed to the requirements needed for application. This paper describes the development of two mathematical programs that were designed to integrate with a visualization simulation that aids a nontraditional group of agricultural decision-makers: illiterate Sri Lankan subsistence farmers. The simulation was designed to help these illiterate farmers make business decisions about their crop selection choices which, in turn, will help them develop their business plans required for obtaining bank micro-loans. This paper’s focus is on the use of linear programming as a potential tool to demonstrate the benefits of crop diversification and rotation to the farmer based on various available crop types. It also highlights the issues using such an approach.  相似文献   

In Part I of this article, a TQM framework is described that can be used to analyze as well as manage the public policy process. Key elements of the framework include leadership, issues analysis, goal and policy development, strategic vehicles, implementation, indicators and outcomes, and stakeholder review. The framework can be used to analyze public policy cycles, predict future issues and outcomes, and develop more sustainable approaches to manage linked economic, environmental, and societal issues. In Part II, the framework is used to examine the effectiveness of management of environmental issues in the Great Lakes region over the past three decades and to demonstrate the need for a more integrated approach to regional management.  相似文献   

语言是人类用来表达情感和交流思想的工具。在体育教学过程中,教师若能讲究语言的科学性和艺术性,既能使学生产生良好的心理定势和情感变化,又能激发学生的学习兴趣。本文通过对体育教师在体育教学过程中进行不同的讲解方式进行分析,进而阐明在体育教学中如何运动理论讲解使教学达到最佳效果。  相似文献   

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